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Anonymouse 08-06-2005 12:36 PM

Good morning, everybody.
I am here, I am moved. I'm not quite unpacked yet (the kitchen is a disaster area). My friend from Baltimore who was going to come never showed up yesteryday; I'm really worried about her because she didn't come over or call me on Thursday either.
Fortunately, a college friend of mine had introduced me to some friends of his who live locally, and they came over and helped (offered, in fact)... cost me dinner, and they took all my empty boxes. Which is just fine, because both of them are moving soon.
The one woman worked at Borders and her bf in the library, so my book collection is SERIOUSLY organized! Like, all my non-fiction is in order alphabetically by author... then my Young Adult stuff, with a separate YA Fantasy/SF category. My ordinary fiction is alpha by author, and then by title within authors.
My clothing is hung in the closet, the bathroom is completely organized. I need to find a place to put all the darned school stuff: I don't have enough closet space to hide it away. My linen closet is mostly organized too. I have to go to Staples and buy something to hold all my printer stuff, and software... I saw some really nice "modular cubes" in wood. The movers are coming back tomorrow (since they didn't help me unpack this time) to hang my pictures for me, and I'll get them to put that piece of furniture together also. And move the school stuff closer to the door. I need to put my hanging closet shelves up so I can unpack my nicer folded clothing, and put up the stuffed animals. Remake the bed.
This place is HUGE... its twice the size of my other studio, seriously. My only gripe is that the parking garage is WAY far away from my apartment, and also from the elevator. The leasing office is trying to fix it for me by giving me a roof spot nearer the second elevator which is, I think, closer to my apartment. If they can just get me closer to the elevator, I'll be content... there is a slope up to the elevator from my spot, and its roughed cement which will make it hard for me to walk on.
The property manager definitely believes now: I nearly killed myself tripping on the uneven bricks outside the rental office yesterday morning!
I have a kind of odd shaped space between my bookcases and the TV, because we moved bookcases around so all 4 would fit. But we didn't realize we'd want to move the small one back with the others until AFTER we filled one of the large ones... so it looks strange, but its okay.
In a bit I'm going to go to Staples and get the bookcase, then head to Baltimore for swim lessons. At some point, I'll go to the grocery store, since I don't have much of anything in the fridge or freezer (I did manage to fit all my packs of ground beef into my freezer bag so I have that... not that I can find anything to cook it in or on! ;)
The grocery store will probably happen Monday afternoon... I'll need a little cart to put the groceries in too, to get them from the car to the apartment.
They work, but I inevitably leave it in the apartment or in the car when I need it! :)

Robyn: Welcome back!!!!
Kerry: Glad classes are over! :)
Summer: Ouch! I'm sorry...
Ginny: Imp's going to like this place, I think... I'm going to put his favorite stool (its my camel stool) under the window. I've put my bed by the other window, so he'll probably spend a lot of time up here with me. I'm going to have to buy the tent for his litterbox though, becuase I don't have anywhere with linoleum to put it, and I don't want the litter all over my bedroom. Last time it was in a hallway and okay, but this time it's back in a corner near my "bedroom", so...
I have my own washer and dryer again, which is so nice... And when they designed the studios, they really did a good job. Seriously, this could be a one-bedroom place (and isn't any smaller than some one-bedrooms I've lived in!), all its missing is a physical wall and door to shut off the sleeping area. I'm thinking about getting a screen or something... but might not, because the bathroom is back here where I've put the bed.
Pam: Yes! I found some really nice "universal walls" that are modular/put-together furniture that would have met my needs for another part of the apartment (I'd like a shelving unit with doors to go against the wall near the kitchen. I had to dump my plastic shelves I've had for 10 years... they're too ugly to put in the apartment... I gave them to my friends who helped unpack!), but they started at $500!!!!!!!!!

ECmom 08-06-2005 02:44 PM

Just a short hello.......

Mouse- glad the move went well. It takes a long time to get totally unpacked....and best of luck!!!!! When do you get Imp back?

