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pamisuzinc 07-26-2005 07:34 AM

Hey! I lost my post again!
Not a whole lot happening around here except for dog hot days. It was 100 yesterday today supposed to be 104, tomorrow 103. Heat indexes in the teens. Yuck. We went in the pool for a little while yesterday, but it wasn't too much fun. Hard to breath when it gets that hot.
Sue: Welcome back. Hope you had fun. Our school never lets anyone know anything until a few days before the teachers are supposed to go back. It's like the pentagon. The only reason I found out, is because there are these two men at my school who pride themselves on the fact that they know the latest scoop. They call everyone to let you know the low down. It gets on my nerves. I guess sometime this week I will go get a Math Book. Or not.....................

Mouse: This whole highly qualified thing, is the reason a lot of people were moved at my school. In Virginia I am 4-8 Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and Math. In North Carolina: k-9 Language Arts, Social Studies, and Math. You should just run the school. Lord knows you have so much coursework. Have you taken any of the All Kinds Of Minds Workshops? Child Attuned? I'm getting ready to do that the week of August 8th. Sounds interesting.

Summer: I never was a margarita drinker, however, we went to Texas Steakhouse one night, and I had a frozen strawberry one. Omigod, I could have licked the glass. Ha! Sorry things aren't working out between you and your friend...........

Ginny: What's up with you? You've been very quiet.............

Hey Kerry!

Robyn: Isn't the cable internet great? We got it in December. I don't think I can ever go back. Hope your tests go well.

I am getting ready to do a quick clean up around here. Son's gone to work, youngest one spent the night next door and my hubby is getting ready to go off to work. Wow, I will actually be by myself for a couple of hours. I won't know what to do with myself.

Have a good day!

ECmom 07-26-2005 01:04 PM

Just a short hello......trying to get something done here in this miserable heat and with 3 kids around. Ok, you can stop laughing now. Oh and start laughing again because here I sit like a jerk, reading and rereading several of these addictive Cornwell books attempting to piece together all the stuff she throws at you regarding the "death" of Benton. Half the time I am laughing and the other half the time I am crying.....so now you all know I am insane.

I've skimmed the posts...regarding the overweight Sdd. How sad too. My Ds is the only one (16) who seems to have inherited his mom's weight problem. And at 16 he is finally seeing the light. No, he does not eat great- but is taking a much better look at what he eats, his activity level (although PS2 wins out far too often) and how he looks. So there is some hope. But I know he is a stress eater like his mom and Dad.
The only difference between mom and dad there is that somehow, Dh's metabolism carries him thru and he does not gain. But the long and short of it is......I know from both my Ds and a friend (who I just got started on WW online) that leaving the materials out about healthy eating and just not having too much junk around is key.
Also- instead of buying a 1/2 gal of ice cream- go for a box of sugar free popsicles or similar. Automatic portion control- and you can still have that snack. I'm gonna agree with Summer that perhaps a visit to the Dr would be helpful, or some sort of professional help.
Sorry not to get personal......I am trying hard to catch up today (had to work all day yesterday, Mom filled in for Dd who was coming home from Md.....her trip was fantastic). So no wonder I am such a burn out.
See ya later!

Summerlover 07-26-2005 01:44 PM

Well, for some unknown reason, my insurance company changed its mind and will now cover the chiropractor for 5 visits. Now what?! I have a podiatrist appointment in two days. Of course, the chiropractor office is thrilled and wants me to book them. Now that I've committed to seeing the podiatrist, I would kind of like to see what he says especially if he will prescribe physical therapy. I would guess that I would get more than 5 sessions of PT. In the meantime, I feel a sense of loyalty toward my chiropractor. Oh well, I guess Thursday's appointment will tell.

Sorry about my rant about those superficial people in my life! :o I just get so frustrated some times by all the spoiled women I know who don't work, many of them with grown children, while we all bust our humps during the school year. Yes, we've got it great having our summer's off. But, when you look at all the hours of work we put in outside of the classroom plus being required to get our master's degrees, I think we work as hard as any other professional if not harder.

