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Mel 08-07-2006 12:02 PM

LWL # 267 Aug 7 - 13
Happy (still) morning, LWL! :D

Got my leg workout in this morning, trained 2 clients, and am already exhausted. It's not quite noon here :p

DD is flying in from England this afternoon and thought she needed to let us know when she got on the plane- yeesh, you'd think by the time they are old enough to spend a summer abroad alone, they could figure out that England is 5 hours ahead of EST. So it was a very early wake up around here. I would rather have nbeen alerted if she hadn't gotten on the plane. I'll visit with her for about 5 hours at the airport , then she flies back to school in Ohio tonight. Then Dh and I drive 100 miles south and pick up ds for his day off- great timing, right??? I loaded almost all of today's clients onto tomorrow, then he told me he has tomorrow off. Nothing I can do now- I can't cancel people two days in a row.

No cardio today other than tromping around the airport. A friend gave me her old elliptical and I can't wait to get it all set up.

Fru- Patience!

Have a good one,

nelie 08-07-2006 12:21 PM

Hi all,

Yesterday I did a yoga dvd and I haven't done yoga in a while. It resulted in me being a bit sore. I am trying to maintain my exercise routine while waiting out the heat of summer. I notice that it is cooling down a bit but not enough to do outdoor activities, at least for me.

I also tried on my wedding dress this weekend. When I bought it a month ago, it was a bit tight and I definitely needed the firming under garment. Now it fits fine without them. It may even need to be taken in eventually, especially if I keep losing weight. I have lost another 2 lbs so apparently whatever I am doing is working and I do need to be patient.

I also got quite a few things done for the wedding this weekend which makes me happy. I think I have been worrying a bit too much and my wedding is small. I can't imagine what would happen if it was a large wedding.

artmaker 08-07-2006 01:20 PM

Happy Monday all! Am so pleased with myself...I have stayed totally on target with my exercise and eating, and was able to drop 2 pounds last week. That is a first. Generally a half pound is something to be greatful for. Shows what eliminating the little nibbles here and there can do.

Woke at 4 something this morning, did a great LB workout; will try to fit my cardio in tonight. Have started running up and down my basement steps to warm up in the morning...my breathing is getting better and better. Wonder if it would translate to being able to take the 6 flights up here at work. Mmm...maybe tomorrow.

Nelie, that's great news about the dress! Wouldn't that be loverly, having to take it in! Worth every penny I'm sure.

Mel, sounds like your summer is alot of driving ds around...bet you'll be glad when school starts.

Feel on top of things....all my meals are planned and containered for the week, have lots of fruit and veggies ready to go. I am hoping for another good, under control week.


4rabbit 08-08-2006 09:41 AM


Boy, am i tired again! It is only the middle of the afternoon and I am dead tired. i think I'll go and meditate in a couple of minutes.

Yesterday I had an evening class at the gym. Unfortunately the trainer was ill, so instead of a power lesseon we had a combination lesson from another trainer. He was a young man with a lot of muscles, obviously in much better shape than the class, and he was also about 20 years younger than the average lady in the class. So we got a whole lot of stuff (push ups on fists without a mat etc) that were no problem for him, but that most of the class could not do. Plus very loud house music, which again, I at least do not like, and so loud that at least I could not hear what we needed to do. I saw a LOT in class just hopping around trying to figurtre out what we were supposed to do. I sure hope that the regular lady trainer is recovered next week! if this guy is still there next week, i'm switching classes!

Artmaker, you inspire me to go boil some eggs so i will not snack on unhealthy food right now!

have a great day all,

artmaker 08-08-2006 10:45 AM

Rabbit, know how you must have felt with your class...totally frustrating. You should complain. Why do clubs think that because these weight lifters or former athletes are in shape means they can teach, I don't know. I had a pilates class which was the opposite case at the gym...the trainer could barely do the exercises herself, and her form was terrible. So frustrating for everyone in the class.

Had a great cardio workout last night, but this morning when I went to do my upper body workout to a Cathe Friedrich tape, the tape got stuck and started unraveling. I was so frustrated; I loved that tape, that I went on line and ordered a bunch of her DVD's. There went my workout. And tonight I can't workout because I am having dinner with a friend. Maybe I can take a walk at lunchtime if it isn't too awful out.

Have a good day all!

artmaker 08-09-2006 06:12 AM

Hello! Where is everyone? Got in a full body workout this am with Cathe's Muscle Endurance Tape. Felt good, since I missed my upper body workout yesterday. Will focus on floor lower body and cardio tomorrow, and on Friday get back on track with a full hour of upper body. Was up at 4 with bad dreams, so will hit the sack for 40 minutes before I have to get ready for work. have a good day all!

4rabbit 08-09-2006 01:02 PM


Artmaker - too bad about the tape! Good for you that you ordered a DVD instead!

