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KaCee J 11-17-2009 09:22 AM

What can you do now that you couldn't 3 months ago???
I don't know if I am posting this where it belongs, but I thought it might be a fun thread to see our weight loss victories...

What can you do now that you couldn't three months ago??

Mine would be wearing my rings again!! And no soap/lotion to pry em off! LOL

How about you?

initfor 11-17-2009 09:33 AM

That is an awesome victory! I've noticed I don't get winded as easy and I don't have to hide in the hall a few mins after I climb stairs so people don't see how much they kicked my butt!

chicagoatnight 11-17-2009 09:55 AM

I've only lost 21 pounds but I dropped a pant size from 18 to 16 and although it doesn't seem possible I suffer from lower back pain, and since my weight loss it's been diminished greatly. It's not as often and it's not as severe. I wouldn't think 21 pounds could make that much of a difference but either it has or it's just a huge coincidence.

alexandraT 11-17-2009 09:55 AM

ditto on the stairs! Theres a huge staircase leading up to my gym - and just recently i've noticed I'm not as out of breath when I get to the front desk and hand them my card to check in - I can actually say "im fine thanks how are you?" without gasps of breath in between words!

cathydoe 11-17-2009 09:55 AM

What kicked me was when it was time to put the summer capri's away... my winter jeans were tight...real tight...and that is what got me going...and now they are back to fitting correctly. This is a mini-goal I had. My jeans are somewhere between a 26 and 32 and I have worn them for years...but when they got tight I knew I had to do something! Cuz this is pretty much as big as it gets for jeans.


DivineFidelity 11-17-2009 09:58 AM

My bedroom is upstairs, and I can run up those stairs now and NOT want to fall over on my bed right when I walk in the door...oh yeah, and I can breath while I'm doing it too. lol

jamiewyn 11-17-2009 11:20 AM

What a great idea for a thread! :)

I can now fit into jeans that have been "put away" for 3 years. :) I no longer suffer from acid reflux. I actually have a couple of outfits that I feel "cute" in. Before, no matter what I bought or wore, I always felt enormous. I can see light at the end of the tunnel! :)

raebeaR 11-17-2009 12:30 PM

I can kneel in my tub when I rinse the color from my hair and my knees don't kill me. I can also climb back up from that kneeling position without using every single fixture as a hand hold!!

Acid reflux gone... hunger pangs gone... also, was walking around my property a couple of days ago with a thin person and noticed he was winded as we climbed the gentle slope back up to my house... and I wasn't. :carrot:


Cali Doll 11-17-2009 12:31 PM

I can fit into size 10 pants and dresses! I couldn't do that 3 months ago!

Skinnycow 11-17-2009 12:50 PM

The other day I had to squat down to tie my student's shoe. I was amazed at how easily I was able to stand back up.

Fat Pants 11-17-2009 01:03 PM

Oh! Oh! Good idea for a thread! :)

3 months ago.....

I could barely run 3 miles without stopping. In fact, I couldn't. Last Saturday I just ran my first 10k (6.2 miles) race without stopping to walk!

3 months ago I was wearing size 12, now I'm a size 8.


CollegeGirl 11-17-2009 01:45 PM

I can walk into a store and not feel as self consious when a sales person asks me if she can help me find my size! I know that might sound a little self centered but I always wanted to lie to them, like they couldnt see how big I was... funny the way our minds work

caryesings 11-17-2009 02:01 PM

I never THOUGHT I walked like a fat person, but I'm definitely walking differently now. A friend who hadn't seen me in a year noticed this in me as well so it's not my imagination.

Lincolns Sparrow 11-17-2009 02:07 PM

I am at goal and weigh the same as three months ago, but I can count another 3 months that I haven't regained or fallen back into the trap of habitual over-eating.

KaCee J 11-17-2009 02:29 PM

These are awesome, it down right amazes me how much can change in our bodies and our lives in just 3 months!!! I can't wait for another 3 months to roll around!!!! :)

Sylvied 11-17-2009 02:54 PM

I can run for 45 minutes without stopping!!

Aclai4067 11-17-2009 07:40 PM

I can wear my old size 20 jeans
I can run
I can walk all the way up Stone Mountain

Dulce Vida 11-17-2009 07:48 PM

This has been very inspiring to read, thank you all for sharing!

HeaterAS 11-17-2009 08:04 PM

I can fit in my pre baby jeans! Woohoo!

My husband wanted me to post that he's gone down 3 notches on his belt!

BellaDiva 11-17-2009 08:41 PM

fit into my size 16 jeans!

DCHound 11-17-2009 08:42 PM

I can stand with my hands on my waist and feel no fat at all. It's all rock-solid. No jiggle. I can wear tight, stretchy tops and they look GREAT. And I have a six-pack somewhere under all this (little bit of) flab up front (but you can't see my six-pack or any flab in clothes).

