any apps that can be used to program NRFLW?

  • So, I'm torn. I'm trying to decide if I should get a TRX and their fitness app and do it at home. Or do some New Rules for Weight Lifting (we have the regular, for women, for life, and super-charged books) and find an app where I can program the routine.

    I found one online review of fitness builder, but that review is over 3 years old now and that's like ancient history for apps. Plus, a look at the app store and it's free the first month and then $9.99 a month after that AND people are saying it's dated.

    Anyone have suggestions? The reality is, I'm a gizmo queen and they motivate me. Plus, it would be easier for me to remember what I'm doing, what order i'm doing them and timing them all properly, etc, if I had an app for that.

    THere are tons of apps, but how to pick and which are the best to go with?

    Or, just skip free weights and go with TRX?
  • Ok, found this review for apps, but can't know if it will work for me. Interestingly, the rate mynetdiary highly for keeping track of nutrition/exercise and that's what I use (and really love).
  • Sorry, I don't know of any apps. I'm doing the New Rules of Lifting for Women and doing it the old fashioned pencil-and-paper way. I would love an app!