Hi gals!

  • I wanted to say hi and the long threads wouldn't load on my computer, so I just started my own. No need to treat it like a daily thread, just an extra thread!

    I know I've been MIA all week, and it's 10 p.m. as I'm writing this. We had a fire break out in a huge tire dump (5 million tires, the largest in the state) on Saturday, and it's been burning ever since. Not only have I been working 12 hours a day since Monday because of it, I live very close to it and have been breathing nasty smoke for five days. The only reason I didn't come to work Saturday and Sunday is because I was possibly going to be evacuated and I wanted to stay at the house just in case. Plus, with my asthma, I didn't want to be in the thick of it right away. Still, smoke is in the house. BF went out and bought an air purifier on Monday because it was so bad, and we turned on the central air to help.

    It IS better now, thanks to some rain yesterday. The air is much cleaner, although the tires will burn for weeks or months. The EPA is in town now to take care of it.

    Weight? Ha! I've been eating on the run for days. I have to say that part of the time I couldn't eat because the smoke made me sick to my stomach, but the rest of the time, it's been crap. Dinner has been after 10 since Monday.

    Anyway, it's time to go home, but I missed everyone and wanted to tell you all where I had been. I hope everyone's doing well and I'll try to read all the recent threads tomorrow!