3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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CyberCrystal 07-08-2012 08:13 AM

Hi everybody

Been reading through the posts and getting inspiration to work on my food plan and exercise for tomorrow.
I have been away on holiday for nine or ten days so have not been able to post. Been on the move and away from the computer.
Had a good time -- caught up on family ( had a neice's 21st and other family events along the way ) Not a good week for my weight loss journey as pretty much every meal was eaten out apart from breakfasts. I am back at home this coming week but still on holiday. Am planning to get right back on track from tomorrow morning. It is late here now so will post my plan in the morning.
All the best everybody.. Good to be back on this thread

ItsMyTurn 07-08-2012 11:13 AM

Skinnypie - There is nothing better than the high that an adrenaline rush gives :)

Asharks - I don't know if it will help, but have you thought of going to a running store to have your gait analyzed? That's what I did. Then I took the information and went elsewhere for the shoes so they weren't as expensive. They analyze your gait and size you completely for the brand of shoe you need. I am glad you found a place to take those ones that don't fit back though! Awesome!

Shells - HEY!!!! How are you? :wave: Been a long while

Archychick - Look at you in ONEderland! Progress!!! Great job! You will find our learning our "keys" to success don't end even after months... continuously changing themes it seems :)

Thistimeitsreal 07-08-2012 03:28 PM

Is it too late to join. I so need this :)

Thistimeitsreal 07-08-2012 03:57 PM

My name is Kathie. I'm done being overweight. I became a member of 3fc on the 2nd. I have lost almost five pounds since then. My diet is low calorie and exercise. I have a great gym that has classes so I alternate. This morning I lost 4 inches and 1 pound. I use a great iPad weight loss management system called mynetdiary. I track measurements, exercise and my weight. It gives me charts and their food catalog has absolutely everything. It can scan food items as well. This a.m. I went to a spin class and ready for a healthy low cal lunch. I'm super inspired by this support community and would love accountability. :)

cbigsis 07-08-2012 04:50 PM

So far so good for this weekend! Weekends are my worst time for staying on plan. I'm tired of losing the same 3 lbs every week. Which is more likely just water weight and I'm just maintaining. I want to see some progress this week! :carrot:

Kathie: Welcome!!! Sounds like you have a great plan in place. Good luck on your journey!

Crystal: Welcome back! Sounds like a great time with family. :) I love your attitude for getting right back on track. Good luck!

archychick: Breaking my bad habits a little at a time so I didn't feel like I was going to lose it was what worked best for me. I know a lot of people go cold turkey and that's fine too. There is no wrong way to go about this. Do what's best for you!

asharksrevenge: Great job with your lunch choice! I have 2 overweight sisters that I hope will believe they can do it too. Right now they just aren't ready and I agree with you about not being pushy. It just won't work if they aren't ready and in the right mind set to do it.

ItsMyTurn: How did the workout go? Do you feel the stress relieved? I love that feeling!

skinnypie: Great job on the weight loss!! :carrot:

Diana: I hope you had a great trip!

asharksrevenge 07-08-2012 07:21 PM

Thistimeitisreal: welcome and congratulations on starting your journey! Good luck and come back here often for inspiration, to vent, and of course to share your successes!

cbigsis: Thanks! I also have an overweight sister who consistently tells me she's ready to begin, but like my mother, she doesn't really do anything about her weight. I worry about all three of us. But hopefully my weight loss will inspire them :)

I've been eating a little over my allotted carb counts lately, and that's made me frustrated. Yesterday, I went to an Eagle Scout honor ceremony where they served a light lunch, and I attempted to eat what I thought was right...I think I did a pretty good job, but I wasn't sure after I put in my food information in my food diary log. I'm not going to let it get to me even if I did eat over my limits--I'm only human. I'm once again glad to have this thread to keep me accountable!

It's been very hot here, in the upper 90's today, and I just don't feel like exercising much. Maybe it'll cool down in the evening and I'll be able to then. Have a great day, everyone!

CyberCrystal 07-08-2012 07:35 PM

Thistimeitsreal -- Welcome. Everybody is welcome and it sounds like you are doing really well and have a great plan. I find sharing on this thread really helps.....

This is my plan for the day

Breakfast -- cereal
Lunch -- salad and roll
dinner -- cheese and macaroni / salads and vegetables

Off to the gym this evening and will do a session on the exercise bike and either some Pilates or weights.
All the best everybody -- On holidays and am planning to spend the morning at home catching up on the washing and housework after being away for a week -- Freezing cold day here so hard to get motivated and get away from the heater but am about to make the effort! Need a new car ( probably second hand ) so searching for that this afternoon ( stressfull so I hope it doesn't make me reach for the wrong food ) Not the most fun day ahead of me but will try to focus on the satisfaction of getting the jobs done :)
I feel bloated from all my eating out while away last week -- hoping that a few days of healthy food and exercise will get me feeling better.

Diana3271 07-08-2012 10:34 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave: I'm back! I ate off plan while on vacation. Some days were in moderation other days were not. I enjoyed myself, though. I swam for 1+ hours every day. Tomorrow I will be back on my plan.

