3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jennifer 3FC 03-28-2011 10:42 AM

Weekly WW Chat March 28 - Apr 3
Happy Monday! I'm surprised this is the first post of the week, since I'm so late! I was up until 2am working on taxes. :tired: DH is leaving for visiting with his family in Holland next week, and we've got to get a load of work done before he goes. It will feel really good to get it all wrapped up. It's not been bad though - I love paperwork! Oooh, balancing and making everything perfect. :lol:

I've been on track all week and it feels good! I exercised yesterday for the first time in a while, and it really cleared my mind. Why haven't I been exercising? The endorphins are such a welcome feeling, especially when I'm feeling like diving head first in to a vat of spaghetti.

This week I'm going to commit to exercising every day, and to cooking dinner at home every night. (no restaurants!)

Tudor Rose 03-28-2011 11:11 AM

I had a MUCH better week this week. After two weeks of gains, I lost 2.2 lbs this week! :carrot: I stayed on track and felt good all week. I didn't have much time to exercise since I was volunteering at our local film festival, but all the running around the theater must have helped!

pointspluspioneer 03-28-2011 11:12 AM

I've really had a eyeopening weigh in sat. Sick all last week and GAINED .2, so mad! I hardly ate 3 days due to not feeling well. But i'm going to commit to cooking this week and drinking ALOT of water to flush all the sodium out from the weekend. I'm stuck within 2 lbs for weeks now!

uncontentgirl 03-28-2011 11:24 AM

Good Morning everyone! Im bummed this morning.... about to vent!!

mmel3283 03-28-2011 12:07 PM

I stayed the same this week. Which is okay, because last week I dropped 5lbs, so I'm okay with a maintain this week.

Super excited, starting my hip hop dance class tomorrow. It's my goal this week to work out 3 days. Hip Hop Dance Class tomorrow, Zumba on Wednesday and hitting my treadmill at home on Thursday.

I figure 3 days this week is a good start. I also want to get some hand weights to tone my arms up.

Hope everyone has a great week! :hug:

LitChick 03-28-2011 03:57 PM

Hello, chickies! :wave:

I had a good weekend, ran the women's 5K with a friend of mine and stayed at her pace so I did it for the fun and the camaraderie as opposed to trying to set any personal records. The race shirt was cool - a pretty aqua color, women's sizing and a tech shirt, not cotton.

We went over to a friend's house for supper that evening where they served spaghetti and meatballs. Thankfully the meatballs were turkey and the sauce was a homemade marinara, so besides the pasta, not a whole lot of points. The same cannot be said for the wine that was flowing, however! I had three smallish glasses. And then a small piece of tiramisu with coffee for dessert. I enjoyed the food and the company and for me, this is part of living the plan and what makes WW a lifestyle rather than a diet.

On Sunday, I went shopping with another friend to a JC Penny outlet store. I had to buy a new swimsuit because the one I had last year is too big. I also was on the lookout for an Easter dress. I found this really cute cotton dress, kind of a 50s style, with a brown and orange print. It looked really flattering and since it was only $20, I went ahead and bought it. And even better - it was a size 10! :woohoo:

It's been rainy and stormy here all weekend (some places in our county got golfball-sized hail Saturday night) and the dreariness is continuing over to today. Consequently my mood is a little dreary as well. Just one of those blah days where I just want to go home, get under the covers and sleep. I hope the weather and my mood are better tomorrow.

mmel3283 03-28-2011 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by LitChick (Post 3779571)
Hello, chickies! :wave:

I had a good weekend, ran the women's 5K with a friend of mine and stayed at her pace so I did it for the fun and the camaraderie as opposed to trying to set any personal records. The race shirt was cool - a pretty aqua color, women's sizing and a tech shirt, not cotton.

We went over to a friend's house for supper that evening where they served spaghetti and meatballs. Thankfully the meatballs were turkey and the sauce was a homemade marinara, so besides the pasta, not a whole lot of points. The same cannot be said for the wine that was flowing, however! I had three smallish glasses. And then a small piece of tiramisu with coffee for dessert. I enjoyed the food and the company and for me, this is part of living the plan and what makes WW a lifestyle rather than a diet.

