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silverbirch 06-12-2006 04:21 AM

LWL #259 June 12 - 19
Good morning! :wave:

The weather has broken here and thunderstorms are forecast. Frus - how did you all get on in the race? London was hot, wasn't it? How were the agricultural colony celebrations, Pat?

A good weekend with biking and beach work (walking in the warm wind and a bit of swimming in the shallows of a lagoon - should have been warm but it was cold!) Picnics.

Have a good day, everyone. Mind what you eat, now!

silverbirch 06-12-2006 04:41 AM

Congrats To Frus, Kylie And Helen!
See them here!


2frustrated 06-12-2006 04:49 AM

:wave: I DID IT! :dance:

I'm very proud of us all - we did great considering the heat and the hotness and the :hot: :faint:

I really enjoyed myself - it was easier than I was expecting. I could be persuaded to do it again! My trousers even feel a little bit looser this morning! :D Oh and that's WITH the celebratory pizza and ice cream! :D

I'm still on track, I feel great!

Meg 06-12-2006 05:30 AM

Congratulations to the three of you! :bravo: Woo hoo - what an accomplishment on such a miserable day! :hot:

Mel 06-12-2006 07:12 AM

Congratulations! :bravo:


nelie 06-12-2006 08:49 AM

Hi all!

I had a good hike on Sunday, other than we got lost (my fault, I got excited when I saw a path, didn't notice the path the other way) but as a result, we saw a fox. My BF commented on something I realized last week on our hike: I've made a huge improvement. When we first started hiking, I would need to rest because I was out of breath or tired. The past two hikes, we have only rested because we were hungry and needed a snack. This last hike, we didn't even sit down to eat our snack, we just stopped for a moment and ate our ham sandwiches. I am very thankful that I can do 3-5 mile hikes, with inclines and declines, without multiple breaks or feeling like I am about to die.

I also weighed myself today at work and my 281 is consistent (woo hoo). Only 15 more lbs until I'll be at my lowest weight that I remember (age 16) and I was 2 inches shorter.

Congrats frus (and the other girls) on your run. That is awesome.

Have a good week everyone. Saturday, I'm off to Canada for the first time. There should be plenty of walking there for me :)

srmb60 06-12-2006 09:05 AM

Welcome to Canada, Nelie. I've never been to Montreal.

Sugar Cube 06-12-2006 10:56 AM

Got the docks installed with only three adults, and being sort of short, I have a lot to make up for. Anyway, came out of the weekend, fine except I must have slammed my hand on something so my left palm is sore, great for those of us lefthanded computer users.

You runners rock, love the photo of the two of you plopped down and relaxing, way to go.

NELIE - Are you loving the hiking?? sounds like you are making great progress. That is really inspiring.

Finally sunnyweather here in Boston, two days in a row. So exciting.

nelie 06-12-2006 11:40 AM

Thanks Susan, it should be fun :)

Liza, I love hiking but do you know how hard it is to find proper hiking shoes if you have wide feet? I bought a pair of NB hiking shoes, size 2E (normally I don't wear 2E) and they are rubbing my pinky toes. I ordered a pair of regular hiking shoes that are made wide, but they were too narrow. Next strategy is to move to Men's hiking shoes. You need pretty good shoes for hiking because sometimes you are walking on small jagged rocks, other times you are climbing up and down big smooth rocks. So you need good support as well as good traction.

Sugar Cube 06-12-2006 03:29 PM

Good luck on finding the hiking shoes, I remember getting fitted for my first pair before the low cut ones were readily available. I hate anything around my ankles. Anyway, the person who fitted me out had me jumping up and down on the little indoor ramp, so that I could tell when my foot shifted, also to see how much my foot might swell. I was in the place for a while. Luckily, DD was in the tent models checking out our "ideal" (she thinks the bikes should come inside).

4rabbit 06-12-2006 03:47 PM


Frus - Awesome to do the 10k in this heat ! All of a sudden it has become tropical here as well. my pool is now deep green, and 29 C!. I have to figure out the chlorination, apart from that it is heaven!

Liza - what are docks ???

Silver - was it hot in wales ???

Today was tropical here. I went swimming 2 times & I went to power class. it felt really good to lift again.

Have a great day all,

Sugar Cube 06-12-2006 04:25 PM

RABBIT - Ugh on the pool turning color.

Docks, like you tie up a boat to. I am really lucky that my family has a summer house on the water, and my father who was a big naturalist, only wanted the docks to be in the water, or on the water while we were actually using them, so our system is all temporary, and only in use June to October. so that means every year we float the "floats" and chain them to the pilings, string them together with pipe rod, and then there is a 12 foot long fixed section that gets put in every year, I have never done it before with only 3 adults. We have three sail boats between all of my siblings and 4 kayaks, and one old power boat for water skiing, great summer fun, once we get through the maintenance part. LOL.

WaterRat 06-12-2006 06:42 PM

Ah, Liza, in Alaska, everyone pulls their docks in the fall - freezing lakes and docks do not mix well. :lol:

We had a good weekend. Did the planned canoeing/fishing (note: fishing, not catching!) on Sat. Got home about 7:30, had a quick dinner and crashed from all the fresh air and sunshine. :) Sunday was church, some yard work, and getting DH packed up for a 3 day fishing trip (he had a friend call just as we were leaving on Sat - and I encouraged him to go. Not much going on in the yard/garden, etc.) So I'm on my own for a few days, yay!

A real zoo here at work - last day of school, first day of the library's summer reading program, on top of which we have a new computer management system for the public computers. What was I thinking?? And it rained last night and today, and that seems to bring people in. It'll stop me from biking too, as I might melt you know. :rofl:

Silver, I think the Colony Days went just okay. It was very windy and overcast here on Fri and Sat, though they had the events nonethless. The carnival in the library parking lot closed up early on Fri due to the wind.

4rabbit 06-13-2006 08:18 AM


Liza, I understand now. This sounds so great. Where is this located ?


nelie 06-13-2006 10:58 AM

I didn't know what docks were either in this context, I just wasn't going to admit it :) I mean I know what a dock is but I thought it was something permanent.

I had a good LBWO last night except I've noticed something. My UBWO are creating sore muscles, my LBWO are creating barely noticeable soreness. It is kind of annoying but I guess part of it has to do with the fact that I have been hiking. I also did 180 crunches last night, I figured I'd be sore today but I'm not. (I haven't figured how to adapt BFL to crunches, I guess I will need to use weights for future crunches, so I just multiplied the amount by 3).

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