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wannaBfitnessbuff 05-02-2013 12:36 PM

Wow so many getting so close to 170! How totally exciting. I saw the scale bump up a but this morning 186.2. So seems so far from counting down the 170 decade with all of you. I'm a bit puzzled to the lb up. Calories were good yesterday, but I ate some salty triscuits and didn't have as much veggies and whole foods as I usually like too. I wonder also what Insanity is doing to my weigh ins? I'm not going to let myself worry about weigh ins for now. I know this program will give me good results, even if the scale gets confusing.

Anyways good job ladies and I find it so motivating to read about your journey down this decade!

hhm6 05-02-2013 12:46 PM

I weighed in at 175 today and it's just put me in a meh mood all morning, it's also the TOM for me so I really shouldn't get to me!

Everyone seems to be doing great on here!! :)

rubidoux 05-03-2013 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by NorthernChick13 (Post 4727601)
I love how active this thread is getting! We are unstoppable!! I weighed in again this morning and I finally realized why my mid-week weigh ins suck...lol when I am home on Sunday, I will wait one or two hours to pee a few times, getting the lowest weight! If I am in a rush in the workweek, I can't sit around and wait! Haha Only 3 more days till my usual stealthy weigh in!

I'm loving this thread, too! I think it's actually kinda helping me along. :D Usually when I start posting to this sort of thread it messes me up, messes with my mojo or something. But I feel the opposite this time.

And too funny about peeing a few times. This morning I paused before stepping on the scale and seriously thought about taking off my tee (I always weigh in underwear and tee shirt), and then I thought if I do that, then I just won't really know that true weight and won't be happy even if it's low. What a mind game the scale can be!


Originally Posted by Psychic (Post 4727693)
177.4 today! Drops for 3 days straight. That's exciting.

Awesome streak! :carrot:


Originally Posted by hhm6 (Post 4727726)
I weighed in at 175 today and it's just put me in a meh mood all morning, it's also the TOM for me so I really shouldn't get to me!

I'm sorry! It'll come back around in a couple of days.

And wannaB, you too, two or three days from now this will all be a blur and you'll be on your way!

I was at 173.4 this morning, so I'm going to consider that fully recovered from my cheat on saturday (it seems to always take me four days on plan to recover from one crappy cheat day, need to remember this for next time!).

Tomorrow I'm going thrift store shopping! :D I decided on sunday that if I stayed on plan all week I'd go to a couple of thrift stores on friday and I'm actually kinda excited about it. The only clothes I've bought since I started losing have been an item here and there from costco. It's pretty fun to even fit in the sizes they have at costco (although, now that I've been losing, they have gotten more plus sized things!)... but it's not the funnest clothes shopping experience. I love thrift store shopping, but I've avoided it for a long time bc it's really no fun to look for size 22's at the thrift store, always a disappointment. But I think I may be at the point where I will find some stuff my size. :D I'm about a 16 in pants now, my 18s are falling off, but the only pair of 16s I have are a little tight. And since it's the thrift store, I think I may buy at least one item a size down for motivation.

Jennifer1966 05-03-2013 07:00 AM

Rubidoux: Good job losing the splurge! Have fun shopping today--I hope you find lots of awesome stuff! I love this thread too. You guys are so supportive and posting really keeps me accountable. Plus, when I post and talk to you all about my weight frustrations, triumphs, etc, I don't have to talk about it as much at home. As super supportive as my DH is, I know that he gets tired of weight loss being my main topic of conversation!

Hhm: I hate my TOM weight too-- you know you can't let it get to you. Just wait for the inevitable whoosh!

I was at 172.6 this morning, so I am pretty happy! I'm really hoping it sticks and I can be at 172 by Monday!

dehtripper 05-03-2013 09:07 AM

Congrats Jennifer. Rubidoux - have fun thrift shopping! I've been pretty much living in Costco athletic jackets lately. I thought I didn't like Costco but recently it has everything I need for sooo cheap.

Well, I know I lost a solid 1 oz yesterday, haha. I shaved a small section of my head, thus removing a couple long (read: heavy) dreads. I feel crazy but I weighed the ones I cut and with a little math figured I have just about 1 full pound of hair left on my head.

NorthernChick13 05-03-2013 10:08 AM

Good morning, ladies! I saw 176.5 ahaha! I also had a bigger workout yesterday, and therefore more calories. mmmm thank you, Jillian, for enabling me to eat my bbq burgers!

Hahah have a great start to the weekend, everyone! I had a wonderful NSV last night. I have new groceries in the house and I wasnt stuffed, just not hungry anymore. I could have easily eaten thousands more calories. I started to think "I deserve it...just a little treat won't hurt!" and then I remembered that my old patterns got me to obesity, and I need to think of fuel as food. I stayed in control! So, this weekend at the bar, remember that it's okay to indulge in good food, but do your best to do so within your calorie allotment :) I feel so much today knowing I didn't veer off plan yesterday!

Suds14 05-03-2013 12:42 PM

Hey gang. I just put together my FAVORITE go to meal...a peanut butter banana smoothie. So quick, easy, filling, and so so tasty. And only 6 weight watchers points plus! The secret to making it the best, creamiest smoothie ever is frozen banana chunks. Yummo!

