3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Itryharder 06-30-2011 09:32 AM

#258 Bale of Turtles Doing Great!!!!
:carrot: :welcome3: We are the Turtle Group here at www.3fatchicks.com. We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration, we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor because he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on by using the skills and techniques we have learned from experience to keep us on track. We believe in giving each other support. Good luck to us all!
(for Lin and Lauren)

bandit2 06-30-2011 12:09 PM

Hi turtles:

Beautiful day up here today & hoping for a great long weekend.

I am going to my trailer and over weekend will spend time with dd & my
cousin/her hubby and they are bringing their company who are visiting
from England. So lots of things happening over the holiday.

Pat - welcome to our wonderful group of ladies. Jump in & get to know everyone!

Princess - glad you are on track & heres hoping the scale won't be too bad tonight. But you are on track now & that is the main thing.

Judy - your recipes sound great.

Terri - Hope you also have a great Canada Day. Nice job preplanning for the holiday.

Cherry - nice to see you chiming in.

Happy Independence Day! Enjoy your holiday!

All - hope everyone has success at the scales.

See you lighter!

Itryharder 07-01-2011 07:58 AM

Hi Turtles,
Bandit, enjoy your guests this weekend. Have fun and remind them to bring fruit, not chips. LOL.

I am in a much better mood today. Stayed within my points plus allowance yesterday and lost a pound this morning. That quickly gained weight will disappear if I give it a chance to get lost! One day at a time, one pound at a time. After all I am halfway to my goal and I can do this. The fact that I've stalled over a long period of time doesn't mean anything. Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery. today is the present and that's why it's a gift.

Hey everybody----I've got a weekend of BBQ's planned. Has anybody tried Hebrew National 97% fat free hot dogs? I think they're great on a bun. The hot dog is only one point plus------I'll have two with vegetarian baked beans and feel like I'm having a nice lunch or dinner. I've got cuke salad marinating in the fridge and I'm going to make a beet salad also. I'll probably cut up some romaine lettuce, tomatoes, and onions to "beef up" my plate.

Have a great weekend. Enjoy yourselves. Keep on chiming in. We can do this. We are doing this!
234.6/197.6/180's and thinner!!!! :cool:

Princess1122 07-01-2011 10:43 AM

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! Yep, W/I was just as bad as I thought it was going to be last night but I went and got it over with, I was up 4.2 lbs - shame on me... moving on now.

I have the weekend pretty much planned out but still need to get to the store and will do that tomorrow.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend and heres to better W/I's next week for all of us!

ieduc8em 07-01-2011 12:26 PM

Hello Everyone,
It's a beautiful day here in South Georgia. Meaning that it is not quite as hot as it has been. We are looking forward to a wonderful holiday weekend.

I got a little derailed yesterday as my husband wanted to eat Mexican food last night. I did the best I could. I even walked 30 minutes on the treadmill when we got home. Does anyone have any tips on what to eat at a Mexican restaurant? I weigh in tomorrow morning, so today I am staying on the straight and narrow.

Princess....just get right back on the wagon....I think we all have seen weigh ins that are not what we want them to be. At least you went and you know it is not going to make you give up on your journey.

Itryharder...I'm so glad you mentioned those hotdogs and have tried them. I really want to find some that taste good. I'll get those for the weekend. It sounds like you have your menu all planned out. I think part of the key to losing is being prepared.

Well, everyone hope you have a great one!

Princess1122 07-02-2011 06:45 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Saturday to you all! And Happy Holiday weekend to Everyone!

I got my house cleaning and most of the laundry done last night and managed to stop at Sams club on my way home... found a bit of really good produce so was happy about that.

Question: I used my calculator last night to figure out the daily points for DH as he is wanting to start counting points. I used the points plus calculator and it said that his was 64 daily points... can that be right? Does the new plan have a maximum on the daily points and I am just missing it in my paperwork? I have looked and looked and can not find where it says that there is a maximum on the daily so I am hoping that one of you can help me with this.

Pat: I am back on the wagon and feeling good today... how about you?

All: have a wonderful day and drink lots of water and write down what you eat! September is coming.... sooner then we all want it too... LOL!