I was a good girl and went to the gym today for an hour long workout. DD tried out the babysitting for the first time in years. She did well considering that there was nobody near her age to play with. I'm fortunate that I have this option. While I was there, I was approached by a personal trainer. She looked like a Russian gymnast and had a body like I would never dream of having. She was nice and asked me questions. She offered me a free consultation, which would of course lead to expensive personal training sessions. I will probably give the free consult a shot, but unless she is outstanding and cheap, it won't continue beyond that.

I've decided to go back to only one carb a day. I have begun to gain again, and that is not gonna continue. I know I am retaining water, because I just started my period, but, others are losing on phase 2 while I'm not. Yes, I should increase my exercise, but it is hard to do much more with my foot injury. If I can at least do the gym 3 times a week, it is better than nothing. And rather than return to phase 1, I would like to see if just one carb would help. We shall see.

MaintenanceMomma 07-26-2005 02:47 PM

I just have a minute. I am actually taking a break from my school scheduling. Nothing seems to be an easy schedule fix and I am losing my mind!

Ginny - the portion control thing works great if you can stop at one. I bought Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches since I couldn't stop on the ice cream. Last night I ate the whole container - 6 SANDWICHES!!!! I can't even blame it on that TOM! I think I have actually gained 10 pounds this summer. I did so well for so long and now I have absolutely no control. I have to weigh in tomorrow too. So far today I have been good. I have to put the past behind me right? Start with today.

Summer - I would love to try your Baja Bob but I had a bit of an incounter with upside down margaritas in my younger years and can't even say margarita without thinking I may barf! Too bad because they look so pretty with their salt and fancy glasses! Congrats on the free passses! That almost made it worth it. So what are you going to see? Men are also favored in our school. The administration makes all these rules each year. The women follow them, the coaches (men) don't, then we are all *****es for doing it. They are never disciplined for not! Luckily I don't have to deal with too many rich people in the country. Teachers are actually considered rich around here! My DH's bosses are rich but I don't have to deal with them too much except to hear my DH whine with envy about their latest toy. The good thing is they get sick of things as soon as the next model is out and sell the old to their employees for dirt cheap! That is how we got our printer and digetal camera. They are much nicer than we could have afforded otherwise. Now my husband is trying to get a Cadillac Escalade (don't even know how to spell it) from one of them for me since my Durango is a 1999 and is starting to wear out.

I think all this HQ stuff if crap. I can see hiring teachers that are qualified for what they are hired for but if a veterin teachers has been teaching something forever they HAVE to be qualified by now! I just ran into one of the middle school's teachers wife and she said her DH just took the test. I'll have to find out what to expect from him. He didn't have his results back yet but if he passed it, I am pretty sure I can pass it. He is a great guy and does great with his students but I have met smarter people!

Okay I am going to go make myself a low cal salad. I've done it before I KNOW I can stick to program again. I have to lose these pounds or the clothes I bought for school last year won't fit right. I REFUSE to dig out my "fat" clothes!


HatterasMermaid 07-26-2005 05:12 PM

Hey all....
as the wicked witch of the west said, "I'm melting, I'm melting!" WHAT is up with this heat?! It is so HOTTTTTT here!

I went to get my hair "fixed" this morning. Did I tell you how wonderfully sweet my hairdresser is? She has been doing my children's and husband's hair for 9 years, since we were both young children! (Actually, I was old and had two children (The youngest was about 10 months when I first met her!) BUT she was still in high school! LOL) I went for literally years with not doing ANYthing to my hair...maybe a little trim..(When Emily convinced me too!)...but most often....nothing!
Well, Em "grew up"...she became the owner of the salon. She then built her own salon and moved out of the storefront thingy... And well, I also figured out...about 4 or 5 years ago, that if *I* didn't take care of me.... no one was... I have (or HAD) really dark hair. Dark hair that went gray and drabby very quickly AND I tried to color it myself in the comfort and privacy of my bathroom. YIKES....not only did I dye my bathroom various colors...I also made my hair various horrid shades. So for about 2 years now, I've had regular appointments scheduled every 5 to 7 weeks....and "Em" has been coloring my hair in her very cool and upscale Aveda salon and spa LOL Times change! ...AND when my dh lost his job, I called Em......and told her that suddenly she had a Tuesday at 5 opening as I just couldn't rationalize my hair color appointments with my dh not working. Without hesitating she announced that she would call me from home after work. Today was the 4th time that I've had my hair colored for the price of the haircut ($15)........and I have to insist on paying THAT! At first I didn't want to do this.... I even tried to "go natural"....but geesh it really does look and make me feel so much better to have the blahhh colored up! Em says that I'm not "just anyone"! Have to tell you.... I will be loyal to her 'til the end! DH will have to drive me to the salon to get my blue hairs set! :) She is really really special to me..... and I guess I just needed to tell someone about how kind she is! Geesh! Sorry to gush!

