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CrimsonClover 07-21-2007 06:08 AM

Getting Frustrated
Bah, it is 6 am on saturday and i am already up and awake because i am anxious about going to my meeting

It has been slow going for the past two months, but at least i have been maintaining some sort of weight loss

Over a month ago, i severly injured my back and can not move like i was and all the medications they give me have not been helping (either with the pain really or helping me maintain a healthier lifestlye)

i know i gained this week (which is not the end of all things, just frustrating) even though i did try to be better about my choices

i am just venting .... who knows how long this back issue will last (and it looks like in a few weeks it will be surgery) ....

just seems i am getting closer to the 10% and not quite getting there

guess i am just cranky and need to sleep, but thanks to anyone who reads this!

princess_peach 07-21-2007 11:06 AM

Hey Crimson, I completely understand your frustration!

I hope everything goes well with your back. Today is my 8 year anniversary of my back surgery. I had two ruptured discs (at the age of 17!) with a pinched nerve and was in so much pain. After the surgery, I took a long time to recover because I was so scared of re-injuring myself. I strongly recommend doing whatever exercise/rehab the doctor says to do. I was told to start walking right away and I didn't--therefore I put on 30+ pounds and it took me forever to get them off.

Everything turned out ok and I haven't had any more problems with my back since then. Good luck with everything ! :)

andreaphilip3 07-21-2007 11:50 AM

hang in there!!!!1

mpaigew 07-21-2007 04:25 PM

Crimson-Where in NY are you? I am also having extreme back problems right now, and am fearing that surgery might be in my near future. I have a lateral herniation in one of my discs, and it is pressing into the sac that holds the spine. I've had problems since I was 18, and this year it REALLY got worse (that is when they did an MRI and found out what the problem was.) The last two weeks everything has started up again, but now I have numbness and a horrible ache that goes all the way down to my heel in my left leg (luckily my right leg is not affected) and have been having a lot of problems with my sciatic nerve and round ligaments, on top of the pain in my lower back. I finally called my chiropractor yesterday to see if I need to just deal with it, or if I should come back in...so I'm going back in on Monday. *sigh* It is very tough. I have 2 and 5 yr olds, and they just don't understand that Mommy can't move!!!!!

As far as WW, you've just got to keep on keepin on. You can't give up! Have you tried planning out your daily menu (I am such an advocate for this!!!) This is the only way I am able to stay on track throughout the day. Someone just agreed with me on another board and said, "Failing to plan is planning to fail."

I hope you back starts to feel better!!!

princess_peach 07-21-2007 10:39 PM

Paige, the pain and numbness definitely sounds like a pinched nerve. I went to a chiropractor before I knew what was wrong, and it helped at first but when the pain didn't go away, he recommended the orthopedic surgeon. Hopefully the chiropractor will help you!

mpaigew 07-22-2007 06:43 AM

Peach-I've been going to my chiropractor (he's also medical therapy) at least once a year for several years (most recently this Feb-April, 3x's a week...that sucked!!!!) and it has always seemed to help, but this time around I think it's different. I've never had this pain and ache down my leg before, before it's always been just my lower back.

When you had your surgery, how long was it before you were able to be back on your feet, doing stuff?

princess_peach 07-22-2007 05:53 PM

I think I was on bed-rest for two weeks and then had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon. At that time, I was supposed to be walking between 1-2 miles a day. However, I didn't because I was scared of re-injury :o Now, I definitely know better and wish I had followed the doctor's orders. About two months after the surgery, my family drove from NC to MA to visit family. We had the doctor's permission. We stopped about every hour so I could stretch but I was up and mobile.

I'd say that I was comfortably moving by myself about two weeks after the surgery. It's hard to remember since it was 8 years ago!!

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