Itryharder 07-02-2011 12:12 PM

Pat, Bandit, Princess, Cherry, Life4evr, and Terri,
What a great group of gals. Here's to our continental celebrations and congrats to our Canada gals and their :hb:
Happy fourth to USA.

Yesterday was another really good day. Any day I avoid peanut butter is a very good day. LOL. Got food planned for today and have to watch any mindless eating I might be tempted to do. I'll be swimming today and that will help. Got out early to grocery shop, produce,. Dh asked me not to buy a dessert or make one-----that makes sense. Anyone here who "needs" one can buy ice cream from the ice cream truck.

Princess, the number of points plus for your husband sounds extremely high to me. I'll do some fast research and see what I find out.
Have a good one , everyone!!!!

Itryharder 07-02-2011 12:23 PM

Okay-----I didn't know I had the ability to calculate points plus. This is what I did:
I entered a male, 6' tall, 250#. The calculator came up with 38points plus.

I hope this helps.
I just tried to enter new information, but I don't have the paperwork in front of me and the setup won't change. I just think 64 is very high.

Princess1122 07-02-2011 01:23 PM

yep, I entered his information into the calculator and it came up with the 64 but was thinking that there was an over all plan daily max allowed and I could not find out were that was in the material.... also can not find it anywhere on line. Thanks for your help Judy!

ieduc8em 07-02-2011 06:27 PM

Hey Turtles,
I weighed in today and lost 1.6. I was pleased with that. I hope everyone has a great celebration. We will have our family over tonight for some shrimp and oysters. I will probably have to dip into my weekly points or activity points, but that is okay.

We can do it! Have a great celebration everyone!

Itryharder 07-02-2011 10:08 PM

Pat, :bravo: and :goodscale: weigh to go!Your weekend sounded nice.

All goes well here. I'm a few points plus over for today, but I did quite well overall.

Have a great weekend everyone.
234.6/?/180's and thinner by 9/1

Princess1122 07-03-2011 06:53 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Sunday to you all! We have had really nice weather so far... I am almost afraid to comment on it LOL - I might jynx us since we were supposed to get rain each day. We had some really loud thunder last night and about two drops of rain but that was it and today it looks like sunny skies!

Food was good yesterday, I did use some of my weekly extras but wrote everything down. We have tons of fruit and veggie to snack on and our plan in place for the rest of the holiday.

Still trying to figure the daily points for DH, I have looked on line but can not find where anything states a maximum amount.

Pat: A huge congrats to you! Great job!

Judy: Sounds like you are doing really great... I hope your weekend continues to be fabulous! A very big thank you for all of your help, I appreciate it very much!

All: Have a great day!

Princess1122 07-03-2011 07:00 AM

Hey Judy: I think I found something in that large book that they gave us - think it was week one - it was the large book that is mostly blue in color and says WW PP Getting Started on the front. Look at page 60 - so if I am reading that chart right then 64 could very well be a valid number... is that how you take it?

Itryharder 07-03-2011 08:39 AM

Hi All,
On to day 2 of the weekend. Yesterday was good, but I needed some of my extra points from the weekly allowance. I'm trying to shake that off and realize I don't need to be perfect to lose weight. I can do this.

Princess, yes. You are absolutely right. It looks like the chart allows up to 69 points plus and tells him how to portion out the points plus. Good for you. I had never heard about the limits of the new program as far as points plus and no one in our group talks about the number of points plus they are allowed. Glad you found it! I know it will be great with him back OP because it sets up the food in the household really well.

Everybody enjoy today and have fun! Let's make it another OP day. (I'm telling this to myself also)

234.6/?/180's and thinner by 9/1/11 :cool:

Princess1122 07-03-2011 10:44 AM

Judy: Thanks so much for your help! You are right, when I have a partner I do so much better so heres to hoping this helps!

Itryharder 07-03-2011 11:22 PM

Here's :cheer: and :cheers: to all of us to get through the weekend the best we can! To those of us doing fine, :bravo:. To those of us who need a little cheering on, :love: and :grouphug:.

