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bandit2 08-12-2008 01:52 PM

Hi turtles:

Princess - congrats on your weight loss, fabulous!

Judy - sounds like you have been a busy gal - good luck tomorrow at your weigh in.

I have been good the last couple of days & have gone for some walks as well.
Did my 20 min walk at lunch & was nice to get away from the office for awhile. Was sunny for a change which changed back to rain again last night.

Judy - I made your veggie pie AGAIN and had some for lunch & will have another piece tonight with chicken (my gf coming tonight - she made chicken & 3 bean salad) And, of course, a bottle of wine. You are probably tired of me talking about this recipe but I LOVE IT!! Everyone should make this - it is so good & easy.

Have a great OP day.

Itryharder 08-12-2008 04:00 PM

Hi Turtles,
Princess, soooo glad you love the veggie pie. I'm making it for dinner for dh and myself tomorrow.
Hey, :chef: here's a low low cal breakfast treat:
lite Eng. muffin or sandwich thin bread (1pt)
2 egg whites
1 slice Canadian bacon
2T. low fat cheese, shredded
salt and pepper, Pam

Spray Pam into small skillet. Cook eggwhites until they are able to be pushed to the side. Add one slice Canadian bacon to pan to warm through. Toast muffin or sandwich bread. Put 2T. shredded cheese on one side of bread. Add bacon and eggwhites to other side. Put it together and eat! I think the points in total for this would be 2-3 points, but I'll check it out on the WW recipe builder site. Hey, it's yummy, not hard to make and a nice change!


Itryharder 08-12-2008 04:08 PM

It's me again. When I recipe "built" the sandwich, it came to 4 points. However, it really came to 3.5 points which WW's brings up to 4. Then I checked my brand of Canadian Bacon and it pointed out to 0 points for one slice. In any case, I think if you count the sandwich as 3 points, you should be fine. I don't see any of us eating this as a non-stop trigger food. LOL.

I'm feeling better--good to get my griping out of the way. Planned meals for the rest of the week, have a grocery list ready to go, and have a white and black bean salad in the fridge and a pot of 16bean soup in the crock pot. We're supposed to get more rain and thunder this week--odd weather we're having this summer. Good luck to us all. If you get into trouble with food, chime in so we can help you stop!!!!!!

Itryharder 08-13-2008 07:19 PM

Hi Turtles,
I hope you're all doing fine. Today has been a good day for me. I am going to record some points when I finish posting.

Went to WW's WI and I'm up .4#. That's neither good nor bad--it just is. However,l through away a chance to lose weight this week. I'm doing great maintaining my weight--but that's not the point. So I aim to lose 1.5# this week and have a happy face on next Wednesday.

:bravo: to all of us for :tread: and :strong:

Princess1122 08-15-2008 08:00 AM

Morning all and happy Friday! Not sure what my W/I will be tomorrow but hopefully I will be down a bit... with the fair and all this week I will take what I can get!

Busy here at work so I have not had a lot of extra time to post this week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

chrily 08-17-2008 10:23 PM

OMG! I can't believe i let a whole week slide with you gals. It's just been an off week for me. Eating is off and weight is up... only a few more days of that dreaded time of the month and the bloated feeling should go away.

Well I see we have had some weight losses for some. GOOD JOB!!! I hope to be in that group soon.

This week we went to the fair. My baby nephew was sick on Wed. when I was watching him. Then his sister and brother got sick (with strep throat) and Nicole was complaining yesterday and so I took her in to the doc (strep throat too). I was sharing food and drinks with Nicole at the fair so I'm waiting to see if I'll get nailed with it.

And I am finally getting hit with the teenage problems every parent dreads. My innocent daughter finally tried to sneak out of her friends house the other night. Her mom caught them..and now she's grounded. She told me they were bored and decided to take a walk and Melissa (Emilee's mom) got mad at them. Duh? I asked the most important question first--what time did you try to take your walk? Her answer....1:30 in the morning. Well geez, and she wonders why we are mad. She's not liking the grounding so much. No going anywhere, no phone, no computer.

Well gonna go. Time to take a bath and relax for a bit. We laid some tile in the bathroom today. Talk to you tomorrow.


CherryAutumn 08-18-2008 10:24 AM

Just wanted to say hi to everyone.

bandit2 08-18-2008 12:38 PM

Hi everyone:

Nice sunny weekend up here for a change, so I cut grass & went to trailer & swam lots. So very nice. Eating was not great. Had a few extra snacks.
But have stayed same weight wise for the last few weeks.

Am going to try TOPS in September for a change & as I said before, they are similar to WW but very cheap. So saving some money will be bonus. We are all hurting with the gas being so pricey - so every little bit saved helps out.

Hoping you are all keeping well. Good luck everyone on this journey!

chrily 08-18-2008 07:13 PM

Hey Bandit! Haven't seen you for a looonnngggg time. What's TOPS like?

Cherry-How's it going? Nice to see you checkin in.

Well today has been okay so far. I am nursing a horrible headache though. My allergies are acting up for some reason and I have the worst sinus headache. My upper teeth even hurt. I popped some more allergy medicine when I got home after work so hopefully the pain will let up some. I just hate headaches.

One more week until the kids go back to school and only two more weeks until I start back again. I'm almost done though. This is my last year. YEAAHHH! I have decided my goal is to be at 165 by my graduation date in May, that is losing roughly 6 lbs a month. Gosh, if I can get around 180, I'd even be ecstatic.

