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ontarget 11-12-2007 10:19 PM

Hi there. I just have a minute here, but I wanted to share the Core Cornbread recipe: http://3fatchicks.com/forum/showthre...t=49332&page=7

Tonight we had some Core Taco Soup. The recipe for that is on the Core Recipes here, too.

I apologize for not posting to each of you. I'll try to do better tomorrow.

Newlifestyle 11-13-2007 04:51 AM

Hello everyone.
Why am I up at 4:25 in the morning? I woke up hungry. I thought I would post and then eat something.

Erika, Happy 39th birthday to you. I hope it is wonderful. I do hope you are feeling better.

Laura, our leader couldn't tell us too much, she did say we would still be doing points they are just tweaking things but that we needed to be patient and we would find out more in December. I do hope that your day went well yesterday and that today goes well too.

Donna, how are you doing? I know when I get into a funk (for lack of a better word), I just try to take it one meal at a time. You deserve to have a healthy lifestyle, you are sooooooo worth it.

Paige, Samaritans purse is a wonderful idea. We have done shoe boxes since 1993. Where I lived before DH and I helped out at one of the warehouses where the shoe boxes were taken before being sent over to various countries.
Also our church sent part of the youth group to help distribute boxes. They had amazing stories of how wonderful the experience was. It is funny because as we do the shoe boxes I think of how my DS will say, can you keep this for me. I realize now, he is too young to truly understand. When I told him the items we bought were going to a child who had nothing, he asked me why they couldn't buy stuff. I explained they had no money, his reply was go to the bank. I need to work on this one.

Linda, thank for the reminder that children are sometimes too young to really understand the idea of giving. At his school they give to the food bank and various charities. You words made me realize that we should just keep doing it and keep explaining it to him but at 5 he is too young to get the whole picture right now. Thank you. I like how you post your meals each day. Are you enjoying the gym? Also, how do you start a thread?

Sandra, it is wonderful that you and Curtis are enjoying your life so much. I hear of people who never get to stop and smell the roses.

Janelle, way to go with the steps, you are doing amazing. I only got 12,436 steps yesterday. With it being dark so early I want to hibernate. I need to change that.

Jackie, how are you doing? I am thinking of going to the library and getting the Beck Diet Solution book. Do you have any tips you can share?

Kim, I love it, the Goodkarma bug. I hope everyone gets that bug. I find my house is very quiet when DS is at school. After school it seems like this is the hang out for 5 year olds....it is crazy.

Barb, I do hope you had an awesome day.

Hello to everyone else and I am so sorry if I missed anyone.
Have a wonderful day and remember to enjoy life.
Take Care

mpaigew 11-13-2007 06:02 AM

Gooooood morning all!!!!

WELL, something EXCITING happened yesterday!!!!! I had kind of given up on getting a call back from the phone interview I had a few weeks ago, when low and behold, I got an e-mail yesterday morning from the owner of the restaurant asking to set up a second, more in depth phone interview. So yesterday I spent over an hour answering all those awful interview questions...but it went SO well...I think she and I have similar personalities and work ethics (she is the chef/owner there, so that is a BIG thing!) I think it's the best interview I've ever given. I have to mail down some desserts, so as long as they like what I sent them, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be offered the job. Dh is on board now...we had a talk about it all and expressed our concerns to each other. He knows that in another year, chances are that we won't be able to afford to live in NYS. Down there, we can get a much, much nicer home for what we are paying here...the taxes are 1/3 of what they are here, and there is no state income tax there, so that will increase our paycheck some, too. Everyone that I've spoken to says that the school systems in that area are really great, which is a HUGE concern of mine. The biggest drawback is actually the physical act of MOVING. Our neighbor put his house on the market (it's been empty for over a year) a week or so ago, and if he is able to get what he is asking, we will be in really good shape for selling our house. Our house is in better shape than his....plus as of today it will have a brand spankin new hot water heater, as ours BROKE last night!!! UGH! Anyway, I feel good about this job. I obviously want to go down there and check it out in person. But it will be a brand new place, but with the clientle already established (she had a cafe when a land developer approached her about the restaurant idea.) I wish I had that crystal ball.....

ANYWAY! I ended up probably not doing so fantastic yesterday eating wise. I had choc cake in the oven, almost done, when the hot water heater started making a funny noise. I went to check it and could smell gas. I turned the gas to it off, and it was still making the noise......dh wasn't home, so to be on the safe side, I went and turned the gas off to the whole house. SO, my cakes were all cooked except for a little circle in the middle. And I ate some of the cooked part. With dulce de leche sauce. And then I had a mini-chocolate cappuccino cheesecake. I was trying out the recipe, and taste tested it. Other than that...I didn't do bad at all. It is what it is, today is a brand new day.

