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flaggies 05-16-2003 09:00 PM

G'day all,

Peggy love your new avatar, I presume it is new I never noticed it before. Love peonies, it is the best thing about changing seasons, the garden.:flow1:

We went out last night to an old school friend of dh, we have been friends for many years. We see little of them these days because all he harps about is the past, everyone in public life is an idiot and how he could have done a much better job:mad: Last night was about the worse and even my very loyal dh had to agree with me that it was a very unpleasant evening. His wife had done a lovely job of making dinner but received little praise, it was embarrasing. I got really angry when he was telling us that he asked his 28 year old daughter if she was a lesbian because 'there never are any fellows sniffing around':mad: :yikes: , I told him I thought he was totally disgusting but he claims to have such a 'great' relationship with his daughter that he can ask that.:dizzy:
I could go on.......but I won't :rolleyes:
The one thing it does is make you really appreciate your life, your dh and children. I certainly have been blessed:)

DH will be leaving on Tuesday so we are going to watch ds play football today and then have a nice quite night at home. :love:

I have ordered 'Lite 'n Easy' for all of next week and I will be receiving my first week of meals/snacks next Tuesday, perfect timing. Be interesting to see how it works out.
When I rang they asked what 'diets' I had done and I told them that WW is really the only 'diet' that I continue to follow. Their prepackaged food is based on the same principles.
I have heard from people who have tried it that the food is really niced so :crossed:
Have a great weekend all,

LilyG 05-17-2003 02:05 AM

So glad to hear all is ok with Glenda!

Slavika: HAd to laugh at your story on Mothers day. Its always the ones who say watch it that make the mess :) When I get my caroets cleaned I always tell Dh be careful now dont want to do this again in a few months.
Well its always me that spoils it. (Dont tell any one tho :lol: )
Your hand blown Glass water holder sounds beautiful! So sweet of you DIL.

Marnie: It took me forever it seems. About 2 years. I went gang busters at first lost 30# right off. Then it was slow going for me all the way to goal. But it really taught me how to live the life. Every one is different tho. I turned into a slow loser. I lost a total of 60 pounds. Then lost 5 more for my personal goal. Sorry to hear about the cold. Hope you are better by now!

Trudy: Rain Stopped! Yipppe!!!!! Oh Im so sorry about the tulips. They sounded so pretty. Never understand why people do these things. Oh boy shopping! New things! Im there! :) Dont leave without me. I have my Credit card :)

Maria: :eek: I am always one to say back up back up back up. Now ask me if I do it? I finally did it this year. Im really bad at it. Glad you got your photos back. I can only image what you were going thru. Thought I was gonna lose my puter at work this week. You should of seen me. Was going crazy for an hour uploading things to my sisters page. That was my back up :) Let us know how the Lite and easy goes.

Peggy: Looking at the video store is a good idea. You can rent and see if you like. I had so many tapes I wasnt using as I didnt like them. Finally sold them at a gararge sale. Love your new Avatar!

Well I must say this was the week from ******ll. Was really not my week at all. Work was crazy. Then even WW was crazy. I worked 2 nights this week, Karen will understand, but I had to do the tally both nights I worked.
Come from a stressful day then go to WW for more stress?????? All I can say they really really need to get into the 21st century. I want a computer! And I want it now!!!!!!! :)

Made my DH take me out for dinner tonight. Didnt even want to think about it. Really dont know where it came from as Im not cooking anymore DH (my live in maid) is doing it right now :lol:

Off to bed. Night all!

Lizziepie 05-17-2003 03:09 PM

Happy Saturday
Hi everyone: Last Thursday I had a wonderful post all written and was just getting ready to sign off, when the power went out, just long enough to lose everything:( By then I was just so disgusted I played a game of Spider solitaire and went to bed. Yesterday and today we had a conference at our church on starting a small group ministry. Very interesting. Had weigh-in on Thurs. only down .2 All can say is that at least it was down.

I am enjoying Curves and go three times a week. Someone said that I may gain some weight, which will be muscle, before I lose more. All I really care about is that my blood pressure will stay down.

Trudy: What a bummer to have someone steal your tulips right out of your front yard. Hope it wasn't someone in your neighborhood.

