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DewCan 02-07-2004 01:55 PM

Valentine's Day Challenge Week #5
Good morning,

Christie asked if I would start the new thread for this week. So here it is :cool:

So how are you all? Sticking ot your rules? I want ot eat so bad today.. :devil: how annoying. I'm going to go and buy some ingredients for a salad. Hopefully that will do it :crossed:

Well, I should go

SaskieMom 02-07-2004 05:16 PM

I am super hungry the past two days too! It is 4 oclock and I only have 6 pts left for the day- and about 22 flex pts, which I am sure will be used! :lol:
The job interview is for a 60% teaching position in the city that I live in. It is resource/special education, which I am not really qualified for. I am hoping since it is only a temp position that I have an ok shot!
My dd is 16 months. :) All my friends that were nursing their babies have stopped, but dd and I are still going strong. I had thought she would wean by now! It was a good bond for us to have while we were living away from home, I think it helped keep her stable.
How is your weekend going so far, Diana? It is awfully quiet around here! How was your salad? When are you moving?
I better get going...dd is napping and I should hurry and try to get something done!

DewCan 02-08-2004 12:25 AM

Tara, way to go with the nursing :spin: I am sooo jealous. Oh well, maybe next time. The salad was good, Iahve no idea how many points, but I think I'm at my points target for the day. I took it easy the rest of the day. Hopefully I can keep this up. Tomorrow, I'll be gone pretty much all day, it will be fun. Seeing lots of people. We're moving March 5th, I'm sooo happy :D :D
The teaching position sounds ideal being 60% and all. Best of luck to you :lucky:
Well, should go to bed,
Diana :wave:

SaskieMom 02-08-2004 05:09 PM

Why are you moving? Are you happy because you will be with your family?
Congrats on keeping OP this weekend!
I ended up over yesterday- a few too many glasses of wine! :o I also did not meet my goals for today. But, tomorrow is a new day!

lilybutt 02-08-2004 11:11 PM

Well, it has been a while, and unfortunately that does not bring good weight loss news! I knew that January and February were going to be hard and they are. I work as a special education consultant and am involved in lots of special projects that take me away from home to meetings and trainings were my food is not always in my control...that being said I DO take full responsibility…because even when that plate is put in front of me, it is not dictated anywhere that I MUST eat it all or that I can have the snacks at break, or that after all the crap I ate all day, I might was well just eat what I want for the weekend and restart on Monday!!!!!! So I am choosing not to weigh in until this coming up Friday and getting back OP tomorrow morning. I have the next 2 weeks with no overnight trips and there is not reason I cannot stay on program. I had a talk with my boyfriend and he is supportive so it should be a better 2 weeks for me! Wish me luck!


DewCan 02-09-2004 12:21 AM

Tara, don't sweat it. Keep going with the challenge, see how many days you can do it in a row. Always try to keep to the rules at least one day longer. How does that sound. Yummm, wine...lucky you :dizzy: I'm moving because of DHs schooling. It's an apprenticeship program, that's why it's only for 2 months. I'm so excited to spend more time with my family.

Lily, don't weigh if it will discourage you :spin: But do get back OP. You'll always be better for it. You can accomplish a lot in 2 weeks.


golfergirl 02-09-2004 09:57 AM

Alright...Hi Girls, It's the Last week!!!

Well, my weekly goals are going good so far. I had a good weekend, 1 slip up on Friday night because we went to a concert and from there went out and we were all starving so I had some Mozzarella Sticks...:-( but other than that I did well.

Me and the husband are on a Salad (fruit and veggie) only diet for 2 weeks. Maybe not the smartest thing, but we have both been following WW and both have gained weight so we decided that we are going to do this for 2 weeks until we go to FL... Neither of us can fit into our clothes!!! SO...we are going to be healthy and just stick to salads!! I am going to exercise 2ce as hard as I have been!! instead of 30 minutes, I will go for an hour!! I am getting better I did 3 miles in 30 minutes on the treadmill the other day...when I started I would be lucky do do 1 miles in 30min. Yeah!!

Hope the rest of you had a great weekend and had some personal successes!!

I know I won't hit the weight portion of my Valentine's challenge, BUT, I can't weight for the next challenge!! I feel like I have to start losing soon!!

