Some questions

  • I'm sure these questions have been asked and answered before (maybe there should be a sticky FAQ? )

    1. Looking at the authorzied foods list from the book-how do you incorporate fats? Is it okay to have a vinegar and oil salad dressing (homemade)? Is it okay to use spray butter for flavor?

    2. Since I work out in the morning, I should wait at least an hour until I have my first meal, right? I thought I read that, but can't find it in the book. I'm sure it's right under my nose!

    3. On weight training days, are you supposed to do up to 45 minutes? I guess what I'm asking is that today I was done at about 35 minutes and I did a lot of exercises. My gym at the time I go isn't crowded at all, so there's no waiting for machines, etc. Is that okay or do I need to get those extra 10 minutes in?

    That's all I can think of right now, I'm sure I'll have more questions. I'm not officially starting until Monday, but I want to get a feel for it before diving right in. I also need to plan ahead (which I'm terrible at doing. I'm the world's most unorgainized person!)

    Thanks for your help!

    p.s. Can y'all tell me where I put my friggin' car keys? I can't find them anywhere!
  • To answer some of your questions:

    1. Looking at the authorzied foods list from the book-how do you incorporate fats? Is it okay to have a vinegar and oil salad dressing (homemade)? Is it okay to use spray butter for flavor?
    I use fats all the time maybe 1 or 2 tbsp/day or less... over at L&S they recommend Udo's I've never tried that one in particular but have one that is similar that I add in drinks or I used olive oil when I stir fry or in salad dressings...

    2. Since I work out in the morning, I should wait at least an hour until I have my first meal, right? I thought I read that, but can't find it in the book. I'm sure it's right under my nose!
    I'm not sure about the time for cardio, but I know for weights it's as soon as possible afterwards and, now that I think of it, you're right about the one hour afterwards for cardio... Maybe someone else can clarify that...

    3. On weight training days, are you supposed to do up to 45 minutes? I guess what I'm asking is that today I was done at about 35 minutes and I did a lot of exercises. My gym at the time I go isn't crowded at all, so there's no waiting for machines, etc. Is that okay or do I need to get those extra 10 minutes in?
    I think if you give it your 10's it doesn't really matter how long it takes you...

    p.s. Can y'all tell me where I put my friggin' car keys? I can't find them anywhere!
    Sorry can't help you there....

    BTW welcome to our world...
  • I dont have much to add really, Lana beat me to it LOL

    I like to get some of my olive oil in by making "fries" with a baked potato and 2tsp olive oil. Just put it on high in a frying pan for a couple minutes and you get homestyle fries *drool* keeps me sane AND is still authorized! WOOHOO!

    I also like to have my whole wheat pasta with chicken, herbs, garlic powder and a tsp of olive oil. its so fresh and delish! My hubby is now insisting I make it for him as well!

    Hope this helps!

  • Okay, lemme put in my two cents real quick...

    As far as oil - there are healthy fats and there are unhealthy fats. Basically if you're eating BFL style, the quotient is 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fat. The best recommended fats are known as EFAs (Essential fatty acids). Udo's Choice Perfected Oil Blend is one that is highly recommended but also pricey. I generally use flax oil. Krista Scott Dixon has a great article on her website at called "Fat and why you need it". And YES, butter sprays such as Pam (I usually use the Safeway store brand) are fine to use!

    Waiting to eat before working out - it is in the book I believe...I KNOW it's on the Hussman site somewhere (oh and BTW we DO have a FAQ 'sticky' thread - it's called "Basic Body For Life Information' at the top of this forum). Personally I CAN'T eat right after working out because I generally need to 'hit the shower' right after I get back from the gym, do all my getting-ready-for-work stuff, then I have my first meal while Jim is in the bathroom!

    Your weight training time - that's weird. Most people find that it takes them LONGER to complete the cycle at first. Are you taking those rest breaks in between sets? And are you lifting slowly with proper form? If you just rush through the lifts, then you are using momentum rather than muscle to lift the weight and are doing more harm than good. The book recommends a cadence of 2 seconds to lower the weight, 1 second to lift the weight, and a count of "one" to "hold" the weight in the top and bottom positions. I would suggest wearing a watch with a 'second hand' when you go to the gym and time yourself carefully.

    The keys? Check between the sofa cushions...that's where MINE usually end up! Take care!
  • Thanks for the answers, everyone!

    I'm a big olive oil fan since I'm 1/2 Italian. I just wasn't sure how to use it. I glanced at the site you mention, but haven't had time to read the whole site.

    Oops, I did read through that topic. I was just suggesting it cuz I'm sure you get the same questions over and over again regardless. I wasn't trying to take over!!!

    I've been working out forever (over 15 years) so I'm not new to it. I may not have waited 1 minute between all sets, though. I also probably rushed a bit, too.

    I don't eat before I work out. The kids and I get up at 7 and are out the door by 7:30 and I go right to the gym as soon as I drop them off. I work out of my house, so eating is no problem (which would explain the extra weight

    tidypoo, the pasta dish sounds good. I'm gonna have to try that!

    Oh, and the keys were on the coffee table. I need to get one of those key chains that beeps when you whistle or something.

    Thank you all for the welcome! I know I'll be picking your brains a lot.