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Jen-L 04-06-2001 09:05 AM

TGIF.. NO one is here yet so I am starting the thread!

GUESS WHAT.... I got up early this morning and exercised. This is the first time I have done that in over a year. After I got PG... I had no morning motivation. It felt Great..... and I scared hubby because he isn't used to me being up so early! YAH ME!!

More later!!

tilley 04-06-2001 09:14 AM

Hi Jen-L .... I was going to start the thread but I was afraid that I'd start a thread at the same time as someone else and all **** would break loose :) I'm glad you did. Plus I had no good ideas what to do for a poll.

I actually have one brother and one sister. (I'm the middle child). But my mother remarried and I have three older step sisters from that marriage. And my father remarried and I have two younger step-sisters from that marriage. So really... if you count them all, I have 6 sisters and a brother. My poor brother. :)

Okay - well I appreciate all you ladies helping me out yesterday. I was so bummed about lunch - and I felt gross. I was just mad about the whole thing. So last night we had friends over for dinner... and we made fajitas. Well, I had none of the cheese, sour cream, rice... I just had one small 4 point fajita (the torillas were no-fat) and a salad.. so I ended up being 6 points over for the day. But looking at the big picture I shouldn't be that upset. I've eaten at my min all week. So I think everything turned out fine.

Anyway, thanks again.

Yeah for Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!


Jen-L 04-06-2001 09:25 AM

I can't believe this thread is so slow today. Did everyone take the day off????

I have 1 brother. That's it. Hubby has 1 sister. BUT, hubby's mom is 1 of 10 kids. So I kind of know what a large family is like. They always fight too, and about stupid useless stuff!!

Tilley... I think you did good yesterday. Having the control for your dinner is an enormous step in the right direction. I probably would have eaten a huge fajita just because!

Well, it's Friday and I really don't feel like working. I have a meeting this morning and we have another interview to do, but I don't have to sit in this time... YAH!

Suz78 04-06-2001 09:49 AM

Hi ladies~

Jen~ Awesome on that am workout!!! I want to get into the habit of an am workout too, then for the rest of the day you don't have to worry about it! Plus, I read articles about how it pumps you up for the rest of the day!

Lisa~ good job on that fajita!! I would say since you have been on min. all week you will be fine at weigh in! good job!

Alright, there are a lot of crisis' going on here at work. Two co-workers parents are very sick in hospital :(

No fun~

Kirsty 04-06-2001 09:50 AM

hi girls,
i've been quite busy at work today and figured it was only fair to let someone else start the thread (you're all probably dreading what i'm going to put in my next poll anyhow!).
i'm still busy, but wanted to say i'm here and good luck to everyone this weekend - let's all stay OP!
back later hopefully,

tilley 04-06-2001 09:56 AM

Well Jen, it looks like it's just you and me :)

Weird. Maybe a lot of people are travelling home for Passover or something. Who knows.

Great job on the workout. That's awesome.

I'm going home to the Gulf Coast next Wednesday for Easter weekend. I'll be home for five days and I can't wait. For one, it's AT LEAST 20 degrees warmer there. Plus, I'm not too worried about going off program because my ENTIRE family is on WW. It's actually funny. My big sister, my mom, my dad, my step mom and two of my step sisters. So it should actually turn out okay.

Although a friend and I are going into New Orleans one night while I'm home and I'm not sure I can pass up the drinks. But it's still the plan. Maybe I'll offer to drive and then I can't drink. We'll see I guess.

But then I get back on MOnday, but Monday is a state holiday in Massachusettes, so there's no WW at work.. so it'll be two weeks until my next weigh in. But I weigh in this Monday - so we'll see how it goes.

