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Gennel 06-03-2002 08:09 PM

Hello Everybody!
Hey !
How's everyone? Hey Jen sounds like you were in control of food during the girlscout trip! I'm pretty sure that the 1 lb gain was due to TOM so dont sweat it. That's great that you met someone nice who's an inspiration!
Grizzly , I had one of those unmotorized treadmills and they are a big workout I know! I honestly think you burn more calories than it says since you are the only thing making it move! Good for you for thinking of 20 min workout tomorrow. Add 2-3 minutes and keep it like that for a week till you get used it. Then add another 2-3 minutes. Pretty soon you will surprise yourself! And the scale will have no choice but to back off and go down, down,down!
I've added 30 min walk at nights. But I stopped doing Tae Bo twice a week. So this week mon-fri I am doing Tae Bo. I want to see what results I will get this week! A 2 lb loss is my goal for every week and I know that doesnt always happen especially
when you lose more and more!

jen519 06-04-2002 04:53 PM


I had such an awesome day yesterday. I managed to thwart a full-blown binge. Had 2 pieces of cheesy-bread and stopped there. Only walked for 20 minutes and was feeling ashamed. Then I thought, hey walking behind a lawnmower for an hour ought to count too, Ya think?

I've never tried a treadmill of anykind, but I've tried lots of different excersize equipment. I've always ended up getting discouraged at my inability to do more than 5 or 10 minutes at a time. Gennel, your idea is great. Working up a bit at a time. Maybe after I get a bit more in shape, I'll drag my stair-stepper out of the closet and start again.

Well, gotta go back to work. By the way, though, I couldn't stay off the scale and while I don't want to get TOO excited, I will say that I'm certain my 1 pound gain was due to TOM. I can hardly wait to weigh-in officially on Saturday. Thanks to all.


thinlizzie 06-04-2002 09:36 PM

Hello All!

~~~JEN~~~ Good for you on taking charge of the situation you had while eating the cheesy breads. Maybe that was just enuf of a taste to get you past that craving. And then yu took the control back! PROUD OF YOU!! YGG. :D That stair-stepper would be a good move. I am planning to have my DH bring my glider down to the cool basement for summer. That way some of the really hot days i will still be able to do a workout. Gotta make these plans ahead.

