3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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PheonixRising 02-08-2003 02:46 AM

The Jewels Within
:flow1: THE JEWELS WITHIN:flow1:

"There are jewels inside of you that if strung together would dazzle the world."
Linda Knight

Hello everyone. Here we are in our new thread. For anyone who is new to us we used to be in the Buddy Up Forum where I started the thread by telling my story. Since then everything has evolved. So we moved here. If you want to find out more about any of us just go to that forum and look to a post I started.:grouphug:

So here is the format to make it clear to all, especially newcomers. We post weekly challenges which are goals we set for ourselves. We run the challenge from Saturday to Friday. On Friday everyone PM me with their results and next weeks goal. I will post them in a list for all to see.
:dance: For those who meet their goals we send an ecard shower.

:nono: For those who don't meet their goals they will be dealt with accordingly. :lol: Actually if you don't meet your goal you are just subject to our advice, sympathy, and encouragement.

:angel: So that's the story. If anyone has any questions feel free to PM me for answers. All are welcome here. We love for people to join in and challenge themselves.
:strong: We are going to do it ladies. Let's not get discouraged. Keep our heads up and our hearts strong. We're doing this for ourselves and our love of our families. Best to all of you and hope you make your weightloss goals a reality.

:df: Amanda

losinginillinois 02-08-2003 10:36 PM

Nice to see you ladies over here! Hope everyone is having a good weekend! It has been crazy here but I am keeping up with exercise and drinking water!

This week will be challenge to get my exercise in. Construction men seem to come earlier and earlier. They caught me one morning exercising. I think they thought I was Nuts! LOL. I know the guy in the basement thought it was going to cave in on him! But I don't care what they think! I am doing it for me. I read that early mornings before you eat is the best time to exercise and don't eat until an hour after. At least that was what the BFL book said. I don't know if that is only for that type of exericse!

I did find out this week that the university I graduated from will let you use the facilities for free. Now its just finding the time to get over there! Dh and I schedules don't mesh! I am shooting for April when we quit the paper. I could get up and go before he has to be to work! So I will think about that as a long range goal.

What kind of exercises is everyone doing? I need some challenge! I just bought two new tapes on ebay so I will let you know how they go. One is the body flex. I read about it on here. I think if I am reading correctly it is some kind of breathing technique that burns fat! The ladies say it works! The other one is a Kathy smith tape with 20 minute work outs. That is something else I read that 20 minutes is enough. Its how you do the 20 minutes. Something about peaks and valleys. So anyway this is what the tape claims to be about. \

Okay long post but I just wanted to bounce some of these things I have heard lately off you guys and see what you think? I can sometimes be a sucker! LOL!

Hope everyone is doing well!


PheonixRising 02-09-2003 02:36 AM

CHALLENGES for February 8-14
Ok-Here's this week challenges
Beth-Keep up with exercise and H2O and also try to be more active at other times.
Kim-Drink 100oz of water, and do WATP video everyday.
Andrea(Roundybean)-Drink enough H2O.
Angel-Lose 2lbs.? (I think)
Myself-Drink 80oz. water each day and try to eat reasonable meals.

:shrug: I didn't hear from Trawil or Angel. (I'm guessing on hers.)

:bravo: :dance: :bravo:
Congratulations Beth for meeting last weeks challenge. What an accomplishment especially considering the week you had. Ladies don't forget to shower her with ecards at [email protected]

I also want everyone to know that I'll probably be out of touch most of this week. I don't usually work, but I'm working at a florist W, Th, and F for Valentine's day. I'm sure I'll be really tired. :tired: I've done this in years past and you can only imagine how crazy it gets. Men out the door and around the corner all wanting the same thing that you are likely sold out of. (Yep, that's why he comes home with something besides roses ladies, being a guy he forgot until last minute. :lol: ) So don't expect to see much of me until next weekend.

I hope to hear tons of success stories next week ladies. Make yourself and me proud. Have a great week, I love all of you.


KimPet 02-09-2003 08:35 PM

Hi Ladies

I'm here and ready to finally get in gear with these challenges. I have stayed OP for 3 days now. That is 100 oz if water a day (my eyeballs are floating I swear!) and 2 miles of Walk away the Pounds for the past 2 days. I am doing 2 1 mile jaunts in the day 1 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon. Food has been very good I'll start posting that as part of my next challenge. I am going to start going to CalorieKing.com more often and get my weekly menu and follow it. I really like the convenience of the Lean Cuisine meals and usually stock up on them for the lunchtime meal. My favorite so far is the Steak Teriyaki bowl...yummy!!!

Valentine's Day here will be just a usual day I'm afraid. DH has to work most of the afternoon and night and we're planning on doing some stuff on Monday instead...defeats the purpose I'm sure but it really works for us. I'm being so romantic that I'm getting him a foot massager and a cell phone! lol :) It's all about practicality in these early just getting situated years....