Summer- go find some nice Russian vodka and borscht.......and feel better.
Broomhilda was that grueling???

Robyn- Welcome back!!!!!!!! Of course we missed you! Glad you had a great time.....well deserved rest. Give us the details of your trip when you can.

Kerry- hope you got to sleep late!!!! Congrats on being done with that class.Now relax and enjoy these next 2 weeks...

Pam- furniture is expensive- nothing you can do about that! Thanks for the encouragment, I am not happy for you that you got picked on too, but it is comforting to know that I am not the only one that happens to. Enjoy your date- and happy anniversary in case I do not get here.

Sue- so we do have the same meeting topics.. I do like getting to different meetings from time to time just for some variety. Nope, never tried the Healthy Choice cookie dough (would probably like it far too much, I stick with the sugar free fudgesicles, instant portion control!) The iced cappacino was good, both Dd and I thought it needed to be diluted with a bit more water. And I have to play with the flavors- I had vanilla smoothie, and I am sure the chocolate would have worked out better. But, with the right combination of flavors (and that would be personal taste) it is a winner......worth the 1 point!

Think I said hi to everyone. Sort of a slow day. Got a walk in (2.5 miles) but just feel kind of sluggish. Yesterday we got some school shopping done. Right now I just want to curl up and read. Of course that will not happen!!!!
Anyway, better go. Enjoy the rest of your day!

Anonymouse 08-07-2005 12:09 AM

I'm using the dial-up connection and keep getting disconnected, so a short message. The digital phone people have to come back out because there is a lot of static on the line (which is why I keep getting disconnected).
I did swimming lessons... good thing I went, because originally I'd planned to take tonight off... half of the staff didn't show up, either for vacation or who knows what.
One of the kids told his dad that I put him in time-out... And I did, after I talked to him 3 times for "behavior unbecoming". The second time I talked to him, I told him point-blank that I wasn't like some of the other teachers in the pool with him (they are all young, some are just starting college) because I was a teacher with my own classroom, and I didn't need to see him to know he was doing something inappropriate. Because, like his real classroom teacher, I had eyes in the back of my head. I asked him if he understood and if he'd ever had his teacher say that before and he nodded. So, when I caught him a THIRD TIME doing something wrong (and this time, dangerous because he was untying the other kid's floatation devices, and most of the kids that are in the Therapy pool group can't swim at all plus they are scared stiff), I made him sit in time out against the wall. He was there for all of 2 minutes before classes ended. I know I did the right thing, so I'm not worried.
I get Imp back after I come back from Chicago. Its not fair to leave him in a brand-new place for a week with me gone. The property manager has volunteered as a cat-sitter, and she has cats of her own, so it'd be okay... But its not fair to him. So, much as I really miss my kitty (its hard to sleep without his lump on my head!), he'll stay at Camp Mom until the end of august.

ECmom 08-07-2005 10:06 AM

Ok, Mouse! Want to rent a lump for your head??? ;) Fidget (our wacko 4 month old kitten) spent most of the time between 5 and 6 am attemtping to bite my hand (which was trying to avoid her under the pillow) so that I would get up and open the magical container of cat food. RC (our finally mature 4 yr old...) serenely slept at my feet during this entire onslaught. Sooooo, if you really get lonely for Imp......you can have Fidget! :lol: What a bargain!!!!
You know you did the right thing with that child, but I will reinforce that. Safety has to be #1. And that is the way I am on the bus- I tolerate a lot of nonsense, but safety items? Not on your life. It is just the way it has to be. And you can bet your last dollar that if someone elses kid untied the swim eze straps on this monster, his mom and dad would be the first to make a gigundo stink. So, how do you like life in the new apartment?

We are going to the NJ State fair today (that is if I can get Dd and Ds out of bed! ah, teenagers.......). Went for a short walk this am- 1.2 miles. But figure I will get plenty of walking in at the fair. That reminds me, gotta go grab the pedometer.
Hope everyone is having a good day......see ya later!