DewCan 02-09-2004 01:05 PM

Wow, golfergirl you sound determined. I'm sure you can do it :cheer:

golfergirl 02-09-2004 03:43 PM

Thanks Diana...the frusteration has put me into determination mode!! :-) I stepped on the scale this weekend and was up 2 more pounds!! I don't understand at all!! But all I can do is try harder. I have been working out long enough, and actually do like it, so I don't want the frusteration to make me quit! I know I can do it. But I would like to do it by the 20th, when we leave for FL, because NOTHING FITS!!!

SaskieMom 02-09-2004 06:02 PM

Welcome back, Lily! :wave: Good luck getting back on track!
Diana- Your life will probably be a lot easier with more family near by, thats great! Yes- the wine was yummy! It wasn't "real" wine, but the fruity stuff...we had a good time!
Golfergirl- I can totally understand what you are saying. Good luck with your salad plan- make sure you are getting enough calories/fat/etc... that you don't put your body into starvation mode, or you won't lose anything!
I did not journal again today...tomorrow is my first WI, and I will get back at it after that! I did go to the gym, and I am eating healthy, I just haven't journalled.
I have been a little frustrated- I went to the gym and journalled for 6 days and the scale did not move at all. This wouldn't be a big deal, but normally when I do a fresh start week with WW I lose 6-9 lbs. I know that it is silly of me to fixate on the #, though, so I am going to make myself go to that meeting and journal again.
I am a little afraid of what the scale will say there tomorrow- my home scale says 170, I hopped on the gym scale this morning and it said 180....so I may have a sad night tomorrow night! But I know it will be better a week from tomorrow night! ;)
Thanks for putting up with my ramblings....
Hope you are all having a great, OP, day!

DewCan 02-10-2004 04:08 PM

Golfergirl, I don't know what to say about the gain. Could be just muscle :?: I know it's frustrating. How can I help you?

Tara, good luck with the WI tonight :lucky: I know waht you mean with the expectin to lose more. I thought I would lose lots my first week at WW , I lost but not as muc has I thought. I've been very good this week and don't find the scale moving, and it's frustrating me ggrrrrrr.... I was atlking to my BIL who works out a lot and is my favorite triathlete and he encouraged me to see things over a month instead of a week as it is really more accurate. So I'm tryin got so so to decrease my frustrations.
Well, I should go as I have done very little all day.

SaskieMom 02-11-2004 01:41 AM

Diana- I really like that idea, looking at a month instead of a week! :)
Well, I didn't get to WI tonight. There was a blizzard in the entire southern part of the province, most highways were shut down completely. I did make it to the gym, though. And I am going to resume journalling again.
Uh-oh, I think I hear a baby crying. We have friends & their 3 kids staying overnight, due to the storm. Hopefully it is their baby, not mine! :lol:
I have my job interview in the morning, I am up late looking at possible interview questions.
Diana, could you tell me a little more about Fast TracK? I know it is 20 pts every day, no AP or Flex Pts...what else? I think I may give it a try, with 8-10 extra pts per day, to ensure my supply stays up.
How are you finding it?
I better get going.

BTW- Is anyone going to make their V-Day Challenge, or can we just start a new one?!?! I know I won't make my goal! :o

golfergirl 02-11-2004 09:53 AM

Well, I stepped on the scale last night and was pleasantly suprised!! On Sunday I was 185 and now I am 181...Hopefully it keeps going like that. Last night was good... I ran 2miles and a little on the stair stepper! But supper was not good. We had pizza, well, I had a few breadsticks and my husband had pizza. Not good, but I couldn't take another salad. But I will still keep on the salad thing. It's a good way to lose. We have chicken salads, etc... so it should be healthy as well. I have also made fruit salad with FF cool-whip and angel food cake with the crushed pineapple and ff cool-whip so that's the dessert!

Tara- I will not even be close to my goal for V-day... but not for lack of trying!

Diana- I will take you BIL's advice on seeing it over a month instead of a week! I think that is a good plan...maybe that's how I need to look at it to get the momentum to lose this weight!! Good Plan!!