If anyone in here wants to do a challenge, I'm up for it!

Ok, I'm off to start my day. I'll be back later...hope you all have a fantastic day!

derrydaughter 11-13-2007 06:28 AM

Yesterday was crazy, things were out of control. Have you ever had one of those days? Well, yesterday was sure it for me. I recovered my lifestyle change eating mid-day, but being late (stayed on line and didn't look at the clock) really threw me off and the day went downhill from there. I have to do better in my life.
I am into way too many things on line nowadays and have to cut some things, but not this!!!! This comes first. When it's such a distraction that I am not doing what I need to get done in my life and my routines suffer, time to take a serious look at things.
Also, little things built up to cause stress, like when I was changing the cat litter box, the liner broke and it all ended up all over the bathroom floor. Went grocery shopping and a carton of fat free coffee creamer stuff leaked and that was all over the kitchen floor, I seemed to be mopping up many spills. Then, to top it off I was subpoenaed to testify in a trial, the police were at my door about 6:00 pm. I'm not happy about that, but I have to go. I lead this quilt group that makes quilts for The Homeless, you see, and a person broke into the church (on Christmas Eve of all times) and stole our quilting supplies and some of our quilts, can you imagine? So, I'm to go and sit there in the courthouse and HAVE to stay there until the case it called. I haven't much to add to the case, but I guess I'll be identifying photos of evidence or something. A sad situation that a person would steal things that help the homeless, but as leader of the group, it's certainly my job to deal with. And, the worst of all times, I have to go on Dec. 3rd, the day of my holiday guild meeting, which I dearly don't want to miss.
Paige, I seem to recall about a year ago you went through this same thing with TOM being really late. Wasn't it you? Maybe your cycle has a once a year "off" time? I'm sure you'll get your "visitation" soon and all will be well. I like your philosophy about keeping away the toys that get played with for an hour and then abandoned away. However, maybe not a new doll if they already have those, but maybe a playhouse of some kind? My kids always loved when there was a house and a "setting" for their toys, that inspired creative play more often. My son loved toy trains and airplanes and when he got an airport, train station and gas station/car wash for his matchbox cars, he played a very long time and enjoyed. DD loved her doll house and Barbie's remote control pink jeep that Barbie and Ken could sit in and drive around.
Kim, I never made the rice pilaf last night, maybe tonight? I could probably do some of the prep work earlier in the day. Actually, I think I'll save that for tomorrow, the chicken will keep another day. I have my art lesson from 2:30 - 4:30 and my WW meeting at 4:30 (believe it or not both the gallery and the WW location are in the same shopping plaza). So, I'll be out all afternoon. Dinner will be easy and FAST today.
Tech, good goals. I have been there as far as that not wanting to do this anymore thing. I was tempted this past weekend and it took so much will power to pull myself back in. I think the thought of holiday foods coming was making me feel rebellious. I'm going to have to work some special things into my plan.
I also have to tell you all, honestly, that I am taking Thanksgiving Day off. I refuse to allow WW to come into play on this special family day. I'm not going to go completely wild, but I will have real pie and I will have gravy and a few nuts and some wine, and I am not going to be fretful about it.
However, it's the weekend following Thanksgiving that has me worried. We are going to my in-laws and that is where I might lose control. Swimming in the indoor pool (how lucky they are) and walking really have to come into play. Also, the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, I vow to go to the gym, everyone needs to remind me!!!!
Ann, I'm up for a challenge. For me, it must be something I set for myself and something I must be able to achieve. I am SO stuck at this same weight, the REAL challenge for me right now it so FINALLY weigh in below 150 at a WW meeting and be able to STAY there... I can't even think of anything beyond that, if that makes sense. I could achieve that today, but I doubt it. I seem to never get past 150.
I do best with dietary challenges, but that has never been my real downfall, it has been keeping up with my exercise. So, maybe that needs to be my own challenge too? Maybe we all need to pick a challenge that is the hardest for us and set a goal. I will ponder this, maybe even bring it up at my meeting later today?
Laura, I'll check out my location today to see if all the cookbooks are on sale too. I do think there are going to be some big changes. If they do away with points, I'm ok with that. I look forward to something new and different, maybe that will be what will finally bring me to goal? Let's be excited and positive! If points have not gotten us to goal, maybe what will be new to us will actually do that. Maybe there will be more foods added to the CORE listing and we'll have restrictions about how many portions.
We shall see.
I will be back a bit later to post a food plan for the day, have to get on to making DD's school lunch and that kind of thing.
Breakfast will be oatmeal with ff milk and fruit, though, this I know. I was going to have that yesterday when all h____ broke loose!!! By the way, I ended up with a Dunkin Doughnuts small yogurt smoothie (6 points) on the fly... I could have chosen worse. But, it wasn't CORE and I had to write in points for my first meal of the new tracker, it was very upsetting to me.

derrydaughter 11-13-2007 06:30 AM

Paige, I've gotta go, but that is really cool news! You go girl!

