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Transformer08 11-19-2010 10:59 PM

Weight lifting books for men
I have been doing Chilean for a couple months now and having great results. This has inspired my boyfriend to start getting in to weight lifting, too. Do you have any recommendations for the best books for guys into to weight lifting?

I know the new rules for lifting for women is popular on this forum, is the men's version also supposed to be good? Other options?


Mel 11-20-2010 08:01 AM

The original was New Rules of Lifting. It's really not a lot different and I think it's great. The biggest difference is the picture on the cover. There really isn't a whole lot of difference in a good program for men vs. women, except that men usually have more upper body strength relative to women.

Again, what is a good program depends on the person's goals.

KDuffer 11-20-2010 09:44 AM

Best book ever on weight training is Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe. I've been lifting weights off and on for years before I read this book and I've made more progress in my strength in the past two years than I have ever in the 10 or more years before that.

It's a barbell training program that centers around basic compound lifts like squat, deadlift, press, bench, and power cleans.

Transformer08 11-20-2010 01:30 PM

Thanks for the responses.

His primary goal is weight loss and generally becoming "fit." Nothing more specific. I think the ideal book would be something simple and clear, to get him on the right track and have a positive experience so he keeps it up.

I will look into the new rules for men and starting strength.

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