DewCan 02-12-2004 12:30 AM

Tara, when is St Patrick's Day again? How about once VD is over, only 3 more days, then we'll start a new challenge. How does that sound? I know that I won't make my goal either, it makes me a bit sad :( But I am down from what I was when I started this challenge :) I heard about hte snow storm, it looks brutal :eek: You know how we had such awful weather here a week and a half ago, -47C, well, earlier this week it was +2C and raining, talk about weird. Now it's -10 and that is nice ;) And with the fast track, they didn't give much info, other than a menu that you can pick stuff from, that's pretty much it. Sorry, can't help you. Good luck with the guests over, and hopefully it was their baby crying :lol:

Golfergirl, :cheer: :cb: :cheer: :cb: :cheer:
yeah, you did it, the scale finally budged after all this trying. I ma truly happy for you, and it moved in a big way too. I think it's jusst finally catching up becasue you can't possibly lose 4 pounds in 3 days, but keep up with the salads if you're not tired of them yet :lol: Sounds like you're putting some other stuff in there to keep it a bit varied.

I went to visit a new nephew today, how cute, and I can't remember my baby being that small, funny how that works ;)


golfergirl 02-12-2004 09:34 AM

Diana- Thanks for the cheering section... I was shocked when the scale moved 4 pounds... that's huge...but I weighed myself again last night just to make sure it wasn't a fluke and it's still at 181!! Yeah!! So, that was the motivation I needed!! I am very pumped up and ready to go. I ran 2 miles last night in 24 minutes...Tuesday night it was 2 miles in 30 minutes, so I am pushing myself harder and harder all the time. I am SO sick of salads, but when I see a change I am thrilled and will keep on it for a while. We do change it up a bit. and we have enough low fat snacks (desserts) that it's not been a problem!!!

Itryharder 02-12-2004 10:57 AM

Weigh to go! Perserverance paid off!
Everybody, you're the best. Keep on keepin' on.
I won't meet my Valentine's Challenge, but I managed to lose 5 pounds instead of 6, so I am close to meeting it. What I know is that the continual effort is what gets the pounds off of me.

I'm up for a St. Pat's Challenge three days after V. D. C. How about everyone else?

Have you heard from Christie and is she fine?

Onward and downwarddddddddd for us all.
234/211.8/thinner this is another new low for me even though I only lost .6# this week. Yay! :cb:

SaskieMom 02-12-2004 11:10 AM

Golfergirl- Way to go! :D That is an amazing work! I agree with Diana, it is probably all your hard working finally paying off! You are very inspiring!
Diana- How old is your nephew? You're right, we'll wait until Saturday and then start a new challenge. Do you ever get bored, being on mat leave? Do you go out lots? Do you have lots of friends with children? Is there lots to do for people with children there? Thanks for always being here, your messages often make me smile!
Judy- Congrats on a job well done with the challenge! You will soon be under 200- that is a wonderful feeling! :D
I am also down from where I was when we started. I have been bored and a little unhappy lately, and that has translated into not trying. I know I need to get off my butt and get at it. I even have the healthy groceries I need to do it! :rolleyes: So, I am going to commit, one day at a time, to staying on track. You guys may get tired of me posting- whenever I think I am going to get off track I will come here! :) I have been doing fine with going to the gym 5 days a week, I just haven't tracked, and that is the key for me!
Do you guys journal every day?

SaskieMom 02-12-2004 02:04 PM

Hi, ladies! :wave: I just wanted to check in and let you know I am in a much more positive mood this afternoon! I went shopping this morning and got some great deals and found out that I haven't "grown" as much as I had feared! :lol: I am journalling, OP, and have my bro cominng over to babysit this afternoon so I can hit the gym. :) It is turning out to be a good day! Also, dh and I may head off for a weekend away tomorrow, which would be our first weekend away from dd ever!!
Hope you are all having great, OP, days!