Idealmuse 11-17-2009 08:50 PM

- Run 10 miles

- Squeeze into size 12's

- Only put the "Heavy" weight on 150 on the doctors scale and not 200.

- Buy a size 10 winter coat! (Whhhhhha!?)

- Say I'm an Ironman in training. :)

jendiet 11-17-2009 10:14 PM

i can actually hold my weight for a second when I pull up on the pull up bar. I used to just dangle. I've noticed I don't get as winded with light jogging either. First time I did a wii short distance jog, I was huffing and puffing like crazy. I did the island run and was just barely winded.

duckyyellowfeet 11-18-2009 12:57 AM

-- Confidently say I can cook a spaghetti squash
-- refuse pizza, cookies, ice cream, etc.
--wear the jeans I wore in high school

Skyra 11-18-2009 01:21 AM

I have the self-control to not eat more than one small piece of cake (chocolate cake was my biggest downfall).

I can do squats with 50 lb weights.

I can go a week binge-free.

mateosmama2005 11-18-2009 02:10 AM

I can bend over without bending my knees. I can walk forever and not get tired. I can go up and down stairs without being knocked out lol! And i've only lost 11lbs, can't wait to see the changes as I loose more!

SweetScrumptious 11-18-2009 02:15 AM

Bend over and touching my toes (without bending my knees of course). I have never been flexible and I started Bikram Yoga back in Sept and now I can! Yay!

Nate0201 11-18-2009 06:53 AM

I can workout longer and harder then before.

LittleMoonRabbit 11-18-2009 08:14 AM

I can:

- refuse baked goods that other people bring into work
- have a cheat meal and NOT freak out/feel guilty, because I know that I can get right on plan the next day and be okay (I have maybe 2 cheat meals in a month, and I know exactly how they will affect me re: water weight and fat gain)
- touch my toes (yay, sweetscrumptious!)
- refuse soda, even at special occasions. I honest-to-goodness just DON'T like soda anymore.

yossarianlives 11-18-2009 08:56 AM

On the cycling machine I can keep my heart-rate up in the high-160s for a 40min exercise. :D

And I can actually resist the candy vending machine in my work canteen! :cheer2:

Trudiha 11-18-2009 09:05 AM

I smile more, now obvioulsy I could smile 3 months ago, I just didn't feel like it so much.

Mikayla 11-18-2009 09:24 AM

I never thought about it before, but it is a big one.

I no longer eat a single "free" thing from work and man is there a lot of free food at work.
I can simply say "It looks delicious but No Thank You" and I don't even feel anxious about it. That IS Big.

justaloozer 11-18-2009 10:59 AM

I'm not always hot all the time! With the last few lbs I've shed, I'm often comfortable or even cold! I have a LOT more fat to keep me warm but I am so happy because no matter what, I was always so hot!

kittycat40 11-18-2009 11:06 AM

I can say I have been maintaiing for 15 months instead of 12 :):):)

These all are so awesome. What a great way to boost the great habits we are all developing :D

Sonata 11-18-2009 11:56 AM

I can actually run around now when playing tennis, instead of shuffling pathetically. :(

At the doctor's, they can actually weigh me on their standard scale instead of having to ask me for my weight.

blueridgegirl 11-18-2009 12:23 PM

- I can run/walk 5k on the treadmill consistently and not even be really sore the next day.
- I can see my bicep muscles when I flex.
- I can proudly announce that for the first time in memory my waist is below 40 inches.
- I can give you a ballpark estimate of how many calories I've eaten at any given point in a day, and how many left I have to eat.

diabetic z 11-20-2009 05:13 PM

Great Thread
I can...

- Train for up to an hour on the elliptical machine now. This is a far cry from the 5 minutes that used to kill me.
- Fit into 2XL shirts again, with room to spare.
- Out walk my dogs.
- Consistently keep my blood glucose under control.
- Request a booth at a restaurant instead of just a table.

JustBeckyV 11-20-2009 10:31 PM

Removing my rings - seeing my toes and touching them lol

katkitten 12-02-2009 08:05 AM

i <3 this thread :)

i can sleep without being awoken in the middle of the night because i stopped breathing!!

mkendrick 12-02-2009 08:16 AM

I can...

- run for 25 min (broken up with 2 or 3 1min walking breaks). I used to be able to run for about 30 seconds
- fit into my skinny day jeans and button them easily right out of the wash
- drive past a fast food restaurant without my mouth watering, lol
- get full on 300calorie meals
- look in the mirror and not be disgusted

I'm only one month into my weightloss journey. I've lost 9lbs, and I'm proud of myself so far :)

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