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tikanique 11-01-2004 09:03 AM

LWL - Weeks 11/1 - 11/14
Hi all,

Figured that since the last thread was two weeks and was only 3 pages long, I should make this one a two weeker as well.

Glad to say that both my division cheer team and my daughter's division cheer team did GREAT yesterday at competitions. My team (which has not ranked in years) ranked 8 out of 19 teams. Both myself and the other coach have never coached before so we are PRETTY pleased with our efforts. My daughters division team did even better. They ranked 2nd out of 19 teams. The only team that beat them is a team that competes regularly on the All-Star circuit. I am so pleased with both my teams' efforts and my daughters performance. Even though I take her to gymnastics each week and she shows me her cheers all the time, I have never seen her perform her stunts in a routine with her other teammates so I was totally amazed by how good she actually is. This winter she will be on an All-Star team and I can't wait to see how she does there.

Okay, enough bragging about the diva.


srmb60 11-01-2004 10:31 AM

Tiki ... you've got a daughter with a wonderful and healthy talent ... brag away!

Where's Mel? Chuckling at me and my sore arms :mad: I still can hardly feed myself. Hey maybe that's a new diet tip :lol:

I'm going to try chest and triceps just as soon as I get off this darn computer. I suspect my workout will be feeble however.

I'm restaurant lunching today and I'm not picking the restaurant so wish me 'smarts' would ya?

I'll let you know how chest and triceps went if I can still type :dizzy:

wcolleen 11-01-2004 11:48 AM

Hello ladies - I've been MIA for quite some time. Life/work/love have gotten in the way of posting. Hope everyone is doing well. As for me, still moving along. Still battling those food demons of course, but marathon training (1/2 in February 2005 and full in April 2005) has kept the pounds off, and taken a few more with them as well. I'm working on my PT certification at the moment, and feeling hopeful that this will lead me to a new career path at some point down the road. At any rate, miss chatting with you guys :)

Ilene 11-01-2004 12:28 PM

Colleen -- We've missed you! :grouphug: Congrats on the marathons and all the best of luck to you, I know you can do it!

Tiki -- That is just wonderful new! I know how hard you work and you must be soooo proud of your DD, so brag away!!

Susan -- :lol: Chuckling here at your arm story!! Your tri and chest workout will probably do it good and stretch things out a bit...

Ok, Tiki and Colleen are back, now where's TideyPoo and Dipster?? I'm gonna go there and get you gals if you don't come out of lurkdom!! ;)

I had a very good morning so far... Went to the gym did legs :strong: , I'm going back this afternoon with DS, it's a toss up of either doing abs and calves or cardio...I'm thinking I should give my legs a rest from cardio, but on the other hand I need the calories burned! Such a delema :lol:...kidding of course...:D

Hope everyone is well...TTFN...:wave:

artmaker 11-01-2004 01:04 PM

Happy Monday!
What a exciting weekend you must have had at the competition Tiki, you have every right to crow about your daughter!

Susan B. Good luck with your restaurant experience!

This weekend was so nice. Saturday I met with the trainer, a nice young guy, but I don't feel he has enough experience under his belt. It was fine to get me started. I will meet with him once more, then switch to a woman trainer who's been on vacation. Sunday the weather was gorgeous, and a friend and I went sea kayaking..the last day we could do so before the kayak place closes down for the season.

I have been good eating-wise, but think I am going to have to cut back to 1200 calories...1400 doesn't seem to be making a dent in my weight. Spent mos tof Sunday morning cooking for the week and putting food into containers, to keep my portion size under control.

