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Itryharder 07-30-2008 07:04 PM

#203 Bale of Turtles Doing Fine!
:carrot: :welcome3: We are the Turtles Group here at www.3fatchicks.com. We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor because he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on even when the odds are against us. We believe in giving each other support. Good luck to us all!
(for Lin and Lauren)

Itryharder 07-30-2008 07:05 PM

Hi Turtles,
I went to my WW WI this morning and lost 1.4# It sounds like a lot of us are on a roll and losing weight again. I aim to keep this going and knock off this weight. I rely on you all for support and try to give support back. You all take care, feel well, and keep on keepin' on.

CherryAutumn 07-31-2008 10:18 AM

Ok official weigh in from home is 1.2 pounds i think. So not as good as it was but still a decent loss since i have mainly been gaining the past month or so.

Judy- Congrats on the 1.4 pounds down! You have always given great support to everyone. Thanks for the fresh start on posting.

Hi to all the other turtles!

bandit2 07-31-2008 03:15 PM

Congrats Judy & Cherry on your losses! Right direction - keep it going!

I am feeling better & looking forward to long weekend even though they are calling for more rain Sat/Sun - cannot believe how often it has rained on weekends this summer.

My gf came for dinner last night & she brought flank steak she had cooked & we made fajitas & they were very good.

I was away last weekend & probably overate, but have been OP since but feel like I have not lost any weightthis week. I am hoping to not be up at w/i this week. Find it frustrating when the scale goes up when I falter abit.

Anyway, hope you are all doing well.

chrily 08-01-2008 01:48 AM

Once again, i got sidetracked from you gals. Things are going okay here. Thanks for the suggestions about the quick start guide and checking out the CORE boards. I think I'll do that tomorrow.

Lauren, I know you asked several days ago but I'll answer now...nope its not my kitty. Although I do have a tiger stripe like that, and a white and orange kitty, a long-haired gray old "grandma" kitty and our newest addition is a cute little black and white terror on four legs. Add that to the two dogs (a mini weiner dog and a cockapoo) and you have chaos. Ahhh...they are all good though.

Well Tiana got a letter from her dad and she read it and she cried. I told her he's been trying for several months to figure out a way to tell her that he was having problems at work, and home with his wife, and with alcohol again. I think he was afraid he would disappoint her. I hope he does get the help he needs. He does realize he has some a problem so that is a start. Tiana wrote him back and she read that to me and I am so proud of her. She was afraid to make him mad but she wrote it anyhow...She told him she was scared and worried about him and he does have some tough choices to make. She told him to think about the fact that it could have been her that he hit while drinking and driving and to really think about what could have truely happened to him. He was darn lucky he didn't kill someone. She traced her hand on the letter and told him her hand would always be there for him to hold and she was praying for him to get better and that she loved him. She is such a sweet girl. I know this is hard for her, but she's growing up and not my baby anymore. :(

Tomorrow, since i am home, I am going to clear off my treadmill and find my walking dvd's and get this together. It is funny, I was talking to my daughter's dance teachers mother about one of the girls in the class who is having a hard time with the steps because she is overweight. Nancy flat out told me what she thought and it seemed harsh but true....if the girl wants to be good at dancing she needs to lose weight for energy and flexibility and it won't happen until she wants it bad enough. I was thinking of myself when she said that. If I want to be lighter and healthier....I NEED TO WANT IT BAD ENOUGH! I saw my face in a mirror today at a fast food restaurant and it was so round and I was so horrified. I want to change so bad....Hope you all understand. Well off to bed with me. I have to get up super early to drive my husband down to pick up his sister's truck from the repair shop. Love you ladies!

Itryharder 08-01-2008 11:32 AM

Cherry, congrats on the :goodscale: Yay and :bravo: I love it when the scale goes in the right direction.

Bandit, I hope your scale looks good today. Yes, going off the planand gaining the same 2-3# isn't fun at all, but I know we can do this. I'm back to recording foods in my electronic journal online w/WW and it helps me keep on track.

Chrily, You've got a lot to sidetrack you right now.l I'm sending you :goodvibes: to get through these times and do the best you can with food and exercise.

Princess, sending :goodvibes: for a good week!

Lauren, how's your visit going? What did you do for food? I'd love to hear some ideas.

I just found a new recipe for slushy summer drinks on Hungry Girl online. I also made a cole slaw with apple and raisin and cole slaw mix that is a good staple for me for the hotter weather. It's my summer "go to" much like the veggie soup we use all winter. I'm feeling upbeat right now. I had an MRI and a sonogram because my doc was concerned about my upper chest (well, you know what I mean). In any case all results are in and I'm fine and that's a load off my chest--literally! So I feel I can work this program, get off the weight I've put on, and go on to onederland with joy in my heart.

Sending you all :hugs: and :grouphug: to keep on keepin' on. We're strong women who can accomplish all we dream.
Judy :cool:
234.6/218.8/thinner into onederland :cool:

chrily 08-01-2008 12:16 PM

Well Judy, I would like to stay and chat but I'm flipping over to hungry girl and checkin out the slushy drinks. I am so tired of drinking diet soda...those sound absolutely yummy and most important-- ICE COLD! Love it.

Well today I am starting the day off with Cheerios and some milk. This is something I will have to change also. I am never too hungry in the am but this one doctor says if you wait til later in the morning to eat something, you are already putting your body into starvation mode where it holds onto what it can. He says even if you just eat something small around 7 or 8 works. I'm a waiter....

Well talk to you in a little bit. Gotta get something in my tummy and take my medicine. TTFN!