DewCan 02-12-2004 03:10 PM

Keep going with the exercsie Golfergirl, your endurance, speed, and intensity is increasing so that tells you that your improving your body. Your heart, muscles and bones love you for it. Isn't it nice to know that it wan't jsut a fluke on the scale :D I haven't heard from Christie, but I have a feeling she'll get to a computer on the weekend and post then. :crossed:

Judy, way to go on the loss :cheer:, you are so close to meeting your goal for VD. You have 2 days to go, maybe just drink a lot of green tea, that's what Christie sould recommend, who knows, you amy still make it :D You're not that far from "one"derland you know ;)

Tara, he was born yesterday, and we went to the hospital to see him (oh, and his parents :lol: ) You know I thought I would get bored being on leave, but surprisingly I don't. I get out of my house probably only twice a week. I go visiting then, do errands and the grocery shopping. I quilt, read, watch tv, exercise, talk on the phone, and spend time online, here and ebay :lol: There isn't much to do with kids here as it's a small town, but I'm looking forward to when we move as we'll do stuff like the pool and such, baby is such a water freak :bb: Most of my family and DHs family have kids, so it's nice to get together with them. And some of my friends are married with first babies too, that's nice :) I spend a ton of time a t home alone as I don't have a vehicle and live in the country, but I like it, I'm sad that my leave will be over in a few months. How did you like your leave? How long did you get? How did the interview go? Tara, I'll never get tired of you posting. I'm always happy if there is a new post when I come to check, which is usually twice a day. To answer you, sometimes I count points in my head, but yesterday and today I have journalled. Way to go on the exercise :cb: I'm glad you're in better spirits today though, it can make the world of a difference in one's outlook on life, and weight loss. Wow, going away from baby a whole weekend, I've never left baby for a night, although it might be nice. Where are you going? For VDay too, how nice ;) How did your first WI back go at WW the other day?

WEll, I'm too chicken to weigh today, it will be down, but I'm still chicken. I've broken my rules in our little competition, I haven't been drinking my water, I've been doing the other stuff though, I jsut find it hard to drink the water. I did it for 5 days though ;)
:blah: :blah: :sorry: Sorry, I really go on sometimes, hopre you don't mind, baby is sleeping and I just have the time.

SaskieMom 02-12-2004 08:12 PM

That is awesome that you have stuck to 5 of your rules! Congrats on your new nephew! :) You are lucky that you are happy to stay home. I am just a naturally "busy" person, and especially after working fulltime I just feel like we need to keep busy!
I took 13 months for my mat leave, worked for 6, and now I am off again until I find a job. I didn't get the one I interviewed for this week- the person they hired most likely had more spec. ed courses than I do! It's ok, the only reason I applied is to try to get into the school system here.
WI was cancelled due to the blizzard.
DH and I may go to Calgary this weekend. (10 hrs!) We will find out tonight. It will be hard to be away from dd, especially since I am still nursing! But I know that it would be REALLY good for us to have some time alone. I have not been feeling very romantic lately! :lol:
How close to goal is everyone here? Some of you have your goals posted, but not everyone, and I am just curious!

DewCan 02-13-2004 01:54 AM

Tara, sorry you didn't get the job, but it only means that it wasn't meant to be and there is a better one out there for you ;) I'm sure you will enjoy the trip, are you going ot pump then to keep up your supply? Might be a good idea :idea: I worked full time too before I went on leave, it was definitely a change. The worst part was when I had to go off work before baby came due to PIH, pregnancy induced hypertension, it was on "couch rest" as my doctor called it. That was very boring :yawn: I keep myself busy all day and there is always stuff left on my "to do" list at the end of everyday.
Gotta go to bed....

golfergirl 02-13-2004 10:24 AM

Well, to be honest I don't totally remember my goals anymore BUT... I have lost 9 pounds since the start of this. As well as making it to the gym, eating healthy and drinking the green tea!! Great motivation!! I was stuck for a long time but have finally made the jump to losing again!!

SaskieMom 02-13-2004 10:51 AM

Diana- I'm not upset about the job, it will be nice to have a longer break! :D I had high bp in my pregnancy too, but was able to avoid bed rest. The fortunate thing is that it usually only happens with the first pregnancy- so we should both be ok if we have more children! Do you want to have more? We aren't going to Calgary now. It will probably be another quiet weekend at home. Are you doing anything fun for Valentine's Day?
Golfergirl- 9 lbs is GREAT! A lot of that has just come off in the past week, right? How long until you leave on your trip? Are you and dh doing anything special tomorrow?
Do you drink decaf green tea? What brand and kind do you drink? Right now I have the lipton stuff in the little round container that is resealable. It is ok, but I have had better!
I am off to another good start today. I have finally wrapped my mind around the fact that I just have to do the plan! I am going to the gym this afternoon, have started my daily journal, and didn't get on the scale yesterday or today!
Do any of you ever cook with black beans and have any yummy recipes? I have surfed the recipe threads here, but haven't found anything appealing.

