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mamakat 11-13-2011 07:30 AM

redballoon good morning (or whatever time it is in Tokyo...I can't figure out America's stinking time zones, I'd never figure out what time it is across the ocean :)) I'm glad you had a good day yesterday. It sounds like you planned things out with the frozen meals. That's a very good idea. Keep up the great work and you'll have a ticker that shows great progress, just remember it takes time, that darn thing doesn't move on its own :p For awhile, mine wouldn't move at all...but we must trudge through. Enjoy your day or night :)

berryblondeboys 11-13-2011 07:48 AM

In a real hurry this morning, but I have a new low!!!! Finally! It will probably disappear as ovulation rears it's head, but it's a preview of what's to come! 179.0!!! Down 1.8 from yesterday! WOohoo!!!

Now, off to my whirlwind Sunday morning/early afternoon.

Vixsin 11-13-2011 08:07 AM

Thank you for your post Starbrite. It hit home for me as I have slid down that slope a bit too and am trying to claw my way back up. LOL

196.0 today. Yesterday I ended up having lunch at a buffet restaurant. Wow, was that a real eye opening experience. I did have some tastes of a few things and then had a freshly grilled piece of tilapia, (that was unfortunately cooked in something buttery/oily) and a HUGE salad. Went to a rollerskating birthday party but only got to skate for maybe 30 mins. :( It was a challenging day for food, but I felt good about what I ate. I could remember everything I put into my mouth so I KNOW I am on the right track. No mindless, trying to sneak it in kind of stuff! I'm proud!!

The plan for today is a busy one as usual. Church later this morning, groceries, lots of laundry. I have the need to scour my house again. I'd love to get the backyard raked today too. It seems like it's going to be a nice day.

Breaky today was cinnamon oatmeal mixed with fruit and nut granola, with a cheese stick and I';ll have an apple before we leave. 490 cals so far today. The plan for lunch is to cook up some chicken breast that I have in the fridge and maybe put it on a salad or steam some baby carrots to go with it.

Diana3271 11-13-2011 08:24 AM

Good Morning, Everyone! :wave:

Yep, it happened! I had a 2.4 pound gain from . . . . Taco sauce! :devil:

Calories for yesterday: 1775 (high sodium) + :coffee:

Weigh In: 146.6

Up: 2.4 pounds :yikes:

Diana3271 11-13-2011 08:51 AM

Shishkeberry Congrats on quitting smoking and the NSV's! :carrot:

Itsmyturn Hi! :wave: You are doing a great job of working through your emotions in a positive way! :bravo:

Redballoon Thank you. Please don't feel you always have to do personals or you can't participate. Sometimes we just get too busy in our personal lives. Do what you can do.

Mamakat The taco sauce was more than passing a little air. It was a freakin' kaboom! :bomb: Or as DH describes it "a blow out". :rofl: Congrats on working on another chapter!

Berry Congrats on the new low! :congrats: :carrot: Enjoy your busy day!

Vixsin Hang in there. Get back to working your plan. It has worked before. It will work again.

Diana3271 11-13-2011 09:44 AM

I was doing a little package reading. :o I can't believe what I just read! I had 2 flour tortillas last night. Each tortilla had almost 400 mg sodium! If you add that with the cheese, taco sauce, and other stuff that I had last night. Yikes! That's not even taking into account the foods from the rest of the day. The sodium is horrible! It's amazing what they put in our foods. I did the best that I could with the tortilla's, though. I picked the ones that didn't have soy or anything else that I might be allergic to. :dunno:

jomatho 11-13-2011 10:37 AM

Sorry I have been MIA so much lately,
I have been busy this weekend catching up from my busy week (does that even make sense?). I even had to go catch up on my food logs, which were a total bust so far this weekend. I was over calories Friday and Saturday, I think my appetite was playing catch up from not eating all my calories this week (due to being busy on my project). I am not sweating it. I am up 2 pounds on the scale, but I blame that on sodium, I had an awful day Friday with sodium, and yesterday was not much better.