HatterasMermaid 08-07-2005 11:40 AM

patiently waiting for my turn in our one and only bathroom.
i need to shower before i run out the door away from these people that i've spent the last 3 weeks with 24/7! old friend called wanting me to come over for a visit! so away i go! i think that i've caught up on all the laundry and have gotten the sand out of nearly everything! i am supposed to make my first fvisit to WW tomorrow. i've never EVER gone to a WW meeting....so i'm a bit, um...nervous.... i'm a shy person... so this is going to be tuff!

the shower turned off...gotta run grab my turn or else!
take care,

MaintenanceMomma 08-07-2005 06:17 PM

Oh I am glad everyone has been somewhat short winded lately. I had just enough time to read but not respond to post yesterday and I was afraid I would have tons more today!

My reunion went well. It was decendents of my great, great, great grandfather, so there were lots of people I didn't know. They just had tons of old pictures and artifacts though. It was amazing. I am really interested in that kind of thing.

I have a sad kitten story. When I was backing out of the garage yesterday one of our kittens must have been napping and didn't hear the car. Usually they just scatter when the garage door goes up. I felt the bump and prayed it was one of the children's toys. Then when I knew it wasn't I tried to get out before the children realized what I had done. My ds spied it but we were far enough away he couldn't see real well but well enough to know what had happened. Luckily my dd was in the back seat and missed it. I drove the children to the reunion, which was luckily two miles from our house, left them with my parents and came back to clean up the mess. I feel so terrible but at least I am sure it was killed instantly (it wasn't pretty).

Pam - Geronimo sounds gastly but perhaps he is an inchanted prince, so be kind to him! Congrats on getting into a size 16. That will open up a whole new world of fashion choices for you! I hope you are enjoying Virginia Beach. Incase you don't get on line tomorrow - Happy Anniversary!

Kerry - Free at last, free at last, thank God all mighty you are free at last! That deserved a DQ treat. Good for you if you actually bought a sf one. I think I would have celebrated with something I would have regretted later. Icecream is definately a red flag food for me!

Robyn - Glad you had such a great trip. One bathroom? How do you do it? We have four bathrooms (two full, two half) and my children still seem to fight over the bathroom or bug me when I am in there! Okay, I am a little confused. You are shy? Well perhaps when you first meet people. I was terrified when I went to my first meeting. I didn't know anyone and thought I would be like an outsider. Everyone was really sweet and I was soon part of the group. You just have to remember that everyone has a common goal there and they are going through the same things you are. I am not sure about Monday morning meetings though. I am so terrible on the weekends I would hate to get on the scale on a Monday! WW is a great program though. If you are honest with yourself about what goes into your mouth, you will lose the weight. It is a very healthy, forgiving weight loss program. I like that I can eat whatever sounds good as long as I stay within my points. Good luck. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

Summer - So you survived the Russian trainer but will you go back for more? Do you think you learned anything you could use again? I have thought about working with a personal trainer for a little while just to pick up things I could use at home. I have a lot of dusty free weights in the basement. I did actually pick a pair up and go through one set Friday before I did a quick (20 min) Pilates DVD. That is better than nothing I guess. I know that exercise is my one missing link that I need to start doing not only to look my best but for my overall health. I am not getting any younger you know!

Mouse - So the question is, will your library stay that organized? Of course you have no children yet, so it might. Unless Imp can move books that is! I wouldn't worry about still having unpacked boxes. We have lived here four years in October and I still have boxes in the storage area of the basement that I haven't gone through. That was one of my summer projects that I haven't gotton to yet. The real problem is I think it is mostly my dh's stuff, so I couldn't sort it anyway. I laughed out loud when I read your comment about having eyes in the back of your head. I tell my children and students that all the time! The kids parents should be happy that you didn't give him a time out at the bottom of the pool I'd say! Safety needs to be number one.

