Winter - lack of motivation?

  • Throughout last Spring/Summer I exercised for hours a day (not to an obsessive extent, but I was very active with running, walks and summer sports.) I ate 2000 calories or more most days and lost weight at a very reasonable rate (probably 24lbs from March-August.) I didn't have to restrict too much and I felt healthy.

    That was last year. Now winter's here it's a nightmare! Ever since late October I've been struggling. I've only lost 14lb in the last five months (half of what I lost during the summer.) My exercise is very inconsistent, because I'm tired all the time and don't feel up to it. I'm cold all the time and find it difficult to get out of bed early. I'm not depressed - I'm just tired and a bit cranky. I know this will end in a few months time and I'll be back to normal.

    It's just annyoing that this happens to me every year. If we didn't have the October-March months I'd probably already be at goal. I'm not in a rush to lose weight and I wouldn't mind if my weight loss was slower, but still consistent. But the reality of it is that it often stalls for months during the winter (it stalled for three months last winter.)

    Does anyone else feel like this? To top it all off I'm super hungry all the time, as well. Although I'm managing to resist most of the winter treats.
  • I am the same with exercise, the only time I have to work out on the days I work is first thing in the morning, before work. I find myself staying in bed most mornings instead of getting up because it's cold so I just wanna stay curled in bed and sleep.
  • I was like that other winters, but this year I joined WW and the weight's coming off. I don't worry too much about the exercise - I snow shoe once a week or so, and go to yoga class once a week. I know when spring comes I'll be moving more.
  • My house isn't heated in the winter so the only way to get warm is to exercise. But I definitely feel you on the "always hungry" bit. It's especially tough on slow days at work.
  • It might be that you have SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

    I guess all of us have it, in the sense that the darkness/cold reduces our desire to be out and exercising, but it does go away.

    Instead of forcing yourself to exercise in the bitter cold, why not focus on your food plan?

    Sure, it might mean slower weight loss for you, but if you're not in a hurry, you can think of this period of time as a way of learning how to maintain once you reach your goal weight.
  • Oh man, do I understand! I haven't even lost 10 lbs since November. Granted the holidays had a part in slowing my weight loss, but yes, winter makes me want to eat more and move less. Especially here in northern Minnesota, where if it's not dreary and snowing, then it's -20 out. (Though when it's that cold, at least we see the sun.)

    I wonder if I suffer from a mild case of SAD...but I really do think everyone experiences changes in their "biorhythms" or something in the winter months, especially those of us further from the equator. It isn't a funny wonder the restaurants feature heavy "comfort" foods in the winter, and lighter fare in the summer!
  • the snow is totally sabotaging my diet! i can't get out of the house to work out....i can't get out of the house period! plus i have a need 5 month old daughter which keeps me from doing housework so its hard not to snack... i am doing ok not horrible and certainly not good. going to buy some celery this weekend.
  • Same thing here...

    I live in Canada, so it's even worse.

    I used to love going out for my morning walk, but it's kinda hard when you have like 5 feet of snow outside...

    I can't wait for the summer...
  • Thanks for the replies - I'm glad I'm not alone with this! I suppose I should count myself lucky being in the UK. The weather isn't too bad and we haven't had any snow for weeks - but it's still so cold!

    I also find I have these slight "binges" while I'm preparing food, where I'll suddenly eat a banana or a small chocolate biscuit because I'm too hungry to wait to my meal to be finished cooking. And then I eat the meal, as well. I'm losing very slowly at the moment and for the last week I've just been trying to maintain for the most part.

    I do think SAD could be a factor. My Mum suffers from it, as do some friends and we definitely have many symptoms in common - exhaustion, no motivation etc.

    I'm going to try and slowly re-introduce exercise next week. Here's hoping I can get back to normal.
  • NO snow for weeks! HA! If only! It won't feakin' stop here! I have never seen so much snow in my life. It is kinda neat... BUT all I can think about is when will it melt? When can a get jogging outside again? My sister and I are going to jog outside tomorrow, but the BIG banks of snow on every street corner make it hard to see if anyone is coming.

    I just want to sit inside under my blankie, eat cheese and drink hot cider/brandy until winter is over... but I am already up 10 lbs since Oct. I need to STOP THIS NOW. The lack of exercise and sunshine and warmth definitely affects me. But like my sis' just told me today - just like it feels like the warm months are over too quick - the cold months pass just as fast. It is already Feb. Soon the little flowers will be poking up (hopefully - if all the snow ever melts) and soon we will be outside running again.

    I am thinking I need to force myself to sit down and journal some. Write down things. Maybe focus on doing things that make me happy - Playing with my son, doing crafts, sipping coffee/tea with friends, etc.
  • Totally. It's been reeeeeally hard to motivate myself, especially with the heavy snows. I've been tired, so I don't always want to necessarily get on the bike. But this week I've been motivating myself to get back in the groove. Tuesday I did crosscountry skiing (let the snow work for me!), today I had a nice run, and I'm hoping I can build off that momentum.

    But I'm going to try to not stress... it's just hard to be as motivated to do as intense exercise in the winter. As far as the hunger thing, I'm noticing that having lots of bulky vegetables, tastily prepared, really helps. Not packing in the calories, but loads of flavour... that way I'm taking care of the hunger but not pushing the scale back up.

    I do think SAD could be a factor. My Mum suffers from it, as do some friends and we definitely have many symptoms in common - exhaustion, no motivation etc.
    Lord knows I'm no doctor, but maybe some low dose antidepressants might help with that? I'm going to go see about some meds next week myself, and hopefully (if I can get a variety that isn't too tied with weight gain), I'll feel a bit more motivated to get up, out, and about. It's probably worth at least a visit to the GP.
  • I am right there with you. We also live in an area where we get SMOG on the warm days where they tell you not to go outside because the air is so BAD. Lovely huh? I finally got to the gym today, but its been hit and miss since the end of November.
    I just keep telling myself hang on for one more month. March will start more sunny/green, warmerish days...but winter just seems to go alot slower then summer...