Tried the cauliflower potato salad and the cottage cheese/yogurt with white chocolate this weekend...Both were great! Thanks, Nelie, for the recipes. And Mel, made the nuked apples with cinnamon and splenda, but added in grated fresh ginger...gave a nice little kick to it. Thank you.


luv2lift 11-01-2004 03:37 PM

Hi Guys!
Well, I started taking my supplements again. After the thread on here and just reading an article yesterday singing the praises of L-Glutamine (this particlular article rates it the current #1 Performancing enhancing supplement) I decided to add some Supps back into my diet. I take the 1000mg tabs of L-Glutamine. I take 2 tabs, 3 times per day. I also take a Multi Vit pack once in the AM, BCAA's (Pre and Post workout), Flax Oil, Creatine serum pre-workout and 1mg Melatonin before Bed. Sounds like a lot but it takes about 2 minutes total for the whole day for me to take them.There are a ton of Supps on the market and these are the ones that my trainer has reccomended for me in the past and that I feel are valuable enough to take the time to bother with. Yesterday was my fist day taking them in awhile and I already feel better. Crazy. I know a lot of people think it isn't worth the trouble but I truly can tell a differance in my energy. Not just that I have a lot of it but that it is consistant and stable all day. I have also been trying to stick to my off-season diet which I have no doubt helps too.
I did Legs on Fri
Free weight Semi Vertical Leg Press (higher reps this time)
270#X20X15 360#X15X14X12X12X10
Lying Leg Curl
Free weight Leg Extension (one leg at a time)
Jumps to Failure (50ish?)
Donkey calf Machine
Hanging Leg Raises

Tonight Is Chest! I am looking forward to it:)

Sugar Cube 11-01-2004 05:02 PM

Had a good UBWO this morning, not sure if the crowd was at they gym because it was post Halloween candy, the world series is over so they get to bed at a decent hour or the time change. In any case, I need to push the weights a little more, my arms are "there" but not really to the point of soreness yet.

SANDY - My suggestion to getting back on track is to get up earlier 15 minutes at a time, adjust to it. And you are so right, it really does help to focus on being healthy versus thin or musclie.

I made up a supply of baked chicken last night, very tasty, so I am pretty ready this week foodwise. I do the best those weeks I know where I am going.

Tomorrow is election day, and of course the weather forecast is for rain late in the day. We plan to vote at 7ish when the polls open up, that way I won't have to slog up there after work.

MEL - Take it easy, catch up on the junky TV for a while before you try to get back into things.

TIKI - Sounds like you need an appointment with yourself. LOL. Moms are so wonderful, mine is also still around to point out that I am wearing odd clothes or something.

DAWNA - You are smart not to give up the gym even as your days get wilder, after all if you aren't in good shape, you won't have anything to give to others. Haven't a clue on the gym membership question though, good luck.

SUSANB - glad to hear your arms hurt the same!!!

Off to finish off the long Monday.

srmb60 11-01-2004 05:48 PM

Well lunch was about 800 calories. Who knew chicken pot pie would have eight inches of potato on top? I have nice salmon filets ready for supper ;)
Ilene was right about the arms. Now the backs of my arms are nice and tired but the fronts do feel more relaxed.
I'm surprised every time I do chest at the difference a muscle contraction makes. At first there was hardly any movement and now it's actually visible. What a boost when healthy changes become noticeable.

Ilene 11-01-2004 06:27 PM

Hey gang! :wave:

L2L -- As usual your workouts blow me away! I had a great leg workout today, but :yikes: not as good as yours, but I'm working on it... I'd love to be able to workout with someone like you, it would just push me enough over the edge to move things along...

Food has been excellent today... This morning I had a protein pancake, I posted it in the concoction thread... then I tried the Cauliflower/Potatoe Salad, and it was excellent... Thanks Nelie and Artmaker for reminding me this morning, I even had all the ingredients already...

Hope all is well everyone...TTFN...:wave:

BfL_Cat 11-01-2004 07:00 PM

Hey gals - happy new week!

Well, I'm happy to say that I kept my promise to myself and got my backside back in the gym this morning. It was bright and sunny at 6am, and I had no excuse to burrow back under the covers when the alarm went off.

Did chest and shoulders today - took it a bit easy since I've not lifted in a month, and I want to be able to move tomorrow! Cardio tomorrow - should be interesting... I'm going to start HIIT, so it will be big fun!

