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Terri in MO 09-01-2003 08:05 AM

September Boot Camp
:drill: :drill:

Come on in! This thread is not for the faint of heart. This challenge thread is for those who want to make a commitment to setting goals, formulating plans to achieve those goals, and just plain work your butt off!

Set the goals of your choice. Pick a diet plan of your choice. Pick the exercise of your choice. Pick the method of accountability of your choice whether its a food journal, personal coach or Fitday.

Its a fact that if your set your goals, make a personal commitment to achieving those goals, and are personally acountable each day, you will be much closer to achieving what you want than if you just flounder through unfocused on a daily basis.

That's what this thread is all about. Its about being focused. No whining, no griping, no negative stuff. Bad days happen and in boot camp we just pick ourselves up and move on.

State your goals and how you're going to achieve these goals and lets be able to post positive results on September 30th.

Be realistic and join in at any time.

And let's HAVE FUN!

:strong: :strong:

Terri in MO 09-01-2003 10:20 AM

Here's my goals and my plan for September:

1. Break the 250 barrier and lose six pounds this month.

2. Improve my endurance for cardio exercise.

3. Continue to work on the core muscle groups.

Here's my plan and tools to help me achieve my goal:

1. Journal food and monitor calories, fat, etc. using Balance Log.
OP = under my calorie budget for the week per B.L.

2. Food plan will be focusing on lean means, good fats, and good carbs. South Beach book will be used as a guide and inspiration.

3. I will shoot for six hours of exercise a week. That includes doing strengthbuilding and toning exercises; WATP tapes and spinner work. Also walking the dog every day. I will aim for control and strengthbuilding instead of just increasing minutes. I will work more intensely.

4. I will do and not hope!

Terri in MO 09-01-2003 06:12 PM

So far, so good for Day 1.

I've got all my food logged into Balance Log. I've exercised today as well. I've done housework, the 1 mile WATP, 30 mintues on the spinner and will take the dog for a nice walk this evening. As its cooling off, he and I can speed up!

Now I'm off to shower and clean up before the SGD and her boyfriend gets here for dinner.

brunissen 09-01-2003 11:29 PM

count me in!
Since I actually managed to make my weight goal for August, I'm feeling all jazzed and ready to kick butt in September, albeit with a lower weight loss goal. :)

September Goals:
- looking to average a loss of 1.5 pounds a week
- exercise 1590 minutes (that works out to about 6 hours a week)
- swim 30 laps (1500 meters) in 60 minutes

How I'm going to do it:
- continue to track my food/exercise in DietPower
- the evil trainer - we've figured out how I can still work out with him :)
- don't let the sh*t from life drag me down and make me lose sight of my goal!

I think those should do it, now bring on September!!!

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-02-2003 07:21 AM

Howdy Pam!

Girl, you rock. Look at where you are on the scale! :bravo:

I like your goal about not letting the crap of life derail you. Looks like August was a hard month for us all.

Let's kick some a$$! :drill:

brunissen 09-02-2003 05:28 PM

Thanks Terri! I'm feeling pretty darn proud of myself! :cloud9: And here's hoping that September will be much easier on us all.

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-03-2003 07:32 AM

Good morning!

Quick report for yesterday.

Food wasn't too bad. I definitely need to get the fridge stocked up so I don't have to eat from the cafeteria. I had a wonderful polynesian chicken salad - only problem was that it was about a 1/2 cup of chicken which is not enough protein for lunch. But there was lots of fresh fruit; very refreshing and I intend to duplicate for future lunches. I was hungry in the afternoon and needed peanuts.

I didn't get home in time to do any spinner work before our church class. But the dog and I had a great 30 minute walk afterwards. Its much cooler so we can walk our full walk again and walk briskly. So hey, 30 minutues is better than zero!

Already this morning, I've done the one mile WATP. Tonight, I will do 30 minutes on the spinner and a 30 minute dog walk.

Have a great day! :drill: :strong: :barbell:

brunissen 09-03-2003 09:31 AM

what I've learned.....
Apparently I can't have just a few :censored: pistachios....Other than that, the food was good yesterday, but I didn't hit the gym - I did step ups instead (the evil trainer would be so proud).