Hey Beth! Great job on kicking butt at these challenges. I love your attitude about working out while those construction men are about in your house. I see on those informercials about "Summer Body" or something to that effect. I am considering doing it...it gives you a 90 plan that's supposed to be set out day by day for you. Even I can't do wrong with that lol. Good news about the gym at the university...we're going to get a membership next month for $25 a month, pretty good for a weight room, and pool for me and basketball court for DH.

Keep on track during those busy days Angela! I'm sure you'll be building up some good muscle during those busy days. I bet the last thing you want to see for Valentine's Day is flowers.

I hope everyone else had a great weekend and are doing good OP and keeping their goals in mind.

Take care!

trawill 02-10-2003 03:24 PM

Howdy everyone! I am really sorry I haven't posted...I am glad I found you guys! I enjoyed reading all the posts to catch up! Everyone, keep up the good work! I am so proud of you all. The biggest thing is having the committment to do well. We all fall off the wagon at one point or another.

I have been pretty busy! That is why I haven't posted. Today is my first day back to work from maternity leave...last week I spent my time getting the house in order, spending time with the little one, teaching evening classes, it goes on and on. I did alright eating wise...exercise seems to be my biggest challenge. I did one day of my WATP DVD...EEK! I wish I could have done more. So I flunked the challenge again. That is alright though...will try again this week!

My goal for this week is drinking water and WATP everyday (started Saturday and have been on track!) Also, I want to limit my intake of Snack food!

Gotta go for now but will continue later!


KimPet 02-10-2003 10:55 PM

Hi Ladies! :wave:

Today I met my goal challenges and am getting into the groove. Usually I start to get overly confident and then lose all control and fall off the wagon...I'm hoping that these small changes over time will last a lifetime and I won't take back all my positive progress.

Today I watched Oprah and they had amazing weight loss stories. It really was inspiring...because they all lost a large amount of weight and they looked so much happier and confident. :jig: That's when I decided and let my husband in on it :devil: that when I lose my 180-200 lbs that we are going to take a cruise to Hawaii or someplace exotic/tropical to celebrate. That's worth working extra hard for. A lot of the people on the show said that all it took was watching what you eat carefully and going to the gym religiously. When David asked me what I wanted for Valentine's day I said for a membership to the gym, that's the best gift ever.

Hi TRA :wave: you are amazingly busy! Don't forget to take time for yourself cause you are so very worth it. WATP dvd's are pretty good, I have to invest in some of the weighted balls that go with it because the dumbells are so awkward for me.

I hope everyone else is getting :strong: and being good to themselves!!! How are you all doing this week? Here's a question... what do you snack on when you have a craving? What do you recommend for early evening snack attacks?


losinginillinois 02-11-2003 03:30 PM

Hello all!

I taped Oprah last night at work so I can't wait to watch it today! I hope it had lots of good tips! I would love to do an Oprah makeover show when we all make our goal! Seriously we could tell how we all met on 3Fatchicks. I think it would make a great story! They would probably even pay to fly you all here!

Kim and Tra I am so glad to here other people love WATP! I am doing the 2 mile everyday now and sometimes I do it again at work or I do the one mile. There is a client of mine I am trying to help out! All the better for me! I have been doing it for about a month and my husband said today he sees results! I was so happy! He laughed at me because he said it seemed like I was really putting my all into to it after he said that. So keep it up and you will see results!

I had my first "Are you losing weight question yesterday!" And this was from people who count because they didn't know I was trying! I would really like to win best loser this week at my TOPS group. I have to say competition really gets my blood boiling! I know I know its bad! But there is this one lady that just wins every week! Come on now when is it my turn! LOL!

How are you doing Angel? I hope they are not working you to hard Amanda! Jacks Lady where have you been? You were so funny and give the best advice! I know I probably left someone out! I hope not but I hope you all continue to do well this week! I must run for now!


KimPet 02-13-2003 12:59 AM

Where has everyone gone????
Hello Ladies!!

I hope everyone is doing ok...it's gotten so quiet on this thread. I guess Life is calling and you are all off enjoying it. After some snooping and reading and trying to find some snack ideas I found some...

25 SNACKS AND SWEETS - under 100 calories

1 1/3 cup strawberries
1 large dill pickle
50 mini pretzels
1 banana
15 almonds
1 hardboiled egg
2 cups cantoloupe chunks
25 carrot sticks
4 celery sticks w/ light cream cheese
1 cup minestrone soup
1 cup cherry tomatoes w/ 1 tbsp light dressing
1/2 English muffin w/ 1 tsp peanut butter
4 dried dates
1 frozen juice bar
1/2 apple, w/ caramel sauce
4 cups light microwave popcorn
1 medium ear corn on the cob dusted w/ vegetable seasoning
1 small baked potato with salsa
1 1/2 cups watermelon chunks
2 medium kiwi fruits
1 large apple
20 peanuts
8 baked tortilla chips with 3 tbsp salsa
2 cups vegetable juice
1 1/2 cups fresh cherries

Happy Snacking!!!