Newlifestyle 11-13-2007 06:50 AM

Paige that is awesome news. Yeah for you. That new hot water tank will be a bonus on selling your house. It is too bad the other one had to quit on you.

Linda, I do hope today is a much better day for you. Hopefully no spills today. Great idea about trying to challenge ourselves with the things we find challenging.

derrydaughter 11-13-2007 07:52 AM

I only have a moment....
So, let's talk about a challenge that is individual to each of us. What is it that we each find the hardest to accomplish? I don't like to assign a number to a weight loss, I have a goal with WW that I need to get to, of course, but I like to accomplish things that will ultimately get me to that goal. If I set a goal of say, losing 5 pounds by Christmas, if I don't achieve it, I'll beat myself up about it. I hate unachievable goals, I like realistic and inspiring goals.
I'm so very tired of weighing in between 150 and 152.... it's been MONTHS, and nothings changing. It's truly been since April. I'm so stagnant.
For the most part, it's not for lack of trying. However, there are things that stand in my way. There have been vacations, over summer, dinner's out, temptations of an emotional/greif nature. I have to learn to see past those things and make this work somehow. Today, I see Thanksgiving and Christmas, the inevitable eating social things. I also see, sadly, that I have had losses in my family that debilitate me.
So, what's it going to take?
Do you all have thoughts on this?
I guess I need a plan.
I'll think.
But, in the meantime, a busy day looms ahead of me and I have all day to think and when I post later, after WW and my dinner, maybe I'll have come up with a thought that works for me, personally.
To be realistic, maybe I need to be content with staying in the same range over the holidays and then focusing on that final push after Jan. 1st? That does not mean "throwing in the towel" and stopping anything I have been doing, that means I accept that the holidays are a special time and I just may not lose any more for now and may continue on this maintenance path. Maybe it's illogical to think I could break through this seemingly unending plateau over this time period?
But, inside, the little drill sergeant in screaming, "Soldier, straighten up and fly right".

Briza 11-13-2007 09:05 AM

Paige-Congrats on the interview! I am glad your DH is on board as well!

Anne-The Beck diet had to take a back seat to my crazy schedule the last few days-so I only made it up to day 4. I need to pick it up again. Do they have it at your library? Its fairly new I think. It seems like its going to have a lot of good tips so I would def say its worth a try!

I would def be up for a challenge.

I wrote out a long post and just deleted it by mistake!! How annoying! Here was the jist of it...
my schedule went into overdrive starting on Friday. I had a lot of activities to go to and although I didn't count my points looking back on it I am proud of myself. Even after a few drinks I still made somewhat good choices. Even though I am sure I used all my flex points it could have been way worse. Although, Sunday night I caved in and ate a piece of pizza, but at least it was only one instead of my normal 3. Also, I took my cousin out to brunch on Sunday and I was shocked how full I got so fast. It was a buffet and I bet I hate 1/2 of what I normally would have eaten.
I am getting nervous though with the holidays coming up. I am already thinking of " not caring" next weekend since 1. my best friend is coming in for the holiday, 2. its my birthday next weekend! and 3. its thanksgiving. How will I cope? :) One day at a time...hopefully...

I think the challenge would be good for me!!

TechAlum 11-13-2007 09:12 AM

Good Morning All,

Ann - My challenge is just to myself. It was a Thanksgiving challenge but between vacation and the last two weeks......So I modified it. I'm not sure I'll make it, but I need a goal. I think what you're doing with your son will bear fruit in the long run, just give him time.

Paige - :bravo: What great news. Hope everything works out for you. Sorry about the water heater, sometimes home ownership just stinks.

Erika - :hb: Have a great birthday.

Linda - I don't usually set number goals either. But I wanted to for this one. Hope today is better than yesterday. My goal is often to stay the same over the holidays, but then last year I stayed the same until April :eek: I didn't want that to happen this year. I always loose better in summer.

Haylo - Sounds like you're having a busy fall. How's the calorie counting coming?

Laura - How did yesterday and the bag lunch go?

To anyone I missed :hug:

Yesterday went pretty well for me, I didn't get in exercise or eat very core, but I only used 1 flex pt, way better than last week. Today I will continue to follow my plan.

b - mock sausage mcmuffin w/egg - 4pts
s - banana - 2
l - l/o 1/2 ruben from Sunday - 10 pts
carrots - 0
apple - 1
yogurt - 1
s - fiber one bar - 2
d - chipolte-sweet potato shepherd's pie - 8
salad w/dressing (I make my own oil and vinegar) - 1
wine - 2

31 used/ 27 allowed, a couple of activity pts and a couple of flex and I'm good and I didn't throw away the sandwich.