Well ladies....I'm going to go kick back on the recliner for a bit and close my eyes and rest a bit.

bandit2 08-19-2008 01:21 PM

Hi Chrily - In summer TOPS only has weigh ins & meetings start back up mid-September, so that is when I will start. It is suppose to be similar to ww but much cheaper & they have contests, recipe sharing & cover different topics on weight loss. So hoping it will be fun.

Hope everyone is staying on track. Tonight I am making eggplant casserole, so hoping that turns out good & will have that when gf comes tomorrow for dinner. She is making beef strips with veggies, so should be yummy.

What's on everyone's menu this week? I am always looking for something different to try.

Itryharder 08-19-2008 01:34 PM

Hi Turtles,
Bandit, I made an eggplant casserole from my garden eggplant and it was so yummy. I did fry it though so that didn't make it WW friendly.

Hi to everyone. Princess, I hope your WI was to your liking. Lauren, I am so happy that you're staying OP with your delivered foods while having company.

Chrily and Cherry==keep on keepin' on=-=we love to hear from you.

My weekend was bonkers! My dd and grandson stayed with us from Thursday on. We were godparents at a baptism. We celebrated dsil's new job with a cool dinner from Cheesecake Factory. We celebrated our df's birthday :hb: here with all our kids and she loved it. Monday we ended up on babysitting patrol again so my dd could pick up her dh at airport, then they got a new leased car and are very excited. Lots of eating activity, so tonight I'm making a spinach/orzo/tomato/basil salad for dh and me. The points will be just for the pasta, so that'll be good. I had shredded wheat and a peach for breakfast. Gotta run and get other things done, but it's good to see you here.

Inspired by Lauren, I'm thinking of getting all my meals ready for the day, putting them on one shelf in the fridge--including snacks--and making believe that that is all I can eat. It might work if I can trick myself. Wish me luck to even start this new point of view.
Take care and be well.

chrily 08-19-2008 10:30 PM

Okay, I started out today okay and then lunchtime hit. For breakfast, I had an egg wrapped in a tortilla and some Crystal Light. Then lunchtime, the girls wanted McD's so I relented and gave in. Then its like my brain goes on automatic pilot. I ordered myself a Big Mac value meal without even thinking about what I was doing until afterwards. Granted I can't eat the buns but still is one of the worst food choices I can make. Dinner was okay I think. I had one biscuit made with fat-free bisquick mix and a fat-free muffin and a slice of antelope breakfast sausage (not much fat in those at least), and some Crystal Light.

I will say though....I HAVE NOT HAD A POP TODAY, NOT EVEN A DIET PEPSI! I think pop is a bad thing for me, regardless of whether its diet or not. Tomorrow is day 2 so we'll see what I can pull off. :) I have around 9 months to lose this weight. I want to be as close as possible to my goal before my graduation.

Talk to you later....darling little daughter thinks she needs to play on nickjr.com for a little.


bandit2 08-20-2008 10:00 AM

Chrily - I know what you mean about McD's. I also automatically order the Big Mac Combo but I don't go very often, so when I do I enjoy it, journal it and move on. Just think of it as your treat for this week and count it.

I made the eggplant dish last night & it turned out good. So far this week, I have stayed OP so feel good about that.

Hope you other turtles are doing well.

LaurenH 08-20-2008 01:16 PM

Hi, tortoise ones.

DH and I spent the weekend in Indiana for an "Amish Luau." :D It was in Amish country, and the theme for the party was luau. The friends were all from Dotti's Weight Loss Zone, another online weight-loss group that I read regularly. We've gotten together a number of times, and it's always great fun. There were about 30-40 people there for the weekend. First time I've been in a pool in a long time, and it was great!

My dad, his wife, and their dog arrive today for a few days. After that, we'll finally be done with all our company! We've been a revolving door for the past month.

Got to add another "grinnie" to my signature today -- 35 pounds since restarting! It feels terrific. I'm hoping once the company all leave, I'll get back on an exercise regimen. I would *love* to be in onderland before our Adirondack trip in early October.

Judy, let us know how the pre-packaging your meals goes. I'm thinking I'll need to do something similar when I end my current plan. (No idea yet when that will be, but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead.) And your spinach/basil/etc. salad sounds wonderful; I'd love to see a recipe!

Bandit, I think doing something different -- TOPS, in this case -- is a great idea. I know I need to shake things up sometimes and take a different direction; otherwise I get stale and stall out. (Or gain!)

Hello to Chrily, Princess, and Cherry!

Itryharder 08-21-2008 10:45 AM

Hi Turtles,
Chrily, No soda pop?? :bravo: :woo: weigh to go, girl! Every step in the right direction counts.

Bandit, :grouphug: for staying OP this week. Your WI is still tomorrow, right?
Good luck for a :goodscale:

Lauren, okay==now I've heard it all--an Amish Luau--that's hysterical. Glad you had fun and :cheer: :dance: for losing more weight. You're doing a great job! Weigh to go! Onederland by the fall is inspiring.

Princess, how are you doing?
Cherry, what's happening?

Had a fun--filled week of celebrations and food. Even though I made a lot of "good choices" there were more celebrations and chips and dip than good choices and I was up again at my WI. However, yesterday was great, a couple of the "fast excessive pounds" are gone and I'm on to the next whirlwind. We have nice plans for the weekend and I plan to stay OP even though we'll be eating out a lot.

:dancer: and :woo: to all of us who keep on keepin' on. I'll start a new thread now since we're getting long. See you at #204

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