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ciecie 01-12-2019 05:06 PM

good evening! will power walk to church in a few minutes. :D

nancylmrn 01-12-2019 10:00 PM

Good evening to all
Ended up being a busy day of errands, a small lunch out and a glorious nap, I feel so relaxed. Tomorrow DH and sister are going to my mom's to do some deep cleaning. She can keep up with the day to day stuff but things like scrubbing the floor etc. she just does not have the endurance.
Right now I have my turkey bones in the IP with veggie scraps I save for just this purpose and am making bone broth so I can have chicken soup this week for work. As long as the power does not go out I am confident it will not go rancid like the beef bone broth did. And if it should go bad well I will be ordering another set of silicone rings and restricting to making bone broth during the day when I am home.

I will hope to play catch up tomorrow :grouphug:

Diana3271 01-12-2019 10:47 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

Total Approx 1575 calories + :coffee:

Breakfast ( 250 calories & https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
spritz olive oil in pan
2 large eggs 140 calories
veggies 60
14 g. shredded cheese 50 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (500 calories)
Salmon pita thingy w/fruit side 500 calories

Dinner (825 calories)
beef filet 400 calories
6 grilled shrimp 75 calories
zucchini, yellow squash, mushrooms cooked in the pan 50 calories
shared a single slice coconut cake with DH 300 calories

I didn't get a workout in today. I just ran out of time. My tracker says just under 5000 steps but I left it in the car while I was grocery shopping and was at another store. I probably got the 10,000 steps in. It's not like I was sitting all day. I was on my feet and moving all day.

ciecie 01-12-2019 11:29 PM

good night all! power to and home from church tonight. my fitness goals for today have been today. :D

grannynancy 01-13-2019 05:38 AM

Good Morning 134.4 Hold - surprised as I estimated I ate about 2700 calories yesterday along with a lot of sodium and only 6000 steps. I did not make good choices. On the way home I stopped and got a hamburger and fries.....also had a pastry that morning before the drive up. I was not that bad at the event. But I also know the occasional day like that does not knock you off and that what you do every day is more important. It serves to remind of the need for continued focus and planning on my own part.

Today is an all day dog training event in the icky cold wet weather but I hope to make it up by eating a more limited diet. There will be some stress at dog training as some people will be there I struggle to forgive for some past things they have done because they have no contrition. But I have to move on. On a daily basis it is fine but being in their presence will be uncomfortable.

The service was good. A chance to catch up with old friends and understand what is important and we plan on getting together more with one another. We feel bad we were not aware of how things were going for him in the past few years and did not reach out .......

Prayers for the wife of our departed friend are welcome. She is in a deep dark place right now and needs to see light and hope and move towards it.

Jendiet - I hear where you are coming from. My friend will not, in her aggressive proselytizing, push me away from God but I have seen it happen and one of those people to whom that happened is my own daughter with constant childhood threats of **** because she was Baptized as an infant and would not acknowledge the need for a "redo". There are times when I just wish people would merely reflect Christ by their life and actions, discuss when invited in, and trust the Spirit to do the real work...... as for me, I am neither a literalist or a fundamentalist but feel right about the path I am on. Yay for the solid drop! Hope now you stay in the 170s for awhile!

Jules - Brazil nuts can be hard to find. You may need to find a Whole Foods, Earth Fare, Fresh Market, or Sprouts depending on what is in your area. Typically you find them in the bulk bins and they are expensive (about $10-$15 a pound) but if you only eat one a day......

Nancy - yay for the drop, for nice days and a good nights sleep. I imagine the inflammation from the exercise went down and the good nights sleep was restorative.

Kelipa - Hope your adjustment helps keep you in line

Emily - Kudos on the self control! Hope last night went well

Rachel1234 01-13-2019 06:13 AM

Good morning to all!
I did well yesterday, despite being all day at a conference. Some exercise was gotten by walking to and from different rooms. On the way home, I picked up Subways for hubby and me. i had allowed myself up to 1500 calories but only took in about 1300. So, I'm pleased.

