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martysgirl1197 05-05-2007 07:47 PM

Hi Tina I have Cancer Multiple Myeloma ( MM ) for short, but God has been very good to me. I was Diagnosed on June 30th, 2005 and so far I have no Tumors or Leisions which is good, the only treatment I had to have is Iron Intraveniously when I was first Diagnosed. This Cancer in incurable but very very treatable. When and if the time comes I will receive heavy dosages of Chemo and I will get a Stem-Cell Transplant using my own Stem-Cells. Here is a Link to the Disease I have:

Tammy that Hotel sure is beautifull enjoy yourself :) I will be 54 on the 18th :) when is your BD ? I was just married 10 yrs in January between us we have 4 Sons, 2 Daughters, 7 Grandsons & 1 Granddaughter and we enjoy spending time with all of them.

Tammy 05-05-2007 10:18 PM

My birthday is May 8, so we are almost twins! lol I'll have to check out the link to your disease. I have one of those invisible illnesses: fibromyalgia. Also have arthritis in my lower spine. I just take it day to day.

I need to get ready for bed. I was up late last night, and I didn't sleep well. I want to be bright eyed and bushy tailed to get up and rolling for church in the morning.

Hope you are all having a great weekend!

auntie 05-05-2007 10:27 PM


It was an extremely HUMID day here!!! It sprinkled off and on.

Martysgirl, welcome to the group. We have a friend that has mulitiple myleoma. He has had it several years too. I will keep you in my prayers.

I am Susan and live in North Texas. I'm 44 and have been married 22 years. I have one son, he is deceased and would be 3 years old in July. I am a deaf education teacher and teach students that are both deaf and mentally challenged.

Tammy, i'm glad that you and Bob are getting to travel some. I can't think of anyone that deserves it more....... however, you know you have to bring us something back from all of your journeys.

Tina, 14 days left of school and that is counting Monday. My student teacher finished up Friday, so I the teacher again on Monday. I've missed not teaching :) We have our big Spring Show on Friday night. The theme is Disney, of course my class is doing a fashion show again.

I went to the gym today. Didn't want too but did it!! I'm following the dietician's guidelines. I can't remember if I told ya'll or not but my blood work came back all normal. So my doctor wants me to go an endocrinologist. The next appointment was July 13.... guess I'll be waiting. My friend still thinks I have PCOS, she says it doesn't always show up in your bloodwork. So more waiting.

Have a great weekend.

Tina 05-05-2007 10:50 PM

Martysgirl, I'm glad you are doing so well. And, it sounds like you have quite a family. that's wonderful.

Tammy, I hope you are bushy tailed for church. That would be quite a sight. :o

Susan, I know you will enjoy the Spring Show. You love doing things like that. Is Pat's band playing some place this weekend?
We had great weather today. There was a nice breeze.

I'm ready for another vacation. :lol: I've got to lose what I gained first. Oops!
Maureen, where are you????


auntie 05-05-2007 10:56 PM

Pat's band is on break until June 2. It's nice having him home on Sat. nights or us not getting in at 4 am. :)

martysgirl1197 05-06-2007 08:20 PM

Hi Ladies how was everyone's Sunday ? Mine was a very lazy day :dizzy: My Grandson and Granddaughter had a Flee Market and made $50.00 they were very excited :high: In July we are going on a Family Picnic to an Amusement Park the Tickets are $45.00 per person, this includes Transportation to and from the Park, four hour Buffet and unlimited Rides and Water Park from 12-10 PM. I think Dad should make them each put away some money towards the trip. My Grandson is 10 and my Granddaughter is 6 what do you Ladies think ?

Tammy 05-06-2007 09:01 PM

Susan, I'll bring you all lots of my memories of our trips! lol Have fun being the teacher again tomorrow!!

Tina, well I was bright-eyed anyway! I'd better watch the food while we're gone so I don't have to lose more!

Martysgirl, I agree with you about the kids putting some money away for the trip. It teaches them responsibility, etc. even though they are young. We've been doing things like that with Tim since he was in preschool. That's part of the reason his savings account was very nice when his first college bill came. lol

If we can drop Kramer off at the Pooch Parlor in the morning, we are leaving for Michigan about noon tomorrow. Bob made reservations at a Holiday Inn Express in Dundee, Michigan. It's right next to a Cabela's. He and I were there this fall, but Tim has never been there. It is a site to see!!

auntie 05-06-2007 10:14 PM

Hope everyone had a great day! It was suppose to rain but never has.
The radar shows some on the way. We might get out of the drought we've been in four the last 4 years. That would be nice.