Enjoy------yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift----that's why it's called a present.
234.6/???/180's by 9/1/11 :cool:

CherryAutumn 07-04-2011 09:17 PM

Sorry i have not been posting ladies. I have not been able to get myself on the wagon with weight watchers lately. I have decided to try another avenue and i am hoping you ladies wont mind if i continue posting on this thread even if i am not doing weight watchers.

terrod99 07-05-2011 07:12 AM

Hey all back to reality!!!!

You guys have been busy!!! Part of the charm of the lake is no computer/cellphone reception, hydro or running water which isn't so charming at times!!

Glad everyone is well, hope you all had a great weekend, weather could not have been better here, lots of swimming, 2 nights of fireworks. Wonderful weekend!

Ok so ate well, not too much, but not perfect!!! Must get back to counting, tracking have got too confident and got away from that.

Cherry you just keep at it okay? Drop in when you can and let us know how you are doing.

Short work week! Must get to it!!


Princess1122 07-05-2011 08:04 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Tuesday! Great weekend and am sad that it is over with already. Even though I used all of my extra weeklies I think I did pretty well, the scale will tell though I guess. I did not get the exercise in that I hoped so will try and do better at that.

Have a great day all!

Itryharder 07-05-2011 09:06 AM

I am encouraged to hear from so many Turtles this morning.

Cherry, we love to have you post. Several of us have switched from WW to TOPS and that's fine. WW is a style of life and if you need something else right now, you go Girl!!!!!! Find what you need to get to a healthy weight and keep on posting here. :love:

Terri, Glad you had such a wonderful weekend. I love fireworks---glad you had the chance to enjoy yourself.

Princess, good for you for counting and using extra weeklies----when you do that you feel like you're in control----a good place to be. You're sounding strong to me.

Pat and Bandit and Life4evr, how are you doing?

I had a good weekend, but by the fourth I was exhausted and took a rest from my busy life. I stayed home, ate what I wanted, and rested. I actually took a nap in the late afternoon and felt much better.

Today will be good. My dh is trying very hard and that always helps. We had been going out to eat too often and that packs on the pounds no matter how careful I am with selections.

We are great. :cheer: :cheers: :chef: :bravo: :strong: :tread:
234.6/????/180's by 9/1

bandit2 07-05-2011 12:19 PM

Hello, turtles:

Pat - nice job on your weigh in, great news!

Princess - nice to hear your dh is joining you with ww, that will be a big
help and heres to this week being better.

Judy - nice you got in some swimming, I love the water also.

Terri - I also don't have computer at my trailer, but have all the other
comforts of home. We also did fireworks in Port & they were awesome.

I was down 1# Thurs at my weigh in & tried to behave over the weekend.
It is hard when you have lots of company & there are so many treats available. So hopefully didn't do too much damage.

All - glad everyone enjoyed their holiday, now lets all get back to it!

life4evr 07-05-2011 12:47 PM

Hope everyone is well. I am kind of not really doing anything with any consistency so that is bad. I don't know. Just trying to figure things out. I will pop back in again when I can.

Itryharder 07-05-2011 08:43 PM

Bandit, :goodscale: and congrats on being 1# down. Whatever you're doing is working. :bravo: :dancer: :dance: :carrot: :tread: Good for you. The weekend was tough and I could have done better. Am hoping for a decent WI tomorrow.

Life4evr, chime in when you can. Don't beat yourself up. Get as close to a good routine as you can and make this your healthy lifestyle. We all get scattered from time to time. I'm sending you :goodvibes: to make this work. We're all pulling for you!
234.6/?????/180's by sept.

terrod99 07-06-2011 07:12 AM

Hey All

I also find summer very challenging, we just live a whole different lifestyle the work routine that I find very comforting is gone. The weeks are usually shorter we go to the lake on the weekend, I always plan on still going to the Y, but I always stop not enough time.

So I am sure that we are still using some of the skills we have learned, we have talked about this many times. We are drinking more water, eating more veggies, parking further away, some of these things have stuck. We must remember as Judy says it is lifestyle, and we must live, we will not be perfect. If we overeat on the weekend then we must be good during the week. So Judy is right lets stop beating ourselves up!!!! Praise ourselves for the good things and let the imperfections go....

You guys are all great, I am so glad to have stumbled upon this site!!!