golfergirl 02-13-2004 02:42 PM

Tara- The 9 lbs. has just come off in the last week. Monday I was at 185 and today I am at 179...I am thrilled. We have been eating salads, one for lunch, snacks (grapes), breakfast (banana or apple) and a LARGE salad for supper with good stuff. And I have been pushing myself harder at the gym as well!! So FINALLY it's come off. I don't remember the green tea that I have been drinking. It's the hot stuff, it's been so cold that it's nice to have the hot stuff. It's the cheap stuff that I bought at Target... I only drink 2 glasses a day. We leave for FL next Friday...I can't wait. I was hoping to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks but maybe it will even be more. I just want to fit into some of my comfy clothes before I leave...even if I "have to" go buy some more just to have some fun clothes that fit really good!! :-) Any excuse to shop is fine by me :-) For Valentine's Day we are just staying in, I am making a large (fattening) supper. Scallops with truffle oil, veal mushroom ravioli, Chocolate Mayonaisse Cake (sounds gross but's fabulous!!) in a heart shaped pan!! I am getting movies tonight and we will have a nice quiet, cuddly night at home :-)

Anyway, today has been good. I had an apple for breakfast and a piece of pizza for lunch, and now I am chewing gum to keep my attention from food!! I leave work at 2 on Friday's so I am ready to go!!!! I have to go grocery shopping for tomorrow night!!

Thanks for all the support, I will be back on the boards Monday looking for the next challenge!! I am on a roll and this weight is GOING to come off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!

SaskieMom 02-13-2004 04:02 PM

Congrats again on acheiving such a great loss- you have worked hard and deserve it! I hope you enjoy your romantic evening. Scallops with truffle oil sounds so yummy!

I am having a great day- went shopping/walking with a friend, then I am forfitting my cardio day at the gym in order to go for an outdoor walk with my sis and a friend. I am OP, even though I wanted to order something really good for lunch I just didn't!! The weekend may be tough- I have company, Valentines Day, then big supper at my Grandpa's Sunday....I will exercise lots and be careful, and get through it!
Anyone else have obstacles this weekend?

DewCan 02-14-2004 12:30 AM

Golfergirl, you have been very successful, keep it up :cb: You're in the 170's, :D I want to be there too! Ahhh...soon.......That supper you're making sounds super, you msut be a very good and adventuresome cook. :D I hope you really enjoy your trip. We'll be here when you come back;) And ready to go on the next challenge. You sound like you're up to it as well.

Tara, to answer your question, yes I think we'd like to expand our family, what about you guys? And about VD, I'm sure we don'e do anything too exciting, but I will mke him share the chocolates I'm giving him :lol: Sorry, I don't cook with the black beans. I hope you enjoyed your walk with the girls, how's the snow situation now? We're going to friends for supper tomorrow, hopefully I'll do well there, best of luck to you during your hard weekend. :lucky:

SaskieMom 02-14-2004 10:22 AM

Well, Valentine's Day is here...what are the results?
I had aimed to lose 10lbs, and lost 6. Not so bad, but I really didn't work to acheive this goal. With a little more effort I could have reached my goal. So I am ready for another challenge...how about everyone else?
Diana- Did you get your dh some good chocolates? Mine just got a card. Did you get your :bb: anything? We got our daughter something quite un-Valentinelike. Have you seen the LeapFrog Fridge magnet set? She had played with one at a friend's house and loved it, so we got her one. There are so many great learning toys! But, I will stop myself there! :) I could talk kids or weight loss all day!!:lol:
Do you have far to go to be in the 170's? I really want to be back in the 160's!
I read something around here somewhere that made a lot of sense to me. It basically said that you may plateau at the same place when losing weight that you did when gaining. For me, this means that although I was lucky enough to be around 163 for months, while eating like a monster, I may get stuck there on the way back down. Just something to think about!
I am going to go start a new challenge. I really hope to see you all there- but you should post how you did with this one too!

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