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Old 03-01-2008, 07:24 PM   #106  
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dmpls I can completly relate. THis has happened so many times to me. TOday son came home without his new wife . I was so looking forward to just having him here and talking with him. Well his high school best friend just happened to call and son told him he was home and then friend showed up. I didnt want to share him today. I dont like this empty feeling that comes over me at times.
Daughter called from NYC and is having a blast!! Cant wait to see her in 2 or 3 weeks. Last time she came home she brought her boyfriend home for the night. Its bad enough that she can only be home for one night but then I still had to share her with him. I love this boy and love having him here...its jsut i wanted that time with her.
Oh well guess being a mom is harder when they get older...
Wasnt it beautiful today.
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Old 03-01-2008, 07:55 PM   #107  
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Debi Yes I agree it was gorgeous today! Tomorrow it is to be even better!!!!

I guess what hit me the hardest is today when she came in I teased her when she came in. She turned around and snapped at me and said "all you see is what I did wrong! You don't see that I DID come home today instead of staying over there since I am going to go to the party later." I just simply told her what my mother told me once I moved out of the house....."you will only understand my feelings once you are a mother."

Well I tried that fish recipe (sorry I don't remember who recommended it) I used some whiting I had in the freezer. I added lemon juice to the onions & also added cilantro. Made some whoel wheat penne noodles & mixed vegies with a yummy salad. DH loved it! I couldn't even taste the fishy taste I usually taste with whiting. thanks for the recipe!!!

I forgot earlier when I my calves are sore......tight! so I did a little stretching and they feel better so tomorrow I think I will do some time on the treadmill or if the weather is as good as it is suppose to be tomorrow maybe I will go for a walk outside! its suppose to be close to 60 tomorrow so we will see!

well take care everyone and thank you all so much for the encouragement you all give me! You don't realize what a godsend you all are!
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Old 03-01-2008, 08:00 PM   #108  
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Catherine - the baja taco was wonderful - I used tilapia - poured salsa on it - think I may have let it get a little too hot cuz the salsa burned a little - but it was great - I will do that again. Thanks so much.

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Old 03-02-2008, 01:31 AM   #109  
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Hi ladies and gents. I just wanted to drop by to give a quick update.

Mom's doing okay, though she's still having chest pain off and on, and she's short of breath quite a bit. She has an appointment with a new cardiologist coming up fairly soon so hopefully they will figure out what to do with her. I am going to guess they will want to put stents in at the very least, so we will see. I thank God every day that she's still here with us, because she has been my rock through many, many trials and tribulations. Without her, my family would likely fall apart. I know my dad would, as he has already shown he doesn't do well at all without her here. He is a full time job in itself, and I am realizing how hard my mom has had it, and it breaks my heart that she has tried to do it all on her own rather than letting us know how bad he has gotten. I'm not sure what we will do in regards to him, but I know that there are a lot of things that have to change.

I have been horrible about fast food and/or skipping meals again lately. There's a lot of excuses but the most basic answer to it is that I have just been lazy. I know that I am dealing with a lot, but I need to buckle down and just do what I need to do, or else I will always be finding an excuse.

I restarted my blog, in hopes that I will be able to get a handle on all the things I need to do, and in hopes that I will be able to get control of all aspects of my life - because lets face it, it's not just the weight that has gotten out of control.

I hope everyone is doing well. Hugs and good wishes to those who are having a rough time weight-wise, family-wise, etc - and for those who just need a hug! Good wishes to those who are like me and don't like random people giving you hugs You're all in my thoughts and prayers.
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Old 03-02-2008, 11:26 AM   #110  
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good morning.
Well I weighed in and I lost 1.5. I was really hoping for 2lbs. Hey but 1.5 is still a loss and a good one at that with TOM being here and all. I feel so much better than just 5 weeks ago. Its so pretty outside today suppost to be 73. I plan on going for that long walk again today.
When dressing for church this morning I noticed my jackets are hanging on me. At least the pants still fit and I am slowly getting a few new things for spring.
I never wear heels and today Im wearing them for church.
Have a great day everyone and be healthy!
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Old 03-02-2008, 12:48 PM   #111  
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Debi, wow! What an encouraging and supportive hubby you've got there!! That walk sounds like it was hard but oh so rewarding. It sounds like you got a really good workout yesterday. Now prop your feet up and take a rest, you deserve it! to you too on your getting empty nest. Have a wonderful walk! Congrats on the 1.5 lbs gone forever.