As for exercise, all week I walked with my friend except Friday, and then was busy the rest of the days, so my burns were over 3000 everyday. I did not work out on Friday, taking it as a rest day, but still busy finishing the bathroom and then cleaning. Saturday I was going to get a run in that I was looking forward to all week and I woke up with a sore foot!!!!! Not sure what I did, all I can think of is being stocking foot on tile floors and step ladders all week. I am hoping it is just strained, but last night I was really gimping to get around. So no workout for me today, that will be 3 days in a row. I am totally bummed right now, not sure I can deal with not being able to workout. It may be a lifting weights kind of a week for me.

So thats my crappy update, 2 pound sodium gain and a bum foot, :stress:

jomatho 11-13-2011 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by Diana3271 (Post 4106267)
I was doing a little package reading. :o I can't believe what I just read! I had 2 flour tortillas last night. Each tortilla had almost 400 mg sodium! If you add that with the cheese, taco sauce, and other stuff that I had last night. Yikes! That's not even taking into account the foods from the rest of the day. The sodium is horrible! It's amazing what they put in our foods. I did the best that I could with the tortilla's, though. I picked the ones that didn't have soy or anything else that I might be allergic to. :dunno:

I noticed that with tortillas too. I like quesadillas, and while I can keep the calories pretty low, the sodium is always sky high, so I don't eat them as much as I would like.
I plan to try my hand at making my own flour tortillas, they look easy. I made my own pitas recently and they were heavenly compared to store bought. I also have a recipe for the sandwich thins (those thin buns that cost an arm and a leg) that I want to try.

jomatho 11-13-2011 10:46 AM


Originally Posted by berryblondeboys (Post 4106182)
In a real hurry this morning, but I have a new low!!!! Finally! It will probably disappear as ovulation rears it's head, but it's a preview of what's to come! 179.0!!! Down 1.8 from yesterday! WOohoo!!!

Now, off to my whirlwind Sunday morning/early afternoon.

:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

Congrats on seeing the 170's Berry!

And, if I keep gaining and you keep losing, I suspect you will catch me in a matter of a day or two :lol:

Diana3271 11-13-2011 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by jomatho (Post 4106312)
I noticed that with tortillas too. I like quesadillas, and while I can keep the calories pretty low, the sodium is always sky high, so I don't eat them as much as I would like.
I plan to try my hand at making my own flour tortillas, they look easy. I made my own pitas recently and they were heavenly compared to store bought. I also have a recipe for the sandwich thins (those thin buns that cost an arm and a leg) that I want to try.

What really makes me nuts is that I eat grilled mahi/chicken tacos out but I don't have these issues. I don't eat taco sauce, though. :dunno: Total PITA!

ItsMyTurn 11-13-2011 11:11 AM

Mamakat - Thank you :) I have been feeling so "weird" about the way I have been handling everything - getting lots of looks from DH... but honestly, hearing a bit of validation helps too... of course that may come from you having a son with ADHD like I have... if I don't work it out, then I tend to lash out irrationally and sometimes in an aggressive manner... so the working out seems to be working :)

Melissa - Great job on the loss!!!! You have been so frustrated with gradual gains due to time frame in the month... this is your peek at your work paying off!!! :) I am so happy for you!!!

Vixsin - 30 mins of skating is good activity :) I don't think I could even stand on the things, nonetheless move at all :lol: You have had some obstacles trying to derail you this weekend, but you have done well!!!!

Diana - I have also noticed that with tortillas! It came to my attention back when the folks were here. I was looking at the labels and trying to figure the ones to buy for a taco salad wrap... I ended up just making taco salad period... it was so frustrating!! Can you believe one little rolled out piece like that can cause so much damage with numbers? Calories aren't bad.. it's the sodium that will kick ya

jomatho - sorry about the bum foot... sucks when medical things hold us back from our workouts once we are so accustomed to them! You have done awesome though, all those calorie burns daily and still getting that bathroom done! That's great!!!!