I have had a half goal day.. I did not exercise but I did get in my water.

:strong: :strong: :jig: :strong: :strong:
Beth - Congrats on your progress!!!! I hope you get to be the top loser at TOPS (no where else in the world would anyone every want to be called that :lol: )

Keep strong and working towards your goals.


roundybean 02-13-2003 09:53 AM


Kim, when everyone else is eating potato chips, I also eat potato chips, but I eat the Wow Chips or the FF Pringles. I count out my portion and I feel very satisfied. I don't feel deprived. You can have 15 of the ff Pringles. It's a nice size stack. Only 70 cal and no fat. I also like the Quakers Sour Cream and Onion Rice Cakes. My water drinking isn't going so good. I'm still drinking a lot of diet coke. I did lose another 3.4 lbs for a total of 15.2. I'm excited about that. I still haven't had any comments about weight loss yet. I guess it will take more than 15 lbs to show. But my clothes are getting big. I have to wear uniforms to work and they are getting baggy. My goal this week is to lose 2 lbs and to drink 6 glasses of water a day. LOL to all and keep up the good work. I know we have our bad times but we also have good days too. At least we are trying and not just burying our heads about it. I've done enough of that in my life.:wave: :balloons: :grouphug:


trawill 02-13-2003 10:29 AM

Keep it up!
Wow! You guys are doing great! Keep it up! I can see the pounds melting away from here!:yes:

It sure has been a busy week for me...I bet it is busy for everyone! Valentine's Day is tomorrow...EEK! Anyone doing anything special? I doubt if we are...my hubby works third shift so I doubt he will be too energetic to go out. Who knows he might surprise me!:crossed:

My goal for next week is to cut out pop all together. I am getting pretty use to the water thing. I am also walking! I would like to increase my miles to two! We'll see.

Thanks for the snack list! It was great. It is all about making the right choices, isn't it? It is so hard sometimes though!

Take care! Keep up the good Work!


losinginillinois 02-13-2003 11:35 AM

Morning Ladies!

Well I was not top loser this week! The lose lost a 1.5 so that probably tells you how everyone did! I don't know what happened to me. For one thing my goal this week is to not weigh other then at my TOPS group on Thurs. I thought I had lost a lot more then that and it was kind of disappointing. I guess it could be muscle? Wishful thinking. I really thougt I was going to have a blow out week! Oh well.

I have been keeping up my two miles. I am waiting for some new tapes to come in the mail. I will let you know how they are. One thread you ladies might like to check out is about the best fat free and diet products. A lady named Aphil started it. I think it is under food? Anyway it gave some good advice about salad dressings, cheese ect... I know I was looking for some info on cheese. The taste of ff is not bad in a salad but don't try to melt it!

Well I am keeping this short today. I am rather tired and I am trying to stay off the computer more! Ha!

Angel I hope you are doing well! I know you wil have good news this weekend Amanda!


LKBAngel 02-13-2003 01:07 PM

Hello Everyone!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.

I didn't meet my goals at all this week. I just can't seem to get back into the grove. Thats probably why I haven't posted in a while. I'm ashamed to say that I've failed for two weeks now to reach any of my goals, or to even try to reach my goals. Hopefully everything will get better this week.

I've been dealing with my husbands paychecks bouncing for the past two weeks, after the first one his employer promised us that it wouldn't happen again but it did. So now we are concerned about whats going to happen next week. My husband is looking for another job, because we can't live like this. Waiting to see if the his paychecks will be good or not.

To top that off I rear-ended someone on Tuesday morning while I was taking my daughter to school. No one was hurt, I'm happy about that, but my car did suffer some damage to the bumper. Fortunately the other ladies car didn't get damaged at all so we just exchange numbers and went on about our business. I would have gotten a ticket otherwise plus the insurance hassle. Anyway I'm thankful it turned out the way it did.

I'm going to be hosting the Valentines Day party at my daughters school tomorrow, thats about the only plans I have for Valentines Day. It can be a real hassle sometimes being Homeroom Hero, but I really wanted to do it this year for my daughter. The Kindergarten class is a great bunch of kids.

Anyway thats about all thats going on right now. I'm going to try again this week to get back on track with my diet, I'm not sure yet what I want my goal to be other than just starting again.

Sounds like everyone is doing great with their goals. Keep it up!! Your all great!!

Hopefully I'll get to post more often this week.

Goal Weight: 130
Current Weight: 202
Starting Weight: 211

9lbs GONE!!!

