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AJsMommy 05-24-2006 06:29 PM

I drink a slim fast shake, blended in the blender w/a banana and 1tsp. oil for my 2 milks/1 fruit and 1 oil. It's 6pts, but gets alot of the necessary requirements in, and is quite tasty. I use the Strawberries and cream slim fast, its then like a banana split shake :)

buffalosister1 05-24-2006 07:00 PM

Hi everyone. I am back from a busy day. Daughter had a field trip to the Imax theater today at a mall. UGH!!! They ate at the food court. I cant stand the thought of her going without me. I was not an official chaperon this time. I "stalked" the group. I walked around the mall during the movie. Was waiting outside when they got out and ate lunch with them.

Had a bad day eating. Seems to be my trend after a big one week loss. I think I see a pattern here.

oatmeal 3pts

1/2 chicken salad on dark molasses bread from Paradise Bakery
I can't find nutrition info anywhere!!! Checked dotties, 3FC, and the company website. How rude!! I did well by just getting half. I got fruit as my side. Was too unsure of the salad dressing calories and knew not to get a pasta salad.
I finished lunch off with 1 and 1/2 sugar cookies from above company. This is the real damage.

very hungry. ate 4 ak mak crackers w/wedge laughing cow garlic and herb cheese. 3pts.

Have no idea what to do for dinner. May do fish.

Angie, on the milks........in order to be a milk, it should have a minimum of 20% daily required calcium. I checked my 1pt sugar-free pudding. No such luck. Only 10%. My laughing cow cheese, only 6%. Even my cottage cheese was not enough. So, you've stumped me. :) I don't mind. I am not so good at getting all that in. I know I do ok. Right now I need to figure out how to stay in my point range. Then, perhaps I will worry about what those points consist of. Baby steps here for me. Oh! How about yogurt? I have none here to look at. I am not a huge yogurt fan. However, I found that I can add 1/2 Cup go lean crunch for a 2.point breakfast.

snowgal 05-24-2006 08:28 PM

I'm having a really odd eating day today. It's hot here - in the 70's (unseasonally warm for May in Alaska) and I've had a lot of running around to do.

So far today:

12oz skim milk latte - 2pts
2 salmon oil tablets - 2pts
80 cal Zone bar - 2pts (I thought this would be 1pt, so I was SHOCKED when I got home and tallied it up)

1 cup cherries - 1pt

Balance 100 cal. bar - 1pt
Turkey hot dog w/ mustard - no bun - 1pt
8 soy cheese flavored crackers - 1pt

So I have 10 points left out of my 20pts, but I feel like I've just eaten hodge-podge all day. Nothing really satisfying besides the cherries.

I went to Curves and did my workout (3 exercise points) and I also walked the dog (1 exercise point).

We're planning on grilling lean pork chops for dinner. Will have salad with that. Don't know what else. It's too hot to cook indoors! (I know you Arizona/California/Florida people are laughing at me) ;)

AJsMommy 05-24-2006 10:42 PM

For the calcium, I was always told it has to be 25% calcium to be a milk, and it can't come in forms of anything other than milk products. For example, years ago one of their WW bars was 25% calcium and I used to count that as a milk, now they've changed it. WW yogurt is 30% calcium, and quite good...other than that, my suggestion is the slim fast. Most days I get the 2 requirements cuz of the SF but days like today, I got one w/the yogurt.

Here's my day
B: 2 slices toast/yogurt 2 pts
L: 1c. grapes/1c. pineapple 2pts
Grrr... 2 small choc chip cookies 3pts
D: Bowl potatoe soup 3pts and 1/2 chicken cranberry walnut salad 5pts
Went to a friends house for a demonstration, she's on WW too...so the munchies were
Baked chips/salsa 3pts
FF mini muffins 4pts

22 out of 26...and I'm too tired to care about not eating 4 of them. I walked 2 miles tonight too, so got 2 AP as well.

buffalosister1 05-25-2006 09:53 AM

Good morning. I did not track the rest of my day. It went down hill after the Paradise Bakery cookie. Oh well. Move on. My dinner was ok other than munching kids' food. I had a lite sandwich from Quiznos.

