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Sandancy 02-13-2006 12:19 PM

Hi Buddies,:wave:

We sure did get plenty of snow here, but I think New York broke an all time record.
Es and Dianne, I hope you stayed warm and had plenty of help digging out.
Thank goodness for a working snow blower. Mike and Dave had us dug out by the evening. I think we got about 18 inches of powdery snow. We had a sort of cozy weekend at home, I made a big pot of chili on Saturday night and I roasted a turkey breast for dinner last night.
My mother called all of her kids to make sure that we and all of the grandchildren were safe and sound. We talked to Greg yesterday too and he seems to be really enjoying college life. He is in the process of transitioning to becoming a political science major, but he is still participating in theatre too.
Jen, Here is another belated birthday wish for Joe:hb:. Best wishes for a happy and healthy year!! :cheers:
Sorry to hear your little guys are down with the flu, I hope they will be well soon.
I am starting one kind of seed this week, Lisianthus, also known as Prairie Gentian or the blue rose. Have you heard of them? They are supposed to be challenging to start from seed, so wish me luck.

Welcome Cindee, drop by and get to know us here :welcome3: We have been friends for quite a while and always welcome new buddies. Congrats on your 10 lb loss!

Hi Terri, Ruth, Dianne and Zoe,

dpadro 02-14-2006 05:09 PM

OMG - its been years (well it feels that way, lol) since I've been here. I don't know where to start. I'm gonna have to go through all these past posts.

Anyway, big Congrats to you Jen on the 30 lbs. - WOWOWOWOWOWEE, you go girl! I think you will probably have to have your beautiful dress for the wedding altered, for sure. :cheers: :bravo: :hug: :carrot: and all that other good stuff to you! And :hb: (belated) to Joe :hat: :gift: Hope the boys are feeling better. Its going around, my little Jess has been sick and so is her mom, dad and sister Alissa, willie and alana.

Hi amiga - how did you get through our 29 inches of snow - :yikes: We're still digging out!

Hey Sandy - sounds like you had some of that white stuff too. Glad you're all dug out.

Hi Ruthie - Sounds like fun with the grandchildren. That's always a fun time.

Hi Cindee and :welcome:

Hi Terri - Wasn't Roarke Critchlow Mike Horton on Days? - maybe the guy you're talking about was from a long time ago. How are the boys doing on ww? Congrats on your steelers' win :bravo:

Hi ZoeGirl - what's up? Hope you're doing well. Hey was that grandbaby of yours born yet??? Let us know.

Well, I haven't been doing too badly weight wise, but I sure could use some :dust: lol.

Hope I didn't miss anyone :?: If so, sorry!

I'll be back soon,


points 02-14-2006 08:11 PM

Yes, Roarke was. As a matter of fact Brittany and I got our picture with him at a car show that was here in the late 90's. He was so cute.
The other guy was back when Hope had Shawn Douglas (early ninetys). Shawn should be only about 13. :lol:
I've watched that show since the 70's.
I wish all it took was willpower dust. :lol: Wouldn't that be awesome?

Happy Birthday to Joe. :hb: Congrats on the 30 pounds.
Are yougetting a lot of snow too?

Hope you aren't snowed in.

Hi Cindee,

I miss the snow.
Although we went into Walmart the other night and when we came out a half hour later there was a blizzard. It only produced 1/2 in. but it was in 20 mins. The kids were so excited.
Stay warm.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day. I got Steeler Super Bowl merchandise from my sister and Bruce. I also got a few romantic things from Bruce. I loved it.

Luv y'all,

Jenny523 02-15-2006 06:45 AM

Hope everyone had a nice Valentine's Day. Joe brought roses to me at work! It was so sweet, and I was the envy of all the women. :lol:

No snow here, just a 1/2 inch or so, which is fine with me.

HI :wave: to all

Sandancy 02-17-2006 01:54 PM

Hi Everyone,

Mike has an interview today! This is his first one, keep him in your thoughts and wish us luck. He has been out of work since last July.