PheonixRising 02-15-2003 03:25 AM

Hi Ladies-Just a brief post to let you know I lived through the Valentine's experience. Sorry I've been away all week. Hope you all had a fantastic Valentine's Day. I'll post all last weeks challenge results tomorrow. Don't expect much out of me until the afternoon my time. I'm sleeping in!!! That's all for for now. You will all be hearing from me again soon. :)

PheonixRising 02-16-2003 01:06 PM

Hello everyone :wave:
Here are the results you were waiting for:
Unfortunately no one PM me to tell me they had met their goals. I'm assuming that no one did. If you met yours PM me and I'll post a new entry to that effect.

:strong: Here are this week's goals :strong: (If you didn't PM me with your goal I culled it from your posts)
For the week February 15-21
Kim-Drink 100oz. of water daily and do WATP five times.
Andrea-Lose 2lbs and drink 6 glasses of water a day.
Tra-Drink water and do WATP everday.
Beth-Not to weigh in before TOPS meetings.
Angel-Get back on track.
Me-I want to try a walking program I found in Family Circle this month.

:drill: Everyone's challenge-A new feature :drill:
This was suggested by Kim and I'm going to try it for a couple of weeks to see how it goes.

For everyone's challenge this week I think we should make a stress plan. We have all fallen off the wagon lately as stress barraged us. I think if we each make an individualized plan for what we are going to do the next time stress tries to take over our lives we'll be better equipt to face it and come out the other side victorious. So think about it this week and come up with a plan of how you will respond next time. Post yours with the other goals of the week. :)

Well ladies, I think that is all this week. I'll be more present this week than I was last. Let's get going and keep up that motivation. Love you all.


losinginillinois 02-16-2003 02:12 PM

Hello all!
I have not had anything great to post lately so I guess I am have just been on the lay low. Not really fallen off the diet wagon but just had a rather bad weekend! Dh and I valentined plans fell through. We were supposed to have our friends babysit for us after we babysit for them on Fri. Anyway to make a long story short. They brought one of their kids sick and he had a real high temp by the time they returned. Of course he had slept the whole time at my house so I wouldn't have known it. So we canceled our plans the next day so our kids would not be anymore exposed. My friend had the nerve to act as though she was angry with me! I think she needs to look at herself! Who leaves a sick kid anyway! Okay I vented enough about this but my dh was getting tired of hearing it! LOL!

I really need to think about this stress plan idea. Its a good one. I seem to have stress often in my life! I think its just the age and where I am at with kids, job ect... 2 year olds can create a whole new meaning to the word stress!

I really hope that everyone else had a better weekend! I am going to see The Hours tonight so maybe things will start looking up!


Poppyseed 02-16-2003 08:12 PM

Hi everyone,
I'm new here, and it's been suggested that I drop by here and hang out, as everyone seems to be on the right track! How do I get involved in the challenges?

PheonixRising 02-17-2003 12:25 AM

Hi Poppyseed-It's great to see you. Welcome to our thread. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we'd be pleased to have you join us.
We have our ups and downs like anyone in the weighloss battle, but we're trying to learn to manage the downs and come out victorious.
If you want to join our challenge system here is how it works-PM me with your personal goal for the week. Challenge weeks run from Saturday until Friday. We have just started a group challenge this week. To learn more go back a few posts. You also need to let us have an email address so that when you have a week when you are successful meeting your goals we can shower you with ecards. At the end of the week when you PM me with your next weeks goals let me know the results of last weeks goals. That's all there is to it. Since you joined us in the beginning of a challenge period you are welcome to set a challenge for our current week. It's that simple. If you have any further questions you can ask in a post or you can PM me if you want.
:dancer: Once again-WELCOME :dancer:


Mitchypoo 02-17-2003 10:38 PM

Hello! New to this thread.
I too am new to this thread and would like to join your challenges.

I am doing Suzanne Somers diet plan, i do well with low carb because I'm a carb addict. I also started going to a circuit gym about a month ago and go 3-4 x a week and I also bowl 2 days a week for about 1.5 hrs because I'm taking bowling in college! (I needed a 1 unit class and it's fun too!)

I have had success with my latest attempts, I've lost 8 lbs. and 5 1/4 inches in one month since going to the gym and I've lost 14 lbs. total since after the holidays.

I still struggle staying away from carbs, sugar and caffeine. Tonight I had a cheat but I've decided to think positive and just go on.

My goal if I can join now still is to not have any more sugar this week and to have 80 oz. of water a day.

losinginillinois 02-18-2003 09:08 AM

Boy we are just growing! Welcome Michele and Poppy. It sounds like you are both in college. I remeber those good ol days. I actually had my first big weight loss my senior year of school. Which was not easy because of all the food available! But there was always someone working out! I used to do tapes in my room and I took areobics class for a credit. I would advise you do it now while you are young. I just turned 30 and I have two kids and it so much harder to lose now. Your metabolism goes south quickly! Just make sure you are doing it the right way! That is also a common thread in college to fall into the weight loss traps! Well I just wanted to say welcome and good luck. I am cutting this post short because the two kids I was talking about our messing with my post!


