Jeans NSV

  • I am finally fitting into jeans sizes that I have not worn since college. I am down to a size 18..It feels great not to be in the 20s anymore.
  • That number 1 in front of your size is almost as good as the onederland 1! WTG!
  • Newbie questions:

    I thought onederland incorporated both size and weight. Your weight and your dress size both begin with a 1 instead of a 2. Am I wrong?

    And what's NSV?

    Congratulations on your success.
  • Quote: Newbie questions:

    I thought onederland incorporated both size and weight. Your weight and your dress size both begin with a 1 instead of a 2. Am I wrong?

    And what's NSV?

    Congratulations on your success.
    As far as I know, Onederland refers to hitting 199 on the scale. Never heard anyone refer to the clothing size as part of it.

    NSV = Non-scale victory. Any weight loss- or lifestyle-related victory that isn't a scale reading, basically.
  • Congratulations! Work it!
  • Yay, congratulations!
  • congrats, great job!!
  • Awesome! I can't wait to get there. Of course, then I won't have anything to wear!
  • uclr--congratulations! I had a jeans NSV in December and it is such a great feeling, isn't it? Keep up the good work and enjoy your new sized jeans!


  • Way to go!