Peggy: I always loved peonies. They are so fragrant. But it was hard to bring them in the house unless you could shake off all the ants. I too wondered always what attracted them. My daughter sent me a Mandebilla (I think that is what it is called) vine for M.Day. So I have it planted along our carport. It will have big pink blossoms as it grows. A nice way to keep thinking about her.

Maria: Glad you got your 'Puter fixed. I'd have to go to someone outside to put things back together. Your acquaintqance sounds like someone to avoid whenever possible. Is he the type that just says it the way he thinks, no tact whatever? All caught up in himself!

Slavika: Glad the carpet cleaned up okay. We had a cat that loved flowers, and once she pulled a big bouquet of lilies onto the floor. All that yellow pollen made a terrible mess and I wasn't sure if I would ever get it up. Blessings on the new rug cleaning products.

Glenda: So glad the tornados didn't get to you. That must have been a really terrible week for all the folks in the 'so-called' tornado alley. Hope they don't have another week like that ever.

Marnie: Hope your cold is all better now. Those first couple of days can be so miserable.

Karen: Our group here finally changed to another meeting where the leader is a lot more inspirational. I really liked going on Sat. morning , but you always left feeling, 'why did I stay?'

Lily: Glad you survived your week from:devil: One of those really makes us appreciate the good times.

I have some exercise tapes, but somehow I am never really motivated to do them at home, alone. So that is another reason I joined Curves.

Hope you all have a nice weekend. :wave: Ann

Karen L 05-18-2003 12:04 PM

It 's been so long since I've posted . Time flies. It's been a busy time for me. My Dad is still in the hospital. Not sure if I told you but a week ago this past friday he had a mild heart attack. The doctors figure it was because his hemoglobin was so low. Finally got it up after 6 unit's of blood. By yesterday his stay at the hospital had turned in 11 day's So it's been 11 day's of stress on all of us and of course him. By yesterday he was finally on a solid food diet. He may be able to come home Monday or Tuesday depends on what the next Cat scan says.

The this past Wednesday one of my receptionist tripped over the scale after a meeting and broke her hip. Can you beleive it. She is 59 years old so not that old. Anyway she went to surgery to repair , it took 3 pins to hold it together. When I called this morning to check on her she had been discharged. :fr: She was up walking on friday. She must handle pain very well. It will be 6 to 8 weeks of recovery time for her. She really needed a rest but this was a little drastic to get it. Her Husband has had health problems for the past year. Now that he is better he gets to take care of her.:shrug:

Then on top of all this I'm informed that I need to find yet another meeting place for my Wednesday evening meeting. We can meet there once more and that is it. I'm thinking it's a good thing that I am starting to give up some of my meetings.:stress: :censored:

Well I'm off to pick up my Mom and go see my dad for a while. Mom will stay for most of the day. Then either my brother or me will go pick her up. 60 miles round trip is wearing on us all.:tired:

Havent had time to read all that has been going on so will catch up later. Just wanted you all to know that I'm still alive and kicking.

Karen :wave:

flaggies 05-18-2003 11:38 PM

G'day all,

A windy and wet day here today. It is a holiday for the running of the Adelaide Cup.
We attended a champagne breakfast this morning and it was good to catch up with friends.

Karen I am exhausted after reading your post (and Lily's), boy you have a lot on your plate. Incredible how the receptionist has recovered so well after breaking her hip.
Hope your father is well on the way to recovery from his heart attack.

Hope your week turns out to be a bit less hectic than last week Lily

Ann good for you on yet another loss, well done!

Tomorrow dh is off to NZ. He is packing his stuff at the moment. Ds is joining us for tea tonight, his wife is out of town with netball commitments, Australia is playing South Africa in Brisbane tonight. She is back in Adelaide on Wednesday.
I am making a bit of a casserole for ds to take home, safes him cooking for himself.

See you tomorrow all,

LilyG 05-19-2003 04:36 PM

Ann: Glad you are enjoying Curves. I know every one here raves about it. Would like to try it but Im a gym rat for sure. :)
Love it to much to give it up for now. Congrats on your loss!

Karen: So sorry to hear about your Dad. Long time to be in the hospital to. Poor guy.
That poor receptionist. My goodness! And she up around already. Thats amazing. Sounds like you a a very full plate right now. Hope it gets better soon!

Maria: How long is your DH gonna be gone? How nice of you to make the casserole for your DS. :) And how are you feeling? Still getting Better?