~~~GENN~~~ Thanks again for motivating me. I love hearing from you. I know you get all of us on track for this journey. We are all in it together and just hearing about someone's good news makes us all feel good! I'm sure you are busy doing the Tae-Bo tapes...You are my idol:) Keep it up and more good things will follow!

~~~Grizz~~~ I agree totally w/Gen on the treadmill thing. I also have an unmotorized one that is here. It's my SIL's and it has somepart that got bent on it, so it's really a struggle to get the belt to move. I can't seem to build up any time on it at all. But in the winter i'd stick a 5 minute walk inbetween my glider workout. Kinda like circuit training. Gave me a different feeling from just gliding. Like sweat big time! YGG ..keep on working up the best you can. It's all gonna add up to making our bodies better and better! Proud of you too!:D

HI to all the other chicks out there working hard on our challenge. I have been maintaining, but I am learing alot on how best to do that too! So every day is good! Be:strong: and try to plan ahead w/meals and things as much as you can!

Till later,
166/131/120:wave: :wave: :jig:

Apple Blossom 06-04-2002 11:02 PM

Hello everyone!
I miss hearing from everyone-post more often please!!!
I'm doing OK...maintaining in spite of TOM so by the end of the week I really hope to go below 150. Tomorrow is my sons 5th birthday. I can't believe it. I was looking at photo albums..what a cutie if I do say so myself. If I manage to drop below 150 it will be the lightest I have been in 5 years. Wow! A little more inspiration for the week.
I was browsing other support threads and I found 2 kind of cool things.
One lady uses this quote with her signature:
"I am working toward becoming the woman of my dreams."
(Or something to that effect.) I really like that. It reminds me that losing weight is only part of the process...there are other habits to correct and a soul to feed and grow. (While the body shrinks) Cool.:cool:
And someone is keeping track of her walking miles with her signature.
Gennel, if you were doing that you'd be well past 75 just since I've been logging on. ( If you walk everyday) That's almost 3 marathons!!! YGG! I'd be around, well, 12 maybe. But it's neat to see it add up. Plus its neat to get excited about a number going UP while the other goes down.
Well, hope all is well with everyone. My kids are at each other. Oh help.

boatingmommy 06-05-2002 08:25 AM

Back on the weight loss wagon!
Well, I kinda lost sight of my goal for a couple of weeks and made up one excuse after another on why I hadn't made time to excercise. But, I regained charge of the ship...and I am sailing on!

I walked last night and Monday night despite a hideous, HUGE blister on the back of my heal (caused on Monday by a new pair of NIKEs and a cheap pair of socks!). Band-Aids to the rescue! It was really hot here and I really felt like dirt afterwards. That was probably due to giving blood at the Red Cross drive yesterday. But, now I am back into the mind-set I need to be in! Onward!!! I am at 166 and goal is 150 (thinking goal might change to at least 145). I have been reading your posts, and know that joining in will give me the strength to carry on! I cyber chatted last night (Hello again to Grizzly and Gennel!) It helped to push me out the door and walk.

Well, everyone have a good day! Be good to your body and it will be good to you!
Boating Mommy:cool:

jen519 06-05-2002 04:40 PM

not again!
Now I remember how I ended up losing track of my food and excersize back in March. I got really stressed and busy at work and came home exhausted and starving. I remember because yesterday was one of those days. Food was O.K., but right after dinner I laid down for a few minutes and woke up at 9:15 in time to put my daughter to bed.

Today, no matter how I feel when I get home, I WILL walk for at least 20 minutes. Walking up and down the hall at work 65 times a day is not the same thing! And thanks to good planning I have several quick and easy-to-fix meals I can make for the next few days, so I don't end up calling the Pizza Guy!

Hey, boating mommy! If you can walk with a blister, I sure can walk when I'm feeling stressed and worn-out. Thanks for the inspiration. As a matter of fact, walking will probably perk me up and lower my stress level anyway, right?

Food's good so far today. I'm not having too many problems at work these days, although I do sometimes. The last few evenings, though, I'm dying to snack after dinner. Walking helps.
Anyway, Hi to all. I'll post tomorrow. Or later tonight if the cravings threaten to overpower me

Wisconsin Woman 06-05-2002 09:59 PM

weigh in
Sorry I haven't posted. Lots of excuses but I won't go into all that right now. I don't suppose 0 looks any better than N/A anyways. I haven't lost any weight, but haven't gained any either. :^: I really have to buckle down and drop some more. I've been busy working outside in the garden. It's exercise, buy not exactly aerobic. (Unless I'm shoveling manure or something, but that only lasts 15 minutes at a time) I vow I will work harder on my eating and post a loss soon. See you.

jacksonmom 06-06-2002 02:14 PM

Hey! What a week. I'm finally getiing back to my normal routine after the company left on Sun. I didn't realize how much people come to visit since we had our son (3 mths ago). It seems like someone is always here. Luckily noone is suppose to come till July 4th. I'm actually looking forward to weigh in on Sat. I've been doing GREAT OP and started exercising today. Well my baby is up from his nap. Talk with you later.


Gennel 06-06-2002 03:52 PM

Hello Again!
How is everyone doing ?
Sounds like some are worried or feel they are a bit off track these days. I think all of us can relate to that one time or another.The whole thing is to not totally give up.
Boatingmommy..walking with a blister! OUCH! Well I can tell you are on track again dear! :) Good for you! Jen519, you can do this, keep posting often we are here !
Appleblossom It will be an awesome feeling when you get to 150! Five years? WOW I havent been this weight in about that time also. You will be doing the happy dance when your scale shows you what youwant to see!
Wisconsin! A no gain is better than a gain! We are here to give you support no matter what happens, we are also here to give you a little extra push in the tush! 0 and N/A is basically the same thing , I just put N/A if the person never PMed me with their weigh in so I put N/A (not available).If I dont hear from a person in 2-3 weigh ins ,I really dont want to put 0..0..0 . I want everyone to get motivation and find this great determination within themselves.