Since this is already so long, I'll only add a few things:
*Raspberry Margaritas are the BESTTTT! *I "can get into" my classroom when I want to now. How about next week?! Maybe! *Teaching in an area of poverty will REALLY change how you look at things and people! (In my 17 years at my old school, I also learned some cool "city" lingo, too! LOL ) While I love my new job and school and those kiddos, I *DO* miss my city kiddos! *Summer, go to both the foot dr and the chiropractor!!! Yeehaw about the movie passes and your time at the gym! *Sue, welcome back and ewww about the lack of airconditioning! My dear friend is teaching summer school in the Bronx without airconditioning....She has kids literally fainting daily! ...and Um, I'm with you regarding issues about self control! You and I would get along pretty well...I have a story similar to your Skinny Cow Story...but sadly it is way too long to be included in THIS post! LOL (righttt) *I had to pull out some of my fat clothes.... When I get back from the beach...I *HAVE* to get back to WW. I have already begun to THINK about what is going in my mouth...and I'm getting in a bunch of water.... but when I get back from the beach...I've gotta do something as they don't allow fat naked teachers at my school...what about yours?! LOL

Gotta run...these darn people want food again!
take care,

ECmom 07-26-2005 09:45 PM

Robyn- congrats on getting the hair done, girl!! Bet that makes you feel like a million$$ and how sweet of your friend todo that. My hair sounds a lot like yours.......and my Arlene does a wonderful job of keeping it my natural color. I do such a crummy job w/o her and she is my sole indulgence. (figure I put up with 10 months of baseball and all the other stuff.....least I can do is get my hair done!) Hope this heat breaks for you soon too!!!!!!!! Start logging in your food intake.....that will help.

Sue- well, haven't we all done that??? (eating the whole box). Me I can't buy any of the 2 point bars WW makes (except the pb and jelly ones, I think they are awful). I eat the whole box in one day...lotta good that accomplishes! Go for that WI tomorrow...and start fresh. You made the first big step by going for the WI. Remember what Laura (my WW leader and patron saint!) said...."I came, I weighed, I cried, I stayed!". Tomorrow is another day.

Summer- how funny about the insurance.....which can be so unpredictable and fickle.
Hope going to one carb does it for you. And I hope that foot is better.

Not much new here.....somebody please dig me out of these Scarpetta novels......I sneak in 5 minutes here, 5 there.....haven't done any major reading in a day or so, darned things are addicting.
Sorry if I missed you..

