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Krislee 03-07-2002 10:18 AM

Giving up beef!?!?!
I am not much of a beef eater :moo: anyway but it seems like everytime I eat it I get a stomach ache - anyone else experience this?

I have already completely given up fast food beef - which is great but I occasionally will crave a burger or steak - which to me is really odd because I really don't like it. Is it possible my body is telling me something - like I need iron? :shrug:

Has anyone else (besides our vegetarian friends) given up beef or any one type of meat?

I guess I am looking for feedback positive or negative on this subject.


JKarr 03-07-2002 10:40 AM

I also don't eat beef (or chicken or pork) because I don't like it, but still find myself craving the occassional burger. When I eat it, not only do I not feel well, but I can't stop wondering why I ate it when I don't like beef to begin with! But, yes, it is probably your body's way of telling you that you are missing a nutrient that you get from beef. Make sure your diet is high enough in iron and protein and see if the cravings go away. Personally, now that I eat more eggs, I rarely crave any meat.

Good luck!

JanetMae 03-07-2002 12:34 PM

Krislee, I don't know if this has any relevance to your situation, but my DH has been allergic to beef for years. (Which is ironic, considering he is a rancher, raising cattle.) He was highly allergic in his twenties, but now can tolerate it occasionally, in small amounts. Is it possible you have a food allergy? Or maybe an allergy to growth hormones or other "stuff" that some cattle are injected with? At some stores, you can get organically-raised beef, no hormones, vitamins, etc.

Or, you can use soy substitutes. We really like Boca burgers, Soyrizo (a soy chorizo) and Soy taco meat.

Hope that helps!

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