A few people that know me have said" You're lucky you can lose it so easy" Is ay Luck is for the lotto players! If anyone wants to lose a few , they can do it. If you want to make more money you either work more hours or get another better paying job. I'ts like dirty laundry piling up. The bigger the pile gets the more you wish you could somehow start ! It seems almost impossible in our minds. But guess what? You want clean clothes ,then you gotta wash a few loads! Gosh I sound crazy mean now! lol Not my intention at all. Dont allow yourself any excuse at all...NONE > I wrote the book of really good excuses why I couldnt diet and lose weight. " I dont have the money to spend on expensive foods" " I dont have the time to exercise,what if they call me from my child's school? "I cant workout in the mornings" " Icant do this cause my kids wont eat what I cook and I'm not cooking two dinners!" I can go on and on. I made a promise to do Tae Bo Every single night this week. Well lastnight that was impossible! VCR did not want to cooperate and I had people over. Did I feel guilty..YESSSSS!!!!
BUT today is Tae Bo again or an extra 30 min walk(rain or clear skies!) If you screw up on a meal then make your very next meal a good choice. If you miss a day of exercise , then make it up! For example if you workout 1 hr a day and miss a day. the next day add an extra 30 min. Then the next day add another 30 min . Just to make up what you lost. As long as you ladies keep posting I WONT LET YOU GIVE UP! If any of you saw the movie HARDBALL with Keanu Reeves...." I'm blown away by the fact that you show up" or something to that effect. IF you post , even if you feel awful at least you are still hanging on and sooner or later one of us will be here to help you up. IF you leave then there isnt much we can do except hope that you come back soon.
Well I think I reeeeaalllly wrote too much this time!


Apple Blossom 06-07-2002 02:09 AM

Well, Ben, Jerry and I had a little pow-wow. At least we stretched it out over 2 days. The diet's out the window. Husband's away and the stress builds...plus it's 100 degrees out. Not very motivational. Tomorrow is new day... One good note, I have been exercising at least a little. I have a stair step thingy and at least i spend half an hour a day moving my feet on it. I don't exactly work up a sweat on it but it's something. The other day I was feeling quite warm and I realized I was only a few inches away from the light fixture while I was stepping. Ooops. Well, I hope everyone is having a great week!!!

Gennel 06-07-2002 09:04 AM

If you had a craving for ben& Jerry's enjoy it. I mean truly enjoy your craving and move on :) The worse thing to do is feel guilty for eating a "bad" or a " No No Food"
Keep moving on your stepper ! The hot weather is driving me crazy as well. Its been in the 90's this week here. Even at 8 am its HOT!!! I leave for my walk in a few min and its hot ,hot,hot!
I put on my headphones and love listening to the oldie's Like Jerry Lee Lewis ( Great Balls Of Fire!) I'm only 32 yr old but this music makes me move! I sometimes close my eyes for a few seconds and relax while walking. Just to let the little bit of breeze blow on my face cools me off.

I better get going! Tomorrow is WEIGH IN!


Gennel 06-07-2002 09:10 AM

It's ok to be human :)
I had a craving for Mcd fries or Pizza. I had the small fries that I wanted so badly. The following week I had a slice of Papa John's Pizza. I enjoyed and savored every bite! I am still learning this. Just get it out of your system and make the next day a good one. I weighed in today instead of tomorrow and I maintained for the week, so no loss for me this week. I felt bad for about 60 seconds lol. I wasnt able to do that before! I would dwell on the fact for 2 days . A loss is great ,maintaining is just as important. I hope everyone has a great day today! I can remember all the "diets" Ive been on and the feeling of guilt if I ate 1 cookie or had a fry from my daughter's plate! ugh!!! I would tell myself that I ruined the entire day! IT wont ruin your diet! But if you eat the whole bag of chips, then munch out at night,then in the morning have a Denny's grand slam breakfast...and keep it going then I would say to step back for a moment and see exactly what you're doing! Well I got my sneakers on and I'm still yawning lol. My walk is at 9:30 ! Talk to you folks later!


jen519 06-07-2002 09:40 AM

Hi Everyone,

I decided to post 1st thing in the morning today. Yesterday was not a good day for me, as far as food and excersize go. I just got myself into a funk and didn't go walking. Instead I stayed home and ate. I didn't go too crazy, so I don't think I did a lot of damage. One day is usually O.K. for me, unless I eat until I'm sick. I know, that sounds just gross, but it's the way I am. Anyway, back OP today and expect to hear from me at least once more today. I think I'll just "check in" right after work when I begin to think about eating dinner and supper and dessert and dessert and dinner and more dinner! Gen, I needed to hear what you had to say. Today, I'm just going to make different choices. Yeah, I wish I could magically snap my fingers and lose 100 pounds, but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. I know, I think I've tried every stupid lose weight quick scheme I could afford! By the way, you have more self-control than I ever had. How do you eat "a slice" of pizza? I usually eat a pizza!

Apple Blossom, if there had been any ice cream in my house, I would have gotten into that too! As it was, I ate about 3 fat-free pudding snacks and 2 low-fat granola bars. Also threw some low-fat cheese on 2 slices of bread and snarfed that down! Twice. Today IS another day. Good for you that you got in some excersize.

I'm so glad it's Friday. Off to work I go.


jacksonmom 06-07-2002 10:58 AM

Had to weigh today because going out of town for the weekend. My loss was 3.5 lbs. for a total of 4.5 lbs!!!!! Not sure if I'm going to make it to my goal of 10 lbs. by 6/20/02. But I will sure try. Really worked out hard yesterday. Instead of doing the treadmil I mowed my neighbor's and mine's yard. Their out of town. They have a 45 degree slope in their backyard. It was a killer. At one time I thought I would have to stop and rest but I pushed through. Glad I came upstairs to post because started off not eating well this morning. But now I'm motivated to stick OP. I should do good with exercise this weekend because I'm helping my family finish building a barn and probably trim some trees. It will be hot hot hot outsisde so I should be pouring of sweat by the end of the day. Will try to stick OP as much as possible. We will be celebrating some b-days and fathers' day. And I'm sure going out for Mexican food at least once. I will have to stay away from those evil tortilla chips lol !! Will post again on Mon. Everyone have a great weekend and keep posting it really makes a BIG difference and motivates me.

Gennel 06-07-2002 12:45 PM

Hey Jacksonmom , you did awesome this week!!!!!!!! WOW!!! you need to pat yourself on the back girl!
jen519, I still could eat an entire pizza if I wanted to trust me! I have done that a few times in the past. Glad to know you're back on track :)


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