Kind of getting to the point where I am more hungry. Ciecie'sadvice on drinking water before a meal IS helpful, I'm finding.

Church this morning, then family time in the afternoon. Sweets will be involved. Will allow myself up to 1500 calories today.

Diana3271 01-13-2019 07:35 AM

Good Morning, Everyone!https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

This morning I am going to have yogurt for breakfast. This is much easier than preparing my normal breakfast. I am always running late on Sunday morning.

Last night: Nothing
This Morning: Oxycise

Calories for yesterday: 1575 + :coffee:
Weigh In: 188
Up: .8 <----- I am contributing the gain to the salmon pita thingy. There was a sauce on it. While it doubt that it had a lot of calories, it did have a lot of sodium. We tried out a new place so it's a live and learn situation.

Have a Blessed day!

Copied from Crosswalk Devotions for Dieters

January 13

Proverbs 21:21
He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Long-distance runners train themselves to think of the finish line. They visualize it just ahead. They say this keeps them from wanting to give up somewhere along the way. The reward of crossing the finish line is worth more than any pain or discomfort on the way. Dieters can learn from this. Instead of dwelling on how hungry we are, or how much we long for rich foods, we should continually think in terms of the rewards that await us at the end. Christians follow Christ with hope of a heavenly reward. Faith means we await something yet to come. Dieting means we live in the hope of trimming down and looking fit.

Today's thought: The reward of our diet is greater than the sacrifice!

jendiet 01-13-2019 10:15 AM

Granny, 178.6 today, so hopefully I have a hold on the 170s. I understand your daughters position. In the Bible, when the Eunuch in Acts 8 asked Paul if it was permissible for him to be baptised, he said "if you believe with all your heart."
I don't think baptism should be a source of contention. For me, raised as a Catholic, my adult baptism when I left the Catholic church signified that I believed for MYSELF and I was willing to die with Jesus and be raised to live with Jesus a's a new creation. Since it signifies death to the old sinful nature, I think it is a wonderful step in a believers life. Not a redo, but like a renewal of vows for the coming of age and accountability of a believer.

I think refeeds are important to keep metabolism humming and keep dieter satieted. Great job.

Diana, I hear you about Sunday! I made my own coffee today...got to feed Q friend and run. Have a blessed time in God's presence. "A time of refreshing"

Rachel, very good on planning ahead!! Great job sticking to calories

Jules, I love Brail nuts, I know they are the best source since the Brazilian soIL is chock full of Selenium. I have a small amt. In my multivitamins and nutritional yeast which I am rediscovering...

ciecie, I used the Bit gym app to discover Italy and walked in place for 18 min. I go pretty fast, the technique was a little hard for my muscles and I felt discomfort in weird places...I am a fast walker with a long stride....so the up down was a little more strenuous...but I did get some exercise and scored Google heart pts.

Nancy, I have had to deep clean my mom's house before and she also makes bone broth...she tells me how good it is. She had bad arthritis.

Larry, how is DW, what's in your IP?

Keli, hows it going?

up...2. I really DON'T want to give up on my tracker but I counted 200 steps putting up dishes...and it caught NONE of those then it disconnected itself and left blank spots in my activity log during my 7-9 shift...which is my most active cleaning time as well.

Google fit continues to pick up arbitrary numbers from the tracker...I was so tempted while I was turning stuff on and off and uninstalling and reinstalling app...I wanted to eat and had some white jelly beans on hand but thank God I stuck to fiber gummies and xylitol gum....and then I took the tour through italy...I used to have a racing car app game for my exercise bike...

nancylmrn 01-13-2019 10:54 AM

Good morning to all!
WI up 1.8, 168.8 this one is sorta a head scratcher for me, but I did indulge in adult beverages and dang it if the girl scout cookies that I ordered on-line for my granddaughter didn't come last night so I had to eat some....and then a few more. They are now safely put away and I can move on.
I talked to my mom last night and she is really under the weather so no cleaning at her house today. She thinks she may have caught something when we went to the ocean, possibly picked up something at the hotel. But it sounds more like she just has the creepy crude. So I think we will meet up with my sister anyway and have lunch out.
The turkey bone broth I made overnight smells terrific and I will make chicken soup with it later this morning. By controlling the sodium and ingredients I should be able to have a soup with just a few net carbs and very low sodium.

