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kykaree 08-31-2006 09:02 AM

Thanks peacock for that post TMI!!!!

I have booked and paid for my amsterdam flights today!!!! Yay!!!

I'm sort of working really hard, but am on strike now. I don't think anyone cares that I am on strike though!

peacock 2 08-31-2006 09:03 AM

OOH! Amsterdam! How long for? I am in Bruges early Sept. I loved Amsterdam when I was there - years ago.

kykaree 08-31-2006 09:42 AM

Frus, YP1 and myself are going in October for a few nights for the Amsterdam half marathon. I love Amsterdam, been there once, and I adored it too.

2frustrated 08-31-2006 09:50 AM

I've booked and paid for them too! :D

I'm getting in at about 5.30pm Friday and leaving 8pm ish on Monday :D :D :D

kykaree 08-31-2006 09:55 AM

I'm getting in in the afternoon, can't remember exactly what time, and leaving at lunch time on Monday.

Woo hoo!

veggie 08-31-2006 10:17 AM

Going to Amsterdam to do something healthy what is the world coming to! :shrug:

:goodluck: :running: :hat:

2frustrated 08-31-2006 10:21 AM


Neleh 08-31-2006 10:35 AM

Had a great weekend in Eurodisney and then a couple of days off work, was my wedding anniversary yesterday and we went out for a lovely meal, I really enjoyed it, ate whatever I liked and still came within my calorie count so was really pleased.

I really missed my exercise over the weekend, and we so glad to get back into it on Tuesday morning, did extra time on my bike this morning.

Oh and I got myself a smoothie maker this week as I find that smothies are the only way I regularly eat fruit, really enjoying the experimenting with the flavours, does anyone have any good smoothie recipies to suggest?

Can't believe its September tomorrow, this year is going by way too quickly.

Sarah Ann 08-31-2006 10:44 AM

I just started my Chrimbo food shopping :dizzy: - Sainsbury are trying to drum up some brand loyalty for Christmas by sending out a bunch of vouchers for £6 per weekly order so I'm ordering Chrimbo type yummies with it. This week I've order the ingredients for the Christmas cake and pud - which means that next week I'll be making them. Yum yum.

Gotta go put the sprouts on!

Sarah Ann 08-31-2006 10:46 AM

Ooohh - sorry - didn't refresh to see the latest posts.

Yup - I agree with Veggie - although it sounds like you'll have time to look around - but will you FEEL like it. Possibly not!!!

Sarah Ann 08-31-2006 10:48 AM

Neleh, my fav smoothie is greek type low fat yoghurt mixed with defrosted frozen blueberries and a chopped peach diluted down with a little still water and a teaspoon of honey.

Neleh 08-31-2006 10:58 AM

OOh didn't think of adding yoghurt, I've been using just fruit and juice, I'll try that one out tonight!

Sounds yummy!

Sarah Ann 08-31-2006 11:06 AM

If you want to make it a protein shake you can add in some cottage cheese as well. Once you've whizzed it up with fruit, yoghurt & water you can't taste the cottage cheese (I hate the taste of 'neat' cottage cheese) but you get the protein hit. Perfect for just after exercise.

Have a look in the freezer section in Sainsbury and/or Tesco (probably Asda & some others as well) because you can get a good selection of reasonably priced frozen fruit nowadays - especially blueberries and raspberries.

peacock 2 08-31-2006 12:00 PM

There you are Neleh - you worried for nothing about eating in Eurodisney and you managed to not only have a good time but also stayed within your calorie count! Well done!

Frus Yp and Kyk have fun in Amsterdam! If runing can be classed as fun, that is! I know you will think so!

Sarah Ann! (waggles finger) you're leaving it a bit late for the sprouts aren't you? !!!

YP1 08-31-2006 12:42 PM

I'm back! I was (relatively) good in Prague. Finding veggie food was a lot easier than I'd been lead to believe (although we didn't eat at too many traditional Czech places), and I even went for a run one morning.

That was just an excuse to try out my new HRM/SDM though, I've been dithering about getting one for months and then I saw the one I wanted in duty free and it somehow ended up in my bag. It seems quite accurate, I've not calibrated it yet (it's a pedometer style one rather than GPS), but it measured my run this morning as 5.11 miles when I've measured it on the computer as 5.14, so it seems pretty much spot on. It has all sorts of whizzy stats, it records a lap every km so I get my overall heart rate and pace, together with individual stats for each km (bizarrely this morning I managed to run kms 2, 3 and 8 at EXACTLY the same speed), and it might actually make my 20 mile run on Sunday fun! Or at least I can play with the numbers afterwards :)

The best bit though - it has a "fitness test" on it. I was expecting the instructions to be "run flat out" or something like that, but it actually tests your resting heart rate, so the instructions were to lie down and do nothing for 5 minutes. I thought that was the sort of test I could manage, so I did it and apparently I am "elite" - there are 7 categories and I'm in the top one! :faint: So, we've proved I'm good at lying down and doing nothing ;)

Prague was fab but cold and wet, I'd chosen a swish hotel for a change, and when we got there we were upgraded to a one bedroom suite. I made a little more of the breakfast buffet than I do when I'm at home, but my eating wasn't too bad, and we had a couple of meals at one place where I had a veggie ciabatta with rocket salad and chips, and I left most of the chips both times because the salad and veggies filled me up! I never thought I'd be eating the vegetables before deciding whether I had room for the chips.

We did loads of walking, my mum has a pedometer and got up to about 25000 steps most days. Plus we had a long walk on Saturday on the way to the rugby when we set off down the river only to realise that there wasn't a bridge where we wanted to be and we had to walk another couple of miles to the next bridge, and then back again up the other side of the river. Next time I'll look at a map!

I might try to post some photos, but I'm not at home properly until Sunday (posting from work), so you'll have to wait.

Sunday is my last long run before Berlin, I can't believe it's so close! And then Amsterdam. It's all busy.

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