I'm talking out my elbow this morning. :)


tilley 04-06-2001 09:57 AM

Hi Suzanne and Kirsty... good morning. I must have been posting when you girls were.

it sounds like you both have your work day cut out for you. Hang in there... the end is near. Whooo hoo for Friday. I just LOVE Fridays :)


Shalyne 04-06-2001 10:03 AM

Hi Everyone :) Yay it's Friday! Okay so I'm not working so it shouldn't matter...but I get to see my guy friend tomorrow...hopefully. So I'm excited. I've been letting him say what's up for this weekend, thought that might be best lol. <<chuckles>> Agh hopefully no more breakdowns like I had last wkend. Other than that not too much is new. It's been a pretty quiet morning. I have no motivation to do anything... I really need to clean up a bit around here tho, it's amazing how messy my apartment can get. You would think a horde of people live here. Anyways, just wanted to say hi :)

Kirsty 04-06-2001 10:10 AM

my weekend was soooo short last night
just to confuse you all, it's monday for me! because of easter weekend we lose days so we have to get a day ahead on our schedule so that we still publish our magazine on time. it's confusing! i never know what day people are really talking about...

Brenda N 04-06-2001 10:49 AM

Happy Friday! I’m a little disappointed in myself b/c I was over by 2 pts yesterday. I did write everything down though. There are doughnuts in the kitchen again and even though it was almost physically painful, I didn’t eat one! I stuck with my oatmeal. Thank goodness for flavored oatmeal! I do need some strategy help though. I was over yesterday b/c of the candy on my boss’ desk. The problem is, no one understands that is really is an issue for me. They all know I’m on WW and I try to tell them in a lighthearted way that if it’s around I eat it, that I can’t just leave it alone. They all think it’s pretty funny ‘no ones making you eat it’ I was in tears with hubby last night over this issue. I have no power when the stuff is in front of me. I don’t keep it around the house so it’s never an issue. I can’t stay out of my boss’ office either. Three of us share a printer and it’s in her office. I’ve tried imagining that someone spit on it, etc, etc, etc and it hasn’t done any good. All I want to do is get to goal this time. I don’t want to be rollercoaster queen anymore. I know I can do it I just don’t know how do deal with the office food *sigh*

I ran into an old friend last night at Wal-Mart of all places. makes me sick, she has a 13 month old and is just as skinny now as when we were hanging out together. She’s a friend from my bar days and we lost touch b/c I started getting out of that bar scene and she stayed right in the thick of it. I felt very self – concious. I was automatically worried about how I looked. I don’t know what it matters, but I can’t remember how much I weighed when we were hanging out. She said she would call me, we’ll see.

I saw the Bridget Jones teaser last night! It looks so good! I don’t know what the big deal is about ‘all this weight’ she had to gain for the movie. Am I delusional or does she look good to those of you who’ve seen the teaser? Oh, but forgive me, to look good in this society you have to be a size 0-1. What was I thinking?? :devil:

Jen: I would be nervous too about meeting a friend I hadn’t seen in forever, but take a deep breath and relax. It will be fine. Think of how much fun you will have trading memories! You exercised?!?!?!?!?! I’m so proud of you! Maybe I can follow your lead??

Stacey: Our minister was pretty cool about the fact that we were living together. He really helped us out in a tight spot b/c the original minister we chose flaked on us about 3-4? weeks before the wedding. Talk about freaking out! Jeff and I had to write our whole ceremony. I just remember he and I out on the driveway on lawn chairs tanning while I read him pieces of ceremonies and we put it together. What a cool little memory!

Lisa: Good job on the dinner last night!

Kirsty: I think you pick really good topics for the poll!!

Oh, and I have one younger brother who I am now getting very close to!

"When shall we live, if not now?" -- Seneca

Belle2000 04-06-2001 11:07 AM

Im lovin the bridget jones book....
Hey girls! Well, I am just as sick today as I was yesterday, maybe worse!! I am really coughing now!!! I went home to bed and read a bit til I crashed to sleep and I slept until about 5 when my mom rang and came over. we went grocery shopping but that was dumb cuz I ended up making good friends with the supermarket's toilet! I was in bed at 9 with Nyquil and slept til 7:30 this morning....dragged myself to work one hour late. Oh well, at least I am here! Walking 10 min from my b/f's building made me cough worse today so I figure I am not going to get to work out until this is over!!