Pat weed whacked some today. The area around the perimeter of our property is at a slope so you have to use the weed eater. It's REAL HARD work. He only did part of it but it took all day. His hip has been bothering him so I know it was really hard. I actually think he is going to go to the dr. for his hip. He is afraid they will say a replacement.

Tammy, have a blast on your trip!!!! I'll try to have fun teaching tomorrow. It will be so much easier knowing only 2 and 1/2 weeks left.

Marty, I agree with Tammy. The kids should put some of the money away for the park. It's a good lesson and they will appreciate it someday. :)

Tina, What have you been up to today?

I went to the gym this afternoon. I didn't stay a long time but I went! So I was proud of myself. We also went to Red Lobster tonight. It was SO good. It's one of my favorite places to eat. I brought most of it home with me.

Tammy 05-07-2007 05:57 AM

Susan, I hope Pat's trip to the doctor is ok. Pain is not good. Your countdown for summer is winding down! Isn't that a great feeling? Good for you on going to the gym. I've been a slug lately. I love Red Lobster!

That's all for now. I'll try to check back in before we leave today.

Tina 05-07-2007 09:11 AM

Martysgirl, I agree that it's good to teach the little ones to save. Mind you, they shouldn't be told to save a big portion, just a little bit. (That amount will seem like a lot to them.)

Susan, It sounds like Pat has a big area to weed-eat. I hope he feels better. Good luck teaching on your own today.

Tammy, we will miss you, girl. I'm glad Kramer likes the Pooch Parlor, and you trust the people.

Maureen, where are you girl?

Beach Babe, how was your weekend?


auntie 05-07-2007 10:28 PM


Mitch called this morning and said did I want to come in to the gym at 5. He wore me out today. We played basketball and if we made a shot the other one had to make it at the same location. If you didn't make it, then we had to run the length of the court. It was fun. Then we played a game, the loser would have to run 3 lengths. Luckily, I won! So I ran with him and laughed. Then we did some weights. I really enjoy working out with him. Plus his looks don't hurt :)

Tammy, have fun on your trip!!!!! (oh, we live on 11 acres)

Tina, how is David doing? I don't think I've asked lately.

Martysgirl, how are you doing?

I'm off to check the weather channel to see where the storm is at.... hopefully we will get some rain and and not the bad winds.

Tina 05-08-2007 10:23 PM

Hope all had a good Tuesday.
We had "brown outs" all afternoon. (That's where the power goes on and off a lot.)
It's in the 80's now and I guess people are using too much electricity.

I stayed pretty much OP.
How did everyone do?


auntie 05-09-2007 09:47 PM

That does not sound fun at all! How long would the electricity be out for at a time?

Beach Babe 05-10-2007 11:27 AM

Hello everyone! Sorry I've been gone for a while.

Sounds like there are a lot of fun vacations coming up. Since you all were introducing yourselves a bit, I guess I should do the same.

I'm 29 years old. My husband and I were married on 10.29.05. We've been togeather about 6 years total. We knew we wanted to start a family right away and so far we've been dealing with 22 cycles of infertility. I'm taking new fertility meds this cycle and am feeling quite optimistic. With the start of the new meds and TOM last week I have been horrible about staying OP's this month. I'm a bookkeeper for a restaurant/bar, although I've vey jealous of all you teachers. I originally went to school to be an educator but left school to work full time. My future plan is to either go back and finish school or possibly open an in home day care. For now I have to work full time as these fertility treatments are not cheap. We're also hoping to buy our first house in a couple of months and we're planning a family trip in July. My family lives in Illinois while I'm in Florida so we try to get togeather once a year.

Whew, that was kinda long. Everyone have great days!

Beach Babe 05-10-2007 11:30 AM

Oh, Tina, I ment to tell you. Our honeymoon cruise docked in Grand Caymen for a day. We loved it! Your right, everyone is so nice. Did you make it out to StingRay City? We did that and also visited the Turtle Farm and Rum factory. We'd love to go back someday.

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