Liz, I would not laugh about you thinking it was hot. We hit 102 yesterday. But you know what? we are used to it. You are used to much lower than 70 right now. That makes perfect sense. I hate it when people from hot areas act like they are the only ones allowed to feel bad in warm weather. Anyway, enough of that I guess.

Have the girl scout end of year pool party today at the co-leader's house (I don't have a pool but sure wish I did). I hope to do ok with the food. She is making wraps. I know she was doing ww for awhile. Maybe she still is. I made a pasta salad that I will stay away from for the most part. I did use fat free Italian dressing and reduced fat mayo in it. It is still bad news.

Gonna have yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast. Will see. Have a good day.

ladynredd 05-25-2006 10:20 AM

1/2 C. pomegranate mango juice ... 2 pts.
1 C. raspberries ......................... 0 pts.
1 C. fat free yogurt .................... 3 pts.
1/4 C. granola ............................2 pts.
(7 pts.)
1 lite hamburger bun ................... 1 pt.
Boca spicy chick'n patty .............. 3 pts.
alfalfa sprouts ............................ 0 pts.
(4 pts.)
2 African Bean Burritos ................. 9 pts.
(9 pts.)
1/2 C. cottage cheese ................. 2 pts.
1 banana ................................... 2 pts.
1 tbsp. coconut flakes ................. .5 pts.
(4.5 pts.)

Total for the day: 24.5 (allowed 30)

morrigan 05-25-2006 10:36 AM

Welcome Donna!

Breakfast: oatbran cereal with blueberries (3), cliffbar (4), creamer (1)
8 point breakfast, YIKES

buffalosister1 05-25-2006 11:01 AM

Glad you joined Donna.

Scratch the oatmeal or yogurt.

whole wheat eng. muffin 2pts
spray butter 00
cin/sugar 0/2

I have pizza tonight at tee ball party. Must keep points low all day. :)

snowgal 05-25-2006 12:14 PM

Welcome Donna!

Another hot day here. That's good for one thing - I eat less and drink more water! The mosquitos are here already and biting like they haven't eaten all winter! (Guess they haven't) Ugh!

So far today I've only had my 12oz skim milk latte - 2pts.

Gotta take Lily to school and then go to Curves. No air conditioning at Curves, so if I wait until this afternoon it'll be hot and smelly in there!

AJsMommy 05-25-2006 12:38 PM

Ok, this is a silly post...but I have to share.
I "thought" my highest weight was 228...The beginning of this year...Well I just went to the Dr. and got weighed...I was 210, which I was glad (scale at WW yesterday was 209.75, close enough!)...so I had my friend (I used to work at this office before changing to pediatrics) look back to see what I was the last time I was weighed...Mind you, the last 5 visits I declined my weight, lol...So she finds a visit from last June...I was 235!!!! I'm down 25lbs since then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I felt so proud of myself, considering I just started in Jan. really trying to lose.
25 sounds like so much more than the 18 I thought I had lost....Yay me!!!

buffalosister1 05-25-2006 05:48 PM

Yeah AJsMommy!!! Not that it is good you weighed more, but I am with ya that it feels good to have lost more than you thought. Just wait until you get under 200. That was a beautiful moment for me. I think the best since starting WW. Even better than my 10%. Keep going!!

Had the girl scout swim party this afternoon. I did ok. But not real well. I had two wraps (no idea on points value), 1C of pasta salad. I made it with FF Italian and reduced fat mayo. Still not sure of the points. I would say 6 there. And, then I ate a skinny cow. Then, I came home and had another skinny cow. Man, can I tell TOM is right around the corner. I want to ingest anything that is edible. Now I want something salty. Almonds sound good. Glad I have none. :) Pizza tonight. Not gonna be pretty. Going to Peter Piper Pizza. Hope they have salad there.