OH NO! I guess I'll have to really watch what I eat - trouble is, when I am sick I either have no appetite or I want to drink gallons of OJ (2pts/glass) and eat ice cream....(too many pts/mouthful).

Jen - woo hoo on the morning exercise!!! I was doing good in the fall/early winter with that. I think I'll take it up again when I am well!

Kirsty - yup, you lost me pretty good with your weekend/ weekdays thing...??

Lisa - when you ahve been at your min all week you are allowed a little splurge....

Bren - I hate people who have kids and stay skinny, makes me ill. Not that I can use that excuse, since I have no kids!!

shay - have fun with your guy friend tomorrow.....I hope he gets it together soon!! ARGH! Men.....

Well, I better get some work done and at least pretend to be busy while I cough out my lungs....

have a good day chiquita's!! BTW I lost 1.5 so I am going to change my sig....


Belle2000 04-06-2001 11:10 AM

I agree, I thought she looked good too. Whatever.....makes me sick!!! that is why I think Cindy Crawford rocks now that she had her kid and said no, I am size 10 and I am happy this size so I won't be a waif ever again.....good for her.


StaceyT 04-06-2001 11:16 AM

Hey everyone! Busy day today. We're having our quarterly lunch today from Ted's (best Mexican Food in my life) so I just ate Applesauce for breakfast.
I'm going shopping tonight....yipee!!
I'll be back later.
Got to get to work before the boss comes back.
She's in a mood.

momof4girls 04-06-2001 11:27 AM


I posted an intro down below....I didn't know that there was suppose to be only one thread for the day oops!! Sorry!

So, each day a person starts a thread and we all post to that thread? Is that how it works?



Suz78 04-06-2001 11:38 AM

Belle~ you should be at home in bed resting!!!!
Hello again~

Congrats on that 1.5 loss Belle, now go home and take care of yourself!

Kirsty~ so does that mean you have to work this weekend or just that you have Monday deadlines?

Angie~ welcome and yes we all post to the daily thread :)

Shayle~ have fun with the boy :)

Gotta work!!!


Jen-L 04-06-2001 11:41 AM

Welcome Angie... If I read your bio right, your baby is named Emma.... SO IS MINE. She is 5 1/2 months old and just a darling. I talk about her often. We do start a daily thread, so join in at any time!!

momof4girls 04-06-2001 11:48 AM

Thank you for the welcome ILGBG and Jen, I will post often

Jen, How cool about little Emma! My little one is 8 months old. We are trying again (for the past 7 cycles) for another one...but no luck yet. I hope that this will be then month and we will soon have a 3rd munchkin around here!

Bye for now!


Kirsty 04-06-2001 11:50 AM

hi angie - you're most welcome to join us, and yes you've got it right, we usually start a new thread each day and all post on that.
suzanne, luckily i don't need to work over the weekend! today is monday and monday is tuesday and so on.
anyone doing anything exciting over easter? i have nothing planned, but boy am i looking forward to 2 days off!
well done on the loss belle, but do get better soon ok!
shalyne - hope you get to see your friend over the weekend. ;)
well done on the exercising jen! and have a top holiday lisa!
brenda - i guess you have to really train yourself not to want the candy. don't let yourself take it absent-mindedly...try chewing gum so you already have something in your mouth maybe?
back to work, hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

tilley 04-06-2001 12:06 PM

Brenda - i know your pain. I'm surprised after you said something about it, she still didn't take it off her desk. I have a similar thing with my roommate... but she understood and has really been helpful.

Her mom sends her candy ALL THE TIME. The latest are those Mini-eggs. I LOVE those. Well, Marcy (my roomie) used to put the candy in bowls and put them out on the coffee table. I would take candy without even thinking about it. I told her it was a weakness of mine, so now she keeps the candy put away in her room. She was really understanding about it... because had she put the candy in the cabinets or something, and I was craving it, I would have gone through the cabinets. But I'd never go into her room if she wasn't there... so I don't even have to think about the candy.