Mitchypoo 02-18-2003 09:14 AM

Thanks for the welcome and don't I wish I was 20 something! :) But I am not. I am back in school because I lost my job and i'm in a dislocated worker's program. I'm finishing my degree and will graduate this May but I am really 30 something! I'm having a birthday in a few weeks and all i'll say is it's closer to 40 than it is to 30. You are right about the metabolism thing though.....I had always been thin, extremely thin until my mid 20's and then i started to change, along with my thyroid stopping too.

Have to get to school......Have a happy Tuesday!

Poppyseed 02-18-2003 09:15 AM

Thank you...
For all the encouragement. You're right, I am in college, and the food and lifestyle can be the devil. :devil: However, I'm going to learn how to take advantage of it with the campus gym, pool, etc... and make it work for me. My biggest thing is that I eat when I'm bored and usually fill up on carbs. I'm vegetarian and that makes it difficult sometimes to get all the protein/vitamins I need when I don't put some effort and planning into it.
My challenge for this week is to get in some yoga every day and to visit the gym 3 times. However, I will think up a more creative challenge for next week. Right now, I am in the habit breaking/habit forming stage - which is tough! However, I think I am hanging out in the right place.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

KimPet 02-18-2003 08:03 PM

Welcome Michele and Poppy! :wave:

It's a great group here and everyone is very encouraging and inspiring in their battles to lose. Even though you really have to be responsible for your own choices it's nice to know that you have a whole group of :drill: 's willing to get you back on the right track.

Today my DH and I joined a local gym and had our first workout. Phew!! Did it feel good afterwards! We then went to the library and I got some books on making your own program for weight training and a 90-day plan for weight loss. I weighed myself at the gym and have a loss of 4lbs!! Whooo! I'm excited, of course since it's a different scale than the one I have used before there might be a problem or difference w/ the #'s...but shh I don't want to rain on my parade.

Gotta run some errands. I hope everyone is good!


PheonixRising 02-18-2003 08:33 PM

Hello Everyone
Welcome Michele and Poppy :wave:
We're so glad to have you here. We're a group committed to weight loss and lifestyle changes. We like to offer each other advice and cheer each other on. We've got a great group of ladies. When you PM me with your challenge results at the end of the week please let me know your email addresses so we can shower you with ecards when you meet your goals.

:drill: Attention-
Alert to all ladies: remember the group challenge this week. I think it's a step we all need to make in our lifestyle transformation. I also think it will be a great tool to keep us on track.

At ease----:lol:

My week is going ok. It's hard for me to do these exercise challenges. I haven't even made an effort. In my defense though I have been sick yet again. Eating wise I've done ok. I think I'll be ordering a scale next week so I'll finally be able to weigh myself. School is going reasonably well. I'm feeling more up today than yesterday, so this week can still be saved. I guess that's it for now. Talk to you later.


PheonixRising 02-18-2003 08:45 PM

Oops-forgot something
Way to go Kim and your DH for joining the gym. You have fewer excuses everyday. (Maybe you aren't the queen of excuses anymore. :lol: ) Love ya--bye again

:dancer: :dance: :dancer: :dance: :dancer:


Poppyseed 02-19-2003 08:05 AM

Good morning everyone,
Do you ever wake up with a totally frustrated feeling. Some people where I work at part time wanted me to submit a proposal for a policy change that would affect all of us. I thought I had everyone's support, but now there is some dissent within the group. And I feel crappy!!!!! Liked I'm spramed if I do and spramed if I don't!!
So today I really don't feel like going the extra mile and being all chipper. That being said, I'm not about to fail on the challenge or resort to comfort food eating --- at least, not yet, but I would love to hear from you about things you can treat yourself with to pick yourself up without doing away with all your hard work.
Thank you!

losinginillinois 02-19-2003 02:38 PM

Hello All! Where are some of you guys? Angel? Trawill? Roundy Bean? We want to hear from you no matter what you are doing!

Kim it sounds like you and you dh are really doing well! I wish my dh would try and exercise with me! He is very supportive but isn't interested! That is why I come here!

Amanda I hope you get to feeling better! But I bet you actually don't feel like eating much! I know the first time I ever lost weight I had been sick over christmas break. I was in college. I lost about 10 pds just from feeling like crap! Something just clicked inside of me and I thought why stop now. By the end of my christmas break I had lost 20lbs. You know what is really funny about it. A friend of mine and I are were reminiscing about that and she said " I remeber you told your mom not to even make you a bday cake and she didn't." I did not even remeber that! I thougt way to go mom!