Hope you all have great plans for the weekend.
Luv ya's!

Rios426 02-18-2006 08:04 AM

Hi Girls:wave:

Sandy, how did Mike's interview go?

Jen, that was very sweet of Joe. Pete never buys me flowers. He said they die too fast. :rolleyes:

Terri, all the snow is gone. We got like 17" but it's so warm, it melted right away.

Mi amiga, it is so cool that you do the AIDS Walk.:bravo:

I got the results from the MRI. I have stenosis & sciatica. The next step is the epidural shot.:yikes: I'm not to sure about getting a shot in my spine. I have to find someone that accepts my insurance. I called 3 drs. & they don't take Vytra. I have to go for an evaluation first.

Gotta go. Have a great weekend.


Sandancy 02-19-2006 09:07 AM

Hi Es,

Ouch, ouch, Es, dear, no wonder you have been feeling so uncomfortable! Is the epidural shot supposed to resolve the pain? I only thought of an epidural as something you got when you were about to deliver a baby? I hope your medics can help you feel better soon.

Mike's interview went well, but it was really challenging. He saw 3 techie types who saw him individually and the first 2 immediately asked him to evaluate some computer code. He said the first one made him break into a sweat, but the next one was friendlier about it and he felt he did fine. The third one mainly asked him why he wanted to work for them. They said they would let him know early this coming week. Keep him in your thoughts, buddies.

I'll have to visit more later, off to church in a few minutes
Hugs to all!

Jenny523 02-19-2006 12:04 PM

It sounds as tho Mike stood up to the challenges presented in the interviews. It's nerve-wracking to have to face multiple interviewers, each with their own style. Sending good thoughts your way that he gets a positive answer from them. I like your new avatar...is that the Lisianthis you mentioned? I'm not familiar with it.

No wonder you've been in so much pain. :hug: The epidural injection for back pain is fairly common. Joey had it done once; he's got chronic pain due to missing some vertebrae in his back. It's scary to think of having it done, but it did give him relief. I hope you're able to get coverage and have it done. I'm sure it will help you.

I love the Will Power Dust! Could use some here too. Winter meals, while comforting, are not points friendly, are they?

Lost .2 at weigh-in, so I'm basically maintaining. We had two weeks of wet weather, and I had the stiffness/soreness that accompanies it. Have been doing my knee exercises but didn't walk, which I believe contributed to not having a loss.

We are having such cold temperatures! Yesterday was brutal...only 3 degrees, very windy, it cut right through a person. We ran some errands and got home before dark, put a pot of chili on and had a fire going all evening. Today I'm making black bean soup.

Work has been crazy. Our 3 person office has been permanently reduced to 2. However, my coworker is on loan to a billing position in our dept...which leaves me manning our office alone. It was a long week! And I'm facing the next 3 in the same manner. It's been a challenge, and I've been handling it well, but was very tired by Friday. I'm so glad we're closed tomorrow and have the day off!

HI :wave: to everyone!

Rios426 02-19-2006 05:41 PM

Sandy, I can relate to Mike feeling nervous. They were probably hovering. Hope he finds something soon. I'm not sure about the shot. I know a woman that had 3 of them & she's still in pain.

Jen, my dr. prescribed 3 shots. :yikes: Did Joey's pain come back? We're getting cold weather too. I like it. I guess I'm weird. I'm the only person who likes the cold weather. Don't work too hard. At least we have a 4 day week coming up.

Hi Terri, Dianne, Ruth & Cindee. :wave:

Till tomorrow:grouphug:

Jenny523 02-20-2006 11:08 AM

I like the cold weather also; few people do. I 'd rather have cold than snow!
Joey only had one shot. I don't think his pain is/was the same as yours, however. You've got alot going on with both sciatica and stenosis. Poor baby. I hope you get some relief soon.

Am doing laundry and organizing like a mad woman today :lol: So much for a day off. The paper clutter is out of hand, it really mounts up! Jess is coming today with the boys for a visit, so I'm looking forward to that.