Also, when she buys ice cream (which I love more than any other food) she puts it way back in the freezer and doesn't even tell me she bought it. And it's not that she doesn't want me eating her ice cream... it's that she knows I don't want to eat it... but I could break down any time. She's been really great.

I've been in your situation. And you've done what you could do.. you said something. But if she can't help you out.. then you have to help yourself out. I'm sure you'll have more candy agian... but try and talk yourself out of it first. Figure out how much exercise you'd have to do to make up for it and ask yourself if it's worth it. Sometimes it will be. I wish you luck and will power. Just remember why we're here doing all this. We all stray sometimes... it's human. ****, I'm here because I've stayed all my life. But this time we can do it. I'm sure!

Belle... you need to get better girl. I'm so sorry you're sick. Take some vitamin C or something and rest up this weekend! And congrats on losing 1.5!!!!!!

Angie - welcome. Good to meet you!


momof4girls 04-06-2001 12:26 PM

Hi Lisa and Kristy
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Can't wait to get to know you all, you seem like a really tight group!



Belle2000 04-06-2001 12:45 PM

I am from Calgary, where are you from? there are a few canadians on the board!!


1busymomma 04-06-2001 12:51 PM

Hi all! Oh happy friday! I actually stayed OP last night for a change (gee imagine that). Hooray! Plus I excercised my fannny off last night.

Angie~Welcome to our group!

Jen~ Glad to hear about your excercise routine in the am. Maybe I should try that to.

Belle~ get well soon. Warm weather get here faster! My kids are still sick. UGH. My grandmother was just diagnosed yesterday with having walking pnuemonia.

Stacey~ Good luck surviving the boss today. I detest it when bosses get in there little tiffs. Makes everyone else cranky.

Tilley~ Glad to hear you have such and understanding roomie: My hubby is the worst about being supportive when it comes to food.

Shalyne and Suzanne~Hi!

Well, gotta run for now. I have a ton of packing to do. Chat with you all later.


Flaky One 04-06-2001 12:53 PM

Hello Everyone, I have not had a chance to catch up on everything I missed yet but hopefully by the end of the weekend!!! I had a wonderful trip to Vancouver, the weather was Fabulous. It only rained for about 2 hrs on one of the days, but I was in a meeting and then it rained again yesterday but we were leaving:)
I ate WAY to much food, not all bad but just LOTS:rolleyes: On the upside we had to walk everywhere because there was a Transit strike!! I am a little scared to WI next week, I have missed 2 weeks:eek:
Oh well enough about me.....from the posts that I have read Belle I hope that you get better soon!!!! And I loved your picture, I can't imagine what your b/f problem is!!!

Brenda, I laughed when I read that bit about the size 0 and 1 until my trip I did not even now that size 0 existed BUT that is the most popular size in Vancouver...CRAZY....

Tilley, I am so jealous that you get to go to New Orleans, it has to be on of my favourite places to visit!! Good Luck with the no drinking!
Welcome to Angie and all the other new posters!!

Sorry I did not responed to everyone....I have a TON of unpacking and laundry to do, not to mention that I still live in "box world"(I moved on March 24 and left town on the 27 or 28) I will try and post later but if I don't have a great weekend!!!!


Emily we posted at the same time!!! Hi!

momof4girls 04-06-2001 12:56 PM

Belle, I am from Ontario Canada. Today is rainy and grey (how depressing).

Where are all the other Canadians?

Emily, Thank you for the welcome!!


momof4girls 04-06-2001 01:00 PM


Thanks for the welcome. Glad you had a good trip! Sorry about the laundry.....I hate it when mine gets stacked up. Where in Vancouver did you go? I was born in Surrey B.C but I can guarantee you that I don't wear a size 0!!! LOL (oh, but we can dream!!)



Belle2000 04-06-2001 01:05 PM

Hi Steph!!
WElcome back!!!

I was born in Oakville, Ont angie, and I lived in Thornhill, Sarnia and Scarborogh before coming to Calgary. Ali Steph and Lola are canucks, and I am missing someone I think.....


Flaky One 04-06-2001 01:42 PM

Thanks for the welcome back Belle and Angie!!!!