Hi :wave: and Welcome to the check-in to all of the new posters!

Shells Hi! It's good to see you! :wave:

Diana3271 07-09-2012 07:37 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Well, today is the day to face the music, so to speak. ;) I am up over my maintenance range. I am OK with this since I was up a little higher than I wanted to be, before taking vacation. This was to be expected, although I don't have to be happy with it. It is what it is. Today, I am back on plan. :carrot: Hopefully, some of this gain is water weight.

Calories for yesterday: Unknown
Weigh In: 152.2
Up from last weigh in: 3.8 pounds

Itsmyturn I bought some regular short sleeve v-neck shirts in different colors. I have a hard time finding short sleeve shirts that I like. Most of them now have little cap sleeves. I prefer mine to be a little longer. So, nothing very cute or exciting. :D

Moondance 07-09-2012 12:13 PM

Happy Monday.

I'm checking in to make an attempt to keep something in my life under control. I have nothing positive to say, so I won't say anything at all.

Hope YOU have a wonderful, OP day.

Diana3271 07-09-2012 12:45 PM

Moondance I'm not sure what you are going through right now. :hug: I am sorry to hear that you are having a stressful time, though. Hang in there. Things will get better. (I hope so. I am also feeling overwhelmed with the things that's going on in my life. ;) )

ItsMyTurn 07-09-2012 12:58 PM

Kathie - :welcome:

Cbigsis - So glad you were able to do well on the weekend!!! :carrot: That is awesome that you recognize it as a difficult time for you :) Yes, my workouts all weekend helped to alleviate the stress I was feeling, thank you. Love that feeling of it all melting away

Asharks - It's amazing what we learn to be the right foods over time, but it does take learning so don't be tough on yourself. Love your attitude towards it and being human :)

CyberCrystal - Good luck on your car search!!

Diana - That is pretty good considering :) Fortunately you have the knowledge it takes to get back to maintenance for you too!! Those shirts sounds cool... if they are a style YOU like, then they are awesome finds :)

Moon - I hope whatever is going on smoothes out for you hon :hug: My PM is always open if you think it will help to vent a bit?

I did run yesterday morning and abs last night. I did my reading assignment while floating in my pool getting some sun. Today it was back to work. I was on my way here and got in a car accident. Oy! Everyone is ok, but dang, not a good way to start my day at 5:30am. Was shaking until about an hour ago. Have a ton of homework to do tonight, and some errands to run before going home tonight, but plan on a workout to help the day melt again when all done :) I am such a workout addict , :lol:

Diana3271 07-09-2012 09:43 PM

Hi Everyone! :wave:

I was back on plan today! :carrot: I forgot about my hair appointment/Japanese restaurant this coming Wednesday. The sodium will probably cause another blip for me. It is what it is. Still working my plan and staying focused.

Itsmyturn Sorry about the car accident. Are you still doing OK? Sometimes it takes a little time for the stiffness to set in. You will probably feel even more tomorrow. Sending you a very gentle :hug: Were you able to do a workout after all of that? :?:

Total Approx 1370 Calories + :coffee:

Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
spritz oil in pan
egg 70 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
Vegetable of choice
1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
juice 75 calories
coffee w/sugar and cream

Lunch (375 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
Oikos Strawberry Greek Yogurt 4 ounce container 90 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (600 calories)
Grilled Chicken Breast 400 calories
Steamed broccoli 100 calories
raw carrots 100 calories

TF Fire 60 w/weighted gloves

CyberCrystal 07-09-2012 10:54 PM

Moondance -- Sorry to hear that you are feeling down. HOpe things are better for you soon
Itsmyturn- Yeah - not a good way to start the day. Glad that noone was hurt- but as you said it does shake you up a bit. How are you feeling now?
I think that I have managed to get myself back focused on my weight loss goals. Going well with my plan so far today -- and had a good heart to hear with a friend this morning who knows what a struggle it is and she said some sound things to inspire me a bit more. I woke up this morning with a thumping headache so had to get slowly into the day. Not working today but still have lots of tasks I want to get done -- re trying to find a car and work around my home. Hoping that if I keep moving and taking headache tablets I will be able to get to the gym this evening.
All the best everybody

asharksrevenge 07-10-2012 12:19 AM

Moondance-- I'm also sorry to hear you're down. I hope some positive, uplifting things come your way soon and life gets a little easier.

Itsmyturn-- thanks for the support! Eating and weight loss is definitely a trial-and-error thing, but I woke up this morning and lost 1.5 lbs., so I guess I didn't do too poorly! :)

Diana-- your lunch choice sounds delicious right now! I noticed that you eat the same thing for lunch every day (I think?). Does this make it easier for you to have the same thing, or is it just that it's your favorite? A lot of the time I will eat the same things for the same meals for a long time as well.

I ate on plan today, and have started to feel a little more energetic since beginning my weight loss endeavors. I've been losing for three weeks now and most of the headaches and tiredness associated with the early stages of a low-carb diet are wearing off. I exercised despite my lack of energy this evening, and I am glad I did--now I feel much more awake.

Happy Monday, everyone!

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