Poppy I do envy you in some ways! I remeber my good ol college days! As far as work it doesn't get much better I hate to inform you! My best advice is to just do your job and stay out of everyone elses way! I adopted that philosophy because I can't stand my immediate supervisor! Which I only have to put up with her for a few hours because we work opposite shifts. My motto is to let her approach me! If I don't talk to her first then I don't have to listen to her! I know that probably didn't help much! LOL! But as far as trying to find something else to keep your mind preoccupied. You could go to that Yoga class you were talking about. Grab a friend and go for a walk. Maybe try to have good snacks on hand. Don't pig out but at least you won't totally blow it! I don't know what you have available to you as a student but if you have a fridge. Skinny Cow Ice Cream bars are heaven! and WOW chips by Lays are not bad at all! I think it would be good for you to find a buddy at school! I know when I went there were tons of people trying to lose! Just be careful not to get mixed up with the wackos taking diet pills or something!LOL! As far as needing protein cottage cheese is an excellent source! You can get low fat and put green onion. pepper and fat free cheese in it! I love it! Do you eat fish and chicken? One more thing and I will quit yammering on but I used to bring my own fat free of low fat dressing to the school cafeteria. It is great on potaotaes sanwhiches (for mayo) and salad! I even once took my own baked chips in a baggie to chichi 's to eat with the salsa! My friend thought it was great! You can't be afraid to be to creative.

Michelle, I hope you were flattered that I assumed you were twenty something! I bet you could pass for it! I had to buy cigs the other day for guy at work. (I don't smoke) The guy carded me! I asked him if I looked that young! He said no you just didn't act like you knew what you were doing! LOL!!!!

Well I have to run. I hope you all continue to have a good day! I exercised twice yesterday and once already today. We will see if it happens tonight! Of course I will be watching the Bachlorette! GO RYAN!!


imlilbb 02-19-2003 02:46 PM

I messed up!!!
Amanda - I think the first time I typed this up I clicked on "new thread" instead of "reply"... so I don't know how to fix it or if I can...

Anyway - here is "My Story" everyone - ENJOY!!!


I'm another "NEWBIE"....

Hello everyone!
My name is Bobbie... I am new to this group - thanks to some help from Amanda!

Amanda said to let y'all know my "story"... grab a cup of green tea, a bottle of water... or something that will last through the read... LOL...

Little bit about myself.. I am 32 years old, married with five children of my own (4 girls and 1 boy) and three step daughters. My step-daughters live with their mom, my two oldest daughters live with my husband and I and my three youngest I have joint custody with - with my ex and his new wife. I have struggled with my weight since I got pregnant when I was 19 up until .. well... now! I am 5'2" and topped out at the heaviest I have ever been in July 1998 at 207lbs just before my last baby was born. I quickly lost the weight from that pregnancy due to a HORRIBLE marriage which turned into a HORRIBLE divorce. I remarried in April of 2000 to a gem of a man. I stayed at about 135 lbs until last year... it seems that he and I both have gotten so "comfortable" with each other - that we just EAT... anyone know what I mean??? We live in Houston and he is currently stuck in Washington D.C. - where he went to start a new company with his best friend - and have managed to get snowed in and not able to work!!! (They own a construction company that installs underground fiber optic cable - obviously they can't install anything under the FROZEN ground... ) He left to go up there on Sunday - February 2nd. I have been on a "diet" or "Lifestyle Change" since that day.... I didn't weigh myself when he left but I KNOW I was easily over 150 maybe over 155lbs... which may not sound AWFUL - but I am so short and have a small frame so it looks really heavy. I have been doing exercise tapes everyday - even took my two oldest girls for a walk with me - but my 9 year old tuckered out too quickly. I got on the scale this morning and it says I am weighing in at 144....I can't decide if I am happy about this or not??? Part of me wanted it to be so much lower (Duh - who wouldn't?) and part of me was asking my 'inner' self.. good Lord - how much did you actually weigh when you started? The reason I asked myself this is because I can actually feel the weight is off... you know how when you walk into the gas station to pay for your gas and you can feel everything behind you (you know - the rear - hiney - hind-quarters...) Well - I don't feel that so much anymore and I FEEL lighter. I can fit into jeans I haven't fit into in over a year... My 12 year old said to me this past weekend... "Mom - Your butt is getting smaller... " You know you have done something right when your almost teenager notices!

It seems like I have just fallen into that track that so many women fall into (at least those that are married with kids)... work, laundry, cooking, taking care of your husband, taking care of the kids, taking the kids to and from all their extra-curricular activities... You know - taking care of everyone! I realized that I had stopped taking care of myself... had lost the things I liked doing for myself... So I have spent the past two weeks (since my husband left) taking care of myself. I had my nails done last week, got a new hairstyle along with highlights... and I made a CHORE list for my kids! I had to free up some time for me to work out - and I couldn't figure out how to do it - until my husband said let the kids help out too! I could go on and on and on and on.. .

