The day I ate whatever I wanted...

  • Nope, this isn't a confession but a recommendation. I have been listening to audio books the last month or so on my way to and from work. I picked this last one up because the title interested me. The Day I Ate Whatever I Wanted by Elizabeth Berg.

    It is a short story compilation and although I am only about a third of the way through it, I highly recommend it. Some of them are sad and some of them are funny but the title story and what is apparently it's opposite of "The day I ate nothing that I wanted" are hilarous for those of us who understand the feelings. While I think that the author's voice has added to the enjoyment of it, I think it would also be funny read from the book.

    Curious as to how others would like it. If you have read it or read it because of this post, I would love to know what you think.
  • sounds like Geneen Roth, thanks for the tip!