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slavika 05-13-2002 11:45 PM

I found a web site on humming birds and found out a couple of things I didn't know. They said not to put the hanger (with the syrup in it ) in full sun if you can help it. They also mentioned that the glass ones (like mine) will not attract the ants because they will have a hard time climbing the glassy surface. The web site also said that feeders with some part of it in "red" will attract the birds. Mine doesn't have any red, but it said you could put red food colouring in the water/sugar mixture. Ann you are right, in the bottom of my box that the feeder came in was a recipe for the syrup. It's one part sugar to 4 parts of water. You must boil the water and stir in the sugar. Cool the mixture and fill the feeder. It said you must not use "honey", that it is harmful to the little birdies. Maria the kinds of birds you are talking about we certainly do not get here. I will try and plant some extra flowers, and maybe between them and the feeder I will get the little birds. I have a little squirrel visting again. I had quit putting seed and peanuts out for a few days because I was getting this HUGE ugly crow, and when he's around nothing else is. I hope he went someplace else now. :) Trudy I loved your name. It was much more colourful then mine. Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow for Tea Time.
Night all.:sheep:

survivor 05-14-2002 09:44 AM

From "Belladonna Chubb",

Can you believe it? Even my hobbit name says I am chubby! How did they know?

Just wanted to report about my meeting with my cyber friend. We found their motor home park and Lorna came out to see me. It is a weird feeling to know so much about somebody you just almost would not recognize. We met her husband and dog and admired this very nice motor home. Leon was surprised that we knew so much about each other, but he and Walt got along well. Took them out to eat, drove around admiring the old restored homes and visited about families. Just a really nice visit. Would be so nice to meet some of you like this. If we ever take a trip, let's think about who we might meet.

Anyway, today I am a little tired. Seems we have just been going for days.

slavika 05-14-2002 01:11 PM

Hi Glenda or should I say Belladonna :D
That's nice that your visit went well with your cyberfriend. We (meaning all of us on this board) probably know a great deal about each other too. :) I have a school friend who does not live in the same province as I do any more. Before computers, we would write a little bit to each other, in Christmas cards and that would be it. We both have computers now and "write" a little more but I still feel like I don't really know her as an "adult". On this board because we have discussed so many issues, from our kids, grand kids, DH's, holidays, even shaving our legs, you sort of get "feel" about that person. Because we have all stuck together on this board for so long, obviously we like each other and get along, and I know we would in the "real world" too. :)
Karen I went to the market this morning and bought more strawberries and made the Cream-Filled Strawberry recipe for tea time today. The funny thing is Karen, is that I get that magazine too, but likely would not have tried the recipe had you not mentioned it. :dizzy: I'm glad you did. :)

Karen L 05-14-2002 01:36 PM

Slavika- I know those strawberries are to die for. Today I'm testing out a Cinnamon Bun recipe made with frozen bread dough and apple sauce. I'm feeling very domestic.:lol:

LilyG 05-14-2002 02:51 PM

Slavika: The Humming bird feeder sounds lovely! Put it out they will come. Might take a few weeks but they will be there once they find it. Then they will bug you yearly when its not out there waiting for them.
Love to watch Hummy bees!!! I always make a big batch and refrigerate the left over as it goes fast. Have to fill it weekly. I see you got the recipe. :)

Glenda, Glad the meeting with your cyber friend went well. SOunds like you had a good time!

Trudy: You got a good Hobbit name! Sounds like a busy week for you. Have fun celebrating!

Karen: Im the same as slavika, I think I bypassed that recipe as it looked like to much work. But Im diffently gonna try it. Sounds good, and the strawberries here now are to die for. Yummmmm..

Best get back to work. ALAS.......

flaggies 05-14-2002 06:54 PM

Good morning all,

It almost is cold here and I am wearing a long sleeved shirt :D People at work think I am crazy and think it is cold at the moment, a maximum forecast of 19 degrees I don't think is cold.

Glenda How nice that the meeting went well, I agree with Slavika that even 'talking' the way we do, you get a bit of an idea and I also feel that we probably all would get on very well in the 'real' world.