AJsMommy 05-25-2006 07:13 PM

199.999999 is my next goal!!! It's the little goals that I look forward to, instead of the big picture which seems so depressing sometimes.
Today wasn't the best day for me eating wise either, I think I got overly excited about the -25...lol.
I left the Dr. appt w/my friend and went to Taco Bell..normally I can do it with no problem, but somehow a nacho bellgrande minus sour cream and a Mt. Dew appeared on my tray....I'll tell you though, it was fabulous! worth every pt, you need to do that sometimes. I get 26 a day, and my lunch alone was 26...so I knew i'd be dipping into flex today. I walked 45 minutes w/hubby so that gave me 3 back, and then went to Curves tonight, which gave me 2 back..so dinner was a large salad and 2 slices pizza.
I've used 4 flex...so not too bad. Although, no milks or oils and only 3/5 fruits veggies............ Tomorrow starts anew!

morrigan 05-25-2006 07:47 PM

Hello - everyone, I don't know how the day flew by without me touching the computer. Just busy.

I am a high school teacher, but I only work every other day on our block schedule. There is a girl at the high school with my same schedule (she only goes to school every other day). She is actually a really cool kid. I had her in class as a freshman (now she is a junior in Calculus at the high school and starting college next year instead of being a senior). The point in a second.... Well she likes to downhill on her mountain bike and she had a big crash; tore a big hole (7"wide by 8" deep) right between her legs, over 200 stitches, almost got her femoral artery, really big owie kind of thing. So I was thinking today, here she is stuck at home, her parents both work all week and are gone on the weekends, and she must be bored out of her mind. Besides, I live in the boonies and have to drive 10 miles on dirt roads past my house to get to her house on a dead end road, so she doesn't exactly get visitors a lot. I called her and told her if she was bored she could come lay around my house instead of hers. Completing the circle of why I was busy and didn't get to the computer until just now.

I feel guilty, like being in a house with two toddlers running amok wasn't exactly relaxing... We stopped twice to let the kids get out and play and she got in and out of the car too. I hope we didn't wear her out.

Now to the bad food part. She brought chocolate chips to make with the kids and they are just sitting in the kitchen crying EAT ME EAT ME EAT ME. I have been overeating everything else just to avoid the CC cookies.

Day so far:
BF:Oatbran cereal with blueberries (3), cliff bar (4), creamer (1)
Snack: nibbles of the cliff bar the kids didn't eat over the rest of the day (4)
Lunch: Soup I made with chicken, yams, lentils, and zuccini (8)
Snack: skinny cow to avoid cc cookies (2)
Sanck: crackers to avoid cc cookies (1)
Snack: peanuts to avoid cc cookies (1)
Snack: big bite of Wil's cc cookie (1)
Snack: skinny cow #2 (2)

so here I sit at 27 points and I haven't even got to dinner yet. I think I would have been better off to have 2 cc cookies with milk. I would have the same amount of point and satisfied the sweet tooth.

Dinner: tofu (4), with veggies (0), olive oil (1), feta (1), cottage cheese (2) and crackers (1)

36 point day

AJsMommy 05-25-2006 09:14 PM

Yowza, I'm so glad she's ok!! I cannot even imagine, 200 stitches!!!!!! You're very kind to have asked her to come lounge w/you, I'm sure even w/your 2 young ones, she loved the different atmosphere.
Sometimes you just need to eat what you want to get past it, within reason of course.
By the way, I see a 2lb loss on your graph, Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!

morrigan 05-25-2006 10:56 PM

Two things I thought of today.

One - Dinner was going to put me way over on points, but I went ahead and ate a healthy dinner anyway. My thoughts. If I would have skipped dinner because I snacked too much during the day, it just would have led to more snacking and a downhill spiral. I think if you have a tough day, at whatever point you decide to stop, then just go on like normal from there.