Belle, I was born in Sarnia!!! Weird
Angie, we actually stayed in Vancouver, near the entrance to Stanley park(W. Hastings Rd.) , it is very grey and rainy in London too:(


kimobi 04-06-2001 01:57 PM

A quick hi
It's Friday, so of course I'm busy. I hate Fridays. I always have tons of work. This time, it's coming in the afternoon so I'm sure I'll be here late. Grrr.

But I had sushi and salad for lunch so I'm doing well on points. I've been pretty good all week, but I haven't been writing anything down. I need to start doing that again. It always helps. I try and keep track in my head anyway, but we all know how THAT works.

I have to run. If I don't get back on here today, have a good weekend everyone! :wave:

Grace, Grace 04-06-2001 02:23 PM

Wow! 27 Posts. There is no way that I have time to read all of them. I have back to back clients allday. I had WI this am and I gained 1.4! I am so embarrassed to say that when I got in my car I cried :?: I had a stressful morning. Iwent to my gym to do my favorite Elliptical machine and they were closed due to a power outage. This is after I spent 20 min. packing all of my stuff so that Icould get ready there only to discover I had to cart it all including my butt home to shower there. Then I got home and my roomates car wouldn't start so I had to drive her to work in Detroit where I always get lost and did :dizzy: Anyways I finally make it to WI at 9am and I gain! AHHHHHHHHHH I am sorry girls I am a colossal witch today so bear with me. Then I come in and have two clients thats lives are 10X worse than mine. I find it difficult to help depressed clients when I swear I am not too far behind them. I actually called a therapist today to see about going and talking about my emotional eating. I hope this isn't TMI but has anyone else tried this. I am just having a bad day girls and I apologize for all of the negative vibes :(
I am sure my day will improve so don't worry I am not losing my mind. I hope that all of you have great weekends and maybe I will check in1

Lollybird 04-06-2001 02:46 PM

Another stupid word of the day! This one is Spanish and is your basic word for ENT doctor (I think I spelled it right...)

Well, I read yesterday but I didn't post ... I have been up to my eyes finishing a chapter of my thesis, then yesterday I heard a paper I submitted to a journal didn't get accepted so I had a bit of a paddy and convinced myself that this meant all my work is crap and noone will ever be interested. Upshot was I didn't think I should post and give everyone a major downer. Anyway, I woke up this morning and realised that this is the FIRST paper I have ever submitted, noone EVER gets their first paper accepted, plus I haven't seen the letter yet (it's in Oxford, Blokey told me it came) and apparently it has loads of constructive comments. So I feel better now, and this evening I finished my chapter. YIPPEE!! I feel so stupid getting this upset about work stuff, but it's because I'm here in Madrid and I have nothing else to think about. But Blokey is coming Tuesday week so I have that to look forward to ...

Well, I guess I needed to get it off my chest after all. On a happier note, my jeans are getting really really loose so I am confident of a huge, ker-chunky loss when I get back to Blighty - will hopefully get past my 2nd 10% which is also the 50lb mark (certificate!) and be really, really close to 200... It will have been 6 weeks since my last WI so maybe even past 200? I hardly even dare think about that ...

Anyway, enough about me ...

Angie, welcome! YOu'll be happy here, these girls are TRIFFIC! Steph, welcome back! Good luck sorting out all the boxes ... Jen, Emily - YIPPEE! on the workout. I haven't done anything since Sunday but you have inspired me! Belle - WOO HOO! on the loss, you are catching me up ... hope you feel better soon. Shalyne - hope the weekend with blokey comes off ok! Kim - mm-mm! Sushi! Stacey - mm-mm-mm! Mexican! My mouth is watering just thinking about it! Lisa - that's funny that your whole family is on WW. At the moment it's just me and my aunt, but a few months ago my Dad and my sister were doing it too.