Ginny - I hope you enjoyed the state fair. I love rides but I stay away from fairs for the most part because I also love fair food. So what did your pedometer read when you got home? I bet you walked enough to eat an elephant ear! So you got some school shopping done. I am feeling very anxious because of all the ads for back to school deals. I really want to go out and take advantages of the sales but my children are still growing like weeds and they still have a month of summer left. I'd hate to buy something and have them out grow it before school starts. I could buy it big but then if they stop growing suddenly I would have to buy more. I'll just have to hope there are still some good sales the first week of September when we will be thinking about heading back.

Tomorrow I get to go to my OB-GYN yipee skipee! Plus I do all my blood work afterwards since I like the hospital by him better (my old town 45 min away) so I won't be able to eat before hand. I'll be starving when it is all said and done and there is a McDonalds across the street from the lab! Wish my strength! Actually the DQ around the corner is more of a threat! Isn't that ironic how close the words threat and treat are. Hmmmmmm.

Have a great week!


ECmom 08-07-2005 07:21 PM

Back from the state fair, and Ds left this on, so I thought I would stop in to say hello.

Robyn-please do not be afraid of a WW meeting. Go with the knowledge that whatever you weigh tomorrow am, you will never ever weigh that again. Ok? ;) Seriously...it is just a number (your weight) and that weight is a goner! Also, bear in mind that (and I think you live in a fairly well populated area so there are probably lots of meetings all over) that if you find the leader at the Monday meeting does not work with your personality, there are lots others. And once you have been to one meeting a week, you can attend as many other meetings that week, no fee. And that no matter how great some people look- they once had a weight problem. (I go to one meeting that is is SO hard to envision the leader ever being heavy- she looks phenominal). Go, enjoy and learn. I will be thinking good thoughts for you!!!

Sue- what a sad story about the kitten.....sorry it happened. I was a good girl at the fair and had a soft pretzel and a coffee. That's it. And of course lots of walking. Yippee skippee........and OB/gyn visit!!!!!! (I did mine in July). Oh, the fun stuff we get to do in the summer........I will be thinking of you too tomorrow. Hope all goes well.

Okie, dokie, Dd is waiting for the computer.......see ya tomorrow!

Anonymouse 08-07-2005 11:19 PM

Good evening.

Sue: I'm so sorry to hear about the kitten. But I'm glad the reunion was a hit... I'm always interested in that type of artifact as well. My mom took me with her last time she went to the Safe Deposit box, and showed me some things, and told the stories behind them. Like, she was born early, and with a different last name. Apparently, my mother's family changed their name just at the end of World War II (my mom was born in 1942) because of the fear of the "red menance". My grandfather was having trouble getting a job because of the Russian last name, I think. I'd never heard that story before; my family had only been in the country for 2 generations on my mom's side (I'm 3rd), and 1 on my father's (I'm 2nd there)... and it isn't part of the culture to talk about their lives over there. Its a shame, because I can only imagine the history that has been lost.
Robyn: 1 bathroom. With how many people in your family??? WOW! Talk about patience!
Ginny: Hmmm... how much is the rental fee, and do you provide free return shipped like NetFlix does?
Kerry & Pam: :wave: Hi!

Me? Well, unpacking is pretty much finished. The bed got remade today, the stuffed animals are where they belong on the bookshelf along with pictures and other knick-knacks. The digital phone people seem to have fixed the phone, although I'm still prone to strange disconnects. I put the silverwear and stuff in the dishwasher, so I can put it away tomorrow. I spent part of the afternoon going through old school stuff, and will spend some time on it each day so I can move stuff out of the cardboard boxes that my last school shipped stuff to me in.
I also need to call my school tomorrow. I bought my groceries with Peapod.com... Since the parking situation is kind of messed up, and I'm parked at the head of a flight of stairs, it was easier to get Peapod to drag the stuff in for me. I would have spent what I did on the groceries, plus as a new customer I received $10.00 off my order. That covered the delivery fee, so its worthwhile.
Hopefully, I can get to the new gym tomorrow and check it out. I don't want to go over to the other gym in person, 'cuz I feel bad about maybe cancelling my membership... I know I shouldn't, but I do because the guy spent a lot of time with me and he really did try to work everything out.
Oh, and find somebody to hang my pictures and help my put the shelves together!