On Sunday, I went shopping with another friend to a JC Penny outlet store. I had to buy a new swimsuit because the one I had last year is too big. I also was on the lookout for an Easter dress. I found this really cute cotton dress, kind of a 50s style, with a brown and orange print. It looked really flattering and since it was only $20, I went ahead and bought it. And even better - it was a size 10! :woohoo:

It's been rainy and stormy here all weekend (some places in our county got golfball-sized hail Saturday night) and the dreariness is continuing over to today. Consequently my mood is a little dreary as well. Just one of those blah days where I just want to go home, get under the covers and sleep. I hope the weather and my mood are better tomorrow.

How many points for homemade turkey meatballs?

mercuryblue 03-28-2011 04:47 PM

I started using my tracker! i just bought the 3 month one on friday at WI, and i like it so far. I am able to better keep track of what i am doing. I was finding it a little hard to pull it together after going down to 36 points. Now i am doing ok. Hoping that this week will be better because of it. I finally tamed the wild beast that is the elliptical machine. i managed to have the resistance way up and tolerate 30 min. I find it hard on my knees even when people say its supposed to be the best for the knees. WI is on Saturday with my first Zumba class right after.

Spooky 03-28-2011 08:31 PM

I had an uneventful weekend. I worked out both days (did climbing intervals on Saturday and went to a yoga class on Sunday) and ate a little more intentionally -- I used all but 10 of my weekly points.

Today I weighed in and was down 4.6! I did gain last week though, 3.2 lbs worth of TOM bloat so it's a net loss of 1.4 which is still a success in my book. I surpassed my 5% which I'm super happy about.


Tonight we went out for pizza and I only managed to eat 2 slices plus 1 garlic knot. This is a huge NSV for me because I used to be able to eat WAY more plus drink a pitcher of beer MYSELF. It's amazing how much more moderate my habits are these days and I was proud of myself for listening to my body and not eating myself into discomfort.

I'm back to work this week starting tomorrow night. I am planning to go to spin tomorrow morning, take Wednesday off, do Zumba Thurs and Friday and figure something out for the weekend as time allows (I'm working Saturday and Sunday nights). Putting in my notice tomorrow night! :)

Hope everyone has a great week!

Phae 03-28-2011 09:27 PM

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well this week so far!! Love hearing about all the losses -- keep it up guys!! :cheer2:

I am crazy tired tonight!! Monday nights I have my Brownie group right after work so I don't get home til almost 9pm, and when you leave the house at 7:30am, that is a long day!! We got our spring cookies to sell, and I am pumped to sell them... but I don't think I will be eating any! I have in the past polished off a whole box in one sitting, so it will be a true test of will...

I am crazy proud of myself for sticking to it for almost a month now!! Before I have given up after a week and felt soooo crappy for doing so. But this time -- I am in it for the long haul!! I keep surprising myself by saying "no" to certain things, feeling fuller after having less food, etc.

Hope everyone has a nice night!!

mercuryblue 03-29-2011 02:41 AM

This week i have had quite a few people ask me how much weight i have lost cause they said i am looking awesome... so that is a huge motivator for me. Made me feel so good :) I keep thinking... well ive only lost 14.5lbs, but it seems to be showing that its coming off! So excited, my days are filled with such enthusiasm right now.

mmel3283 03-29-2011 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by mercuryblue (Post 3780444)
This week i have had quite a few people ask me how much weight i have lost cause they said i am looking awesome... so that is a huge motivator for me. Made me feel so good :) I keep thinking... well ive only lost 14.5lbs, but it seems to be showing that its coming off! So excited, my days are filled with such enthusiasm right now.

That is definitely motivating. Good for you!! :carrot:

Jinksie 03-29-2011 09:43 AM

i hope no one minds my asking (and i've tried googling it up as much as i could - to no true avail - and you're all women, maybe you know).

Has anyone had some weird side affects on WW, with their TOM?
I got my first one, 3 days into WW (1st, since having daughter, getting pregnant etc - about 6months postpartum). Which is fine and dandy, until today, when i have it again... that's a 16 day cycle. I was reading that it might be a hormonal shift, from weight loss or new exercise. Now i've done both in the past 3 weeks. Anyone else had something similar since joining WW? or is this perhaps a postpartum related thing?:?:

Tudor Rose 03-29-2011 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by mercuryblue (Post 3780444)
This week i have had quite a few people ask me how much weight i have lost cause they said i am looking awesome... so that is a huge motivator for me. Made me feel so good :) I keep thinking... well ive only lost 14.5lbs, but it seems to be showing that its coming off! So excited, my days are filled with such enthusiasm right now.