Anyway - I have been keeping a food journal of the things that i eat... along with the amount of calories, fat and carbs... But I have a couple of questions that I hope some of you can help me with?

#1 - When is the best time of day to weigh myself?
#2 - How do I find out how much caloric intake I should have each day?
#3 - Carbs - what is a "healthy" level to have a day??
#4 - How do I tell how many calories I am burning off a day with my exercising?

I can't think of any other questions ... Yet! Just give me time - I am sure I will have TONS!

Okay - I think I am done for now. I think.... Thanks in advance for any help.... I have never been a part of anything like this forum and I think it is just wonderful!

:lucky: Bobbie Lynne...

Poppyseed 02-20-2003 07:40 AM

Welcome Bobbie! I'm so glad to hear that you are taking good care of yourself and keeping a food journal! It sounds like you are taking care of the inside and and the outside too. I don't know a lot about carbs (but anxiously awaiting more responses) but I would argue that a healthy, sustainable eating plan would have everything in moderation and would try to have a good balance of most food elements. I am always suspicious of diet plans that prohibit all fats, or sugars, or carbs.

Beth, thank you for all your encouragment. I do eat fish on occasion, when I feel I need the protein, and I try to stay away from all the killers in college, both the diet pills, the freakish diets, and then all the Mr Noodles and the pop! I guess that is why I'm here - to hang out with all the smart folks! I had a Bachelorette party last night and I did snack a bit on cookies and koolaid, etc... but the good news is that I also went swimming yesterday and plan to go again today. The swimming felt so, so, so great, that it was just a physical relief to be in a pool again! I don't know if it was the exercise that led to the great sleep, or dreaming about hunky Ryan - wow! That scene where he was in the white boxers got us all going!

losinginillinois 02-20-2003 12:01 PM

Welcome Bobbie!
I don't know how you do it with so many kids! You should be nominated for sainthood. My two drive me crazy! I am sure you have learned the fine art of scheduling! As for your questions. I don't know the answers but I bet there are those on here that do. I read different posts from time to time and have learned a lot! Also there are websites like ifit.com. and of course now I can't think of the rest of them. But one person I have met that is very knowledgeable is Jackslady you could pm her. It sounds like you are off to a great start already!

Well I lost 2.5 lbs at TOPS today! The weird thing is I think I ate more this week. But I guess the main thing I am feeling is if I can eat what I ate this week and still lose. I can handle this! I know I can't go crazy but I don't have to watch every morsel. Somedays I exercise more just to be able to eat a little more of what i like! I can live with that!

I hope the rest of you will come back soon! Hope you are feeling better Amanda!


Mitchypoo 02-20-2003 06:33 PM

Hi all,

I had bad news today about the lump and they ended up taking more tissue and stitching me again. It's a type of skin cancer. I was a little shocked. If this next test comes back ok, she got it all but we'll see. Trying not to worry too much.

Haven't eaten well again today. Skipped breakfast, went out for lunch, although it was healthy, and need to do something for dinner still and I don't feel like eating..........Perhaps I'll just go to bed....

Poppyseed 02-21-2003 07:02 AM

Michele, I wish you all the best in your road to health and recovery and I think I speak for everyone when I say we are all here to support you and encourage you in everyway.

Be well,

losinginillinois 02-21-2003 02:00 PM

I am sorry to hear that you are going through this! I will keep you in my prayers. Post often and let us know how you are doing! Where is everyone???


PheonixRising 02-22-2003 03:02 PM

:drill: Attention :drill:

I checked in today and I have only one PM from Michele with her goals. I can't post the goals or the results of last weeks goals if you don't PM me with them. I'm going to extend the time to turn the goals in to Sunday at noon MST. I'm very busy M,T, and W so if you don't get your goals to me by Sunday I won't have time to post them. (I attend college M & W and T I work on homework.) So if you want to participate in challenges please try to adhere to this schedule for me. Thanks so much ladies. :) I really appreciate it.

That's all for right now. I will post results and next weeks goals tomorrow. Thanks again ladies. Hope you're having a fantastic weekend.

Amanda :grouphug:

PheonixRising 02-23-2003 08:20 PM

Ladies I'm dissappointed. It seems like we've lost a lot of you. Please check in and say "hi" at least. Meanwhile, I will post the results of our challenges tonight. I need to compile the results from the three people who responded. I think the rest of us should email everyone we've lost, so I will post all the emails when I post the challenges. I guess I'll see you later.


losinginillinois 02-24-2003 02:27 PM

Hello All!
I hope you all come back soon to let us know how you are! I have been doing okay hanging in there. Exericise has been good. We will say what the scale says this week about my food!

I have just been a little down today not sure why. Except it was my day to get up at 5:00 and do the newspaper. That usually puts me in a rotten mood. But dh and I are quitting in a couple of weeks. I think that is my problem mentally I have already quit! The weather here is really cold and yucky to. We just don't get snow though that they don't make us go to work!!LOL!