Have a good day

points 02-20-2006 05:56 PM

I hope you feel better. I never had that shot but if I had the pain... Research and you will feel better. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

Congrats on the .2 You are doing it. I hope work isn't too hard now. One person can make a difference.

I hope Mike did well. I hate pressure. He seems like he handled it well.

We had ice on our cars. It was so weird. I am glad Bruce bought the scrapers last year. Britts could not get her door opened.
She was late for work.
I lost 1.6 the week of Valentines. I limited my candy but I did have some.

Luv ya,

dpadro 02-21-2006 10:37 AM

Good mornin' my buddies:

Es - I feel so bad for you with that pain - I hope the needle works for you. Does your pain get worse in cold weather?

Jen - congrats on the .2 :cheer: - anything going in "down" direction is always good! That fire sounds really great - it must be so :cool: to have a fireplace. Joe's so sweet with the flowers :val2:

Terri - congrats on your loss too and what a week to have it - extra special! :bravo:

Sandy - I like your avatar too - did you get it here? Its really pretty. Good luck to Mike - I hope he gets good news. Its gotta be rough to start interviewing all over again. This year marks my 20th year at the University and I can't imagine going out there and starting all over somewhere else. I'm sending good wishes his way.

Hi Ruthie: How are you? Are you working now? I know you graduated but wasn't sure if you got a job or not. How are your beautiful grandchildren?

Hi Cindee - how's it going?

My boss is out this week so I'm doing a :belly: - well.........maybe not a :belly:, maybe just a regular dance, lololol :p She's such a tornado, I really need the break! I'm off this Friday too, so that's 2 long weekends in a row. We will probably go to Philadelphia this weekend to see Steven's children. I haven't seen them in a while and I miss them.

As some of you know I joined the AIDS Walk again this year - the difference is that I can't walk this year because Willie has another training course, like the one in West Palm Beach Florida last December. This one is on a cruise ship to the Bahamas and Bermuda and it falls at the same time as the walk! I'm disapointed because I really enjoy doing the walk. I'm still collecting donations anyway - I think its such an important cause. By the way, thank you Es and Jen!

Well, I better get going - try to catch up on some work now that the tornado is gone.

Talk to you's soon - hi ZoeGirl:wave: Have a great day everyone!


Jenny523 02-22-2006 06:30 AM

So does that mean you're going on the cruise with Willie? That's a great way to attend a seminar! Love the new smilies you found. I forget to check them.

Losing during Valentine's week is very good! Glad you didn't have any mishaps due to the ice.

HI Es, Sandy :wave:


dpadro 02-22-2006 02:00 PM

Jen - Yes, I'm going with him. He goes free and I pay only $300 - well worth it! :carrot: Maybe I'll do some of this :belly: on the cruise..........ah......maybe NOT! lololol Don't want to have to go running after my belly when it rolls away!!!
Or worse, I might hurt someone, :lol:

See ya's later!


Rios426 02-22-2006 07:36 PM

Hi Girls:wave:

I just got home from a WW's meeting. I heard about the wed. leader so I decided to check her out & she's great. So, my weigh-in day will be Wed.

Amiga, so cool thay you'll get to go on the cruise. I heard so much about cruises. I would love to go on one. <sigh> One of these days. Too funny about your belly. :lol::rofl: My back pain comes & goes. I have pain meds so that's what keeps me going. I know it's not good to be on them for a long time but I don't have a choice. Either take them or be in pain.

Terri, WTG with your Valentines Day loss.:carrot:

Well my friends, have a nice evening.

Hasta manana:grouphug:


Jenny523 02-23-2006 07:55 PM

I'm so glad you found a leader you like! That makes all the difference. I really like mine..she focuses on the thought process of losing weight, rather than recipes, jokes, etc..... I pay them for motivation, not cutesy stuff. Whatever works for each individual is what they have to stick with.

That is so awesome, and a great price!! I nearly spit out my water laughing at your comment about :belly: too funny!

