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chilichick 01-12-2005 06:00 PM

Core Or Flex
What is the difference?
Is core like the original program where you go by servings?

I want to try WW agian

freeda 01-12-2005 06:51 PM

Core you are allowed to eat as much as you want of certain foods, then other foods you have to use points. It's a little complicated for me.

chixyb 01-12-2005 08:42 PM

The core program is the new program, there is still the flex points/turn around program as well. I also found the core program a little to complicated, so I am sticking to the regular program.

Candy76 01-13-2005 07:49 AM

I am on CORE because I found the counting points part of FLEX to be too complicated. With CORE, you do not have to count anything, but you can not eat how ever much you want. You eat until satisfied. You can eat foods that are on the CORE list (foods that are without sugar, non-processed, and natural). It is basically just eating foods that are entirley healthy. Baked or grilled skin-less chicken... Whole wheat pasta... brown rice, baked or grilled fish... the list goes on and on. I eat LOTS of fruits and veggies too. In addition to all the CORE foods you can eat from without having to count points, you also get 35 points a week for non-CORE foods. I used some of mine last week to eat at Applebees.

I like CORE because I don't have to "count" every single bite... But I think you have to figure out which one you like the best, because that is the one you are most likely to stick with.

Kelly_S 01-13-2005 10:09 AM

I found Core to restrictive for my lifestyle. It forces you to use the meager 35 WPA for things not on the Core food list. For example fat-free cheddar cheese is a Core product but I refuse to give up taste and texture for a 'DIET' program and I eat full fat cheese as part of my daily dairy requirement. That eats up some points. I enjoy and do not feel satisified when I don't get in some complex carb baked goods like whole grain breads...these also are not Core foods. There are other things too but with what I gave you get an idea.

To me Core is too hard to eat when dining out which I do 2-3 times a week because if you have to 'desect' an entree to figure out which is Core and which is not so you can figure what you used in WPAs you 'should' and is 'recommended' you just use the WPA for the entire item.

Many people use frozen meals for lunches and they are not Core. I am not one that does that as I make my own.

I will say from the beginning of my Weight Loss Program I have eaten and still do 90-95% of the time from the items on the food list designated as Core Foods.

Now which is better for you or your lifestyle no one can make that decision for you. It will depend on you as an individual. So try each for 1-2 weeks and then decide which is better for your to do and which does not make you feel like you are deprived or restricted (which both programs can do in one way or another).

chilichick 01-14-2005 05:59 AM

That is a good idea to try both for a few weeks to decide. I have used flex points so I know I can do that, but I hear so much buzz about core that I had to ask.

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