I'm sad to say that I lost my oldest kitty baby last week - finally had to realize it was time to let go. I'd had her for 14.5 years, and I miss her terribly. Still have two left to keep my company, but I'd been caring for the sick one for months now, so it's left a big hole in days. I'm doing much better with it this week, though. Hey, can anyone give me a rainbow bridge link? I looked around in our archives, but couldn't find it.

Colleen - great to hear from you. And great to see you're doing so well! Do keep us posted on how you're doing!

Tiki - glad to see you back as well!

I'm going to have to try that cauliflower/potato salad - sounds great, and even though I've moved to SBD Phase 2, I still can't have potatoes, and I have to find ways to get more veggies in. I had an apple for the first time in 3 weeks yesterday, and boy was it good!

Have a great week everyone!

silverbirch 11-02-2004 06:56 AM

Changing routines

Originally Posted by Lanaii1
Endorphin is the sensible adrenaline isn't it??

Ilene – This was from last week: you read my mind with your special powers!

But... I read this in a UK magazine (healthy, November/December 2004, issue 34 – from the health food chain Holland and Barrett – more sensible and cheaper than most).


Want to lower stress levels and increase your energy?

Then train your brain to see the benefit of shaking things up every so often. ‘Many of us are resistant to change because we feel it’s out of our control’, says life coach Suzy Greaves, ‘but changing direction or being faced with a new or unexpected situation can boost adrenaline and feel-good endorphins, giving us a very real lift.’ What’s more, if you’re prepared for the unexpected, it will seem much less stressful.
'very real lift' - get it? Yet another reason to change workout routines regularly, seems to me!

Tiki and Colleen - very good to see you. Phew, life can be so busy at times, can't it? Must tear off now. See you all soon.

Ilene 11-02-2004 07:37 AM

Silver -- :cp: -- 'very real lift' ... :lol: Well that is great news!!

Today will be pretty much the same as yesterday for me... Gym, eat clean, house work. I had a terrible sleep last night though I was awake from 3:30 to 5am :coffee: ... I was just lying there, thinking of everything and nothing, so interesting, must be hormonal I have been having hot flashes, although all the time I was awake last night I didn't get a one, thank goodness...

Well I'm off for the moment, I need some food in me belly... Since I'm not rushed I will have the pancake concoction I made yesterday...:hun:...

TTFN...:wave:... Let's be careful out there today girls!! ;)

Meg 11-02-2004 08:08 AM

Morning, gang! It's a beautiful warm fall day here - great day for leaf raking cardio. :D

Colleen -- you sly :devil: ! The last time I remember seeing the numbers under your name, you were a few pounds away from the 100# mark. And now I see you at 103 POUNDS LOST!! Congratulations! :balloons:

It's great to see Cindy and Tiki and the rest of the gang posting. :) I've been thinking about how to survive the next two months and this group is going to be a big part of my strategy.

Cindy, my sympathies about your kitty. We had to let our old lady kitty go last winter (at age 20.5) and I still see her out of the corner of my eye (and miss her).

Ilene - you are in the groove this week! :dance:

I'm going to walk up to vote and then hit the leaves, so have a great day everyone!

Ilene 11-02-2004 08:48 AM

Cindy -- I'm sorry to hear of your kitty too... I have two and love them to bits and would miss them terribly if something would happen :angel:

Sugar Cube 11-02-2004 10:49 AM

Lost my previous post, blah :?:

CINDY - so sorry to hear about kitty, are the others really sad? :(

TIKI - You are the champ, probably you are such a great coach because you are so fresh to the job. I hope you are able to find time for everything you want to do, you sound busy.

Sore throat this am, so I skipped the gym, this is what everyone else has had. I hate to spread it more than already out there. My exercise today should be a site visit, two hours hiking around the development, can't remember how many acres. Then I plan to head home to vote, the line was so long I was concerned my daughter would miss her bus.

Crockpot is set up for dinner already, my food plan is going really well. No interest at all in the candy. I do need to add some more protein to my day, I am going to use the lowcarb whey powder I have, I like the taste, can added frozen fruit, and keep on track.

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