ECmom 08-08-2005 10:39 AM


Robyn- thinking great thoughts of you at that WW meeting. Are you going to try core or flex? Either works-and it is just up to you which one might work out best. Good luck!

Sue- well......have you had it with those lousy paper gowns at the Dr office? Hope the visit went well. And (wee bit late with this) glad your reunion was good. It is so nice that you can get together with your family like that. What a special treat.

Mouse-got some canvas gloves???Some kitten chow??? And, you know that the full moon is only a week away....Fidgie goes nuts when the moon is full, or should I say nutsier than normal. Last week I took Dd for her physical, and the Dr took one look at her hands and said...."new kitten, eh?!" So you are prepared. Haven't figured out about the return shipping yet.......just a minor detail. Glad you are all unpacked and beginning to acclimate.

Summer- I hope that your absence means that you are relaxing and enjoying your time off! I miss you!

Kerry- Ditto.....you should be coming up on your next WI. Hope that goes well!!!!

Pam- still jumping for joy that Ds is registered for school in the fall!? How are you doing? (miss you too!)

Me? Got an almost 3 mile walk in this am. The weather is disgusting so I am glad it is over. A wee bit of a quiet week, Dd is in soccer camp so I just have the big guys around. As far as the discussion over geneology, my paternal grandparents came over to Ellis Island, where their Czech last name of Pravratski was anglicized.........to something that sounds British. And, much like Mouse's story, much was lost of their beginnings as they left all family over there. I also decided to do something I have never done....I am going to preorder a copy of the next Scarpetta book...as a reward to me for hopefully staying OP for the next 2 weeks and losing weight. I am using that as an incentive. And figure when the book is released in October, I will be totally up to my eyeballs in brats on the bus and running around for my own kids and will deserve a break. I usually do not spend much on books (either go used book store or library) so this will be a real treat. So, now I just have to keep food out of my mouth and be a good girl!! Oh, and Mouse- just figured it out, I am pretty handy, when I drop off Fidgie......I can assemble the shelves and hang pictures. Nuff of me babbling!
Off to strip wallpaper.

Anonymouse 08-08-2005 01:24 PM

Good morning.

Well... Not sure if this is good or bad, but I have truly had it up to my eyeballs with my alleged new employer. They are absolutely freaking out over the thought of my going to that camp, and still won't answer my questions about graduate school. So, I used some of my networking contacts, and sent my resume to the school district I used to work for (which is also where I am living by choice). There are two high schools right near me that are looking for teachers for a self-contained MR program. They both asked for my resume. We'll see. I haven't signed my contract with the other school yet, and don't intend to do so until I have answers. I've done this too often, thought of the other people first and wound up with bad deals. I'm tired of it. This is completely opposite something that I would do... I'd never back out once I signed a letter of intent!
Ginny: C'mon down! I don't have canvas gloves, or kitten chow. I have regular cat chow, because Imp doesn't eat kitten food anymore (and hasn't for 8 years!). I'm afraid I am also out of litter at the moment... My neighbors on the other side of the building have two Maine Coon kittens. They are HUGE!!! I haven't met them, but I've seen the cats. And enjoy the book! I do that too... I promised myself a new paperback if I finished most of my unpacking and getting the apartment put together by yesterday evening. I know where the library is (near my endocrinologist's office), and I know where there is a Barnes and Noble (near the Trader Joes, and a Sutton Place Gourmet... all places I can grab something for dinner at except my
The kitchen is completely finished: I put the last of the washed dishes away this morning. I'm going to do some laundry in a bit. I wasn't planning on hanging out in my apartment all day, but I have been waiting for the other school to call me with answers (they said they'd call me after the principal returned, which was supposed to be 10:30. Its 1:30 now, and I haven't heard anything), or the two schools I've sent resumes to. I wanted to go see the new gym. Maybe I can set up an appointment for later this evening.... I don't really need to go anywhere, because I have some hamburger I took out, and salad left over from dinner last night. My groceries I ordered will be here tomorrow morning.
One of my local friends is going to come over Wednesday to help me with the shelves and the pictures. Really, everything is all finished and the place would be looking great if not for all the school stuff stacked in a corner of the living room!
Oh well.

