3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Mad Donnelly 04-18-2014 10:21 AM

I'm doing okay (except for the wine and kahlua coffee I had last night) but I'm bummed because I am worried about fitting into my new jeans by the end of May. There is no way I lose even 5 pounds this month. I wanted to be at least close to 159 by May 1.

It's Friday, I feel awful, I haven't eaten yet, I didn't get up and go to the gym early. So today is going to be a fast and then gym later.

love2b150 04-18-2014 12:14 PM

Happy Good Friday :hug:

LOL Joan, the lowest I've seen is 161.2 and sure enough like you ---> it's here at the precipice that I usually blow it! You are so close, you can do it. I'll bet it's super exciting to see the 150's on the scale. I can't wait :) Keep up the good work :high:

JenteIsving, good to see you :hug: :woohoo: on that scale number, sniff sniff you're gonna leave me but I am so happy for you :high: We want to be down to the mid 150's by June 9th.

If I ever make it out of the 160's this is the 150's thread I book marked :) http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/weig...s-welcome.html. I hope to meet you there :)

Mad Donnelly I secretly want to be 159 by May 1st also. But every time I even give it thought the numbers go back up. You're not gonna do a complete fast and then go to the gym are you?

Well I loss 1.4lbs of water weight, down to 162.6. Looks better in my eyes and makes my mind feel better :)

Syckgirlsfv 04-18-2014 12:43 PM

Happy Good Friday! Going down to Huntington Beach today to see my Mom, and my sis who is flying back to France tomorrow.

163.8 today! I haven't seen that number since I came back from Vegas in JULY! Of course, when I left FOR Vegas I was 158. This time I'm going to get right back on track the minute we come home so that I don't just gain it all back as water and keep it on as fat later like I did then.

Everyone have a great weekend, and a blessed Easter!

hhm6 04-18-2014 03:17 PM

Hey ladies!

TOM is slowly going away...thank goodness!

Yesterday my scale said 170...(wanted to chuck it out the window but then I remembered all the easter candy I ate :dizzy:) Anyways, so today was 169, I think water weight may slowly be going down. I leave in a week and I would love to be 165 by then!!

I guess we'll see. On another note, all easter goodies are out of my house finally!! :)

tadaponce 04-18-2014 06:03 PM

Hello there ladies! Well, I have been MIA for the past couple of weeks. Just needed to take a BREAK! haha! Well I did well overall...just gained a couple pounds during my break which I am completely fine with. So this morning I weighed in at 168.0..hoping to drop a pound of two of water weight by Monday's "offical" weigh in day.

It's always hard jumpin back on the horse...but it's time and I think I'm ready to get back to work! :carrot:

love2b150 04-18-2014 08:38 PM

Have fun Syckgirlsfv :) Happy Easter, blessing to you and yours also :hug:

hhm, I finished the last of my malted milk eggs last evening. Those things are my weakness, like candy corn in the fall. If it is here I'm gonna eat it :D Glad TOM is leaving and the water weight will leave also :)

tadaponce good to see you :)

I was doing really well today and then my son made biscuits. I was only gonna eat the top off one biscuit (which I did cut the thin layer off) because I like the hard tops. Then my other son dropped the top to his biscuit in a pot of baked beans and he doesn't eat beans so I ate it. No I didn't have to but too late I did so now I have to add that to my calorie/carb count :(

DLS1 04-19-2014 06:22 AM

I'm soooooooooo excited I made it here :) FINALLY

Joan 04-19-2014 11:43 AM

Thanks love2b150 - I'm 161.5 today. Oh lordy lordy I wanna be solidly in the 150s!