Survivor tonight!!! Have you been watching American Idol? Does anyone here watch it? There is a freaky woman who is a resident in the village I work in. Her daughter was on the early audition episodes. Very strange story.

How go(es) the gardening plans and the seedlings? Joe's not planning on starting seedlings this year; instead we'll purchase our veggie plants. We have so many projects planned, we'll be lucky to get half of them completed!

Did I tell you girls that I finally bit the bullet and stopped coloring my hair myself? That was back in November; Joe was out of town when I first had it done. He came home, took one look at my hair, and said that it looked much better. From him that's a huge comment...he usually doesn't notice a thing.
Since last September I've been using a new girl to cut my hair, and I really like the way she does it. Remember, I've got short hair, so it's an every 5 week event. I had her color it, then add partial highlights around my face. I love it! ...AND it makes me look not so "old ladyish"
I went last night for a trim. We've planned the upcoming cuts and color to coincide with the wedding. A monster has been created :rofl: but I'M WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!


Rios426 02-25-2006 07:41 AM


Jen, you should pamper yourself once in a while. It cost more but it looks better. I stopped coloring my own hair a couple of years ago. I have an appt this morning to get mine straightened & colored. $75 bucks:yikes: So Jen, a 30 lb. loss & a new do, you're a hot mama;)

Dianne, I heard they have gyms on the ships. Try doing 20 minutes on the treadmill or walk:running: around the ship then pig out. I forgot to ask you how did your baptism go? Awesome huh. :angel:

Is anybody watching American Idol? I watch it here & there.

Well ladies, enjoy the weekend. :hug:

Till tomorrow,

Jenny523 03-03-2006 07:58 PM

WOW! At first I checked in here, and though, "doesn't anybody care? no one has posted in a long time" and realized I was just as guilty :o
So...time flies, we're all busy, it's totally understandable.

How is everyone? It seems like forever since we've "talked" !

Work has been very busy for me; at the end of the day I'm drained and haven't been online much.
The good news at work is that two people have been hired, one will start on Monday and the other the following Monday. So, while I'm responsible for all their training in addition to the daily work...there IS a light at the end of the tunnel!

Plus...I've been so far OFF Program it's pathetic...:nono: Each day I have a good breakfast and lunch, but in the evenings I've been giving in to cravings...and the weekends?...forget it! I can see now how much of a stress eater I am.
BUT I'm not quitting, I'm still attending meetings and will never stop.
Perhaps I just needed a break? I'm stuck at the 30 pound mark; am doing everything I can to break even each week and not post a gain.

Tomorrow evening we're going to see Wicked!!! I cannot wait. Joey and Iliana gave us the tickets for Christmas; they're sitting next to us :lol: so we'll have a great time. It's at the Oriental Theatre in downtown Chicago; we're going to dinner first at Bob Chinn's, then to the theatre.

Then on Sunday we're celebrating Jessica's 32nd birthday. We're taking the family out to dinner, all 8 of us. I cannot bear to cook a big meal right now :rolleyes: We'll come back here afterwards for cake and some fun.

Hope all is well with everyone. I miss you guys!!! :grouphug:


Rios426 03-04-2006 08:50 AM


Jen, it is very quiet here. I'm always afraid our thread will drift away. I don't know what I would do. I love you guys. :grouphug: I know you won't quit, after losing 30 lbs. :nono: no way Jose. Like you said, you just needed a break. Life gets in the way. We'll always have dinner clelebrations, birthdays, holidays. Happy Birthday to Illiana. :balloons: We just celebrated David's birthday, the 2nd. He turned 35. Glad to hear you'll have more help at work. I hope it will relieve the stress. I'm still having a problem with nightime snacking. I know I shouldn't snack at night but I do it anyway.:mad:

Spring is almost here. I have to get back to exercising. I'll see how it'll affect my back.

I hope our group comes back soon. I miss you all.