Princess1122 07-06-2011 07:53 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Wednesday to you all! Things are chugging along for me here eating has been pretty good so far, exercise I still need to work on but will get there. Was going to take the dogs to the park last night for a quick walk but I was just too tired, I did mow the yard and work in the garden and till I got done throwing something together for supper I was tired and went to bed.

I have my ultrasound and doctors visit tomorrow, they told me to be prepared for them to take a biopsy also if they don't like what they see on the ultra sound - they say that can lead to some pretty bad cramping so I may or may not make it to TOPS for W/I tomorrow evening, I told them that I would most likely not be there just incase so someone else is prepared to take notes, etc. I am eager to get things moving the right direction so am looking forward to getting this part over and done with quickly.

I totally agree with Terri and Judy... I am giving it my very best every day and not beating myself up about it when I don't do as well as I had hoped... life is just too short to put so much pressure on ourselves...

Congrats to Bandit on her loss, that is fabulous!

Have a great day all, enjoy the warm weather while we can and do your best.

Itryharder 07-06-2011 01:36 PM

Princess, good luck tomorrow with your ultrasound,etc. You need to know what's going on. :bravo: and :carrot: on your good food choices----and honestly, gardening and mowing the lawn in this weather counts for something as far as exercise.

I had 5 good eating days last week. Unfortunately the next two days were not good. Got into a funk about something I can't do anything about and ate over it. Now I'm working on getting my priorities straight. Me first, husband second, everyone else------I love them all, but they'll have to get in line. I can't believe I typed it, but I mean it. To survive and live a healthy life I need to get this extra weight off. I've lost a nice amount of weight, but I need to lose about the same amount again and I can do this.

Okay=-===congrats to Bandit again for such a nice loss.

Hi to Life4evr, Pat, Terri and Cherry------we'll keep on :cheer: for each other.
234.6/198.2/180's by sept. 1 :cool:
small setback this week, I'm aiming for 1# down next week. :cool:

bandit2 07-06-2011 03:40 PM

Hi turtles:

Really hot up here, but I like the heat so not complaining.

Princess - good luck tomorrow, glad you are heading in direction of getting
things looked after healthwise.

Terri - I know what you mean about summer being challenging. I also get out of my regular eating/exercise routine and my good intentions are easily derailed.

Judy - you've got the right idea, you have to look after yourself first or you will be in no position to help others. So you do what you need to and everything will work out.

I think my plan of action for the summer is going to be to really be strict
during the week and not get all stressed out on the weekend. Our summers
are so short you just have to enjoy the heat & company when you can.

THink we are all doing a good on this journey, so lets just keep at it and
enjoy ourselves & just try and make some good choices as well. There is no way I am gaining back what I have lost & I will keep reminding myself of that.

Good luck at the scales!

terrod99 07-07-2011 07:15 AM

All- Keep at it! Life is full of challenges this one we can overcome! We do have to think of ourselves first!
Bandit your plan sounds good!
Judy 5 good days is great!!! forget the bad ones!!
Princess check with an update after your appt. Take some Advil/Tylenol before just in case they do a biopsy.
Life/Pat/Cherry check in when you can

Great weather weekend ahead, going to be out in the sunshine enjoying! Hope you all do the same.


Princess1122 07-07-2011 08:04 AM

Good morning everyone and a very happy hot summer Thursday it is here in Indiana... loving this hot and fairly dry weather! Eating has been pretty good and little bits of exercise here and there - took the dogs to the park last night for a quick once around which is not very far at all but it was so hot that it was about all the oldest dog could handle... and DH too... LOL. He hates the hot weather and I am like a sponge soaking it up!

Totally agree with the overall game plan for all of us... I am exactly the same, during the work week I do pretty well, come the weekends - not so good but will keep at it.

Bandit: Good luck tonight at your W/I! Enjoy the summer while you have it... yours are even way shorter than ours so have a good time while you can but I understand about not regaining... I did and it stinks!

Judy: Hang in there, you are doing great just need to take care of yourself for a change and you will be back at it in no time at all! Stress and emotional stuff gets us every time... ugh!

Terri: Thanks for the tip and I will take some before I head in there today! Will be glad to get it over with. Any plans for the upcoming weekend?