I had a call from a friend the other night and he was asking how we were etc. I told him that at times life is not that great living the way we are but that the most consistent part of my life is my 'cyber friends' and I really enjoy my 'visit' every day and see what everyone has been up to. He just thinks that is the most ridiculous thing and said why don't you pick up the phone and talk to 'real' people :dizzy: I am glad dh doesn't think like that and he is just as keen to meet some or all of you when we get to America and Canada one day.
This friends wife has CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) she has had it for 15 years. I told him it would be wonderful for her to hook up with a support group and at least this way she only has to talk if she feels up to it. He is a nice person and it is nice for him to keep in touch but boy when it comes to computers and the internet he is sooooo set in his ways.

On my way, see ya all

slavika 05-14-2002 06:58 PM

..one more thing

I thought I would mention one more thing about the strawberries. It wasn't until today at tea time, and we were talking about the recipe, that I "really" looked at the picture and realized, I had cut the X in "my" strawberries in the wrong end of the berries. The recipe says, "the top", and that is the end where the green stem is. I thought the other end was the top. :?: Now I know why I had so much filling left over. :D. I also put more milk into the pudding then the 1 cup the recipe called for. :)

painter5 05-15-2002 06:36 PM

Zelda Bramble of Willowbottom reporting in
You all have cuter names than me. I tried playing around with different variations of my name and when I put Margaret in it was Autumn Bramble of Willowbottom. But since I hardly ever use that I will have stay with Zelda. We were out of town for 2 days and you all sure were chatty. Now I have to try those strawberries but I will be sure to cut the large end. Slavika your hummingbird feeder sounds so nice. I am going to try a new one this year. My other one broke. Glenda how fun to meet your cyber friend. I would love to see Guthrie. I love towns like that. I have to put that on my list of places to visit. Maria thanks for posting those sites. I haven't had a chance to check them out yet. We went on one of those casino trips with the retired police and firemen. We won a little and it was fun but there is so much smoke in those places. I could hardly breathe. Hi to all, see you all later,

flaggies 05-15-2002 06:51 PM

G'day all,

Not much news from this end of the world other than we have had quite a bit of rain which is going to make our 4x4 wheel driving learning adventure a bit of a 'sloshy' afair:dizzy:

Peggy I used to be a very heavy smoker until I gave up some 16 years ago, I find it difficult to understand how non-smokers in those days, put up with everyone puffing away in the workplace, restaurants etc.
Last week the International Congress of Cardiologist was held in Darling Harbour (where I stay). It was easy to pick them as they all had 'placards' in the form of name tage etc. around their necks. ;) I couldn't help but notice some very obese men who also happen to be puffing away outside the convention centre. One night after work 2 ladies from this convention were in my lift, I asked them about these obese, smoking participants in their congress. They said the Americans and Australians don't smoke but the European surgeons do. She said she asked an Italian surgeon why and he just said 'life is for living and he enjoys his food and his cigarettes'. It is hard to believe that coming from a cardiologist who MUST be aware of the problems smoking and excess weight causes the heart!

On that note I wish you all a great day/night!

Lizziepie 05-15-2002 10:02 PM

Orange Blossom Boffin reporting
Hi everyone: Another sunny day, but today the temperature is a bit more comfortable. It rained all around us, but not here:(

I love all these neat names. Thanks so much for putting us onto the site. Just good fun.

We had a great time tonight. Our church has a School k-8 and tonight they did their closing program. A musical entitled IN GOD WE TRUST. It was great. so many cute little kids, and the star was an eighth grader in an American Eagle costume. He told the story of our history, in response to people who wanted to take "In God We Trust" off our currency. Just a fun night. Guess it must be all the fun times I had with children when I was teaching, that makes something like this bring tears.
We went from the Pilgrims to present times, and the kids were really cute and into the music.

Slavike: Know you will love the humming birds. They are unique.
Haven't tried the berries yet, but will remember which end is up:D:

Glenda: How nice you could meet your cyber friend. I think we would all have a ball together if we could make some sort of meeting.

Peggy: Zelda sounds rather glamorous. Much better than autumn Bramble.

Maria: Hope your driving experience was good, and not too sloshy.