Anonymouse 07-26-2005 09:56 PM

Evening, all.
I talked to a lawyer today about getting my stuff back; he's not willing to represent me although he told me exactly what I need to do on my own. His reason for not representing me is valid: he'll charge me more than my stuff is worth. However, the law requires that a company/business be represented by a lawyer, which means their side will have a legal expert and I will not. I clearly need to cultivate lawyer friends.
I guess that means that they are going to get away with this. That makes me almost as sick as the thought that they are keeping and using my stuff; getting it through deceit and lies. But I am the one with the communication issues, right?
My new district isn't looking much better right now. The personnel specialist says that she sent me email on Monday telling me what school I was in, and since I didn't respond I might lose my "intent" status... I have received every other email she's sent me, but not one on Monday. And I was home all day yesterday: I spent it on the telephone with the electric company (which proved nearly incapable of setting my account up for budget billing!), AT&T (who screwed up my order three times and lost a customer they've had for more than 20 years), and the cable company (who will provide my cable and my telephone service (its not the Internet Phone stuff... its a regular land line; they became a local provider when the law permitted it). And the moving company, and the gas company. The gas company was the only one that was easy! The only time I left my apartment on Monday was to go see my physical therapist to get the orthotics for my shoes. I wore them for the first time today: 2 45 minute sessions, one of them while I was working out upstairs.
All in all, it was a VERY frustrating day!
I'm guarding Thursday of this week, 3 days next week, and one day after I move. The aquatics director was really short handed for August because everybody is taking their vacations and some of the others are going back to college, I'm moving... so I told her it wasn't that far and I'd come up if she'd give me a whole shift (8 hours instead of 2).
And it is SOOOOOO hot outside! The actual temp here today was 101, with heat indexes not much under 110 degrees. Yesterday was 106 as a heat index. I hope it really cools down, because I have to take the cat to my mom's house, and I don't want to have him in the car when it is so hot... A/C or no A/C, he'd be uncomfortable.
In fact, I had headed toward the gym after I picked up the orthotics (the better to avoid still more phone calls!), but actually got sick after I walked from the parking garage to the hospital for the PT appointment, and then back. The garage elevators don't have A/C or a vent, so they were super hot! It had to be from the heat, because I'm following my eating plan pretty well. I can't be positive, but it looks like I might have lost some weight. I won't believe it until next week to see if the scale stays the same or goes lower. Especially since I'm not going to meet my goals this month... that is mostly because of the theft of the gym bag, though. I lost a whole week. By the time I got my stuff replaced, we were doing overtime for the National Board, so I missed that week too.
Alright: I'm off to clean out the bookcase near my desk: I keep all the paper and stuff for the computer there.

pamisuzinc 07-27-2005 08:10 AM

Good morning.
I'm so glad I'm not alone..............I have been eating horribly. It seems like everytime I go into the kitchen I eat something. It's not good stuff either. Ice cream....Omigosh, I bought some Edie's slow churned light triple chunk fudge..........Big mistake..........Day before yesterday we went to sonic and I got a Orange Vanilla Cream Slushee. Ok, Robyn: we don't allow fat naked teachers at my job either. Actually the thought of having to put on regular people clothes, make up and brush my hair all before 6:30 is terrible. I found out where I'm being moved yesterday. Turns out it was the very first room on the sixth grade hall I was in when I came here. It used to be seventh grade. They told me yesterday I could go get my key and move my stuff whenever I'm ready. It's a bunch of stuff.........i dread that....
Supposed to 115 here with the heat index. I went into the pool for a little while yesterday, and it was sort of too hot to breathe. I ended up going back inside.
Speaking of hair color. I decided to highlight my hair. Well, the directions looked easy just put the goop in this little comb thing, then brush it through your hair. How complicated could that be????Oh well, it was a mistake. One part looked very gold, like Dennis Rodman had dyed his hair or something. So, I ended up having to color it back to light golden brown. Then, my son's girlfriend ended up coming over and highlighting it for me about a week later. I told her I wanted it done very subtly. You can hardly tell...............It looks better, but not the look I was going for. I think I'll just leave it alone. It's pretty light anyway from all the sun and chlorine.
And I am unhappy to say, I have managed to color the carpet in front of my sink. Yikes.......
Speaking of hair.........My nineteen year old came home with a shaved head yesterday. His hair is really blonde, so now you can't even see the hair. I just shook my head and rubbed it for good luck.
My nine year old and I spent two hours yesterday cleaning his pig pen of a bedroom. He collects a variety of cards and they were everywhere. I feel much better now, and I will be able to find him when he goes into his room. I told him I am going to put a sign up on his door that says that before any of his friends go home they have to help clean up. He says don't do that. I said well, this is ridiculous.
I am up to 176.5 this am. Horrible. I drank probably half of a two liter of Pepsi yesterday. I also drank water, but that was being a little counter productive to drink all the Pepsi.

Sorry this is so random. HEY TO EVERYONE..........
Stay cool today.....

HatterasMermaid 07-27-2005 08:24 AM

Gee Mouse, ever felt that you've got some sort of hex on you?! Maybe even a gray storm cloud! You just can't get a break, can you? Good luck with getting the "stuff" fixed at with the new system. Have you signed stuff with them? ....and do you think that your friend that is still in your old location might be able to help you get ANY of your stolen materials?

