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2frustrated 08-21-2006 07:38 AM

LWL #269 - August 21st - August 27th
Morning all!

I have been to the doc's! My sore shoulder is a sore neck! :doh: I don't know if that's better or worse!! :lol: At least I know what kind of exercises to do, since it's similar to the whiplash I had about 6 years ago. I've been referred to a physio, so we shall see what happens.

Oh and the doctor asked how I'd injured it... I said "Hitting someone in the head with a right hook!" :rofl: He was amused! ;)

Mel 08-21-2006 08:14 AM

Fru- I think that's actually good news, but also a re-occurring condition that you'll have to be careful of reinjuring. I have a client who suffered whiplash almost 25 years ago, and every once in a while has a flare up. Heavy overhead presses and pullups tend to makes hers worse. Glad to hear it's not a tear!

I'm back to lifting this week. I did legs yesterday and it wasn't even my usual crazy workout, but I'm SORE! I did my workout at a different gym without access to much equipment, so it was a very plain-Jane workout. No jumping on benches, bosu balls, stability balls, wobble boards....boring! But after a week off, effective ;)

I'm also re-dedicating myself to 100% clean eating. This summer has been really hard, and last week I was a wreck. That has stopped! Back to weighing, measuring, and journaling. The good news is despite how lousy I felt about how I was doing, I maintained within my self-imposed range. (at the high end, but hey, I'm in it!)

Have a good one,

4rabbit 08-21-2006 08:27 AM


I managed !!! Again, i did a lot of things that i was in doubt i could do, and I ended up last week being ill but also with my house in order, and now with a very succesfull DDs birthday behind us. Apart from a tearing cough, i am on the mend again, and i am comitting myself to get back on track.

For starters I put the alarmclock 30 mins earlier, and did 15 mins treadmill, and 30 mins lifting & flexibility stuff. I feel very virtuous & I'll try to make this a habit.

have a great day all,

nelie 08-21-2006 09:50 AM

Hi all,

I did a 5 mile hike this weekend (500 vertical rise) in 2 hours this weekend. I was very happy when my hiking book estimated that the hike would take 2 hours, 30 minutes. It was very humid and I was sweating like crazy. It was the longest and hardest hike I've done without taking a break. I also started doing yoga again twice a day. I know what I need to do is weights but I'm slacking. The past few weeks have been pretty busy but I have to figure out how to get myself and the BF to the gym. We also started looking into taking Aikido later this year when the weather cools off (and after we finish paying for the wedding).

My knee has started bothering me again where it hurts to kneel on it. I've started taking glucosamine again since that helped it last time. It is an old injury and it gets aggravated every once in a while. Stupid injuries :)

2frustrated 08-21-2006 09:59 AM

Ooooh Aikido - I used to do that. Twice! It wasn't violent enough for me! :lol:

artmaker 08-21-2006 10:49 AM

Morning all! Was a really good weekend. Attended an Arthritis Foundation Exercise Clinic...will get certified after I teach 6 sessions, so I found friends with arthritis and am going to work with them to get the certification finished. Also trying to set up small group Arthritis clinics at the gym...if they go, I will stay on. Made some good contacts at the clinic....one woman does pt on tour boats...now that would be a great way to do my retirement...doing personal training on ships...what fun! I'm going to look into it.

Worked out and ate well this weekend, dropped two pounds last week, no major aches and pains, life is good.

Nelie...did you do Sugarloaf again or another location? You inspire me to get out there...but with my weak knee I'm not sure its a great idea. Sugarloaf for sure has some really steep trails.

Rabbit, glad you got through the week. Hope you start feeling much better. Bet the kids were glad to be home.

Fru, sorry to hear about your neck...be easy on yourself.

have a good day everyone.


nelie 08-21-2006 11:06 AM

Frus - well yeah maybe we upgrade to violence later :)

Susan (am) - No, I did Patapsco river which is part of Patapsco state park near Baltimore. It is a pretty nice hike but there was one killer hill and small hills.

softballmom 08-21-2006 11:21 AM

Hi ladies. Got in another full body WT day on Saturday. I am really liking it more than I thought I would. I was afraid that it would be a drudgery exercise, but I'm finding it a feel good. I'm currently at 3# db and doing 2 sets of 10-12 reps depending on exercise, so much growth anticipated. I lowered my reps on the back flys still using the 3# and was able to keep my form. My dh actually came downstairs to spot me to make sure that my form was kept - it was. I think I impress him ;)

Mel / et al, I'm getting closer and closer to initial goal and trying to decide a demarcation line to not cross once I start maintaining. I was thinking a 3-5 pound range, what do you suggest? Example, if I get to 115 and find that it is suitable for my health and lifestyle, would 120 be too low to use as my red light to stop and focus back?

4rabbit 08-21-2006 11:37 AM


If I was near target of 115, yes, I would take 120 as the line in the sand. just try it to see how it works out. If after a while you find that it is easy to handle and you want to look more ripped ....you lower. If it is impossible to hold, you up.

Keep up the good work,

WaterRat 08-21-2006 02:28 PM

Morning LWL! We have counted all the books in the library, and have clean carpeting and reopened for business. :) Now, maybe I can get back to a more routine life. Eating was so-so last week, but following a week of the same while on vacation, it's not good. Back to clean eats/whole foods this week. And more than that, back to the exercise routine! I have a new iPod Nano that I loaded up with music. Much easier for the gym than my big MP3 player (which I still love for the rest of my life though).

