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srmb60 01-26-2007 08:39 AM

I'm with you Lydia. I'm in house today. It's cold here! So, on with the mp3 and up to the college boy's room I go.

2frustrated 01-26-2007 08:53 AM

Rabbit I was just about to suggest shopping!

I was having a blue-attack from kickboxing thoughts until I played the Llama song on a silly website but then I headed over to TOPSHOP website and bought 2 dresses and a sweatshirt :D Nothing lifts the mood like buying something new that looks good!

tikanique 01-26-2007 09:39 AM

Lydia - have fun on the elliptical. I wish I had one in my house. I'd just tie myself to it and go go GO!

Fru- don't you fret about your test tonight. You are da bomb even on a rough day so since you are testing in the AM, you are gonna light that place up. Heck they probably will give you both a brown belt plus brown shoes and a hat to match! Now go kick some BUTT! :boxing:

Rabbit, file that stuff and keep on going girl. The past is done with. As for the nose up, great job. DD jumps up and grabs the top of the doorway between the kitchen and living room, does two pull-ups and then does a couple leg lifts. I can't stand her!;)

SuB, it's freezing here too. 5 degrees thanks to the wind chill.

I did not go to the gym at all last night. I got a chance to do Tae-Bo with two of my girlfriends that I've been trying to motivate to exercise for a while. It was great. I did get up this AM for my cardio so tonight will be all clear for weights.:wl:

Hi rest of you chickies!!! Make today a happenin' DAY!!!!

Peace. Tiki

nelie 01-26-2007 10:44 AM

Last night I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that I was pregnant with 2 boys and 1 girl and I could really feel the 1 girl through my stomach. Then I dreamt I went into labor and DH, my grandparents and my parents all piled into a van to drive me to the hospital. (grandparents and parents live 3k miles away). Very strange! I think it is because DH and I rented the first season of "Lost" and there is a very pregnant girl on the show.

Last night, DH and I did our karate DVD but we focused more on getting the moves right. So we'd do the move with the video, then we'd stop and practice until we got it right and then we did the move with the video again. Anyway, we were having fun and didn't realize that we had been doing it for well over an hour! So we got to bed pretty late last night. The DVD has a good warmup and a good cooldown which we do entirely and then we do the moves in the middle. I even feel like I'm getting more flexible because part of the warmup is flexibility training.

Oh and did I mention that my scale is stuck!? I need it to move on down but it is stuck. Oh well, I'm patient.

Frus - good luck! I know you will do well.

Lydia227 01-26-2007 01:04 PM

NELIE: Pregnancy dreams?! Two boys AND a girl Lookout. :dizzy: In my house those would be considered a nightmare. :lol3: There are five years between my sons. When we contemplated have number 2 I had a dream that I left the infant carrier on top of the car and drove off without him. I decided I just wasn't ready yet. He's a great little guy though. I wouldn't trade him for anything, most days...:yes:

TIKI and SUSAN: Thanks for a great cardio workout this morning. Glad you two could join me. I did 35 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the treadmill. Most of that was walking but I did test the waters a bit with a few three minute running intervals. Shhh. Don't tell anyone. :censored: it felt great. I think I might be ready for a run down by the river with DH this spring after all.

FRU: And just where is the link to the Llama song?!

RABBIT: I'm glad to know your mom woke from the anaesthesia without complications. When I woke from my thyroidectomy three years ago I :barf:. Freaked the nurse out pretty bad. It was kind of a scary thing, the thought of throwing up after having your neck sliced open and brand new stitches in place. :faint:

tikanique 01-26-2007 01:23 PM

Lydia, we won' tell, but if people ask why we are grinning, well, we will just wink and nod. I'm sure your hubby will be pleased to have you join him along the banks.


sportmom 01-26-2007 02:06 PM

Hi All, had a good workout first thing in the morning. Did 1 hour of cardio and a lbwo. Have to "work ahead" on the cardio since I'll be stuck in a YMCA gym all weekend. I know, a great place to workout, but I'll be shuttling the mini's around the place to make sure they get to their race on time. It is actually a pretty good active day, but the food - blech. I plan to pack ahead! :)