Hey to everyone else. I'm sitting here in a pair of my fat shorts.....trying to decide if I'm going to wear them or find some FATTER ones. AHEM... while I've enjoyed summer.... and I will have a wonderful (read that as I'm going to eat and drink!) time at the beach....but girls... it is getting U G L Y here! Yuck! Now that my foot isn't throbbing....I should stand up and do something.... in the house... (cause I'll die outside!) or in our little pool (which has enough water to do some sort of exercises!).

Summer, I owe you a PM....and I will get back with you later today. I hope. Today my best teaching buddy from my old school is going with me to my new school to check out my new classroom and help me plan. I SUREEEE wish I had tables instead of desks for my first graders; however, at the new school this is NOT an option. They don't have them AND there are none to pull in from storage! (Which is hysterical as the old school system had a huge supply of tables that no one wated any more! Sigh.... You don't know what you've got 'til its gone! LOL

I'm 2nd now on the new StephaniePlum Evanovitch novel....I"m SURE that it will come in while I'm at the beach. I've waited ALL summer for this book....they will hold it 3 days. The gal that called me yesterday about another reserved book told me to remind them to mark my reserve. I've got a bad feeling about this. (Hans Solo or was that Luke...anyway...my oldest would know!)(Ya think I'm a tad ADHD? Go on....Give me your professional opinions! I'm (big as a) man enough to take it! Oh look there's a bird! LOL ::sigh:: LOL

Gotta run...my friend just pulled in!
take care,

Summerlover 07-27-2005 08:48 AM

Pam, I have the same problem with DD (7 years old). She works so hard to clean and organize her room and playroom. Then her friends come over, and you can't find the floor. In fact, on her first day of camp last week, we looked in her closet for her sneakers which had not been worn since her last gym class in school. They were not in their designated spot. We searched high and low. I had to grab a pair of sneakers a size smaller which were going to get consigned for her to wear. She barely got them on, and we were late for her first camp day. By the end, she was hurting. That afternoon, we continued the search only to find them at the bottom of her bin of dress-up costumes. One of her friends had put them there. Thanks kids! When I demand that they help her clean up, there is no guarantee that things will get put back where they belong. Now, the dress-up clothes come out of the closet and the door gets locked. At least this way the contents of her closet remain untouched.

Mouse, well, you tried. Your old school probably knew all along that they could get away with this. They suck. As far as the communication problems with the new school, I think all school systems are a nightmare of bureaucracy (sp?). My district lost my first application/resume. I had a principal that wanted to hire me but couldn't because personnel had no record of me. The second one got mailed by certified mail just to cover my butt. I can't tell you how many times I supposedly was sent something crucial at my school and never got it. I almost lost my national accreditation over it last year. Good luck with everything.

Robyn, your Em sounds like an angel. What a total sweetheart. I wish she were up north with me as well. Last year when I had to stop being bleached every 5 weeks to save money, I asked my Mary Frances to dye me back to natural which ended up being double the cost. Okay now, we are trying to save money here...Once back to natural, the light stuff underneath kept trying to come out which meant more color. The whole thing backfired. She had no suggestions for me, when it occured to me to get highlights. They only get done about every 3 months or so. So now, I save a boatload of money by doing highlights. But, actually, Mary Frances' prices have just gone up because she finished a course making her a master colorist. :p She is just so good, I'm afraid to let anyone else touch my hair. I was a toe-head blonde till the age of 12. My mom would spray "Sun-in" in my hair in the summer to give my dirty blonde hair highlights. At some point I started coloring my own hair until the fateful day I combined a color with an old perm. :fr: YIKES!!! That was a bad idea. I ended up with very blonde straw on my head. So, for the past 15 years, I have been blonding up my dirty blonde professionally. Once again Robyn, thanks for the giggles!

Sue, what is an upside down margarita? :?: Go get yourself that Escalade! Woo Hoo!!!

Hi Ginny and Kerry!