Two - Points games are not productive. If I have two many points one day I sometimes try to compensate by having too few for the next few days. While this does work occasionally, deprivation always seems to lead me to oversnack. So - if my bad day cost me my extra points, so be it - like dottie says,

"One day at a time - no guilt - move one"

buffalosister1 05-26-2006 08:41 AM

Ok, yes! All that being said, I am good to go today. Yesterday was a train wreck for me. This weekend is going to be awful! I am going to try so hard!! My sister who lives 3 hours north of us is coming down to stay at my mom's for the entire weekend. This does not happen often on a holiday weekend because my sister and her family are big rodeoers. It is going to be 3.5 days filled with swimming and eating at my mom's house. It will begin this afternoon. I will just need to make good choices. Sad thing is, my mom and dad are both on weight watchers, and they won't think twice about eating whatever they want. It is only 5:30 right now. I am up way too early. Husband left early to go up north to pick up a boat with his friend. His friend is buying the boat. I had to help him find his second tennis shoe. The kids had hid it. :) So, I am going to clean the house a bit while kids are still sleeping and I have some time to myself. Have a good day!

ladynredd 05-26-2006 09:02 AM

breakfast, 9 pts.
squash frittata (squash, 1 egg, 1/2 C. egg sub., 1 tbsp. parmesan, 1 tbsp. flour); 1 tbsp. canola oil
snack, 4 pts.
1 banana, 1/2 C. 2% cottage cheese
lunch, 7 pts.
1/2 C. chicken liver, 1 sauteed onion, 1/2 C. pickled beets, 1 C. Jello sf pudding
dinner, 7 pts.
1.5 C. fresh spinach, 1 apple, 1/2 chicken breast, 2 tbsp. light slaw dressing

Thursday's total: 27, 30 possible

morrigan 05-26-2006 09:28 AM

Amy, this calls for bringing food for the group that is healthy. Take a veggie tray, some hummus, and maybe some artichoke guacamole. Everyone will dig in, and you will have some good things to fill up on. We are also doing a big family brunch and pool party on Saturday (though in 65 degree weather) and I will just stick to the fruit tray.

buffalosister1 05-26-2006 03:08 PM

Wendy, how do you make artichoke guacamole??? Funny thing is, it is now a tradition that my dad fix my two nieces and nephew artichokes EVERY time they are in town. They may get a kick out of artichoke guacamole.

I am having an insatiable sweet tooth today. I have eaten the following so far today........

oatmeal and black coffee 3pts 3/3

5 cinnamon twists UGH!! 5pts 5/8

lunch (now this was good for me and tasty)
2 la tortilla factory whole wheat tortillas 1pt
1 garlic and herb laughing cow cheese 1pt
2oz turkey 2pts
spinach leaves
red pepper 4pts 4/12

I guess when I look at it, it is not too bad. Just more proof as to why we journal. I still have 12 points today even after my cinnamon twist attack!
Another tradition when my sis comes down is to eat Mexican food on the first night. She has not good Mexican food up where she lives. I will get something within my points. Taco salad hold the shell with salsa perhaps. Or, taquitos with lots of salsa and a bit of rice. Will let you know. --Amy

morrigan 05-26-2006 05:02 PM

You just blend up artichoke hearts instead of avocado - and do everything else the same.

The best Mexican food excuse -- claim you have problems with heartburn when you eat chips and salsa. Order off the alacart page on the back of the menu, then it comes with less stuff. Also - order a regular tostado, but then don't eat the fried tortilla it comes on, and skip the guac and sou r cream.

buffalosister1 05-26-2006 05:08 PM

Will give it a go. Thanks!!

morrigan 05-26-2006 05:15 PM

Breakfast: oatbran cereal with blueberries (3), latte (2)

Lunch: romain(0), veggies with olive oil (4), ministrone (4), bread (2)
I went out to lunch with the math department -- so pretty good for a restaurant lunch.

15 points so far today.