HatterasMermaid 08-08-2005 10:37 PM

Hello people!

Ok... so. I was supposed to go to the WW meeting tonight. A friend from school called to chatter today, found out what I was planning to do...and asked if she could join me! :) I'm thrilled to have a WW bud here locally! And THEN we discovered that she couldn't go to the meeting tonight SO... this shy fat chick didn't go to WW today. However, I will be going on Saturday morning AND with a friend! So... This is good! :)

Welcome to your new home, Mousie! :) Send the resumes!

Where is everyone else today? The weather was downright weird today. Hot and wanting to rain all day! The oldest and I mowed the back lawn early this afternoon. We had to hurry as to get it done prior to the rain!

Gotta run.... I have the newest Bubbles book to read! ;) Not as good as real Evanovich but...I finished her newest..... sooooo...

take care,
P.S. Summer, I bought your post card back from the beach instead of mailing it...duh! :) Thanks for my wonderfully sweet welcome back PM! :) I will PM when I have a moment! :)

ECmom 08-09-2005 11:02 AM

Going to be short this am......lots to do.

Mouse- yup, get those resumes out! And take care of yourself first. You have had more than your share of bum deals.

Robyn- That is so exciting that you have a buddy to go to WW with! It really helps keep you honest- and attending the meetings and OP. I am so happy for you! Don't be shy..... (can't imagine our HatterasMermaid as shy!). Most WW folks are really great. You are going to love it!

Well, got the long walk in today......3.something miles (almost 4). Then drove Dd to soccer camp. And then got the call from work. This is the LAST time I will do this.....and will tell her that this afternoon when I go in. (summer session ends Monday anyway).
Not much else is new. Getting a wee bit edgy as the summer break is starting to feel over. Or almost so.
Have a great day- or at least try to! (hi to Summer, Kerry, Pam and Sue)

MaintenanceMomma 08-09-2005 04:10 PM

Hello! I did live through my OB-GYN visit, incase you were worrying! He ordered some tests so it took longer than usual. I have lots of medical crap in my family history, so he screens for everything! He also ordered an x-ray of my knee because he felt I had been in pain an awful long time. Tomorrow I have to go back for a bone density test and my Mamogram will be September 1st. I tried to get them together since I go to the hospital in the town I use to live in but I just couldn't do it. My bone scan is at 7:30 a.m. so I will have to leave by 6:30. It will be the first time I had to set my alarm all summer I think. Luckily I still get up about 6 so it won't be too much of a shocker for my system. My children are in for a rude awakening though! They don't get up until 7 or later!

Ginny - congrats on being good at the fair! I have no will power what so ever! I am also proud of you selecting a non-food reward for your weight lose. I keep saying that if I ever earn the 25 lb magnet at WW, I'll head to the nearest bar for a greasy burger and fries! I should probably work on that.

Mouse - Wow you unpack fast! I can't believe you and Ginny are from such new American families! I think I am 5th generation on the side we just had the reunion for. So were both your parents from Russia? Sounds like peappod might be the way for you to go for your groceries. It would be worth $10 to not have to haul all that food up to your appartment.

Robyn - a WW buddy is a great plan. It is more fun to go if you have someone there you know. Not that you won't feel like a family after awhile. Saturday mornings might not be too bad for a WI. I might have to change pizza night from Friday to Saturday night though!