I've gotta go get ready to meet my parents at the park to walk. Have a great day everyone.


TechAlum 11-13-2007 09:16 AM

Briza - we crossed posts. One meal at a time is all any of us can do. Do not go in with the all or nothing attitude, I'll be all good or all bad. You can do this you know you can, you proved it this weekend by making better if not perfect choices. Hang in there and the holidays will work out fine.


haylo921 11-13-2007 06:41 PM

Hello everyone,

tech: the calorie counting well last week it went out the door, and yesterday and today I didn't have a chance to write stuff down but I know that I did not eat a lot and what I did eat was healthier.

paige: congrats on the second phone interview!!!

erika: have a great b-day

derry: I like your idea for the challenge, I know my challenge is going to be to not over eat and the eat healthy during the holiday's. I know if I let myself overindulge and don't excercise my weight will go up.

briza: I hate when I delete things by mistake, sounds like you have a lot of things coming up. You are so right when you say you have to take it one day at a time. It also sounds like you made some good choices.

ann: I was very low on steps today probably b/c most of my day was spent in front of the computer tryping reports. I also didn't get a chance to go to the gym today. I think I maybe hit about 4,000 steps today.

derrydaughter 11-13-2007 08:09 PM

Ann, when you go to the beginning page of a group of threads, such as the Weight Watchers forum, you will see right above the beginning of the first thread in each forum a place that says "new thread" with a tiny red arrow beside that. You click on that and it opens a box to type in and place for the name of the thread. It's easy! Let me know if you have trouble.
By the way, all the cookbooks were on sale at my meeting location today as well. Also, while in my heavier clothes and not my official weigh in outfit, I weighed in .2 less than last week. So, considering I didn't have my lighter weight clothing on, I consider that a success. I ate out Saturday night and went to a breakfast buffet as well this weekend. With all of those things, I still had a slight loss, but "nothing to write home about". Maybe I'll do better next week? I hope so.
Ann, I have not been to the gym in over a week, I confess. But, I have been on my treadmill twice, so all is not lost.
Paige, so you must tell us what you'll be making to send down, but also how in the world you will protectively package it. That was something I thought of throughout my day.
I hope, if all this works for you, that you can sell your home. The market is rough now and the holidays are an even harder time to sell a home.
Briza, wow... birthday, Thanksgiving and friend coming.... time for a plan. One thing that is important is to think through each day of the long weekend and how you will handle it.
For me, we are having Thanksgiving which will be bad enough, but then we leave for Rhode Island the next morning and come back Saturday afternoon. My MIL feeds us quite well and people are usually drinking a great deal. I don't want to backslide.
I think my personal challenge will be exercise at least three times a week, at the gym or at home, just get it done. I can't deal with numbers of pounds as I am so stagnant, but maybe making the commitment to exercise will help me get through this time period.
Well, today ends with a small .2 "success" and at least it wasn't a gain, again. Tomorrow is another day, I am not giving up!

Belly Buster 11-13-2007 09:16 PM

Gooood Eeeevening!!!

Today was a pretty good day, but I feel like maybe I didn't eat enough. Of course if I was planning and writting I would know that wouldn't I. Ugh! But I didn't eat anything that was not op so I feel great! Of course I wish that I had some time to get some exercise in. This is a crazy week. I really need to figure out how to get some exercise in even if my life is crazy.

Paige - Congrats on the interview. Sounds like things things could get exciting for you!

Sounds like DH is home. I'll post more tomorrow!

ontarget 11-13-2007 11:18 PM

Hi there, chickies. We went to WW this evening. I lost 1.8 lbs. Life is good.

Ann, we now have a front porch in the country. We have a back porch, too, with 7 rosebushes. We're gonna stop and smell them. Life is good.

Paige, keep us posted on the job. I'm betting you get it. I would have turned the gas off, too. I also would have eaten some chocolate.

I'm up for a challenge. I'm going to change my signature tracker. I would like to lose 7 lbs by the New Year.

Linda, that's a wonderful post. Good information.

MsShes2BigShes2Thin 11-13-2007 11:47 PM

Just wondering?
So I started dieting and I told my mom this but apparently she just doesn't listen or really think I'm serious, and keeps buying all this food. She was like I don't see why you want to start a diet right before Thanksgiving. Which I understand but I was wanting to get ahead of the game, but ok so is it ok if I start on Friday I just feel so terrible.:(

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