Jen congrats on the 170's you have worked hard to get there! Just needed to give you that shout out

My DD was texting me this morning and sending pictures of the snow they have had in the last 24 hours. I am so glad I live in the Pacific Northwest. We get snow but not often, but don't get me started on black ice. being next to the puget sound the salt air makes the conditions just right for the ice. I live in a bit of a higher elevation but still.....we got lots and lots and lots of nice big steep hills...this can be a challenge to get up and over LOL

Ok off to go make a bit of breakfast then blah blah the darn laundry.

ciecie 01-13-2019 11:15 AM

good morning! just got back from power walking and running errands. will power walk and run errands on my way to lunch in a few minutes. :D

jendiet 01-13-2019 01:03 PM

Nancy, black ice is scary, I actually walked out of a church meeting once and the sidewalk had black ice and I wiped out and really banged my tail bone...very unpleasant.
thank you...I almost self sabotaged last night...

I came home and started eating this chicken salad but it's too sweet...I'm dipping romaine hearts in it..I hope it didn't ruin my diet but I was hungry.

​​​​​​hi again Ciecie!

ciecie 01-13-2019 05:00 PM

good evening! had a busy day. cold but so nice and sunny. got a lot of power walking done. have a load of wash in the machine. will go for another power walk and have supper in a few minutes. :D

Diana3271 01-13-2019 09:05 PM

Hi Everyone! https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...iles/wavey.gif

Today and this weekend felt very challenging mentally. I am used to accomplishing my tasks for the weekend. My first challenge was our church had a movie night on Friday. I do the bulk of my grocery shopping on Friday evening. Movie night was great and I really enjoyed it. Saturday I slept in and then went to program the sign at the church. Then I had to do the grocery shopping. I had to go to a couple different stores to get what I needed. DH wanted me to make something in particular for dinner on Saturday night. It was a bit involved. By the time I finished everything and getting it all cleaned back up and it bed it was past 11. This morning was Sunday School, Church, and evening church. Between all of that I went to the shop to do my workout and get some office stuff done and they guy that works part time for us was doing his clean up. So I wasn't able to do anything there. I went home and realized the Pur faucet filter thingy was leaking. I am the one that put it on and it took me 45 minutes to get the thing off. Anyways, I got it off and exchanged it at the store. I got stuff done but the whole weekend has felt like a challenge. No workouts and didn't get my steps in. Tomorrow is another day to hopefully get stuff done. https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...es/biggrin.gif

I had the yogurt this morning and my stomach was in full growl mode before church. The two yogurts have a lot more protein than the frittata. But the frittata has the veggies. I wonder why the fittata would hold me over longer?

Total Approx 1390 calories + :coffee:
Breakfast ( 220 calories & https://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/ima...ges/coffee.gif)
2 Siggi's yogurts 220 calories
coffee w/cream & sugar

Lunch (600 calories)
salad w/grilled salmon & BHF's ranch 600 calories

Dinner (570 calories)
grilled chicken 250 calories
Amy's mushroom risotto 240 calories
apple 80 calories

Nothing, see above.

Have a Blessed evening!

ciecie 01-13-2019 09:50 PM

good night! will be shutting down in a few minutes to go to bed. will watch touched by an angel on metv first.

jendiet 01-13-2019 10:56 PM

Ciecie, I used to watch TBA alot. I liked Romas accent.

Diana, there are days like that...but you pushed through. Are fritattas egg based? I would think protein and fiber if so...

1544 calories today and busy but tracker only says 8602...however I did reset it many times to get it to link and I had 400 steps before church that is not included...I will try to update it again and maybe do a walking session on BitGym although I am bone tired...

I used an air fryer today to make wings for my client which was a bit of a challenge but they came out good...I love the ease of cooking plus the timer is on the thing. ...

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