Week is going good so far keep your fingers crossed


flaggies 05-19-2003 08:18 PM

G'day all,

I was up at 4.30am :eek:this morning taking dh to the airport.
He will be in NZ till the end of June/early July.
So here I am on my own and I will thoroughly enjoy it for 5 minutes or so;) I am waiting to get the tiling done on my verandah, as soon as that is done I will also go back to NZ.
Initially I was just going to stay home this time but as we had always said that if dh was to accept this job we would always go together wherever possible so that is what we will continue to do.
I rang the tiler this morning and he hopes to be able to do it in about 2 weeks time, of course I need a definite time so I can book my flight. Hopefully I will get something definite by the end of this week.

We had a nice night with ds last night and he was thrilled with the casserole. I didn't realise but he gets very well looked after whilst his wife is away, his m-i-l also makes meals for him, not surprisingly he copes quite well when his wife is out of town!!

It has been a wild and wooly night and it is still raining now. The rain is badly needed so we cannot complain.

Glad your week is starting off well Lily


marnie3 05-20-2003 09:18 AM

Hi everyone: :wave:

Sorry to report I am still bothered by this cold. I still cannot smell or taste. The only good thing is that I don’t eat as much because I can’t taste it.

Sounds like everyone has been going through some stressful days! :rolleyes:

Maria, I would leave that friend of yours so fast. What a bum! Not even to say a thing about his wife’s meal – and then the statement to the daughter! Yikes – bordering on harassment I’d say. Your flower pics are delightful. Last night we got a terra cotta planter with geraniums, vinca vine and grasses for our front steps. Very pretty – the geraniums are almost magenta.

Karen and Lily, I may just forego an interest in becoming involved with WW eventually – too bad about the meetings, Karen. :stress:

Peggy, love your avatar. Maybe Maria can find me one with a “weight loss” theme. (Is that a large hint or what?)

My sister and her DH are coming in from Florida on Friday. In June they’ll celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary.

BTW, my moment to brag, I got my 25 lb star & magnet at WW yesterday.

I’ll check back later.

Marnie :flow2:

Lizziepie 05-20-2003 09:37 AM

Good Morning
Hi All: We too had a wild and wooly night. thunder and lightning, more than I like and even some hail. We didn't know until after we moved here that we live in the lightning center of the U.S.
Dangerous stuff.

Marnie::bravo: :cp: :balloons: Congratulations What a good feeling. It gives you encouragement to keep on going.

Maria: I know what you mean about enjoying the first couple of days by yourself. You can cook just what you like, eat when you want, stay up late or go to bed early. but it wears thin after awhile, and the bed does get empty. So enjoy your days and I hope your tile gets put in soon. :D: Love your daffodils.

Karen: so sorry about your Dad, and I'm sure you are ready for some R & R. You really have a busy schedule and that extra long drive just adds to the :stress: I hope you can take a few minutes every day for just yourself.

Hi everyone. Have a good day. :wave: Ann

painter5 05-20-2003 06:48 PM

Maria what a bore that man is. I would be crossing him off my list. I feel for his wife to have to put up with him. Love your daffodils. Are you enjoying yourself while you are alone? It is fun at first but does tend to get old after a while.
Lily you sound busy and frustrated with you work computer. Hope that things are calmer for you.
Karen how is your dad doing? You have a lot on your plate with your dad and your receptionist. It is amazing how quick they get you up and moving after a hip operation. Have you had any luck on finding a new meeting place. I am surprised that you have to do that.
Marnie my avatar is one from this site. They have all kinds to pick from. I tried to upload one from my computer but it just won't work so I used one of theirs. I can't figure out why mine won't work.
Had to go shopping for gifts for the relatives that are moving to India next week. There is a going away party for them Saturday.
All it has been doing is raining. It is getting old. Tonight it is getting cold again. It was like this last spring and then the summer was so hot and dry.
I saw in the paper the other day that peonies are the flower of choice now over roses. They are selling for $50 a bud. I could have made a mint on mine. Ann for some reason the ones that I picked to bring in don't have any ants on them. Maybe all the rain keeps washing them off.
Nothing new is happening here. Going to go watch American Idol tonight. Can't believe that they are stretching out tomorrow's finale for 3 hours.
Have some fun today,

flaggies 05-20-2003 08:11 PM

G'day all,

See you at the next thread.........


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