3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Abirdee 04-22-2005 01:44 PM

Quick Check-In:

Today was my weigh in and I lost 4 pounds, but last week I didn't report that I gained 1 (so really 3 lost). Well it's Friday and we are running around the office like chickens with our heads cut off trying to wrap up before the weekend. So I will catch up and check back with you ladies later.....

Everyone have a Blessed day! :lol:

derrydaughter 04-22-2005 03:19 PM

Hi all. Welcome to Kim! Keep up your good work.
Sounds like you all are keeping on track.
I'm still here, got on the treadmill for 40 minutes this morning and have been really trying a bit harder, but am not perfect. We are going away over the weekend, but I hope to be reasonably good.
Natalie, I'm impressed with the sit up program, wow!

derrydaughter 04-25-2005 07:05 AM

Well, Monday morning here and not much action over the weekend here. How is everyone? I'm still not on track, so need your help guys!
Does anyone have a low point/low fat/healthy recipe for chili? Jamie is craving it and I want to make a healthier version for her. She's been worse than me, if that is imaginable and totally off program. She is refusing to go to ww meetings and I have made an appointment with a nutritionist for her this week at our local hospital. She is hypoglycemic and needs help!
Any victories to report? I don't have any, but I should would be pleased to read some of yours.

dawnydw 04-25-2005 07:17 AM

Hi all, hope you all had a great weekend.

Abirdee, great WI this week, Its really starting to move for you now, keep going!

Linda, I hope you enjoyed your weekend away as much as possible, and that all your intentions to be good weren't in vain!

Melanie, I hope your Cayman night went well - although I don't mind if you spare me the intimate details!!! :devil:

Well I had a reasonably good weekend, went a little over points on saturday, but managed to make up for it yesterday - although that was mainly because I was sat in the ER at the local hospital for most of it! My mum had some pains in her side, suspected kidney stones, but no signs of anything on scan so they sent her home, she's still suffering a little, but hopefully, its just a bit of an infection. I do hope it isn't kidney stones, my DH had them a couple of years ago and its not pleasant!

Well I forgot to mention a couple of NSV's the other day, don't know why, they were on my mind for ages! The first was a sales rep that I hadn't seen for a few months. I saw him at the trade fair on monday, and I could tell then he didn't recognise me. When he called in on Thursday, he admitted he hadn't and asked how much weight I had lost, and said I looked fantastic. He's a good looking guy, so that went down well! :D
The other NSV was the same day. At least I think its an NSV. A nasty patient of mine came in to work and asked to see the other dispensing optician, but it was her day off. The patient promptly said to anyone who cared to listen that she didn't want to deal with the 'fat one'. Well, my receptionists were 'gobsmacked', and enjoyed telling the woman that I was the only other person in, and I definately wasn't fat! She wasn't so sure, so I came downstairs to deal with her in person, and she went mad at the receptionist for lying to her, as I was obviously a different person altogether! She didn't recognise me at all, said I was lovely and nothing like the 'fat one' that she didn't get on with! I didn't know whether to kiss her or thump her. I did neither, but didn't admit who I was, although I should have done. (we had a bit of an argument a couple of years ago about something as serious as a spectacle case! She's obviously held it against me ever since, as I don't usually go about making my patients hate me!) I don't appreciate being called the 'fat one' by anyone, and don't think that anyone, whatever their size should be subjected to public humiliation like that. Its like a form of racism, and I feel for anyone thats had to undergo that for any reason for much of their lives. Sorry for the little rant, but I'm still fuming and had to get it off my chest! :bomb:

Ok, feel a bit better now, got to go, I'm taking AJ to play with his friends in a little while, and I'm looking forward to going on the slides! :fr: See ya!