Life: How are you doing? Hang in there and post when you can!

Cherry: How are you doing?

Have a great day all!

bandit2 07-08-2011 08:48 AM


Sound like you are all doing great, which is nice to hear.

I "turtled" at my meeting and was thankful not to be up especially after a
holiday weekend. Weather is super and am loving the sunshine.
Having lunch with my gf today then heading up to trailer for weekend.

All - have a great weekend and lets all be "losers" at the scales

Itryharder 07-08-2011 09:06 AM

Hi Turtles,
Yes! The one time in life when it's great to be a "loser" is at the scale. Great idea, Bandit.

Yesterday was another very good day for eating. I stayed OP and that makes me feel good. My dh and I had a very good day together. We both had projects that we had decided to get to and spent a compatible day together/in the same house LOL/getting our individual things done. (I sewed pockets on 8 Christmas aprons I had made earlier in the winter. I'll have these ready to give to my kids and grandkids for this Christmas) Believe it or not, it took me almost three hours to get the project done from start to finish. Well, at the end of a very satisfactory day he and I both had an urge to order pizza from our local pizzeria. We thought about it, and then decided to eat something more figure friendly. I had Shiritaki noodles with spaghetti sauce and a piece of grilled chicken on top. Not exactly as yummy as pizza, but it was good and I got full. I'm also giving myself the space to have a T. peanut butter every day. As long as I count it in, it should work.

Oh, too much about me.
Princess, hope the tests were revealing and you hear from your doctor soon.:goodvibes:
Bandit, have a great weekend at the lake\ :swim:
Terri, will you be at the lake too? :beach:
Life4evr, I see 16# down and less than 100# to go on your tracker. You've done great so far. The next pounds will go too. :goodscale:
Cherry, wishing you luck with your new eating plan :chef:
Pat, how are things going? Love your enthusiasm. :cheer:

Gotta run and get some things done. We'll have grandson with us today and he's a lot of fun.
234.6/198.2/180's and thinner by 9/1/11 :cool:

Princess1122 07-08-2011 12:50 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone.

Another pretty day here! I did not go to my meeting or W/I last night even though I think I am down a bit... I was at the doctors office for over three hours for the ultra sound (which showed nothing) then my visit with the doctor, she did a biopsy and then sent me for a bunch of blood work - she thinks a very low dose birthcontrol pill might do me some good but we are going to wait until the test results come back - I don't really like the other options, this one I am not crazy about but it is the least invasive so will try it first and the hormones in the pill may help with other things... will have to see.

Any way, I was wiped out till I got home - sore, tired, and very crampy - so I did a few things and had a sandwich for super and went to bed early.

I have to run but will check back in later on.

Congrats to Judy on getting her project done, I know you have been wanting to do that one for a while now!

Congrats to Bandit on her Turtle!

Congrats to everyone - we made it to another weekend :D:carrot: Have a great one all!

Itryharder 07-08-2011 01:15 PM

Princess, so glad you got the tests done. Good luck with the medication,etc. It should make you feel much better.

Yes, it feels good to have that project done. My next project is to take the book I wrote two Novembers ago, read through it, and see if I can make it make sense. If I can, my kids all want to read it, so I'll show it to them then. My dh read it as I wrote it and was a lot of help. So funny----I never expected to be able to write a book and by using NaNoWriMo and its daily reminders through November, I actually did it. It's amazing what you can do once you put your mind to it. I have made losing weight my top priority and I'm doing the best I can!
Love to all,
Have a great weekend!

Princess1122 07-09-2011 07:57 AM

Good morning all and happy Saturday to you all... we are having beautiful day here! Getting ready to head out to meet my DIL for a cycling class but wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing.

When I got home from work yesterday there was a message from the doctors office, my test results were back, everything was in range and considered normal... and I am not in Menopause... What the heck?!??!?! I just don't understand... if I am getting my period every two weeks, getting headaches, extremely tired, etc etc etc but everything is normal and i am fine... which I am grateful for, don't get me wrong but for my body to be so off kilter it just does not seem right...