1 glass of wine (2) at my folks house and 2 rather large mints (2)
cheese and crackers snack (4)

23 points and not yet to dinner

Blew it with dinner, but enjoying myself. Celebrating switching out of Geometry and back to Honors Algebra II next year + 1 section on consumer math. I am equally excited about both. Still have to get approval from our new principal, but the honors kids are a blast to teach because they are so smart and well behaved. And consumer is also really cool. They handpick the lowest kids in the school and expect you to bring them up to passing on their ISATS tests (state standardized testing) as well as teaching them life skills. I am already trying to figure out how I can get them all started with savings accounts at a local credit union and teach them about online banking and loans and saving for retirement and balancing their checkbook and taxes..... it will be really cool. All the stuff you would like to teach to all high school kids, but don't have time to stuff into the regular curriculum of algebra, geometry, trig and pre-calc. I guess we just hope the smart kids figure that stuff out on their own. ... and back to dinner
more cheese and crackers (4)
cukes (0)
really really really really yummy kalbi ribs (10)

37 points

Will someone save me from family dinners too?

late snack after getting home from a GREAT! school production of Grease. (4pts)

41 points just sounds so awful - it is like two days of food in 1. I just have to keep in perspective that it is only about 2000 calories, which, all things considered, isn't terrible.

Oh, and a skinny cow ice cream sandwhich after the late snack, which I forgot to write down.

snowgal 05-26-2006 06:05 PM

Today hasn't been good for me. The Kindergarten picnic was today, and I did pretty well, considering, but I should have just stuck to my own food, and not accepted offerings from others. Ugh!

So far today (and it's only 2pm):

1/2 of a 12oz skim milk latte - 1pt

Salad w/ FF Ranch dressing - 1pt
2 chocolate rice cakes - 2pts
1 cup cherries - 1pt

Now here's where I go astray....

9 Sesame crackers - 4pts
1 fried chicken wing - 3pts

I have 8pts. left out of 20pts. I might end up using a couple of flex points today. I rarely use them, so I'm not going to feel guilty!

buffalosister1 05-26-2006 06:07 PM

I am off to my mom's. Wish me luck. Don't know when I will be at the computer again. Hope all have a safe and thin weekend. --Amy

snowgal 05-26-2006 09:30 PM

Good luck Amy! I'll be thinking about you!

snowgal 05-27-2006 01:54 AM

I ended up on point today after all. Phew!

I finished up with:

Balance 100 cal. bar - 1pt
Pork chop - 4pts
Salad w/ dressing - 1pt
Weight Watcher's fudgsicle - 1pt

So I had 19pts which is fine because that gives me a 1pt addition/adjustment in case I was off on the chicken wing (which I don't think I was, but you never know.).

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!

morrigan 05-27-2006 10:54 AM

You are way better at keeping to your daily points than I ever am. Good Job!

Today: Oatbran cereal with blueberries, (3) and creamer (1) -- at 9am their is a big family breakfast at my parents house. I think I am just going to skip eating altogether and watch the kids run around.

Second breakfast at mom's: blackberries (1), egg (2), hashbrowns (2)
Lunch: roll (2), meat (4), banana bread (3)
Snack: Wheat thins (3), chicken (2), salad (0), hummus (2)

21 points so for and not to dinner yet

Dinner: wine (4), chicken (4), salad (0)

29 points

AJsMommy 05-27-2006 09:25 PM

Whew, what a day! We started landscaping the front of the house, ripping out what the previous owners had and re-doing it...we've been here 4 yrs and are just now getting to it!....I helped hubby by mowing the lawn, which I would think gives me some AP points for sure! I was sweating like crazy!...Mind you, I've never mowed a lawn before! lol
Lunch: Salad w/chicken, cheese, bacon, and bbq sauce 12pts
grapes 2pts
Dinner: Pizza :( 12pts
Teddy Grahams 4pts

28 pts out of 26, but add my AP's and I'm ok.

snowgal 05-27-2006 09:37 PM

AJs Mommy - I added up your points and it was 30, not 28. Don't you hate days like this!?!?! You probably earned quite a few exercise points, so I wouldn't worry about it.

Our weather here has been so wacky and it's HOT. Mid 70's. I don't get it. We washed my car today and I did a bunch of housework, but that's it. Got my daughter a new bike because she has outgrown the one she had as a toddler. It was fun to watch her today

I've done alright today. I have 10 points left and I'm going to have the Tango Chicken Sandwich (7pts) from Applebees for dinner. It's too hot to cook inside and we didn't thaw anything out to cook on the grill.