derrydaughter 04-26-2005 07:44 AM

Dawny, such agreat NSVs! I love the "the fat one" story and I think the next time you see that woman, you should smile sweetly and confess that you and she are the same. Tell her that you must have gotten off on the wrong foot with her and tell her that even though it was upsetting to be called "the fat one" that she ultimately paid you the most supreme of compliments! She did indeed, without even knowing it! Really cool NSV!
I need a mini goal, perhaps I'll think about that today. I am going to my ww meeting today with no prayer of losing anything. We went away over the weekend and I was fed, a bit problem for me! Also, I didn't use much restraint when I took my son out to lunch yesterday and it was DH's birthday this week. All of this added together sounds like a gain to me. But, I am not quitting and I will go to my meeting and try to "start over" for the millionth time.
I think I am going to have to change my user id here at 3FC (only kidding) to the start over gal or something like that... I keep doing that.
I journalled last week until Friday and then lost it.... will start anew today and hopefull do better.
I am feeling like an alcaholic who has slipped and can't get back "on the wagon". I keep trying and then something happens and I fail again.
Continuing to try,

sugar_cane 04-26-2005 08:08 AM

Hey ladies! :)

Linda- I admire your courage and dedication. I know it's very hard for you to stay motivated at the moment, but we all know you can do it. There's no harm in starting over again and again, it's better than giving up for sure! Take care, good luck at your meeting and try hard!! :D

Dawny- Great NSVs I must admit, but I really disliked that lady!

I'm doing ok, it's TOM though so my weight has been fluctuating a bit. Easter is on Sunday, so now it's holiday for 2 weeks, which of course means a lot of food, a lot of meat and a lot of choc! I hope I can make it through with minimum damage. TOM doesn't help though.... I'm sticking to my 100 sit-ups program, and I'm also doing a little cardio every day for 30 minutes. It's nothing really, I'm just throwing a small ball back and forth on the wall, it's a fairly good workout for the arms and my heartbeats are increasing and I'm working up a sweat so I guess it does no harm! ;) My arms are a BIG problem area for me, they have stretchmarks, but worst of all they're flabby and I desperately want to make them more fit and thin. Anyway, I shall keep trying.

Take care everyone, oh, and Abirdee, great loss!! :D

Emerald 04-26-2005 09:49 AM

Hello. Sorry I’ve been absent. I’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately with DH and still getting away from the drama with the youth leaders. Just have felt quite under attack the past few days. Nothing catastrophic, even if it tends to feel that way. Oh well, this too shall pass, eh?

However, with all this going on, I have not turned to food! I still have over 10-15 FPs for today and tomorrow. My biggest slip was sitting down with a box of Wheat Thins while doing my Bible reading last night. Oops! I should have known better. Next time, popcorn or ration them out!

My exercise is getting better though. I got back a Kickboxing DVD that I had loaned out and I had forgotten what a good workout it was. I tried to do it again yesterday, but Sunday’s workout had kicked my butt! So, yesterday morning I did a toning video in the morning and 15 min. of the Kickboxing that afternoon. This morning, I did 1 mile walk-aerobics, and plan to do another mile this afternoon, or put on some head phones for cardio-housecleaning while DH makes dinner.

Linda – Great to hear your determination. Birthday weekends are hard. I know, I’m going to big a little piggy on mine next month! The lava cake I want will probably be all my FPs for the week! Sometimes, we must celebrate and then just “start over, Girl!” How are you doing regaining your routine w/ DH in the house all day?

Dawny – Great NSV story. Though, I don’t know if I could resist telling her who I was! Please tell me she was overweight herself!

Natalie – Great job incorporating the exercise! The cardio sounds like it will do you a world of good too! I understand your arm trouble. My biggest problems are the tummy and arms. I was putting gel in my hair one day and saw my upper arm waving at me in the mirror. (shudder) It was NOT pleasant! So, I’m using hand weights for now; trying to get rid of the flop.

Well, have a great OP day, everyone!

Emerald 04-26-2005 09:51 AM

Oh, yeah. I'll share my mini-goal. Me and a friend are doing a 10N10 challenge. Our Bible study is 10 weeks. So, we challenge to lose 10# in 10 weeks. If so, we are taking a day off work and hitting the beach! We can strut our stuff in new swimsuits!

Have you come up with anything, Linda?

dawnydw 04-26-2005 01:42 PM

Hi, just a quick one from me tonight. DH had to work the night shift (after a long day shift) last night, and although he was the one working, and not me, I feel as if I've been hit by a brick - so tired. I find it hard to sleep when he's not here, not used to it I guess!