Since I am an anal person, I decided to put your birthdays on my calandar. I am not sure how old Ginny is because she didn't put her birth year down but I discovered that I am the old woman in the group! Ten years older than Mouse and Kerry. So I guess that means you younguns will have to treat me with respect even when I mess up! I also found it interesting that we each have a different birth month. So we can celebrate our birthdays all month long! This happens to be my birthday month so you can sing my praises everyday if you would like! LOL

By the way Pam, I hope you enjoyed your anniversary on Monday. When I was writing down the date I noticed it was 8-8. When I was growing up (five years before you!) I always said that I was getting married on 8-8-1988. My Mom even called me on that date to wish me a happy wedding but I am not sure I was even dating anyone seriously at the time.


Anonymouse 08-09-2005 05:44 PM

Evening, everybody.

Sue: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MONTH! My birthday is the same day as Donald Duck's. I've always been very proud of that for some strange reason! Well, actually, no... one side of my family is Ukrainian and the other is Muscovite Russian. My mother's family is from Kiev & Odessa, and while I think my grandfather on my father's side was born in Kiev, the rest of his family is from around Moscow. I've been to L'vov, when it was still the Soviet Union. And I don't look a darned thing like any of the other Ukrainians I met! I'm dark, and most of them are blonde!!!! And yes, I like Peapod. The delivery man was very polite, very quick (I turned around to get his tip out of my purse and he was GONE!), and on time. I think I will probably use it again for the basic staples that I don't get at the commissary or at Whole Foods... They gave me coupons for $5 each of the next 4 uses, so that pays the delivery fee (or almost!). Glad the doctor's appointments went well! Its not that I unpack fast, its that mostly I have books... books don't take long to unpack or pack, really. This time they took longer because my friends helped me organize them... but it only took me one day (3-4 hours) to pack most of the stuff which was kitchen and books. The movers did complain that I had a lot of "loose stuff", but I think they meant I had stuff that was in small plastic boxes so I didn't bother putting that stuff in another box.
I am, as we speak, making a crab souffle... or something darned close: egg whites, cheddar cheese, crab meat, spices... baked in the oven. Since crab meat was on sale this week at Giant, I bought some. Poor Imp, he's going to miss out, but I'm thinking about him!
I had an interview with the one high school today, but I am not sure... although the special ed dept. chair did say that if I was interested they have a position open on their technology resource team, which would mean I wouldn't have hall duty or anything. That seemed like a good sign... And I can do pretty much what they are looking for. The Basic Skills (study skills, time management, etc) will be hard because most of the kids don't want to be there, and they go in and out of the class based on their IEP and their grades... but the other classes are all either low functioning LD or a mixed bag of MR kids (one group is pretty low functioning, the others are a bit higher).
The school already seems to have a Red Cross club, too, which I took as a good sign...In fact, I seem to know the student that started it because she was one of the students from Hopkins who worked with my kids during the leadership events I took them to all last year.
Okay... need to go check the dinner. Later

ECmom 08-09-2005 07:33 PM

Survived today......it has been busy but entertaining. Bumped into a few coworkers, who had me howling...

Mouse- hope your crab souffle was great. Ok, Imp will have to catch up with you on the next round! Glad you went on that interview. At least knowing what else is out there gives you options and choices.

Sue- glad you survived the OB-GYN thing. Oh what fun it is!!!!! I have never been for a bone density...gee, I missed out on that one! Trade you that for a colonoscopy?? No takers??? Aw just kidding. But all that medical stuff sure sounds like a pain. And it is annoying to schlep to one appointment to another on separate days. Sure wish medical care was like taking your car to the mechanic- and they put you up on the lift and took care of everything at once! (ok, Ginny you are getting a little wierd.....shut up!) As for age, well, I have seen 40 already.....born in 1960. So that might just make me the old lady here, I am not sure. (you won't throw me out for senility, will you???) And I tried to be a nice person too and put everyone's birthdays on my calendar, was actually going to send cards.....and then life caught up with me.....and my brains went to mush......or mushier than usual. But maybe this year I will not mess up so much!

Guess I'd better go get Dd in the bath tub. She took a soccer ball in the eye.......seems ok.....but she aches from all the excercise she is getting.
Better go! G'nite!

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