On a different note, I got American Cosmo last week, they had a cover with these 5 actresses from a tv series and 2 of them weren't even skinny! One is even a size 24! She sounds really cool (Camryn something?), she pointed out she never got to be on magazine covers, so I guess you could say Cosmo is making an effort. Did any of you see that? And re: our friend Renee, she does look good in the Bridget Jones trailer, I thought she looked worse on the Marie Claire cover she did after she lost the weight again ... I guess there's a major reality gap between Hollywood and real life, that's not so far from institutionalised anorexia. Eek. I was at a tv-filming once and the warm-up was making all these jokes about Kate Winslet being fat ... blokey had to physically restrain me from getting up and yelling at him, I was so mad.

Anyway, enough ranting (I'm full of it today!). Going home for my last bit of chocolate (sigh). I made it last more than a week! Very proud of myself ... Brenda, before I forget, re: the candy, Kirsty's right, chew gum and try and wean yourself off of just eating it without thinking. Even if you ask yourself out loud "Do I want this?" Hugs, honey, I know I couldn't cope with food all over the place all day every day. Your boss is evil!

hugs everyone, have a good weekend!

Lollybird 04-06-2001 02:57 PM

Angie, I was just looking at some of the other boards and I found your link to your photos ... Emma and Sarah are beautiful! You're so lucky!


TxAggie 04-06-2001 02:57 PM

Technology can be fickle!
Sorry I have to make this short today. My computer is just now working. We had to dump the entire hard drive and start over. She works much faster now, thank goodness. Cool poll today! I have one brother and one brother-in-law. My DH and I both have tons of cousins, though.
I feel pretty good today even though I went way over points yesterday. DH and I went to an authentic mexican res. last night and rented the Exorcist. The res was just like the places we went to eat on our honeymoon in PVR. It was a good time. I also got my hair done and my brows waxed. Happy with the hair, but the lady did a bad wax job. Oh well!
Jen ~ Way to go on the workout. I should start doing that! I wake up so early anyway.
Becky ~ Don't worry about the gain. I'm right there with you this week (I was up 1.2). Hopefully we can be motivated to get it off this week. I only have 5 more weeks until the cruise and now I'm back to 5.8 away from goal.
Stacey~ Our sponsor couple was very laid back. They had lived together before marriage, so they we're good at not judging others situations. DH and I lived in two seperate cities so LTBM was not an option for us. I think it would have made the first couple of months easier, though.
Lisa~What part of the coast are you going to? My DH is from New Orleans! Unfourtunately we're going to be in Houston for this Easter. I'm throwing a shower for a friend of mine.

Hello to all I missed. Welcome Angie! This board is getting do busy! Its great.

Smoking Update: I am still smoke free! Even after all of the stress. This weekend will be a test, but I can do it!

Have a great weekend!

StaceyT 04-06-2001 03:04 PM

Friday, Friday!!
Becky: If you feel like you need someone to talk to, then it IS a good idea. Go with your gut feeling. My mom always said, "Never mess with Women's intuition." She also said, "Don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow"
and "....I'll give you something to cry about!!"
Ok, I digress.
Is everyone else ready to go home?? We had our luncheon and I am so stuffed!! I could be a giant easter egg!
Kirsty: I'm envious of your Easter vacation. I don't get any days off!! Booh on that! (How B.J am I?) :)
Kay: How is the quitting? Hang in there!
Emily: Wow! That's fast work on getting the house! At least you're burning major energy by moving!
Angie: Welcome! This board has really grown! I can remember when I first started, we would have one thread last several days. Now, we average about 30 to 40 posts a day! Neato! What great support!!
Brenda: Back away from the candy. Put your hands in your pockets! You should put some "good" candy on your desk, something that takes awhile to eat (like hard candy) that way, you won't feel completely pulled to her candy. or bubble gum. I did that and it really helped. I got lots of practice with bubble-blowing, too. :)
Lolly: Hey stranger! I'm glad the paper is going well!! What is the weather like in Spain? Yeah, Camryn Manneheim. When she won an Emmy for her role on "The Practice" she said, "This is for the fat people!"
I was kindof offended, but then again, liberated. Buy the April 2 edition of People (american) the cover page is about "Healthy Bodies Are Back" Somewhere else I read that--I think it was in an earlier post--Marilyn Monroe was a size 12!! Wow!
Ok, I have to get back to work so I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Belle: Get better!! Drink lots of OJ and Chicken Noodle Soup.
ps--re: Survivor. Who is next? What did everyone think of last night's show.
Oh yeah, one more thing:
Kirsty and Lolly: Is "The Weakest Link" a good game show? IT's coming to America and it looks intriguing. I guess "Who wants to be a millionaire" is dropping in ratings. hmmm the questions are too damn hard!
Now, I'm going.
Hi to everyone I missed!