Bernice, it's hard when they leave the nest. I love to see how you are getting into the exercise mode. It feels great doesn't it? That ticker is goin' down!!!

brandnewme, I hope your mom finds the help she needs to get her heart healthy.

I'm falling into my lazy mode again as far as exercise goes. I'm going to get on the treadmill though. That's my vow for the day. I didn't make too many good food choices today and it's showing on the scale. I had too much salt. So I'm just hoping it was water retention. Today I'm trying out some new recipes, lo fat, of course. I'll let you know how they turn out.
I'm chomping at the bit to get outside again but it is still cold and cloudy. They say it's going to be a lovely week, so hopefully things will dry out to where I can get started outside again.
Other than that, just another Sunday.
have a good one
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Old 03-02-2008, 01:42 PM   #112  
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Hi Peeps

Just a quick fly by - these two hour workouts on Sunday are great - remind to eat more than a banana though. DUMB me. I just can't do that to my body - need fuel to operate on.

I think I'm just gonna veg out for the rest of the day - maybe curl up with a good book. It's warm here but too windy to be outside - 73 now and snow by midnight - I think spring is on it's way although I would say March is coming in like a lion rather than a lamb. I was going to grill tonight too but not with this wind - will have to figure something else out.

Move your bodies, drink your water and SMILE.

Hugs to all,
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Old 03-02-2008, 02:37 PM   #113  
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Hi Everyone,
I haven't been able to remember my former password so I had to register again.
Heather, if you have access to it, I'd really appreciate it. Cuz I have all my stuff saved there.
I'm holding steady at 297. But I haven't been able to get all my water in for most of this week. ....and I feel lighter if that makes any sense.
Nothing else is new here. Ammi, Annie, Sharon please feel free to pm me.
Ammi if you could pass my new email to Sharon, that's really be cool. Then maybe I can get her on aim too.
Gotta bolt. Miss Abby has a b ball game in an hour and I have a cake in the oven's to take to work, not us.
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Old 03-02-2008, 03:18 PM   #114  
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Well, I'm making today a completely lazy day. I was going to clean but decided against it. I'll dust and vacuum tomorrow. My rest day has become a complete rest day. I'm even sitting at the desk trying to convince myself that I could at least clean off the desk. However, it's not that messy - I've seen worse.

So, maybe I'll just go back to watching some television. Oops, some of my workout clothing, along with other stuff, is in the washer (or dryer). At a minimum I should at least make sure it's all clean and dry for tomorrow. And I did make a curry sauce to freeze later. Although I haven't finished my salad dressings (but I did make the oil substitute - water/cornstarch).

Yes, a very non-busy day.

Hope everyone else is having a more productive day. LOL - anything could be more productive than this!
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Old 03-02-2008, 06:09 PM   #115  
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Well..last night was my birthday party...and there is something to be said for planning ahead. I didn't count on dinner being a many points as it was...but it was delish. On the other hand...even with the drinks and the most havenly decadent cupcake ever...I still have plenty of Extra points left for the rest of the week..and this will be the first week I have made any kind of a dent in those. Today I am trying to rehydrate. Dinner with the family tonight. DH's mom did make an appearance last night and did not say a word to her son...ARGH. She so needs to let it go.

Oh to enjoy the rest of my day

Happy Birthday to Me
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Old 03-02-2008, 07:03 PM   #116  
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Happy Birthday Julee Glad you had a nice time for dinner, too bad about your MIL but oh well don't let her bad attitude get to you.

Debi Congrats on the 1.5 loss forever!!!!! wasn't today a beautiful day!!! we had heard there was possiblity of 20 inches but I think it is for Indiana (least I hope it is!)