AJsMommy 05-27-2006 10:05 PM

Oops, yep! Forgot to add the grapes! No worries though, for the day we had, I think I did quite well. I drank well over 100oz of water, sweated my rear off working outside. Tomorrow we'll finish, and then we have a bbq at our neighbors, she's doing burgers and hot dogs, so I'll bring my own buns (1pt) and baked chips and a fruit plate. I'm saving pts for a couple beers, I need 'em!!!! Monday hubby and I are going to a Tigers Baseball game, so that day will be out and about, no worries there as we won't get any concesssion stand food...we'll eat before we go, and then when we get home! Can't wait till WI on Wed to see if I hit 10lbs!!!!

snowgal 05-27-2006 10:13 PM

Sounds like you have everything planned out very well! That's important! I find it much easier to stay on point if I have a plan ahead of time. As for today - you've done a lot of work and gained some major exercise points, I'm sure! I definitely wouldn't worry about a few pesky extra (much deserved) points.

Looks like I will be changing my weigh-in day/time from Tuesday at 9:30am to Wednesday at 10am. They have cancelled my Tuesday meeting for now and will reinstate it in the Fall. <sigh> I really liked that one, too. Do you check in on the Wednesday Weigh-in thread?

AJsMommy 05-28-2006 08:55 AM

No, I don't check in on the Wed. WI thread...I didn't know anything about that. I'm still new to 3FC and pretty much just post here so far.

morrigan 05-28-2006 09:59 AM

OK - I have got to get out of this rut. The scale (at home) showed my UP that is right, UP 3 lbs from just 2 days ago. I am going to eat 20 point per day until it gets back there if it kills me. I have had 3-4 days of just munching all day at my parents house.

Yesterday I had finished with a 29 point day and then when I got home I had an ice cream sandwhich (2), a bowl of cereal (3), part of Wil's bowl of cereal (3), and some wheat thins (2) --- turning it into a 39 point day. ARGHHHHHHH

Breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and a latte (5)
Lunch: salad (0), chicken (4), cottage cheese (2), hummus (2), crackers (1)
Later: wine (2)
....16 points so far

chili (4), then (4), then late (4) - it was really good. + crackers (3) and more crackers (2)

33 points

shyla2001 05-28-2006 10:26 PM

Hi Ladies - I'm new around here, but want to jump in & join ya'll! Here's how my day went:

McDonald's fruit & yogurt parfait; coffee w/cream & sugar (DH made it with real sugar since he didn't know I went back on plan) = 5 pts

Roasted ckn breast, green beans, corn, new potatoes, diet mtn dew = 7 pts

1 cup MIL's homemade Banana pudding = 7 pts!!??!! You think this is right?

Chicken quesidilla w/light sour cream & diet green tea = 11 pts

snacks = ice tea w/sweetnlow, a bit of beef jerky, and 2 pcs some candy MIL gave me = 5 pts

ended day at 35 pts (4 over plan), but feel good about the day overall, considering was out of town most of day.

snowgal 05-28-2006 10:32 PM

I've really battled with cravings today. We went to see the DaVinci Code. It was good (the book was better) but, like last weeks movie with our daughter, I spent the majority of the time watching everyone else eat. There was one lady who had a big bucket of popcorn - she ate the whole thing and then went back for a refill! I wanted that popcorn sooooo bad! I checked the points for red licorice, but it wasn't worth it. I had my water and a granola bar that I brought from home. Not exactly exciting stuff. My stomach was growling so bad by the time the movie was over. I don't think I want to go to a movie again for a while. It's just too frustrating for me. I hate not being able to enjoy things like this any more.

I'm not 100% positive on my points, but I think I'm getting pretty good at calculatig "mystery food". We went out to eat at Humpys (If you watched season 1 of LOST, you might have seen a Humpy's t-shirt on one of the characters). I had one salmon taco and one halibut taco. They put all of the condiments on the side for me. I used no cheese, and very little sour cream and guacamole. I'm guessing that the salmon taco was 6pts and the halibut taco was 7pts (the halibut one had some black beans in it). If you think I should have calculated higher, please let me know. I would have much rather ordered the deep-fried halibut nuggets and fries, so I was proud of myself for trying to stay within point.