Soooo, this is my plan... get moving (it sure can't hurt) get this weight off (needs to be done anyway) really watch what I am eating (eat for my overall health and not just low points) and see if I can not get to feeling better by myself... Don't know what else to do but it seems like none of it can hurt at this point but doing nothing and staying the same is not working for me...

Judy: That is so awesome that you wrote a book! How very cool! I'll bet it is fabulous!

Did an unofficial W/I this morning and the scale is down... that is a wonderful thing!

Have to run!

Itryharder 07-09-2011 10:47 AM

Hi Turtles and a very good day to you all! :goodvibes:

Princess, weigh to go :goodscale: on your weight loss. Keep up the good work! Your results from the doctor's tests are puzzling. I, too, am thrilled that you are fine! Now why are you doing such wacky things? Your plan of action is good because weighing less in itself can help to lighten your TOM. That would be welcome relief. You've got us all pulling for you! :grouphug: I am very glad you got to the doctor and you're fine. Did she/he give you any suggestions on how to get through your symptoms? Here's to a great spin class. I bet you're so happy to have a dil nearby. Yay!

Have fun at the lake----my happy Canadians
Everybody in the south USA, get that A/C cranking! Like you need to be told.
Let's all have a lovely weekend.
Best of luck and happiness to us all. :chef: :swim: :beach:
It looks like I have lost a pound. I wanted it to be more, but I've got a lot of the week to get through yet and 1 pound/week =10# down by the end of the summer.

Princess1122 07-10-2011 07:44 AM

Good morning everyone and happy Sunday to you all! Another beautiful and hot day here but the sun is shining and I am not complaining! Lots of errands and stuff to get done today so will get moving and I think I will head to the gym for a swim this morning... feeling very pinchy in my back and neck again so I think a few laps will help to loosen me up and get some exercise in also...

DH and I went to a local baseball game last night... I found a stand that veggie kabob's so I had one of those and and some peanuts with a diet pepsi so all in all I think I did really well.

Judy: Great job on the check in on the scale! If you keep at it you should do well come Wednesday! Totally agree with you about the doctors visit outcome... totally baffled and again a bit mad at myself since the hospital bills will come no matter what they find out on the tests LOL, but it was worth it just to know that nothing major is wrong and I agree with you 100 % - obviously there is nothing wrong with me that losing weight and getting my butt moving wont fix! She wants to put me on a low dose birth control pill to regulate my period but now I am wondering if I should even do that or just wait and see what the weight loss brings... no sure yet.

All: Have a great weekend and drink lots of water!

Itryharder 07-10-2011 09:43 AM

Hi TUrtles,
Princess, your plan sounds good. I'm wishing you :goodvibes: Smart move to get :swim: to loosen up your back and neck.

We'll be swimming here today because it is hot. The kids are coming over and it'll be fun. There will be at least one BBQ, but I have ff hot dogs and very lean burgers in the freezer so I'll be fine. Luckily all my family members are watching what they eat, so no one will be bringing an cake or dessert. We'll do with fresh fruit and watermelon.

Gotta run_have a great day all!
234.6/198.2/180's and thinner by 9/1/11 :cool:

CherryAutumn 07-10-2011 05:45 PM

Princess and Judy - Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Looks like you are both doing great.

Princess- So glad that your test results were ok. I know it can be frustrating when doctors cant find anything.

Well I am on day 5 of my new program. On Wed. i will have my official loss for the week. From sneak peeks i can see that i am losing a lot of water weight. I dont want to lose weight to fast but i think the first few weeks or atleast the first one will be big losses.

Itryharder 07-10-2011 08:20 PM

WEigh to go, Cherry!

terrod99 07-11-2011 07:12 AM

Hey Turtles another great weekend! Fun, sunshine, swimming and enjoying good company!

Did fairly well food wise!!! Sounds like you all are doing well, lots of positive posts!

Cherry good to hear from you!
Judy we have the AC cranked here too! 36 celcius today with the humidex!
Princess I tried the birth control (several varieties) no sucess, exercise weight loss will probably help great plan.
Life keep at it we can and we will do this together !!!
Bandit hope you had a great weekend at the trailer!
All lets have a good week I am sure with this weather we will sweat a few pounds off!!!


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