Sandancy 03-05-2006 09:18 AM

Hi you buddies,:wave:

I know I am guilty of looking but not posting, I would not want to lose touch. I think about each one of us even when I am not writing often. I was feeling pretty discouraged, Mike didn't get the position. He has another interview with a different company this coming week on Thursday, so send us your good thoughts and prayers.

Jen, you are so lucky to go see "Wicked", I love the music from the show.
One of my favorite songs is "Changed for the Better". Be good to yourself, I am sure that you will start losing again, it isn't always immediately rewarding, on the scale. Sometimes it is just getting back on program and the persistance that we have to celebrate.

Es, I am afraid that I will have to join you in the back trouble dept. I did something weird to my back when I was exercising and I am just waiting to see if it will clear up on its own.

luv ya's all,

Jenny523 03-05-2006 10:41 AM

Fingers crossed for Mike's success in his search. Feeling discouraged is certainly normal; please make sure you both take care during this stressful time. Sorry to hear about your back. Our bodies really are a good indicator of what's going on in our lives, I think.

Belated Happy Birthday to David :hb: (we're celebrating Jessica's bday, not Ili's)
I've slacked off on walking, primarily due to the weather. It was great in January and we were out every day, then February we had a lot of rain and cold. Today we're supposed to get a bit of snow and my knees already feel it.

Wicked was wonderful! A great story and lyrics. No wonder it's such a hit.
Joey gave me the soundtrack yesterday before we went, so we held off till after seeing the show, then listened to it on the way home. We had an awesome dinner; Chicago is gorgeous at night and I always vow we'll go more often.

Joe went with all the kids and grandsons to a model railroad show being held at a local college; I've got the morning to myself.....to do laundry :lol: before everyone gets back and we celebrate Jess's bday.

Have a great Sunday :wave: HI to Terri, Dianne, Ruth!

points 03-08-2006 10:05 AM

Hi guys.
My computer has been acting up and then when we got it running smoothly all the projects started coming due and then after work I had to sacrifice the computer. 3 kids 5 projects wow!!!!

Jen, Congrats on your hair. I am getting mine trimmed tomorrow after school. I hate getting it cut. Mine is short too. I get nervous everytime, don't know why. It always looks cute afterward.
That 30 pound plateau happened with me too. It lasted awhile but started up again. Persistance and patience are the key. :dust: :woops: :ebike: :tread: :yoga: :running: :lifter:

That is great that you are getting donations. I just saw your message today. I just gave to 4 people here for the Aids walk and Heart walk. They are such great causes.

How did the interview go?

I hope you are all doing great. My youngest baby is now a teenager. I have three teenagers for 7 more weeks. Then the 20's start.
Happy birthday to Jess and David. :hb: My birthday and the three kids and my FIL and nephew's birthdays are between March 4 and May 5. It is like Christmas season all over again. :lol:
I missed you guys.

Rios426 03-10-2006 06:09 PM

Hi Girls:wave:

I'm so glad it's Friday. Work has been so hectic. :dizzy:

Terri, I have alot of birthdays coming up. The only month I don't have to buy a gift is August.

I think our group is fading away:( I've never seen it this quiet. I'll stay till the end.

Have a nice weekend.

Love u all :grouphug: Es

Jenny523 03-12-2006 10:42 AM

I'll be here too. We won't quit this.
Everyone is so busy, when did life get this way? Never enough hours in the day. Something has to give, and it's been my computer-time here at home

Enjoy those birthdays. Fun events make such great memories.

My weight has been up, then down. So I'm still at -30.

On Friday evening we attended the 3rd Annual Educational Fund Benefit held in my niece JoAnn's honor. Lots of wonderful raffles, karaoke, and best of all, getting to see all of my nieces, Kathie's girls.

This Saturday we're hosting our annual St. Pat's dinner. The guest count keeps growing; we'll be up to 18 this year. We have a small home, but everyone enjoys themselves.

HI :wave: Dianne, Sandy, Ruth :wave:


Jenny523 03-15-2006 06:46 PM

See you on #179!!!!

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