Plan for today -
:nono: NO PISTACHIOS (they're all gone anyways)
Cardio at the gym on the way home

psm :)

Genesis 09-03-2003 03:54 PM

Yay! September goals! My goal for the month is to break 140 and to exercise 6 days a week. Yesterday I did weight training and today I'm going roller blading.

Terri in MO 09-03-2003 08:16 PM

Hi Genesis!

Today went well so far. I did the 1 mile WATP tape this morning and only did 20 minutes on the spinner tonight. I'll walk the dog for 30 after dinner.

Food has been fairly good too. I went to the store tonight and DH is making some chicken salad so I'll have lunch tomorrow. I need to break the little snack habit that has crept up at work by not having enough of the right foods during the day.

Have a great evening and successful day tomorrow!

Genesis 09-04-2003 11:08 AM

Did okay on the food front yesterday (great meal choices but bad snack choices) and did an hour of great cardio rollerblading

brunissen 09-04-2003 11:58 AM

Had a good day yesterday food and water-wise, and I also did 65 minutes on the Elliptical at the gym.

Today however I'm feeling RAVENOUS! Of course that means it's about 1 week away from TOM showing up. :p

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-05-2003 01:50 PM

bump up

Terri in MO 09-05-2003 07:43 PM

Hi ladies,

I haven't met my exercise goals the last two days. I haven't felt great but food has been within reason. I have some hormone stuff going on so I've been hungry. When that's happening, its hard to keep food within reason.

I just wanted to wish each of us a good weekend and an on track weekend. This is where I usually lose it. But I'm going to make super effort and especially in getting caught up on some of my exercise goal. Damnit all, I want that scale to dip into new numbers this month!

Have a great one!

RAken 09-06-2003 09:43 AM

Count Me Again!

Sorry I quit posting during August Boot Camp my platuea destroyed my attitude for a couple of weeks but now I am back!

Goals for the Month:
1. Lose 10 lbs
2. coniture with my exercise program- weight training 3 times a week, walk 4-5 miles twice a week and pilates once a week.
3. Increase my calories from 1000 to 1200.
4. Keep a postivie attitude no matter what!
5. Post daily!
6. Wear size 20 pants!

Good Luck to everyone!
Thanks Determined To Succeed for the words of encouragment during August!


Terri in MO 09-07-2003 05:46 PM

Welcome back Ronda!

Its been a quiet weekend. I'm studying for a test on Friday but its so nice outside. I'll get in a bike ride and a dog walk before the day is out.

Have a great afternoon and let's hit it hard this next week. Time is a wastin'

:drill: :drill:

Terri in MO 09-07-2003 08:53 PM

Yes I did! I got my bike out for a 40 minute ride. It was only a 7 mile ride and it wasn't necessarily pretty but I did it. As soon as Sex and the City is over, I'll be walking the dog for our 1.5 mile walk.

brunissen 09-07-2003 11:18 PM

pretty good wekend....
Well, I bought a bike, didn't ride it today because it rained most of the day (thank heavens, because we need all the moisture we can get). BUT there will be nice days enough to ride it.

Did well on the food, and did some exercise yesterday. Friday I worked with the evil trainer (yeah!!!), and he and I are back on our regular 3-4x a week schedule starting this week. And since TOM is here, I doubt that my monday morning weigh in will show a loss, but that's the way it is every month, so no biggie.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-08-2003 10:41 PM

Today was a good OP day. Good with food and lots of exercise. 36 minutes on the spinner, dog walk for 1.5 miles and morning toning exercises with the 8 lb weights.

Feeling all jazzed.

Plus, I stayed away from the snack machine today!

Have a great day tomorrow bootcampers!

brunissen 09-09-2003 10:05 PM

almost hump day!
I did really well the past couple days - I'm back to working with the evil trainer, and if it's possible I think he's gotten even MORE evil! And now the gym we train at is a very small private gym, and the evil trainers usually outnumber me, and all evil!!!

And since I need a place to swim and do aerobic stuff when I'm not working with the evil trainer, and since I'm so pissed at the gym that fired him, I'm looking for a new gym. And I think I found a winner at the big YMCA down near my neck of the woods. It's a bit more expensive each month, but they have more stuff - including Pilates classes. So I'm going to check them out this weekend and maybe join up.