Well I hope the rest of you come back. I will post again tommorrow!


Poppyseed 02-24-2003 05:14 PM

I had such a good supper tonight and I'm so excited to tell you all about it! I had brown rice with stir fry. It included carrots, broccoli, red cabbage, mushrooms, white onion, pinapple, two kinds of tofu, tomato, and fresh cilantro and I cooked it in salsa. I was also at the gym today for 1 hours with my friends: 20 minutes walking/running, 10 minutes on the bike, 5 on the rower, 5 on the stairmaster, 5 minutes on the crazy thigh weight machine, and then stretching. It was really great! I find the hardest thing is to actually physically get yourself up and off. Once I'm there, I feel great, but it's the getting there that is hard.

Beth, I really sympathize with having down days. There are times when I have them for seemingly no reason at all. I think every now and then we just have to take time out from everything and spend some time resting and taking a break. I hope you feel a bit better tomorrow.


Myrtle 02-25-2003 01:04 PM


Myrtle, Trawill...It's all the same! Sorry everyone! I logged in many moons ago on my computer at work as Myrtle and when I restarted 3FatChicks I logged on as a new name...well here I am at work and it won't let me log out, change names, etc. I have been trying for about 40 minutes! OH WELL! So if it is all the same to you...I feel like a Myrtle today anyway!

I wish I was at Myrtle Beach...hence the name...I am so sick of winter and the snow. It has really gotten me down, that is why I haven't posted lately. I know I need to get out of the dumps! It is just so hard!

It is nice to see so many new people...welcome and I am glad you're here with us! The more the merrier!:smug: :D

I have been doing rotten...not keeping up very well. I rejoined weight watchers (going to meetings) last week. I had been doing the online thing, but I wasn't staying motivated. I need people for that. So, on Thursday of last week I trudged in the snow and ice to a meeting. I am glad I went but not so glad at the weight. I have been doing alright with watching what I eat...and I will weigh in again on Thursday of this week. EEK! I know I can do better!

My hubby and I ordered an exercise DVD...he promised he would do it with me and keep me motivated. It is still in the wrapper. Maybe tonight I can get him to work out with me. I hate to exercise! I would love to able to get out and walk...too much snow and Ice! There is no where to walk!

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Anyway...hopefully things will get better soon. Complain, complain, complain...sorry!

I need some motivation, but coming back here has made me feel better already!

I will get through the day eating within my points limit!:idea:
I will exercise this evening!:idea:
I will not complain anymore today!:idea:
I am going to lose a little weight this week!:idea:
Things are going to get better!:lol:

Well, everyone, take care and hope to hear from you soon!


Mitchypoo 02-25-2003 02:54 PM

feeling a little better
Hello everyone,

Myrtle, welcome back from a new person but it's good to see someone come back. And don't worry about the complaining, sometimes you have to get that off your chest and then like you had at the end of your post, you resolved not to complain anymore for the day.......good luck to you!

I started to feel a little better after taking a combination of Tylenol Sinus and ibuprofen (which my nurse advised me to do), so i was able to sleep some yesterday afternoon and woke up without the achiness and chills. Even felt good enough to get in the shower. I was able to get to school today although my incision is hurting, red and bleeding a little. I get the stitches out tomorrow.

I'm going to some people from Church's house this afternoon for prayer. Very touching that they want to pray over me.....

Did I miss our goals for the week? I know mine so I'll concentrate on that. I didn't make my goal last week. :( couldn't stay away from the sugar.

Poppyseed 02-27-2003 08:09 AM

Hi everyone!
I went swimming yesterday! Hurray! Unfortunately, I also ate several cupcakes (but I made them according to the "lite" recipe, does that count?) For some reason, every night I want to snack, snack,snack, no matter how good I eat in the day. Naturally, life is hectic now, so it doesn't seem like I can get the time to prepare the healthy snacks - a really lame excuse, I know. However, I am hoping to go swimming again tonight, so I hope that will get me back on track.

How is everyone else doing?

losinginillinois 02-27-2003 12:03 PM

Hello All!
Glad to see you back Trawill or Myrtle. Well I have good news to report I lost 2.75 pounds this week and I finally won best loser of the week! I guess I shouldn't be to excited because the rest of my club had a really hard week. I also was the best loser of the month and won a fruit basket. If you girls can join TOPS you should. The ladies in my group are really nice and I think the being accountable to others really helps. I have to admit the competition helps me to! LOL! I could have the money pot this month if I had been in it! So I for sure signed up for this next month!

How is everyone else doing? I probably won't be on much this weekend. My family is coming to visit. I have to babysit and clean house tommorrow! So I will pm you today Amanda!

Good Luck everyone! Have a nice weekend!


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