StaceyT 04-06-2001 03:05 PM

posted at the same time
Kay: Woo Hoo!! Way to go! Yeah, our "session" last night was actually interesting. We brought home a "test" for us to take together and then when it's done, we'll go back and our minister will go over the results with us. That's it!

Shalyne 04-06-2001 03:39 PM

Lolly... I saw that issue too! Very cool. Do any of you get Mode Magazine? You should take a look at it if you don't... has lots of real-sized models.

tilley 04-06-2001 03:59 PM


I'm from Long Beach, MS... near Biloxi. It's about a 45 min to an hour drive to New Orleans... we used to drive over there all the time when I was growing up. The drinking age was only 18, and we'd cross the state line to stock up :)

I L-O-V-E love muffalattas. Ask your husband if you've never heard of them. They are delicious. It's a cajun/italian sandwhich. Well, I was figuring out points... anyway one muffalatta feeds two or four people.... well 1/4 of one is 26 points :( I really wanted to have one. I'll see if I can bank or something.. or maybe I'll just have an 1/8th and a salad. but I think that will just leave me wanting more. I haven't decided what to do yet.

The rest of you -- have a nice weekend... I'm sorry I didn't respond to everyone... I just love to talk about New Orleans... it's the best city in the world for me. Anyway, I have to wrap up some stuff here at work before I take off.


TxAggie 04-06-2001 04:20 PM

I LOVE those sandwiches!!!
Lisa ~ I love those sandwiches! I had no idea they we're so many points :( How many points is a Hurricane? I bet a ton. DH and I went to Pat O's last easter at 2 in the afternoon and made up for all of our Lenten fasting! I have such a great time there. I've never been to Biloxi, but I hear its beautiful along the coast. DH has an uncle that lives there, so we need to get there soon. The food is the best part of NOLA. We try to go to a fancy restaurant each time we go back. This Christmas we went to Commander's Palace (where Emeril started). It was unbelieveable! Luckily they serve portions that are small, so I didn't go overboard. All this food talk is making me hungry. The people who ordered lunch today forgot to get me something veggie, so all that I could eat was potato salad. It seems like every Friday they totally forget that some of us in the office abstain from meat. Oh well, Easter is around the corner.

Stacey~ I'm glad the session was OK. Is the test called FOCUS, by any chance? Thats the one we took. Don't get freaked by it. It isn't always accurate. It does give good insight for some issues. Our test told us that money would be are hard topic (duh). Other than that, it said that we we're in the 90% for compatibility. Sometimes I wonder if that is right :).....

Gotta go! Have a great weekend all! And Lolly ~ Keep up the Spanish lessons. Maybe I'll pick up a bit!

momof4girls 04-06-2001 04:38 PM

Hi Kim, sorry you are having such a work filled day! :( Good job on the staying on points :)

Grace, So sorry that you are having such a bad day, I really hope you feel better soon. (((((((hugs)))))))

Lolli Thank you for your warm welcome :) Congrants to you on your weight loss! You are doing great!



momof4girls 04-06-2001 04:44 PM

duh, I was replying to only the last two on the first page!!
I didn't even realize there was more!

Lolly thank you for taking a look at my girls! :) :) they are my pride and joy! and what a sweet thing to say!

This thread really does move fast! It is hard to keep up with it!

Do you ever set a time to chat?


momof4girls 04-06-2001 04:46 PM

I notice a lot of you have little sayings or quotes under your screen name on the left...how do you do that? Mine just says junior member.



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