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-09-2003 10:22 PM

Hi ladies!

Good for you, Pam, at getting back at it with the trainer - evil or not! :lol: Cool that you bought a bike. What kind?

I got mine out tonight and rode for 43 minutes. Just a little over 7 miles. After dinner, I walked the dog.

Food has been good too. I am determined to make progress this month. Two days avoiding the vending machine at work! Once I get out of the habit, I'm okay but sheesh, once I start its hard to break again.

I'm not sure what exercise I'll do tomorrow. I may just get up and do my toning exercises and give my knees a break. We have church class tomorrow night so I probably won't try to race home and get some exercise in - think I'll plan on sticking with the dog walk. I'll do some spinner work or ride outside on Thursday.

I did notice tonight that while hills were a struggle it wasn't because I was winded or had no strength in my legs. More like I wasn't hitting the right gear and lost all momentum. Several times, I was able to dig in and use more muscle to get it going. Something I'll have to relearn. This is all signs that the spinner work has been worthwhile. Progress!

Have a great day tomorrow!

Terri in MO 09-10-2003 06:57 PM

Hi gang

Terri in MO 09-10-2003 06:57 PM

Hi gang

I am giving myself off tonight. We have church class and I'll walk the dog when we get home. I consider that a sanity move more than exercise sometimes!

Anyway, I've got our food all logged. While overall, I'm underbudget, its because of the exercise. I seem to be over my calorie budget a little bit each of the last two days.

Now, I'm wondering. As long as I'm underbudget overall, do I care that much about being over? Balance log calculates that I should be able to eat 1830 calories a day to meet my goal of losing just over a pound a week. It does not seem to adjust for planned exercise. If I'm achieving my exercise goal of 6 hours a week, then if I'm eating 2000 on average, wouldn't I be okay? I'm thinking that I need enough calories to keep up the exercise.

Any thoughts? I don't want to starve myself and don't want to be plateauing either.

Have a good evening!

Terri in MO 09-11-2003 08:04 AM

I got on the scale this morning and it said 250! Almost into new numbers if I can hang on and not start being stupid.

brunissen 09-11-2003 10:30 AM

:bravo: Way to go Terri! I'm so envious - I can't wait till I see 250!

As for my bike, I bought a Raleigh M40 Mountain Bike - and had a cushy gel seat added. I'm taking it out Sunday for it's inaugural ride - if it's not raining or snowing that is.....

One more day till the weekend!!!!

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-12-2003 07:30 AM


I found us way down on page two of the thread list.

Where are the MIA bootcampers? Don't give up now, we're not halfway so there is still time to meet goals. Every effort helps in this long journey. Get your butts in gear!

I don't have a moutain bike; its more of a cross between a road bike and a hybrid. I have not tried trail riding like through the woods type of up and down hills riding. Guess that would be considered mountain biking. :lol:

Get up all the great work Pam. I'm envious of your total loss. I feel like I've worked for so long for a 20+ lb loss. Yet, why would I think that 20 pounds is nothing much?

The weekend is upon us and usually when we lose control by not exercising or eating too much. Let's make goals to get us through the weekend without too much damage. I'll do an hours work of exercise both Saturday and Sunday and while I know I'll eat more; I'll keep it to within 10% overage on my daily budget.

Have a great Friday!

brunissen 09-12-2003 01:06 PM

Hi there!

Let's see, my goals for the weekend:

1. WATER! I'm barely drinking 96oz a day lately - I'm aiming for 150 today, tomorrow and Sunday.

2. Exercise - Tonight with the evil trainer, Cardio tomorrow, and both swimming and cardio on Sunday. Also, if the weather stays nice, take the new bike out for a ride on Sunday.

3. Food - this one may be tough, I'm meeting a friend tomorrow for a movie and dinner....so, no popcorn at the movie, no booze at dinner, and try to have a light dinner (at my favorite mexican resturant - that's gonna be tough).