Today is DH's birthday - he's 61. I made him a small cake yesterday, and had a small piece for dinner last night. He had a great surprise treat - a friend of ours who moved away a long time ago, and who we haven't seen in person in about 8 years, is up here doing a job and called and came out for dinner. We had a great catch-up visit (and a salmon dinner - he doesn't get a lot of Alaska salmon in Ft. Worth, TX :rofl: )

Glad you got your shoulder looked at Frus, and know what to do.

Rabbit, glad you're feeling better. It is a virtuous feeling to get all your exercise done first thing, isn't it.

:wave: to all of you. It's NOT raining here today (yet, anyway) so we're all happy about that. Lots of flooding north and east of us, and some friends who went camping in Denali Park are stranded on the wrong side of a washed out road. At least they're all together so no one is home worrying.

srmb60 08-21-2006 02:40 PM

Ah here you are! I was afraid since I finally, finally got a couple workouts in ... that I'd have nowhere to tell it! OK technically they were on the 19th and 20th but ya know????

shananigans 08-21-2006 06:19 PM

2Fru – Hope your injury gets better soon. So far I’ve been lucky enough in life to not mess up anything that came back to haunt me (knock on wood).

Mel – Way to get recommitted to the clean eats! I’ve been doing better in the last couple of weeks, but not 100%.

Rabbit – Glad DD’s birthday was a hit. Good job with the AM workout, I find those difficult to wake up for.

nelie – Sounds like a heck of a hike. I wish I had more time to get out and enjoy the nature around here, but I get so frustrated with the traffic trying to get to it.

Susan – WTG, bet you’re looking forward to earning that certification. Your retirement plan sounds good to me. ;)

Pat – Glad all that madness at the library is over and you can hopefully get back to your regularly scheduled life. Happy birthday to the husband!

I got some good exercise in this weekend. On Saturday I went to pilates ball class and then swam laps, on Sunday I headed to the beach for a couple hours of boogie boarding and working on my tan, I walked my old roomies’ dog since they went out of town for the day, went home and walked my dog, and then practiced rollerblading with the dog. I was kind of scared at first because I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to maintain control, but overall it went better than expected. I got up early (a bit painful for me) and took the dog out for half and hour this morning, it was going just great until he got really excited about a dog that was spazzing out a bit ahead of us on the bike path and I decided to get him turned around to go back home. Well, he somehow ended up under me and I sat my fat bottom right onto the pavement. It wasn’t too terrible, I have lots of padding down there. Only my pride was injured.

Off to yoga tonight, looking forward to it.

Have a good week all! :wave:

4rabbit 08-22-2006 01:28 PM


Very busy day today. We are in a frenzy to get DD and DS tooled up for the first school day tomorrow. Since they came home only last friday, this means everything needs to be crammed into a couple of days, and with my work, and DDs birthday, it has been a bit busy!.

But ... here we are. The school books have their paper jackets. both kids got a new bike (OUch), and they cleaned up the livingroom while I was resting.

I am sore from the power class yesterday. I will try to get in another Am workout, as my try to get back on track routine. And..with the new bikes for the kids..I treated myself to a new secondhand bike. 7 speed !!!!!. My current bike I got around 1987 when a colleague wanted to bin his wife's old bike, so I guess I have earned this one. I can pick it up next thursday. Yay! I feel like I've earned something good now.

Have a great day all,

WaterRat 08-22-2006 03:33 PM

Hi Rabbit! You've been a busy mom! Kids started school today here, and it's pouring rain. A 7 speed bike sounds funny, as those of us in the US are used to these 21-speed (of which I probably use only 7!) I bought my bike in the mid-90's, but I've replaced a lot of things on it, and proably only the frame is that old. :lol:

Back at the gym last night for some cardio. Hope to do some weights on Wed, and get back into a regular routine. Summer/vacations sure play havoc with routines. Had a much needed haircut and perm this morning, so feeling pretty good.

Mel 08-22-2006 09:05 PM

Hi all,
Rabbit- Congrats on the new bike :) I haven't faced the back to school ordeal yet... I can't wait for ds to actually be back in school, but we are ignoring the process :dizzy:

Pat- Welcome back. Everyone elses summer vacations play havoc with my routines and paycheck!

Susan- When I was in Jamaica last spring, I talked to the fitness instructor at the resort where we stayed. There's a company that books instructors for a week or two at all-inclusive resorts. You stay for free in exchange for teaching 1-2 classes per day. PM me if you want the details. The week that I was there, she taught a very easy water aerobics class in the mid-morning, and a not very challenging (for me) step and bodysculpting (very light weights) class in the late afternoon.

Shan- Be careful with the dogs and rollerblades! You reminded me that it's getting almost cool enough here to dig mine out again. Time for some rollercrashing!

Softballmom- Good question! I've been avoiding the scale most of the summer and using "body landmarks" but when you first start maintaining, you probably want to keep a closer watch. There's a whole thread in the Maintainers Forum about this right here.

Fru- haha, not violent enough! You need to meet my dental hygenist. She a multiple black belt of varying degrees in several martial arts, but the one that always amazes me is some form of HUGE blade fighting in which she is nationally ranked. She's 52. She has even scared my son into flossing every night :rofl:

I had a good, totally on plan day. Yay me!

I need about 3 more perfect weeks...lol, I guess two days is a good start.

Cardio: 3 mile treadmill run; weights: chest
M1: peach eggwhite-oatmeal-cottage cheese pancake
M2: protein shake
M3: tuna, salad, baby carrots, green beans, 1 peach
M4: 1 c. non-fat yogurt, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 apple
M5: chicken, broccoli


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