I'm ending my day with 20 out of 20 points, but with only one milk and one good oil. <sigh> At least I stayed on point, I guess.

morrigan 05-28-2006 11:30 PM

Just tied for my highest point week since starting WW. 28 points over my extra points for the week. Our meeting was cancelled tomorrow, but I am going to weigh in at a make up meeting on Tuesday.

Welcome Shyla - love your avatar! No idea on the banana pudding. 1/2 cup with whole milk and sugar could approach 7 pts.

buffalosister1 05-29-2006 10:49 AM

Hi guys! Just doing a quick check in. Woke up to a quiet house this morning. Kids stayed the night with my parents. Nice break for us. We got home at about 10pm. I have not tracked a single thing this weekend. I have done ok. Not good, but ok. My scale shows maintain. I would be elated with that. My mom bought NOTHING healthy for the weekend. Makes me mad. Her and dad are supposed to be on this too. How hard is it to buy one loaf of light bread when you should buy 3 loaves total for the weekend? How hard to buy 97% fat free hot dogs when you are buying Hebrew sausage and regular hot dogs? But again, no. How about light sour cream in the dips? Nope. Nothing there either. So, I hit a store on the way back over there yesterday and got my hummus for the veggie tray and a ton of fruit. My dad and BIL went fishing yesterday. They fried a ton of the fish for dinner with our already fattening burgers and dogs. So, I had them put some fish in tin foil with spray butter, lemon pepper, and fresh lemon. My husband threw that on the grill for me while he cooked all the other "junk." I passed on the shrimp macaroni salad and the potato salad. I also passed on the dessert. It was strawberry shortcake or brownie sundaes. My mom puts a ton of sugar on the strawberries. I did have a small snack of brownie but that was only because they were cruel and had me help serve dessert. I weigh in tomorrow so we will see the final verdict. Missing today and tomorrow at the gym. Today my trainer is off, and tomorrow I am at the school for kindergarten party. Will check in later. Happy Memorial Day!! --Amy

shyla2001 05-29-2006 11:14 AM

Amy, I am REALLY impressed at how well you did with all that temptation!!! Way to go!!! And especially with stopping at the store, having DH cook the fish for you, etc! Very inspiring!

morrigan 05-29-2006 02:30 PM

That is a lot of temptation. I have been known to throw in the towel during similar situations. Thankfully, most of my family is always on some kind of diet, so other than a few random aunts who refuse to serve anything healthy, we mostly can get something good.

Oatbran cereal and blueberries (3), Anna's oatbran cereal and blueberries (3)
Crackers (1)
Crackers and hummus (3)
chicken santa fe (2)
1/2 cup of chili (2), coffee and creamer (1)

15 points so far and a Mem day picnic to go to.

I must have had a zillion cucumbers in trying to avoid seconds on ribs and rolls and first on rhubarb pie and lime thingies.

Ribs (7), roll (1), potatoe salad (1),

24 point day -- nothing is going to pass my lips tonight except water...

Have to take the above statement back as a complete lie... I am having the worst time this week. I have just been flat out hungry. Funny, because last month I was having a really easy time getting in 20 point days and now I am creeping near 40 all the time.

strawberries (1), grilled chicken (4), bites of cereal (2), really yucky tasting wheat things - Don't buy the sun dried tomatoe flavor (6), crackers (1)

36 point day

snowgal 05-29-2006 03:30 PM

Today we are barbecuing at our house and having family over. We've made a 3pt per slice Key Lime Chiffon pie from the latest issue of Food and Family, and also a low-fat potato salad from the same magazine. There will also be salad and chips. We'll be grilling chicken, scallops, shrimp and burgers.

I think I'll do alright, because I don't like potato salad anyway, and I think I can live without the chips. We'll see. I'm looking forward to a piece of pie, some nice scallops and a bit of chicken. Doing it at our house makes it easier to control the food and what is in it.

Wish me luck! So far today I've only had a skim milk latte.

Welcome, Shawn! Always happy to see new people here!

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