That's always so nice when people mention they can tell you're losing weight!

I know I'm losing inches in my hips and waist because my pants suddenly seem longer, haha

Jennifer 3FC 03-29-2011 10:04 AM

Jinksie, I have never heard of anything like that from a WW person. I've heard of changes with low carb, but not WW. I suppose it's possible for diet to have an affect on us in different ways, but since your first episode was 3 days in to the plan, I think it's unlikely that it's related.

Are you breastfeeding? Also, have you looked in to PCOS to see if you have any of the symptoms? http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/pcos...formation.html

Mercuryblue, yayyy for you! :cheer:

Jennifer 3FC 03-29-2011 10:06 AM

Phae, are you selling Girl Scout cookies? Last week they were out full force at the local store exits. We were leaving Home Depot and my husband ran me past them like paparazzi. :lol: You are strong to pass them up. High Five!

Jinksie 03-29-2011 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Jennifer 3FC (Post 3780813)
Jinksie, I have never heard of anything like that from a WW person. I've heard of changes with low carb, but not WW. I suppose it's possible for diet to have an affect on us in different ways, but since your first episode was 3 days in to the plan, I think it's unlikely that it's related.

Are you breastfeeding? Also, have you looked in to PCOS to see if you have any of the symptoms? http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/pcos...formation.html

no i dont breastfeed :) ( i did for 4 weeks)

thank you for a hastey reply. Looking at it i have maybe 2 of those symptoms. And i looked at another link, which offered some "symptoms".. i dont have any of them. People dont lose weight with it? I think (THINK) im down another 2+lbs this week (according to my scale (which i have to add 2lbs to get the WW number)). & my last pap was 4 months ago.

I think im going to let it play out for a few months, to see if it regulates itself (before i got pregnant, AF would come on the dot). If it doesnt, then i'll go see a DR

Jennifer 3FC 03-29-2011 10:48 AM

A pap smear won't show PCOS. And the weight thing doesn't affect everybody. (Since it's a syndrome, everybody doesn't have the same symptoms - two people can have it and have totally opposite symptoms of each other) Some can't lose, some lose slowly, and others have no problems at all (Victoria Beckham!). But if you only have 2 symptoms, it's probably not an issue anyway unless they are the ones related to Insulin Resistance - dark patches under arms or groin (or dark line across back of neck), and skin tags, in which case that can be a totally separate thing, easily controlled in most people by a better choice in carbohydrates. Good luck!

Spooky 03-29-2011 10:54 AM

I haven't had any TOM changes. It still sucks just as much as it always did. Lol.

I'm back to work tonight. I went to spin class this morning and am now off to take a nap. Hope everyone has a good day!

mmel3283 03-29-2011 01:02 PM

I would point towards Post Partum issues. 15 months later I'm still not back to normal.

Phae 03-29-2011 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by Jennifer 3FC (Post 3780820)
Phae, are you selling Girl Scout cookies? Last week they were out full force at the local store exits. We were leaving Home Depot and my husband ran me past them like paparazzi. :lol: You are strong to pass them up. High Five!

Well, I'm selling Girl Guide cookies which are pretty much the Canadian equivalent. Except we don't have different flavours. We have mint chocolate ones in the Fall and chocolate and vanilla ones in the Spring. :) I have been selling them since I was a girl!

I have told myself I wouldn't eat any, though! I managed to sell my whole case at work today, so there's nothing to tempt me!

LitChick 03-29-2011 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Phae (Post 3781895)
Well, I'm selling Girl Guide cookies which are pretty much the Canadian equivalent. Except we don't have different flavours. We have mint chocolate ones in the Fall and chocolate and vanilla ones in the Spring. :) I have been selling them since I was a girl!

I have told myself I wouldn't eat any, though! I managed to sell my whole case at work today, so there's nothing to tempt me!