Nat, like the ball 'game' idea for the arms. My arms, too, have their wobbles, so I think an exercise combining cardio movements and 'real' arm exercise has to be a great combination. Let us know if it works. I assume you have fainted yet this month, so just try to avoid the TOM munchies and you will be fine!

Linda, hi, hope you went to the meeting. Whatever the result, you will get back on track at some point. At least at the moment if you are able to stick to things on a few days per week, its got to prevent any weight gains being too much. Hopefully, things in your life will settle a little soon and you will feel able to get stuck in. Sorry about Jamie by the way. Its such a shame she doesn't go to meetings now as she was doing so well. Maybe the nutritionist will do the trick, but as we can all testify, it can take years on and off the weightloss wagon to finally realise where we are going wrong. Maybe this specialist can break that cycle in Jamie's case and get her on the straight and narrow before she goes down the same route as the rest of us!

Melanie. Sorry things aren't going so well for you with DH and other things at the mo. But yeah, these things do have a habit of seeming like the end of the world for a while, then suddenly passing of their own accord. Good luck with your 'mini' goal, I won't be seeing much of the beach this year, (and our beaches aren't usually warm enough to risk a bikini at the best of times anyway!) Oh, and the woman who was mean - she wasn't that overweight, unfortunately. Just a bit, so that helps a little!

Ok, so for a quick post tonight, I didn't do too bad, I'll go for now, and be back tomorrow. See ya.

derrydaughter 04-27-2005 08:17 AM

Hi guys, finally got brave and updated my signature with my true real weight for all to see.... darn. Here I am back to this deplorable weight. I was on program yesterday, though, and my mini goal for this week is to journal every single day no matter what.... I can do this. I know it. I have also set a goal of trying to exercise even a little bit every day this week, even if it's only 10 minutes.
Nat, if you want to tone up your arms, try laying on your back with your knees up in the air, feet on the floor. Take weights (3 pounds usually work well here) and hold your arms up straight and bend them back behind your head to exercise the tri-cep muscles on the back of your arm. This works well if you do it regularly. Keep the weights touching each other and then come back up with straight arms, hope this is an understandable explanation! Try repetitions of 20 and build up to about 50 a day, you'll see more toning there in a few weeks. Of course, this is one of those "do as I say, not as I do" things for me. I have all the ideas, but don't put them into implementation myself, sadly. Maybe we should ALL try to do this one exercise at least 3 times this week? Another mini goal!
I stayed on track all day yesterday and did the right thing all the way, I need to take this right now one day at a time. I have nothing but the best intentions for today.
I am looking for a good chili recipe, low in points and high in fiber, anyone have a nice one?
Jamie has been totally off track. Her weight is up too and that is not helping me any. We were both doing so well working on this together, but she is not there mentally right now at all. She was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, by the way. We've got to get her meals and food in control or she'll end up diabetic. Not fun. We went to a nutritionist at the local hospital yesterday and came away with a food plan and will go back to see this person in 3 weeks. She was very nice. We've got to find high fiber recipes and keep her sugar down, but give her natural sugars. She needs to eat breakfast and as a teen who has to get on a school bus at 6:30 am, she just isn't hungry in the mornings. We talked about portable breakfast bars that might be good for her. I have much to absorb about her special needs and hope I can make it work with my own special needs......Sounds lots like the core ww plan to me, so I guess I'll buy one of the ww core cookbooks? I went on Amazon.com and ordered a few books on hypoglycemia last night, one of those "for dummies" books as well as a few others, including a low sugar cookbook.
My DH and son are going to have to try to get used to whole wheat pasta and brown rice a bit as well, this will be hard and I may have to cook extra things for them. I don't mind eating all the high fiber things as I know it's good for me and I have acid reflux anyway and am supposed to have at least 25g of fiber daily.
So, we embark on some new eating habits here. Jamie seemed to accept her fate well, but I noted she overate again last night, from the evidence I saw in the kitchen when I got up. Or was it overeating?.... and am I obsessing about everything that goes into her mouth and my own? What a mess!
Take care everyone, I am BACK here posting and BACK on track and hopeful.....