Best friend update: The ***** left a message that we must be able to find time for a BBQ/cocktail party at my house, only her DH won't be joining her. Can you imagine having such a busy schedule as to not allow you to attend any events for an entire straight month...especially when you are a lazy, spoiled man who DOES NOTHING except work for your father's bank?! He does no volunteer work...no yard work...no housework...no childcare...no church...no grad school...just recreation. Please tell me what fun it would be for her to come over by herself for a BBQ and drinks with my DH and me. I'd be fine, but as patient and tolerant as DH is, he would eventually get sick of woman talk. Hey, maybe she can get a date and bring him along!!! :lol:

Nextdoor Nightmare update: She returned home from the mental hospital yesterday with a diagnosis of Psychosis. Last I heard, she was put on Risperdal. She could probably use some Haldol along with that. Anyway, they must have her pretty drugged up because we haven't seen her since she got home.

Today, DD and I are going on a day trip with the "tricklets" (triplets), their mom, and grandparents. Our town is on the coast of Long Island Sound, which is nice, but we prefer open ocean water which is cleaner. So, we are driving 90 minutes away this morning to Ocean Beach to spend the day there. I'm not looking forward to the drive, but supposedly it will be worth it for the nicer beach. We will see!

MaintenanceMomma 07-27-2005 09:30 AM

We are actually going to have a COOL day today! YIPEEEEEEEE! Actually I think I may need to put on pants as it isn't suppose to get out of the 70's. I am going to go into work and take advantage of the coolness!

Robyn - Hmmmm. I work with mostly ADHD children and live with an ADHD DD, so your writing seems right in place to me! LOL. How sweet of your hair dresser to reduce her prices for you. She definately is a keeper! Those things are so expensive these days. I our little one horse town I still pay twenty something for a hair cut and I have blocked out what a high light is because it was so much. I'll need to do that soon though as the sun has caused me to be a bit over high lighted right now. I need to get back closer to my own medium brown. I think my DH would like me to go bleach blond though. What is it with men and blonds anyway? My school is pretty lenient but fat and naked wouldn't fly. Now from what I see the students wear I think young, skinny and nearly naked is a go. I totally understand your difficulty in starting with the exercise after an injury. I hurt my knee at Christmas and haven't exercised (except golf) since. I actually thought about it yesterday, so that is a start!

Ginny - I WILL go to WI tonight and take my lumps. I have just over a month to fit into my school clothes. I actually did well yesterday point wise but not so go on my water. I am going to work on that today. Once school starts and my life HAS to be on schedule, I'll be much better about getting to the meetings. I am going to try to not miss any except the week we are on vacation until then. I know the program works.

Mouse - Sorry to hear you won't get your stuff back. I guess you need to be glad the lawyer didn't just take your money and run. I don't envy you dealing with the utility companies. I think I would rather go to my OBGYN then deal with them!

Pam - Repeat after me - Pop is evil. Between the sodium and the caffiene, it will bloat you and dehydrate you. Not to mention the calories if you don't do diet. Moving classrooms is such a pain. Isn't it amazing how much crap we accumulate over the years?!

We had a little excitement in our small town. A woman was bit by a rattle snake! Luckily they got her to the hospital and she is going to be fine but they haven't found the snake. She lived right across from our school secretary. I don't think I would go outside again until it was found. Luckily I live 8 miles out of town, so we should be safe.

I guess I should head out. Wednesday is library day and then it is off to work I go! I was able to fix several schedules but I have a few that I will need to call the student on. Actually it will be fun to chat with them for awhile. I do love my summer but I miss the little buggers too. I guess in my case they are big buggers since most are 11th or 12th graders.


MaintenanceMomma 07-27-2005 09:41 AM

Summer: We must have been posting at the same time. I hope you enjoyed your day at the beach. An upside down margarita is where you lay on your back and they just pour the stuff right into your mouth. It was a big thing around these parts in the 80's, which unfortunately coincided with my young and foolish stage. Anyway we had a contest one night to see who could do the most. I won or lost depending on your point of view! I feel queezy just thinking about it and it happened over 20 years ago!


ECmom 07-27-2005 12:02 PM

Gee - its been so busy here since last nite......

Sue- ya want to share some of that cool weather with us here in NY???? It is miserable here!! And stay away from the rattlers.......not very good friends to keep I am afraid. Good luck with the WI. I switched myself to Core 2 weeks ago, and no I have not been perfect with it- not even close- but have found it easier for me for now.
It takes out several of my trigger foods and counting points. Have you ever tried Core? Maybe you can use it to jump start you a bit.