The scale is my friend today, but I'm not going to commit to it until Monday. But I've got my meals planned out - I researched the restaurants ahead of time and there's a BobEvans on site which I know can give me a grilled chicken breast and 2 veggie sides, so I'll be set both nites. B'fast will be oatmeal in the hotel, the only question is lunch tomorrow. So seriously contemplating bringing my loaf of bread and jar of peanut butter to take things into my own hands! lol

2frustrated 01-26-2007 03:29 PM


THIS is the Llama song! :D :lol3:

ALSO.... The 'rents are here and we ate healthy :D I made lean pork loins on the Foreman, jacket potato and sugar snap peas :T I don't have ANY pudding stuff in the house but I did dig out some chocolate brazil nuts which sufficed the choccy fiend that is my mother! :devil:

:crossed: for the rest of the weekend.

Lydia227 01-26-2007 04:00 PM

FRU!!! Make it stoooopp!!!:tantrum: Loved it. It's the song without an end, right? My three year old reached his pudgy little hands onto my laptop and said, "Here Mama, I make it stop." :lol: I think I will be wicked and forward it to DH :devil:

FRAN: We've done Bobs when traveling too. :yes: The grilled chicken, plain baked potato, and broccoli works well. Just make sure you let them know not to put anything on the veggies and that there is a ketchup bottle on the table.;)

tikanique 01-26-2007 04:54 PM

Oh my goodness!!! What a bananas song! I can't stop laughing!

Lydia your baby is very patient. My 15 year old wouldn't offer to stop it. He'd just go running screaming from the room!


srmb60 01-26-2007 05:09 PM

We listened to it twice thru .... then I turned it off ;) But it was fun. Aw Jenfrus, what would we do without ya?

4rabbit 01-27-2007 05:53 AM

hi LWL,

Frus - Thumbs up on the belt test !!! I'm sending graduating vibes your way!

Weeekeend!!!! Hurray!!! I'm doing a ton of household chores today, and shuttling DS to a hockey game, the we have a party at friends. I'm abstaining from the usual weekend extra's to make up for the food. And I'll have to drive, so I won't be drinking anyway. I stopped a couple of weeks back because i found that it had become too much of a habit, and of course i can do without all the calories in alcohol. So for the moment I'll limit this to 1 - 2 glasses per week.

Thanks ladiees for all the support regarding the shopping and the nose up! I had a good time, and I'm really looking forward to next tuesday when a crew of landscapers will come in to do my garden !!! I'm taking out like 4 giant conifers that have growm to like 10 - 12 ms high, and getting rid of some plants that block my view right now. This of course costs a fortune but i am SO looking forward to it! Finally I will have more view and more light, and hopefully lots of less work in my garden !.

Tiki - great suggestion about the leg lifts ! I'll let my DD and DS know of their existence. lets see if they can do this! Your daughter sure is athletic, it sound like the leg lift will be my target for 2008!

have a great day all,

srmb60 01-27-2007 07:13 AM

I had a great day yesterday. My calories were low but I did good cardio, went for a walk with my friend after supper and I chatted with Ilene!

tikanique 01-27-2007 10:12 PM

i LOVED my workout today. DD stayed w/ grandma so I was able to get up and do the entire thing at the gym at my leisure no less. Since DS moved out, my gym time has become major precious because I can no longer leave DD at home while I go. She is having a older cousin over tonight so tomorrow I get to do another entire workout there so it will be legs, then the elliptical.

Fru!!!!! How was the test?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?

Rabbit, yep my baby is a little muscled dynamo. I'm so incredibly proud of her. I think I want to BE her when I grow up!

Hi e're body else. Have a Happy Saturday Night!


2frustrated 01-28-2007 04:38 AM


Hello all!


Llama llama llama llama :crazy:

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