Hope everyone is doing well. I've been avoiding the scale as it is my time of the month. I think I'll check in tomorrow to see if there has been a whoosh. For no I will keep sipping on my smoothie and working on the last few projects to wrap up the grad school year.

Happy day to all!

allieballiebee 05-03-2013 01:06 PM

Well, this week hasn't exactly gone as planned. My 11-month old was sick for a few days. With DH out of town, I was in solo-mommy mode and my eating and exercising obviously sat on the back burner. I was as good as I could be, however, and I'm now down to 178.4. One more pesky little pound until I'm officially at 100 lbs lost!

summerlove 05-03-2013 01:24 PM

I'm gonna join in, I've gotten down to 167-170 three different times now, and I have never been able to stay there/lose more weight!! :( I feel like crap at the weight I've let myself get to due to stress, so losing 16 pounds to get to 170 is my first big goal!

wannaBfitnessbuff 05-03-2013 01:32 PM

186.0 this morning. So just floating around that mid 180's mark. Ran 3 miles this morning. Just finished a healthy and VERY filling lunch. In and hour and a half or so ill get my "insanity" video on.

summer love- I too have gotten down to 168-170 range twice I the last five years and stalled there both times. I really want to break down at least to 160-165 range. Kinda feel I want to be 155 just because its been my goal weight for years now. But I know I need to break the 168 barrier for sure.

Jennifer1966 05-03-2013 01:36 PM

dehtripper: I love that you weighed your hair--lol! I would have done the same thing.

NorthernChick; Great NSV! Grocery day is always a little scary, and you resisted like a rock star! I hope I can do the same at a banquet I'm attending tonight.

Suds: That smoothie sounds delicious. Recipe?

allieballiebee; Wow! Almost 100 pounds. Amazing!!

Summerlove: Welcome, you can do it!

Suds14 05-03-2013 09:39 PM

Jennifer--the smoothie is super simple. I blend/magic bullet one cup of skim milk, a frozen banana, and 1 tbsp of peanut butter. I've also added a drop or two of honey. So so yummy. And the protein from the milk and peanut butter keeps me full.

rubidoux 05-03-2013 10:56 PM

Allie, Wow! You need to celebrate big! That's amazing!

NorthernChick, It's grocery day here and I'm holding my breath! I think I'll be okay, but I ate something off plan. It was six ginormous strawberries. I should have weighed them so I knew for sure how bad I was being. But anyway, my dinner was kinda decadent -- six insanely large strawberries, lol, one ounce of this crazy yummy cheddar/parmesan cheese (I don't even really like cheddar that much, but this stuff is off the hook :D ), and 2 dark chocolate wedges. But I decided I was going to forgo my *watching Dexter with dh snack* so that I could have this decadent dinner, so I am a little nervous that I'll crash and burn later tonight.

Jennifer, we're neck and neck! I was 172.4 this morning. :carrot:

I had a great shopping trip today. I got a bunch of stuff, two dresses, both fit but one will look better a few pounds down the road. A pair of shorts I can barely zip. lol I was too lazy to try them on and they looked like they'd fit. But it will be fun when I can get in them. And then I think I got about a bazillion tops, mostly tanks for summer. Two of them are quite awesome, like I can tell they are going to be my favorites for the foreseeable future. Oddly, they're the same top in different colors, one is a 1X and the other is a 3X. They're both really flattering on me if I may say so myself, but even the 1X is probably bigger than it's supposed to be on me. But I really like big flowy tops, and these are nice and drapey. It was fun, though, that I was fitting into the size large tops. I bought one and it does fit, but I think I'll feel more comfortable in it in another ten pounds or so.

Jennifer1966 05-04-2013 07:46 AM

Rubidoux: It sounds like your shopping trip was fabulous! I love to shop. We are neck and neck. Hopefully we both see 169._ soon!!

I was at 172.2 this morning, so I'm happy. We had a scholarship banquet last night for DD, and I ate a little off plan. Luckily the plates were tiny and I only went to the buffet table once, or it could have been ugly! I also had 2 large glasses of wine! Fun night and DD got a nice scholarship! I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

Changergirl 05-04-2013 10:17 PM

Jennifer and rubidoux you are both so close. Congrats!!

My weight has gone way up since I had a couple extra calories worth of chocolate on Thursday night. I weighed in at 175 Thursday morning, which was the same I had been since Monday. I had a bit of a stressful day so I thought what the heck, I'll open the last package of Easter chocolate I had. I had about 400 calories worth of chocolate, which put me about 200 calories over for my day, but still no where near maintenance calories and yet Friday morning I woke up and I was at 177.2. Yesterday I was at 176 and this morning I'm back up to 176.8. Both Friday and yesterday I was under my calories and yesterday I spent 6+ hours walking around a couple different festivals. For the first time in 6 months I'm really started to think, what's the point? Now I'm not going to give up. I really can't as my fiancé has just started trying to lose weight and he's the cook and I really am proud of my improved fitness level now that I'm exercising a lot more. I think I am going to TRY (easier said than done) putting less of an emphasis on what the scale says and use my fitness level/measurements as my main goals/motivation.

Good luck to everyone on reaching 170. I still hope to get there soon and I will still check in when I do weigh in.

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