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Sarah Ann 08-25-2006 08:48 AM

Hmmmm - I'd have to be brave to try it - although I do add cocoa and coffee to my chilli.

DH threatened to buy me a chocolate fountain for last Christmas - somehow he hadn't tied up the fact that I don't like chocolate with the thought that I might not appreciate a chocolate fountain. D'oh!

Sarah Ann 08-25-2006 08:53 AM

Oh - you just reminded me! I just checked - my beetroots are coming along nicely - about the size of a walnut. I might try that cake when they get a bit bigger.

Sarah Ann 08-25-2006 08:53 AM

But it hasn't got any fat in it - nor any egg yolks.

2frustrated 08-25-2006 09:00 AM

I say (some) fat good - sugar bad! :lol: :p

How about a fatless chocolate sponge?? You can do sponge drops a la Be-Ro cookery book, with some sort of healthy cream type things in the middle :drool: Now I want that :tantrum:

veggie 08-25-2006 09:13 AM

Chocolate and beetroot, one good thing one bad thing. Beetroots should be banished from earth along with sprouts. :D Yes I am a rubbish vegetarian. :o

kykaree 08-25-2006 09:26 AM

They are assuming, when one cup of sugar is used, that you are not going to eat the whole cake on your own :D:)

I don't mind sugar, I'd rather have that than dodgy substitutes made of chemicals.

Beetroots are lovely!!!!

veggie 08-25-2006 09:36 AM

Australians are just too healthy! :p They even like beetroot! :dizzy:

2frustrated 08-25-2006 09:36 AM

All hail Splenda! ALL HAIL SPLENDA! :rofl: ;)

I would probably be eating the whole cake on my own :yes: :rofl:

Ooooh, speaking of cake... I made protein pumpkin bars from the LWL thread :T Mmmmmmm mmmm! They are so moist and cakey - the best proteiny things I've had :yes:

2frustrated 08-25-2006 09:37 AM

I've never had a beetroot :o

veggie 08-25-2006 09:38 AM

You lucky thing, they smell funny.

Sarah Ann 08-25-2006 11:05 AM

I like beetroots as long as they fresh and not pickled in vinegar - I'm not sure about eating them in a cake though.

As for sugar, I'm with Ky on this - I prefer to have a natural sweetener like honey or sugar rather than the synthetic stuff - I still don't think they really know the long term effects of shoving those kinds of chemicals in to the body. There are good fats (nut fats, fish oils and olive oil) which I probably eat too much of - and there are saturated fats which aren't good but which I have a little of occasionally - then there are trans fats which I try and avoid at all costs.

Sarah Ann 08-25-2006 11:06 AM

Actually, thinking about it, I occasionally get the 'Bistro' or 'Ruby' bags of salad from Tesco or Sainsburys and they have got raw grated beetroot in them - it looks pretty and tastes kind of nutty.

kim.bell3 08-25-2006 01:13 PM

Anyone got any interesting things to do with marrow??!!
Fed up with the stuff.....I can`t usually get it to grow but this year I`m bogged down with them and no-one will have them off me...
All ideas greatly recieved.
I`ve just made a lovely Gluten Free banana bread with only a tiny bit of sunflower spread,semolina and no sugar..quite low cal as well.
I`ll type up the recipe if anyone is interested.
Off to order a Chinese!
PS) Anyone tried out the new WW fitness dvd..have just got it but not tried it yet.

PhatPhoenix 08-25-2006 01:37 PM

I'm growing some beetroot at the moment. But I love those ready cooked organic ones you can get in Tescos, in salads. They're very sweet. I usually grow the mini Detroit globes - the smaller ones aren't so woody and taste better. Beetroot wine's nice too although I haven't made it for years...

Have only got one pathetic marrow in my veggie plot, this year. We usually just oven cook it with herbs, etc. My mum used to call it 'poor man's goose' when I was a kid!

Am with Sarah on the sugars etc too. I'd rather go sugar hyper and sweeten things with honey (and I have insulin issues!) than use 'Splenda' or the chemical stuff. God knows what's in it! I also would rather have butter than any form of marg - the trans fats in them are lethal. It's quite funny how they're marketed as 'healthy'. Better some 'real' (unprocessed) food in moderation, than 'diet' stuff that's putting lord knows what into your body!

Neleh 08-25-2006 02:02 PM

Have a fun weekend all, I'm just going to pack my bag and then I'm off to Eurodisney for the weekend, I'm so excited, that's a awesome Wedding Anniversary treat :cp:

See you all next week!

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