Happy Friday!

psm :)

fern 09-12-2003 04:30 PM

Since I am new to this and it is the middle of the month I will take it lower on the pound side. My goal is to be down 4 pounds. I go to the "y", swim and will continue to walk. I am up to 5.22 miles and it isn't over yet I think I have had about 850 for calories, ending with about 1300 for the day. I also journal. I also have a doctors visit in November and hope to be down more.
starting wt: 173 lbs 9/12/03

Terri in MO 09-13-2003 10:21 PM

Welcome Fern!

Not much to report today. It was a rainy day and we spent too much of it with the MIL and not enough time at home. :(

Tomorrow will be better.

brunissen 09-14-2003 11:19 PM

Well, things didn't quite go as planned for this weekend...work interferred Friday night, and I was busier Saturday than I thought I would be. But I did get that bike ride in this morning, and then the puppy got to take two long walks, one up in the mountains. So I'll call it a successful weekend after all.

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-15-2003 07:47 AM

Good job Pam!

I had one of the kinds of weekends too. We spent too much time with the MIL on Saturday which kind of wrecked the whole day. I had stuff I wanted done on Saturday but DH thinks Saturdays are for goofing off. I used the rain as an excuse to be frumpy.

I did do much better yesterday. I got in a 9 mile bike ride but no dog walk. I spent too much time at my desk trying to get all the paperwork caught up from the last three weeks or so.

Food will be better today. Food was horrible on Saturday but somewhat better yesterday. I've also gotten behind in my water.

Have a great day!

Terri in MO 09-15-2003 10:23 PM

Food is good today.

I did my morning exercises and walked the dog very virgourously tonight. What a gorgeous night for a walk.

We had a church class tonight so no other exercise.

This is mid-month bootcampers. Where the heck are ya? (Besides Pam of course).


Terri in MO 09-16-2003 10:01 PM

Today was a tough day. Work was insane for some reason. Last night I didn't sleep well probably because of the diet coke I drank at supper.

Food was so so but I kept it under control. I could have made some tastier and healthier choices. I did do quite a bit of walking today plus I did 30 minutes on the airdyne. The dog and I walked a mile tonight.

I'm so close to slipping into the 240's. Its hard to maintain control and not sabotage it. And its hard to be patient waiting for it to happen. I know, I know...it will happen.

Hope you're doing well. Don't quit!

brunissen 09-17-2003 10:15 AM

:bravo: Way to go Terri! It is horrible to have to be patient and wait for the weight to go away isn't it...

I'm doing well, not really letting things trip me up this month so far...Even though my body is doing it's usual "don't lose anything for a week or so after the period" thing. But I finally recognize that's what it's doing, so it's not freaking me out this month.

We're over halfway through!

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-19-2003 07:39 PM

Hi Pam!

I've had internet problems the last couple of days. I'm bumping us back up on page one! I'll be leaving tomorrow for San Diego for a few days for a work conference. I'll be trying to get lots of walking in and eating seafood.

Take care and keep working hard!

brunissen 09-22-2003 10:04 AM

Hey Terri -

Enjoy San Diego!

I did "okay" over the weekend....Actually my exercise was REALLY good, my eating was another matter altogether. But I'm trying not to dwell on it and just keep moving forward.

psm :)

Terri in MO 09-24-2003 07:56 PM

I'm back and ready to get restarted on my routines!

brunissen 09-25-2003 11:06 AM

Welcome back!!

Terri in MO 09-25-2003 09:34 PM

Food was really good today. No absurd eating!

We had a fire drill at work today so it was seven flights down. I decided that I would try the seven flights back up! :eek: I was huffing some by the fifth floor but I made it and lived to tell about it.

Work was frantic today as was trapped in a meeting all day so little walking about. I have work to do that I brought home so I had to pass on my spinner time.

I did get in a 1-1/2 mile walk tonight.

Its a start!

brunissen 09-26-2003 01:20 PM

I think 7 flights up and down sure counts as a workout...I had to do 12 flights down once right after getting back to work from the gym - thought I was going to DIE!

I was looking over my numbers (food, exercise, weight) for this month and I realize that although I've done REALLY well on exercise, I've just plain been eating too damn much (and too much salty stuff). So, I'm not going to make my weight goal, but at least I recognize why. And I'm not giving up on this month - I'm going to try and at least be down 3 pounds.

And YEAH - it's Friday!!!!

psm :)

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