Debbie yes it is hard letting go! never thought it would be this bad! I love that ticker going down!! Tomorrow is WI hoping for a good WL!

Well, DS#2 called today!!!!!!! He is still at reception he hasn't gotten to his Basic Training squad yet. He will go on Weds. So it is pretty easy going for now he said. He also said he wrote everyone a letter, we should get them Mon or Tues!! I spoke to his GF today and she seemed so down....I told her about his phone call and that he would be calling her later tonght and she brightened up! I feel for her......I've been in her shoes when DH was in training.

Well today was a lazy day for me.....DH wanted Pizza for dinner so we conserved our calories and both ate only one slice with two plates of salad! I really enjoyed that slice too! Haven't eaten anything like it in over a month! I knew the fat calories were out the window but oh even though I really hadn't wanted to walk today......I jumped on the treadmill and walked a mile kept it between 2.0 & 2.5 mph felt great! Jumped in the hot shower and I feel really refreshed!

Well just wanted to post about my day and wish everyone a great week!

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Old 03-02-2008, 08:01 PM   #117  
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Hi all,

I hope you all had a great weekend. It was in the 70s yesterday. It was fabulous. Today it was in the 30s and snowing. Oh well. Gotta love Colorado.

Tomorrow I go to the Dr. Just the yearly physical thing. I did not have a successful year weight loss-wise, although I guess I weight a little less than last year. I hope I have not caused any major health issues. They will be doing blood work and all, so I won't get all od the news tomorrow.

Not too much more to report, other than the boards seem very quiet these days.

Hope everyone is well.

Take care and be well,
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Old 03-02-2008, 11:12 PM   #118  
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Xena: How did WW go sweetie? I hope you are well and just remember it is just a starting point! Just a number. Hugs.

Carol: You are so sweet and kind. Thank you so much for the lovely words.

Wenny: Congrats on the -2 more. you are doing great!

Anne: Wow. I'm impressed. That is quite a workout.

Debbie: Sorry about the vet job not working out. Hugs.

Dmpls: hope things get better with your daughter.

Brandnewme: Glad to see you hun. Hugs to you on your mom.

Debimitch: Woo hoo. Congrats on the -1.5 pounds. Excellent.

Sandy: Hi girl. Long time no see. Glad to see you back. How are you doing?

Julee: Happy Birthday sweetie. Hugs.

Well, A new week tomorrow. I have such a feeling like I am going to get laid off. On Friday afternoon one of my supervisors came into my office out of the blue and told me that she would gladly right me a letter of recommendation. I thought that was odd. When I asked her if we were getting laid off she said we will know more Monday afternoon. I just have a feeling. So, I am upping the job search activities for myself. I am kind of looking more at Part time stuff as opposed to Full time but what ever job I am lucky enough to get will be okay.

Blessings all,
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Old 03-03-2008, 12:44 AM   #119  
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Annie, you look like the incredible shrinking woman!! Look at you, you look amazing!!! And what a cute outfit you've got on. I just love the new avatar!

Angie, good luck at the doc's tomorrow. You'll do just fine.

Bernice, have a good WI.

Julee, happy belated birthday!!

Today I made a delicious taco casserole with all fat free or lo fat stuff. It was soooooooo good!!
I didn't get exercise in but plan on getting my fanny moving tomorrow. I'm expecting clothes in the mail, so I'll walk down to the mailbox to check to see if they came in yet. It's a good 1/4 mile one way at least. That way, I'll get some kind of movement going. I have to commit to exercising in the morning, or I just won't do it.
Enjoy the evening,
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Old 03-03-2008, 07:06 AM   #120  
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WOOOOHOOOOO I'm under 300!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't expect to hit that till next week!!!!!! Im so excited!!!!

My WI today was 298.4 YIPPPEEEE!!!!!

ok gotta run sorry just had to post in my excitement gotta finish getting ready for work!

BErNICE <-----------DH has a tatoo w/my name on it and he jokes that if I were ever to leave him he would have them take out the r and it would say BE NICE LOL ok gotta run toodles
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