Mind you, in my youth that would've been an unspeakably fat weight in my mind. Now I DREAM of being there! :-)

love2b150 04-19-2014 01:15 PM

DLS, :welcome: to the thread and the new decade :) glad to have you :)

LOL Joan in my youth that would have been a bad number also, but at 48 it will be a blessing :)

Weight stayed the same but I am a firm believer that sleep helps when we take the time to do it. I didn't get enough sleep and the scale just evened out, LOL. Better luck tomorrow :crossed: Today was the day for the 5K walk in memory of a student (scholar). I haven't walked a trail in forever. Oh my goodness, the hills tore my thighs up, smh. My son kept saying let's sprint. I'm thinking do you want me to have a heart attack? He's telling me breathe in through your nose and out of your mouth. I'm thinking shut up, lol. But he does lift and condition and train for football, but he's 16. My thighs were killing me by the time I got out of the shower so I took some ibuprofen. OK I'm finished. Today's gonna be a good day

Syckgirlsfv 04-19-2014 01:39 PM

163.8 again today...I'm sitting here at a tire shop getting my tires rotated, and they ask me if I knew 3 of the lugs on one wheel were broken off! OF COURSE I DIDNT! Jerks - they are the only ones ever to do my tires! It's unsafe and now it will take a few hours to fix and I'm stuck here :'(

love2b150 04-19-2014 04:59 PM

Syckgirlsfv, Sorry about the tire lugs and having to wait :hug:

Syckgirlsfv 04-19-2014 06:21 PM

love2be150 thanks! it's all fixed...I swear, they showed me the lugs and they weren't even stripped, and they think they just broke off by themselves. Whatever the case, they sent my truck across the street to have 4 of them fixed, and it didn't cost me anything :D so all done! I was feeling some shaking in my steering wheel just very recently (like the last few days) when accelerating around curves and thought something was amiss - although they said it had nothing to do with it. Interesting that on my way home today the shaking is GONE. I know my truck. I take VERY good care of it. These people! I'm just glad they always rotate the tires for free and that they at least felt responsible enough to fix the lugs for me! ;)

TOM is looming...and I'm hoping that means another surge downward in a day or 2. I am finishing my business management paper right now and it's giving me a headache :headache: - downing a cup of coffee should take care of that! everyone have a great day :dizzy:

Syckgirlsfv 04-20-2014 11:53 AM

from another forum...I don't have much time this morning :D

Happy Easter everyone! Just have a little time before church to post - up .4 today but I guess that's not bad considering I had pizza last night and TOM has decided to hang out.

Not sure what the day's food will bring but I do know we will be bbqing later today as usual. Chicken breast and the usual steaks. I'll steam broccoli and bake some shoestring fries. I will also see if DH wants to go to the gym and maybe do some machine cardio. Need to drop this little bit of water! I ate 2 miniature robin's eggs last night (the candy coated malt balls) which used to be my Easter poison, but I didn't like them much! They were too sweet. AND! I haven't had alcohol in 2 weeks!

It is BEAUTIFUL outside! going to be 79 degrees and it's already sunny and 60 at 8:48 in the a.m. What an appropriate day to celebrate the resurrection of my dear Lord and Savior! Have a BLESSED day all!!!

thirti4thirty 04-20-2014 01:06 PM

HI y'all!

Been away for a few days, spending some time with family.

Weight loss wise, I'm disgusted in my own self. I'm destroying my efforts with all my heart (and my tongue). Every thing is being swallowed: sodas, chocolate, starchy carbs...in HUGE amounts...hungry or not.

I haven't weighed in days...let's see how I fare tomorrow! Can't wait...
Can't wait to get back on track...by hook or by crook!

love2b150 04-20-2014 02:44 PM

Happy Resurrection Sunday ... Blessings to ALL :grouphug:

Syckgirlsfv I copy and paste my original post most times :) since I have different friends on each thread :) Enjoy your weekend :hug:

thirti4thirty, I've had a few or more joyous food days so no worries. I have decided today is gonna be my last official cheat/eat what I please day. I am gonna get it all out or uh um in :D.

I will weigh in tomorrow and whatever the scale says I am giving myself 3 weeks to get down to 155 some kind of way. I know that is a BIG number considering today I weighed in at 163 up .4 from yesterday, but no big deal. Tomorrow is a new day and I am starting fresh. With a goal in mind (not that I haven't always had one but I have really really been slacking off. So let's enjoy our day Ladies and we will start anew in the a.m.

Happy Day :hug:

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