LaurenH 08-01-2008 02:28 PM

Congratulations on those losses, ladies -- way to go! You're on a roll! :carrot:

Chrily, that's tough for your daughter. {{HUGS}} to her (and to you).

Yes, mom and brother are still with us, leaving next week. It's wonderful to have them around; I wish they lived closer. Judy, as for food ... I'm still doing my own thing. For them, we're grilling chicken (lots at one time, then eating cold leftovers) and hamburgers, having seasonable fruit and veggies (corn on the cob, tomatoes), etc. We had fish one night. Tonight it's whole wheat spaghetti. All basic meals, easy to prepare; fresh food.

I want to check out those slushies!

I hit my 30-pound mark this week (30 pounds since restarting in the spring; 63 pounds since my highest point). That feels good. I also went down an underwear size! There's a non-scale victory if ever there was one. Nobody knows but me, but it sure feels nice. :D

Have a lovely weekend, turtle ones.

Itryharder 08-01-2008 03:46 PM

Oh Turtles, you are the best! Check out those slushy drinks and remember my faux Margarita: 1 can diet Sprite, 2 cups crushed ice, 1 Splenda or WW lemon individual packet, and the juice of 1/2 lime--blend and it's a freebie!
Add 1 shot of Tequila and it's 2 points and makes a lot!!!! :chef:

Lauren, thanks for all the food reminders--that's a way to keep your guests happy. A special weigh to go to you for reaching so many pounds down even while you have family visiting . :goodscale: :bravo: :dance: You've got me laughing about smaller sized undies--what a hoot!

Chrily, I've heard what your doc had to say many times, so I feel it's valid.
Starting with a small breakfast is better, much better, than no breakfast. Weigh to go to listening and changing your habits. :woo:

Okay everybody, let's devote ourselves to a good weekend. If it gets shaky, post here and someone is bound to see the call for help and answer with some support. Sometimes that's all it takes!

My dh and I wanted lunch out and we were trying to think of something not fattening, but a place to sit. We remembered Applebee's and I had a small but yummy steak and broccoli and steamed potatoes for nine points. I can fit those points in my day and it's fine. Now I'm going to post my points so I keep right on track. Can I say that it feels good when I'm OP?

chrily 08-03-2008 10:19 PM

Okay Judy, your mock marguerita sounds really good. I'd love to have one with some tequila in it, but my meds do not permit drinking. Darn it!

Today hasn't been to bad per se. I did do a little extra eating I think. I got up late and didn't get a chance to eat before we went to church. It was halfway embarrassing sitting there and my stomach was super loud. But we opened our new church addition today so they had treats from Schwan's on hand. I DID NOT eat any ice cream, I had a strawberry fruit bar. YUM!

I took me a little siesta this afternoon too. I have just been so tired lately. Of course TOM is due in a week so that's the fatigue thing for me. Well I'm going to check out what's going on at pogo.com and then be back later or tomorrow sometime. Talk to you all soon.


Princess1122 08-04-2008 08:27 AM

Morning all and happy Monday to everyone! The weekend was busy but I did go to W/I... it was sooo bad that I don't even want to tell you the numbers... all of the off plan eating that I had done previously caught up to me quick! I am on plan though and feeling pretty good...

I have to run but will check back later and get caught up with everyone's posts!


Itryharder 08-04-2008 11:41 AM

Hi Turtles,
Princess, glad you're back on track. Those pounds will come off and you'll be feeling even better.

I had a good weekend even with a surprise visit from the "kids" on Sunday.
We had a spur of the moment BBQ and luckily I had stuff for salad and the grill in the house. I asked the kids not to bring a dessert and that worked out well. We had a lot of fun and it's always good to see them.

Today I think may be a lazy catch up day. I did a lot yesterday--mowed all the lawn and played with my dgrandson for a looooong time and he's a bundle of energy!

Okay,l gotta run./ :goodvibes: to us all.

bandit2 08-04-2008 09:08 PM

Hi turtles:

Was a nice long weekend up here & overall the weather was great. I went to my trailer for most of it & had some company yesterday - my nephew & his gf & their 2 kids came up & that was nice to spend some time with them.

I stayed same at my w/i so was alittle disappointed not dropping anything, but glad at same time not to have a gain. So this weeks focus is to get in some walks, swims & stay OP with my eating.

My dd is away to Montreal for a couple of days then goes to Dominican on Friday for a week, so haven't seen much of her lately. So, this week on my own for meal planning - so no excuses!

Hope everyone is doing well & have a great OP week.,

Itryharder 08-05-2008 11:04 AM

Hi Turtles,
Bandit, I know that when you expect to lose weight and don't, and if you keep OP, the next week's WI is a very good one. :goodvibes: to stay on track and step up the :tread: and :strong:

I'm doing well. I think using the computer to track all my points is a huge help. I can't "fudge" with my points when I do this journaling. I did step on the scale and it is budging downward, so I have high hopes for Wednesday's WI. I'm off to baby sit my grandson at my dd's house tonight, so I have to plan carefully and bring my own food. He doesn't eat well, so they have lots of high caloric foods around for him and they are hard to resist. I really want to see another nice loss at the scale because in a couple of pounds, I'll be the lowest I've been since December.

Take care and have a good day. :bravo: for getting through the summer heat.

Princess1122 08-05-2008 11:49 AM

Morning all and happy Tuesday! Back on track and feeling pretty good. DH and I went for a little walk last night and that was really nice. Not sure what the scale is doing since I am afraid to get on it again... LOL.

Hope all is well with everyone!

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