Got on the scale for weigh in to discover I am FINALLY down again... 1Lb gone and ticker has been changed. Good Lord this pound took forever to come!!!! I had gone up the scale during last TOM... then ended up having water hold on still after due to medical issues... finally let go of the last of that yesterday, and then today... bam! A new number! YAY!!!! :dance:

Diana3271 11-13-2011 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by ItsMyTurn (Post 4106351)
Got on the scale for weigh in to discover I am FINALLY down again... 1Lb gone and ticker has been changed.

Itsmyturn Congrats! Great job! :carrot:

ItsMyTurn 11-13-2011 11:35 AM

Diana - Thank you!!!! I am choosing to view it as my positive reinforcement... my reward for working out instead of lashing out :) Showing that the right perspective on things DOES pay! LOL!!! If it works, right? LOL!!

mamakat 11-13-2011 01:25 PM

ItsMyTurn believe it or not, I understand (not because of son...he's easy to deal with) because I have the tendencies to lash out. We learned early on with my DD that we bump heads very easily. It used to be I lashed out (venomously). Oh man the guilt afterwards is so awful. SO while people (DH and sometime others) will make comments or give looks b/c you're not talking, isolating, it's better that way than being hurtful. Sometimes they don't know we're protecting them as much as we are protecting ourselves.

Once you get through this, things will go right back to normal. I am proud of you for working it out with exercise. I wish I had done that all these years, it really does help to get over these humps. Hindsight though, right? :) You're doing great. And when it's all done, you can give hugs without having to apologize for saying mean things...LOL, I'm always apologizing :) But we learn as we go. GOOD JOB

K9Owner 11-13-2011 01:30 PM

Good Afternoon Everyone
It seems like FOREVER since I've made a post. I hate that! However, that's the way it is with two 13.5 hr shifts back to back at a busy Heart Institute Hospital. There is time to come home, sleep, shower, and redress.
Well........that was UNTIL yesterday! I get this BRIGHT idea that I'm going to get out of bed when I actually wake up--which was 2:45 in the afternoon and do a workout BEFORE going to do my overnight shift at the hospital. BIG--HUGE--MISTAKE! WTH was I thinking??
Actually, I DO know the answer to this Q. :lol:

I have begun a new approach to my Ab workout plan, which includes the concept: "I HAVE 15 Minutes everyday. I will devote my time to this b/c it IS important to me!"

So, I do an INTENSE 15 min plank/ab routine (a new one to me)--4 different exercises--50 min intervals doing as many reps as I can of each one in 15 min.
Then, I was feeling so EMPOWERED, I ran on my :tread: for 12 min straight for 1 mile. I FELT strong & awesome.
I got to work, hauled our 100 lb (sarcastic) computer/med cart around for 4 hours straight & had the most INTENSE back pain I have felt in a while! I seriously needed a Flexiril!

I feel better this afternoon now that I've come home and rested for 4 hrs. It is so difficult to have the drive to push myself to a higher level when I know I have back injury & pushing it can cause me to be out for several days in a row.

But then, I think to myself:: If I continue to feed my body the same things--even in workouts--will it not then become addicted to these things and I will never reach the fitness goals I have set for myself? What to do? Should I lower the goal? Set more realistic ones for myself? PFFT--I already think they are pretty low!

Anyway (rant over)
I did well this wknd eating-wise at work and even passed on :jeno: last night from Papa John's. I think they order it every wknd. The aroma of the garlic was so intense to me that I nearly caved, but when I saw the 2 choices--pepperoni & super supreme--my tastebuds went south. YUCK! I like veggie, cheese, BBQ, or chicken. If I go somewhere and they have pepperoni, I pick all of them off, trash them, then dab the top with several napkins before eating it. Weird--I already know :lol:

So, I had sushi instead :carrot: I may be over in cals today by maybe 500, but I'm not sweating it. I have done well 2 wknds straight and for that--I am most proud!

I am unsure if I will do any abwork today. I may take a walk at best. The plank exercises I did yesterday really kicked my butt--LITERALLY! My glutes are STILL burning. When I bend over to do anything, they are tight. I like --no I LOVE this, but too sore to do that routine today! My back wouldn't tolerate it anyway!!!

Happi Sunday to each of you. If it's sunny where you are, consider this your permission to get out and enjoy it :sunny: ;)

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