I'm very tired after having to work a full day unexpectedly. Usually I can go home & to bed after about 5 hours, but not today. I'll catch up with my rest tomorrow, start the weekend very early!. Today I rose early & did do 15 mins treadmill first thing of the day. i cannot seem to do any excercise after work 9I'm too tired) so I'll try how it works out doing it before.

Have a great day all,

nelie 08-09-2006 01:27 PM

Hi all. I've been having trouble sleeping so I've been working on that lately. I have also been doing DVDs for my workouts. So I've either been doing Yoga or my Push workout DVDs.

Mel 08-09-2006 02:37 PM

What's up with sleep around here? I can't sleep either :( Too many changes in my life...or too much ice tea!

Did quickly cardio this morning on my new (used) elliptical, then shoulders at the gym. Need to do more cardio, then head back to the gym for evening clients. The place is under construction and the sound of the shop vac and saws are driving me :crazy:


nelie 08-09-2006 04:35 PM

If you decide you don't like the elliptical, I'll take it :) I wish I had a friend who would give me an elliptical.

I don't know about sleep. My BF is having trouble too. I am going caffeine free for a while until I figure out what the issue is or what not.

Mel 08-09-2006 09:25 PM

LoL, nelie! I LOVE having it even though I swore I'd never have exercise equipment in my family room. The display doesn't work, but so what? I know if I'm working hard and if I really care, I can wear my super high-tech gadget heart rate monitor that shows me everything I want to know.

But I'll let you know if I change my mind ;) I think you're really only about an hour and a half from me.

Fru- What's up with the shoulder? Seen a doc or had an MRI yet?

2frustrated 08-10-2006 04:11 AM


Sleep causing partner problems here too! I'd rather sleep than cuddle! :censored: So we had a nice argument about how I don't get enough sleep and how I'm always tired at bedtime (funny that!), so of course we were asleep around midnight and now I'm SHATTERED and I have a BELT TEST today! :tantrum: :tired: :yawn:

I have an appointment with a Dr on August 21st. How's that for speedy? I made the appointment last week! I have a feeling that he's going to say 1) Rest it - DUH! I AM resting it! 2) I can't do anything about it or 3) Come back if it gets worse.

So I have all my answers ready - I am resting it, I don't carry bags with it any more, I don't even sleep on that side - I can't even cuddle DF since I'd have to lie on it to cuddle! If YOU can't do anything about it, make me an appointment with someone who can!!!! And it HAS got worse - it's been on and off for 2 or 3 months and it's been about 6 months since I first had a problem with it, it may even be longer than that. :p I hate Dr.s. :censored: (And this is before I've even been!!!!)

Belt test tonight!!! I'd be more excited about it if I'd actually HAD more than 6 hours sleep! :tape: Anyways, just so you know - I'm testing for Purple tonight, then on Sept 9th I'll be testing for Blue with a lot of other people going for other belts, then I just have Brown to go before November and I'll beat pregnant lady (I'm so low!) to black belt! PLUS I might get my black before I get married!!! How cool would that be? DF marrying a black belt??? :D :D :D

artmaker 08-10-2006 10:00 AM

Good luck, fru on the testing! I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Actually got enough sleep last night, even tho' I had to sleep sitting up. Went to an ENT doctor yesterday about my vertigo. Seems I have something called Benign Paryxosomething Positional Vertigo...which means I have loose bits of calcium deposits floating around in my inner ear causing the vertigo...or in common language...this gal has rocks in her head! Seems it's curable but I have to sleep sitting up for the next few weeks to see if that helps, and no sudden sideways movements. Not fun!

Got a bunch of new Cathe dvd's yesterday...this morning did Cathe's Gym workout for back, shoulders and bis. It was a good workout. I like the way she does db weight work for a body part, then ends with resistence band work for the final kill....my muscles were burning by the end.

Mel...what kind of elliptical is it? That's next on my wish list, tho' unless a store brings it and installs it, there's no way I can get the machine in myself.
Are you pleased with the new gym ownership? Does it look like it's going to work out for you?

Nel, are you enjoying the Push workouts? I ordered the trial copy but still haven't received it.

Have a great day all!

4rabbit 08-10-2006 10:12 AM


I'm in for a loooong weekend of rest & recreation. With the kids in france with XH, i've hit the 2nd hand book shop and come home with an enourmous pile of books. But including one on running, so I'll not totally be a couch potato for the coming days!!!

I did a test on something called "my real age", and I am like 5 -6 years OLDER than my biological age!!! What with divorce, depression, anxiety attacks & burn-out in the last years all seems to couint against me. I'm checking oput to see what to alter...but there is a certain emphasis on good food & good excercise. I guess i have to get back in line!

Have a great day all,

cole2513 08-10-2006 10:37 AM

New to Lifting on Own
I currently take strength training classes, however with going back to school in a couple of weeks they will no longer fit into my schedule. I am wanting to begin a lifting rountine on my own, what do you suggest I start with? I have thought of a personal trainer, but can't really afford that right now. Thanks!

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