dawnydw 04-27-2005 10:01 AM

Hi there Linda, sounds good advice from the nutrionist, but its not easy to find the right stuff to eat - this is from one who doesn't cook too well and became diabetic whilst pregnant. I certainly hope that Jamie doesn't end up going down that road, diabetes is no fun at all, and with the possibility of getting it at such a tender age, it seems so much worse, as once you have it, you have it. No getting better from that one. The youngsters don't always seem to listen to the advice though, do they? Doesn't matter whether its about not watching a particular movie or whether its a life or death thing. They will either do it or they won't. Good luck! As for the chilli, as you know, my recipes don't make a habit of showing themselves on here, but mine is kept really simple, very much like a low fat bolognese, but I add chilli powder and kidney beans. The only points to count are that for the meat - very low fat minced steak is my choice - tasty and quite reasonable points. I enjoy it with brown rice, which would add the fibre. Lots of tinned tomatoes and onions add a couple of veggie portions to fill it out. Ok, so its simple, but it works for me! And doesn't take long to cook either! I like doing the arm exercise you mention, I do it quite regularly, but I'm up for doing it 3 times a week as part of a mini challenge if you are! I also like one thats very similar that you can do with hand weights standing up. Hold the weight(s) with both hands above your head with your arms straight, then bend your arms and lower the weight behind your head, hold for a second and straighten up again. Ok, not a good explanation without a picture, but you can feel it working too.

I've got WI tonight. I think I may be a pound or so above my last WI, but that was below goal weight anyway, so hopefully, still ok. It will really depend if I can stay away from the chocolate which I can smell that AJ's munching on as I type. It's stuff he still has left over from Easter. It smells delicious, but I will keep away. I hope. If I do, it will be a major NSV.

Got to go for now, I've just had a new summer house erected in my garden, but it needs to come down and exchanged as the little men didn't do their job properly. Is it just me, or do some jobs seem destined to be mistakes? I will go and look at it though, as the sun is shining and I need to sweep the mud from everywhere that they left for me! See ya later.

derrydaughter 04-27-2005 06:43 PM

I feel like I am fighting a losing battle with Jamie, it's just so hard right now. I want her to be happy and healthy and I feel so out of control. She has to do this on her own, I guess, but it may take diabetes before she get's the idea?
The food exchange booklet she got yesterday was geared towards diabetics, so this is very close, I guess.
Hope things work out well with the garden summer house, not sure what that really is, but I think it might be what we might call a screen house or a gazeebo? sp????
Also, hope that weigh in goes well tonight. I'm sure not doing well in that department. But, I've been good today and stayed on program as well as did 40 minutes on the treadmill.

Emerald 04-27-2005 11:25 PM

Hello. I'll be the first to report in on Wednesday night WIs. I was only down .2, but I expected it. The last time I jumped up my exercise, I maintained then had a significant loss. I'm guessing the same will happen this time. I know it's doing me good, so I will keep on moving.

Linda - sorry Jamie is acting like a teenager! I'll be praying for her. I hope something clicks with her soon.

That's all for me tonight. Just reporting in.

derrydaughter 04-28-2005 04:17 PM

Well, Melanie, at least you had a loss... more than I've been able to report in ages. I am trying again, though, at least! Yes, Jamie is being a typical teen. I tried to coax her into reading the info the nutritionist gave her this afternoon and she took it as "nagging" her. I want her to be as aware as she can be about what lies ahead for her, as she could truly end up diabetic and I feel that if she takes control now and develops a diet plan that is workable for herself, and drops weight (part of it all, isn't it truly?) that she could prevent diabetes. I want her safe.
The nutritionist talked about dangers that would exist for her if she developed a reaction while driving alone, as she is near the age when she will learn to drive soon. I hadn't thought of that, and it is kind of scary.
Hypoglycemic reactions are truly the same as a diabetic reaction and can result in fainting and death, not a good thing.

derrydaughter 04-29-2005 07:11 AM

Good morning everyone.... where did we all go? Hope are are not on a merry ride to the chocolate factory or anything!
I think the scale moved a bit, I think I am finally making a "come back"!
Also, fair warning, I'll be starting a new thread for us soon, this one is sure getting way too long. Check back here for the link.
Dawny, how was your weigh in?

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