squash your weakness

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  • PASTA. I can't even imagine how much pasta I could eat if I really let myself go. When it's there, I will eat it-- and all of it. I don't know why my brain finds it so impossible to leave a few noodles left in the bowl!
  • Fried okra. (I can hear some people cringing)...I don't get it often...but when I do...I can't stop.

    I'm sure there are others...but that's my main one. Ohhh freshly baked cookies...especially chocolate chip.
  • Last night I made banana pudding for my dear husband, who asked for it. It was so tempting , but I refrained from it. I told him to take the rest of it to work with him, just to get it out of the house. I do miss the sweets, but have found that occasionally getting some low-carb candy is nice. Also , I eat a lot of carb free jello with whipped topping. After nine months of eating this way, it is starting to feel more natural to refrain from the things that I know I can't control myself with. ( that's why I got really FAT to start with).
  • Trigger foods aren't so much my problem - it's being able to limit portion sizes. I have a very difficult time trying to limit what I eat. I'm working on knowing my 'fullness' levels - satisfied, full, and oh lord what have I done?! My goal right now is to get to the satisfied stage and quit.

    That said, I don't buy chips anymore. I make cookies (at least then, I know what's going into them and have a better idea of calories/fat/etc) every once in a great while. I do buy ice cream, but I'm very lactose intolerant so one small bowl every three or four months takes care of any and all cravings. There is one thing that I really have a hard time with - sodas. I'm addicted to them. Once I have one, the rest of the day is shot because I literally crave them, and get caffeine headaches.
  • oh that looks yummy! where can you get them? Only 100 calories!
  • I'm with the poster who said it is portion control which is her problem. I went to my nutritionist with a food diary for 2 weeks and she was very impressed with what I ate on a whole, it is just that I eat wayyyyyyyyy tooooooooo muchhhhhhhhhhhh of it LOL

    I mean, I do have the occasional treat etc, but 99% of my diet is very clean... but even *clean* foods can make you really overweight if you don't know when to stop eating them. Which I don't.

    But yes, ice cream too....we can't buy it around these parts.... whole carton, gone in an evening between my husband and myself... but he is still slim!!!... the jerk hahaha jk
  • ice cream
    i love the blue bunny sweet freedom bars.. only 90 calories and made with splenda!
  • i like the ideas of walking to the ice cream place and then buying the small size. that way i am not "denying" myself and not losing control either. going out for ice cream is a very "normal" thing to do. alternative-- buying a 4-pk WW, etc. box of frozen goodies. if it is individually wrapped, it is so much easier to stop at just one! i think this just proves it is all mental.

    for the record, i have not had ice cream since my original post! we don't have any in the house, but my mom's house is ALWAYS well-stocked-- that's where the challenge is.