Summer- enjoy the hot day at the beach. And use lots of sun screen!!!! Stay cool.
The playdate wrecking crew visits here in NY also. Guess that is a universal problem.
Dd has one friend who will take out EVERYTHING and then dance out........it sure hurts my Dd when she has to clean up after her buddies. Hope things work out with the neighbor and she takes her meds. Does she live with someone who can attempt to remind her to take them? (Don't you take that job on!) And I would never in a million years have a bbq without her husband (your friend, that is). My Dh would not put up with it.

Robyn- glad that your foot is on the mend........when are you going to the beach?
Hope your book shows up before you leave- I have the same thing going with a book that I am 12th in line for (jumped way up in the past month) and that is for the entire Ramapo Catskill system (several counties). SO........the week we are gone I will probably be getting the book. Anyway- I know this is not a pretty subject, but would you consider going for some damage control with your eating?? Something maybe not to lose weight (if you are not up to that yet, and we all know what a mental struggle it is) but simply maintaining. Then back on track in the fall. I dunno,just an idea.

Pam- start drinking water girl!!!!! Try not to get too upset with the weight gain. You took it off before, it will come off again. With all the darned heat, water retention is a problem (had a WW leader tell us that a year ago) so it sounds like water weight to me. Hang in there.......and keep the one man wrecking crews out of Ds's room!!

Mouse- Wonderful news that you think the scale is going down!!!!!!! I am so happy for you. On another note- sounds as though you have had much more of your share of grief with idiots. That must annoy you so much losing your stuff like that. Well, maybe you can look at it as baggage from the old school (and although I am sure replacing the items will be frustrating) and getting rid of baggage from your former employer is a good thing. Stay cool in this miserable heat......hope that you got your cleaning done.

Past 2 days I have gotten my "long" walk in (almost 4 miles) and have gotten out early to avoid the heat. Usually don't have time to do so during the school year. This afternoon I am taking the kiddies bowling ($1 a game special!!!:)) after Ds's physical.
Tomorrow is WW and some shopping (nothing exciting.......want to see if they have any summer specials).
Better go see what the kids are up to. See ya!

Anonymouse 07-27-2005 01:38 PM

Yes, Robyn, I definitely have a cloud over me. There is a REASON that one of instant messenger IDs is Eeyore, and I have tons of stuffed Eeyores around my apartment: I like him, but his personality just fits me so well. :smug:
I have a coffee mug from one of my best college friends. It shows a picture of a cow lying upside down, 4 feet in the air, with the moon above her. The caption reads, "Really, I'm fine." That's my life. I'm pretty certain that most of the messes I get into are my fault. Oh well.
I replaced my ring today, since Allstate mailed me the check for the lost items. My $189 ring now costs $370. The rest of the money went to pay for the credit card purchases that replaced the gym bag, swim suits, etc.
As for my storm cloud (and if you've ever noticed, Eeyore has one of those follow him around too!), I pulled a muscle yesterday when I was lifting weights. It was strange, though, I was using less weight on the machine than normal!
I was never allowed to have a messy room growing up or to leave anything out: my grandmother would literally throw the stuff away if I did.
Its hot here again today: 106 degree heat index already, and its only 1:30! I was going to the gym, but I don't think I can even swim right now.
And, I've heard nothing from the personnel department at the district. I'll call them tomorrow if I don't get an email from her today. I save copies of my emails, though, and they haven't bounced back from her address. I would just really like to get everything settled... its not like this is my fault: I've done what I was supposed to do. I even found where I wrote MR on my letter of intent and the grade level... I'm still not sure where they got severe disabilities from.

HatterasMermaid 07-27-2005 05:02 PM

I came online to check the weather for tomorrow as I've heard talk that the heat wave will be gone.... I didn't get past today's (current) temperature .... Currently it is 104 and the heat index is 117.............. The news teasers just came on the t.v..... They are saying that tomorrow there will be an actual cold front. I just hope that we're alive to greet it! OMG, Ginny, they just showed on the news that the neighboring town is hosting a Baseball Tourney..... They have been playing all day...and tomorrow! (The next question is rhetorical...cause we KNOW the answer!) Have those dumb men LOST thier minds?????

I'll be back..... as soon as I dry up the puddle that is me!

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