I grew up selling (and eating) Girl Guide cookies, too - I don't remember the chocolate mint ones, though. We only had the boxes with the one row of vanilla and one row of chocolate. When I tell my American friends how bare bones our cookie selection was/is in comparison to the Girl Scouts, they look at me with a mixture of shock and pity. :lol:

I bought GS cookies this year but brought them to a local military troops donation center. No thin mints or samoas for this gal!

My mood is looking up today, although the weather hasn't improved. It's getting colder, not warmer. So much for March going out like a lamb!

I made myself get up and go to the pool this morning before work. I haven't been swimming since the fall, but triathlon season is coming up and that's my weakest component. I just don't enjoy it as much as biking or running. I'm trying to tell myself that once I get in and make it a routine, I'll like it more and be better at it. I really need to get in the water at least 3x a week. So one down, two to go for this week. :)

I made one of our new favorite suppers tonight, 3-Alarm Tofu with Oyster Mushrooms and Spinach, served with a 1/2 cup brown basmati rice. SO YUMMY! If you're interested in seeing a photo, there's one at the bottom of my blog post about some cooking I've done recently: http://www.alifeinbooks.com/?p=2110 - the recipe makes 4 servings and is 6 P+ per serving (not including the rice) and could be reduced if you cut out some of the oil.

mercuryblue 03-29-2011 11:08 PM

Hmm the only weirdness i had with my ol friend TOM was that he visited me for almost 2 weeks straight which i didnt care for so much. That was a first ever... and was on this program. I dont think its related mind you. I wear a BC patch and have to change it every Sunday. Its possible that it messes with my cycle. I thought excessive excercise could maybe mess with your cycle a little? but sounds like as you say... postpartum.

Keli10801 03-30-2011 01:42 PM

Had my weigh in today and stayed exactly the same as last week. I want to feel discouraged, but I have to remember that it is NOT a gain, and I had a killer weigh in last week and it is also TOM.
How do you guys deal with rough weeks?

Jinksie 03-30-2011 03:05 PM

today i am STARVING.... LIKE STARVING.... T_T i have noodles cooking right now.. 10points but damn im going to enjoy them.
& im saving points for chicken & vegetables for dinner & a chocolate afterwards.

Trying to not go over my daily allowance - i weigh in tomorrow (couldnt get there today). SO HUNGRY T_T

LisaP916 03-30-2011 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jennifer 3FC (Post 3780820)
Phae, are you selling Girl Scout cookies? Last week they were out full force at the local store exits. We were leaving Home Depot and my husband ran me past them like paparazzi. :lol: You are strong to pass them up. High Five!

We bought eight boxes from DH's niece about a month ago, before i started WW. We still have five boxes in our freezer. I call that a HUGE success. LOL!

Jinksie 03-30-2011 07:05 PM

tonight i sauted/low-boiled my vegetables in fat free chicken broth (0points for a cup) and it was good... you should all try it :)

loserjulie 03-30-2011 09:31 PM

I also had a house full of Girl Scout Cookies a few weeks ago. Luckily I was already going full speed ahead on WW when it was ordering time. Each of the kids picked out one box and that was that. I just have to remind myself of that horrible feeling that always follows eating badly. It just isn't worth it!!

LitChick 03-30-2011 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jinksie (Post 3783493)
tonight i sauted/low-boiled my vegetables in fat free chicken broth (0points for a cup) and it was good... you should all try it :)

I :love: cooking with chicken broth! (or beef or veggie, depending on what I'm cooking) I use the Kitchen Basics no-salt added kinds. I use them as you did with veggies, and also to cook rice instead of plain water. And of course, as a base for soups, stews, etc.

I hope you were able to satisfy your earlier hunger pangs! I hate when that little monster comes out to play and it seems like nothing will get rid of it. :hungry: When that happens, and if it's true hunger (not 'head' hunger) I try to do as little damage as possible and eat stuff that is high volume but low/no points - like veggies, salads, etc.

Jinksie 03-30-2011 10:46 PM

i hate this time of year... during girl scout cookies... because i KNOW thin mint ice cream is out.... oh my

LitChick 03-30-2011 10:49 PM


Originally Posted by Keli10801 (Post 3783019)
Had my weigh in today and stayed exactly the same as last week. I want to feel discouraged, but I have to remember that it is NOT a gain, and I had a killer weigh in last week and it is also TOM.
How do you guys deal with rough weeks?