Karen; Thanks for checking about the fruit points. Just seemed strange to me.

See you tomorrow. :wave: Ann

survivor 05-16-2002 09:57 AM

Belladonna Chubb reporting:

You know I used to smoke a pack a day until 1 year and 3 weeks ago. I have since turned into one of "those" who see somebody smoking and want to lecture them. Our public places here are gradually turning into no smoking places and the pressure is on the smokers. We have a student worker who two years ago went to Spain and said that everybody smokes and everywhere and all the time. Can you imagine? In my non-smoking counseling the lady said that if you are planning to go to Europe you better wait until you are more sure of yourself.

I have had an epiphany. After all these years of hearing "drink plenty of water", I am going to put it in action. I have always been such a great chug-a-luger of Diet Coke. I will try the water this week and see if it makes a difference in my non-existent losses.

Beautiful day here. Have a great one wherever you are in this beautiful world.

LilyG 05-16-2002 11:35 AM

Slavika: To funny! Now you need to go buy some more strawberries to use up your left over stuff :)

Peggy: Sounds like you had fun! I hear you on the smoking. It really bothers me when Im in places like that. Dont know people put up with it.

Ann: That program sounded darling. Love to see little kids perform they are so cute.

Glenda: Bet the water does work for you. I know it always did for me. Wow! Doesnt seem like a year on your quitting! Congrats to you! Thats super!

Maria: Be careful in that rain! But have fun!

Later gators!

painter5 05-16-2002 03:19 PM

Hey Glenda, Bottoms up....
I bet that does make a difference with losing. Diet Coke has sodium in it and makes you retain water so keep drinking, drinking, drinking till you float. Put a little tiny bit of Crystal Light in it to flavor it. I do that all the time. Have to run,

flaggies 05-16-2002 06:47 PM

G'day all,

The last day of the week for me :) Last night as I was about to leave work, I looked out the window and the most horrendous thunderstorm was approaching the city. It was quite ery to see it come in so fast. I watch the lightening etc. from work for a little while and then headed off for home with my huge umbrella. It just bucketed down the whole walk home, I must say I quite enjoyed it, came home had a nice warm shower and felt quite envigorated by the walk in the rain:)

Tomorrow we are off on our 4x4 wheel drive course. Camera is at the ready so I will be taking lots of photos, hope of not too many tight spots that we may get ourselves into:D

Glenda here in Australia there are very few places you can smoke, the smokers congregate outside office buildings having their 'fix'. We even have football stadiums (open air ones) where smoking is banned. After all this time I still feel quit smug :smug: that I don't smoke anymore. Good luck with the water!
By the way it doesn't seem that it is already one year ago that you gave up smoking, good for you.

I just also have to say that 'Zelda' reminds me of Dobie Gillies' girlfriend, now that ages me a bit:D

'See' ya on Monday as a 4x4 wheel drive expert, well sort of :D

Lizziepie 05-16-2002 10:36 PM

Orange Blossom Boffin here
Much cooler today and that is good.

Slavika: I am doing the bathroom decorating bit now. Not as extensive as you did, but decisions to make. My dh just goes along with whatever I do. So I painted the ceiling today, two coats, painted the cabinets a lighter shade( sort of an ivory) as all of our fixtures are an almond color. Since we have some teal in our flooring, i've chosen a very light shade of teal for the walls. Then I will choose a great border to set it off. After that comes the new shower curtain, and some new towels, and then I will do the master bath. I'm tired tonight. Painting the ceiling is not so good for the neck.:D:.

Glenda: It dosn't seem possible that it has been a year since you became a member of the smoke free group. That is great. My dh is a reformed smoker, and he says there is nothing worse than being in a place where people are smoking. I agree. We still have some restaurants that have smoking areas, and it still creeps into the rest of the place. So we try to find the no-smoking places.

Maria: Have a great trek with your 4x4.

Peggy: The Crystal light sounds like a good idea to dress up plain water. I also drink flavored seltzer. There is no sodium in that. But I just drink lots of water. My dh says I'm a cheap date, cince I always only order water when we go out.

Hi to all. See you tomorrow. :wave: Ann

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