3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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BabySteps 05-08-2006 10:00 AM

Meg, I have to tell you...

There is something I have to tell you. I have been coming here off and on for a while. I can never get it together and make the changes I need to make it seems but, your story is there like a hopeful light. Your story at least tells me and people like me that it is possible. I need to lose 160 pounds. That is huge! But, knowing you lost over 100 pounds the healthy way is such an inspiration.

I went to an information meeting about gastric bypass the other night, even there I bring you up and mention what an awesome outcome you had. I know that the way you did it is by far the best way. I hope you stay out here on the web telling your story for years to come because I know there are others that read it and for a moment believe, believe that its all possible.

Im not sure I will be one who makes it the healthy way, I may have the bypass?? Still thinking. But, either way, you have inspired me to dream and share your story from time to time. Keep telling it. I personally thing you should write a book. Who better to teach than you who have made it to the other side of healthy!! Your book would be a big seller.....you have been there.

Well, I just wanted you to know what your story means to others. Keep telling it!


friendlykat4u 05-08-2006 10:16 AM

Babysteps, I second your post. I've been overweight all my life, even as a kid. I finally made the decision to stop the nonsense and get it together. I have a long road to go too. And I'm not talking about the amount of weight I have to lose, which is pretty significant, I'm talking about the long road to keeping the weight off for good.

I read Meg's posts all the time, they keep me focused and they keep me real. I have moments when I slip and go back to old habits, then I pull myself back and keep on moving. I remind myself every single day that this is it, I can't go back, this is becoming my new life.

Meg is funny and honest and always willing to pass the knowledge around, that's what I need, that's what a lot of us need. And like Meg, there are a lot of people who truly inspire me here. Like Karen (MrsJim), Mel, and so many others that have "made it".

I want to be there one day, and I'm going to be working hard at it. Nobody is saying that's easy, but everybody is saying it's absolutely worth it, and that's what I want to keep hearing, it's worth it, a thousand times over!

Best of luck to you! :)

RobertW 05-08-2006 10:41 AM


I need to lose 160 pounds. That is huge! But, knowing you lost over 100 pounds the healthy way is such an inspiration.

Whether or not you opt for surgery, it still boils down to diet and exercise. I have only lost 100# so far, but weight training has been very helpful in my getting this far. IMHO, if you develop the self discipline to stick to an exercise regimen, you are well on your way to developing the kind of self control needed to diet sucessfully.

What sort of plan are you following now?

srmb60 05-08-2006 10:46 AM

I agree! Meg is an awesome mentor and encouragement!

Meg 05-08-2006 11:55 AM

Aw, shucks ... thank you for the lovely compliments. :o

Babysteps, if I ever wrote a book, I'd have to call it:

The NOT E-Z, NOT Quik, NOT Painless Diet (Losing Weight Takes Sweat, Hard Work, And Planning And It's Every Day For The Rest Of Your Life)

-- and no one would buy it! :rofl:

Or I'd write a book about maintenance and no one would buy it either because most people ASSUME that their weight will magically stay off once they make it to goal (good for you, Kat, for thinking about Life After Goal :cp: ).

If I ever wrote a book, it would have to talk about support and encouragement and how we can't do this alone. I honestly never believed that I could keep off the weight until I met MrsJim here. :hug: She showed me that it's possible to keep off more than 100 pounds for more than 15 years (!) without being obsessed. And now we've got an awesome group of Maintainers, all working together to defy those dreadful statistics about regain. Oops - wait a sec - there already is a book like that: 3 Fat Chicks On A Diet: Because We're All In It Together! :lol:

Babysteps, you'll find your way. You'll figure out what's right for you and go for it and you know you'll have our support 100% in whatever you chose. :hug: I was a member here at 3FC for a l-o-n-g time before I finally lost the weight. Even when I was struggling, I came here and read every day. I must have tried and failed a thousand times! :eek: But finally all the lessons I learned came together for that last diet - number one thousand and one - the one that worked. :D

Trust me, I get back so much more here than I ever could give. I owe my success to everyone at 3FC - honestly, I couldn't have done it without all of YOU! :hug: (so I guess you'll never be able to get rid of me :lol: )

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