I try not to focus on just one weigh in and look at the overall picture or trend. Also look at your average rate of loss over the period of a month, as that allows for fluctuations due to things like TOM. I just know that one week of a gain or maintain is not going to matter much in the scheme of things, and that as long as I keep on doing what I know is right and good for my body, then the scale will catch up.

Just keep focused on the reasons why you are doing this and what actions will take you closer to those goals.

And hope next week is better! ;)

Jinksie 03-30-2011 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by LitChick (Post 3783802)
I hope you were able to satisfy your earlier hunger pangs! I hate when that little monster comes out to play and it seems like nothing will get rid of it. :hungry: When that happens, and if it's true hunger (not 'head' hunger) I try to do as little damage as possible and eat stuff that is high volume but low/no points - like veggies, salads, etc.

noodles helped a little. was getting painful hunger, then again at 6. Second TOM this month :( im so run down, this isnt normal for me. Loaded up on spinach for the iron for dinner.
still feel unwell right now but not hungry.

if i get a sugar craving, i drink tea with 0 cal sweetner (2 packets - i usually have 1) tricks my body :D

Jinksie 03-30-2011 10:58 PM

lol has anyone not eaten before WI? :|
probably not, right? im considering it for tomorrow O_O; because i know my weight is as low as 205 first thing in the morning, and then eat breakfast, drink water, take vitamins, work out, and you're up 4lbs! =p
i know i cant not eat, i'll work out in the morning and eat right after (like i always do)... i'd hate to see a low loss again, when i know its more than the result i get... /sad face

Keli10801 03-31-2011 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by Jinksie (Post 3783825)
lol has anyone not eaten before WI? :|
probably not, right? im considering it for tomorrow O_O; because i know my weight is as low as 205 first thing in the morning, and then eat breakfast, drink water, take vitamins, work out, and you're up 4lbs! =p
i know i cant not eat, i'll work out in the morning and eat right after (like i always do)... i'd hate to see a low loss again, when i know its more than the result i get... /sad face

I have a morning weigh in, so I don't eat beforehand. I get there as soon as I drop all 3 of my kids off at their schools and weigh in, then I eat breakfast in my car. (I just pack my normal breakfast of yogurt, granola and fruit in a lunchbox and take it with me.) There are quite a few of us that do it, too.

Jinksie 03-31-2011 09:15 AM

my weigh in is 1130, i can go that long without eating, but then i'd have to try and get all my DA in... i've already eaten, i know i'll drop some weight (water) when i work out) which will be perfect :D

has anyone retired their home scale? im considering it (putting it away). So i stop weighing myself athome

Jinksie 03-31-2011 12:43 PM

3.2 lost this week. Which is what my home scale says... so im confused now O_O (usually have to add 2lbs to get the WW weight)... ah well. WOO HOO :cheer:

mercuryblue 03-31-2011 01:57 PM

Id love to stop weighing myself at home, but im an addict lol. Last few weigh ins it has been pretty much right. So... i guess there is some truth to the scale. My WI has been on Fridays lately... Saturday this week with zumba right after. The friday one was at 1115 and i never ate before it. Didnt want cheerios milk and a banana messin up the scale lol.

Spooky 03-31-2011 07:19 PM

I have to eat because my WI isn't until 5:30. There is one dude at my meeting who seriously doesn't have anything to eat or drink all day before the meeting but I could never do that. I usually just have breakfast and a light lunch and then dinner afterwards.

LitChick 03-31-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Spooky (Post 3785428)
I have to eat because my WI isn't until 5:30. There is one dude at my meeting who seriously doesn't have anything to eat or drink all day before the meeting but I could never do that. I usually just have breakfast and a light lunch and then dinner afterwards.

Wow, that's kind of crazy. My meeting is at 8:30 a.m. so I just bring my breakfast along to eat during the meeting, but if it was any later, I'd be eating beforehand.

Jaedee31 04-01-2011 09:07 AM

Had my weigh in this morning, lost 3.8lbs this week! Quite happy with myself!!

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