What veggie do you STILL hate?

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  • I had a long rant about swedes (rutabagas here) a while ago http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/showthread.php?t=68778

    I've been here in the States for about 28 years but I still love swedes! We're going to have some with our roast beef & Yorkshire puddings for Christmas dinner.

  • Great thread on rutabagas, Penny! I love that you inspired people to try them.
  • Tomatoes, can'd stand them unless cooked, made into soup, or hidden in tacos.
  • I really dislike zucchini, pumpkin, squashes, okra (but I've never had it cooked nicely before), eggplant, rutabaga, yams, sweet potatoes, parsnip, green cabbage, and cauliflour. I also kind of dislike potatoes. This made it really fun eating at my grandmother's house, since she always cooked with vegetables that smelled like farts, and cooked them until they were dead 400 times over.

    I love broccoli but not raw, and I am forcing myself to enjoy olives.
  • I'll try anything once.

    The list of once is more than enough includes: beets, parsnips and lima beans.

    I like most vegetables and am forcing myself to include others I was previously avoiding like radishes and green peppers.

    I recently moved to the south and was horrified at what they do to veggies here. Pick it, roll it in flour and deep fry it - fried okra maybe but BATTERED AND DEEP FRIED corn on the cob? I don't care if the people who tried it said it was delicious - I can't bring myself to even try that one.
  • Brocolli. I do try to eat it, but it's just not happening. Mushrooms too.
  • eww
    Beets, eggplant, califlower,
  • brussell sprouts and asparagus but alas, I will try them both one more time roasted just to make sure that they are as intolerable as I believe them to be!
  • Asparagus
    I LOVE asparagus, but only if they are green giant from the can.
  • celery, raw onions, and asparagus
  • brusslesprouts, I just can't do it !!! oh and spinach (unless its in a dip lol).
  • Can't stand Courgettes but am trying to put them in pasta things in small slices. Really hate sweetcorn but it makes me sick so I have an excuse for not eating that.
  • Artichokes.. and Brussell Sprouts--unless my husbands step-mother makes them--she uses olive oil,fresh brussell sprouts, water chestnuts & white pepper--tried to duplicate the recipe but it just didn't taste the same...
  • What are Courgettes? and how do you cook them?
  • i think the easier answer for me to give would be to the question, what vegetables do you like?

    broccolli, potatoes and sweet corn.

    that's it. i have a hard time stomaching anything else unfortunately