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Old 04-21-2005, 10:36 PM   #121  
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Hey everyone!

I had a good day. Ate appropriately--healthy bkfst and lunch. Now I'm drinking water, and making a snack. Tonight is ballroom dance lessons again, and I have to practice before I go. I think exercise works best for me if it's not intentional--like these classes. I go to learn something and so I can be graceful should the opportunity arise. . .and I get a mellow kind of work out. It's kind of like tricking myself into it. School was good. My kids rocked today. On May 2, our external NCLB provider is coming in, so I worked on my classroom (my kids know what's up in it, but the observers won't, so I had to explain everything on the boards). Speaking of. . .did anyone see the news that there are a bunch of school districts going to court with the feds over NCLB? Someday, we'll get the teeth out of this stupid law!

Mouse--good for you, going on strike from being taken advantage of! What on earth was his rationalle for not letting your mom come speak? Usually schools LOVE free/knowledgable speakers! Weird

Summer---That prof is SOOO innappropriate. It's so cool that you can defend yourself against her idiocy like that. I hated the snide little dig when she implied that you couldn't do as good of a job on a lesson plan for a different grade level. Twit. I agree with you on the whole--non-teacher grad school people. I attended University of Phoenix for my masters, and they won't let you in the program if you're not in education already---so everyone was a teacher or librarian or something, but they all had an education degree (or endorsement), and it made a BIG difference. I went to a presentation for an EDD program at this school that's supposed to be tons better than UofP, and they were proud that their program included about 50% people who weren't in the field. I was like. . .wait, all these classes are on research, and if someone gets this degree suddenly they can teach? That makes no sense, they need at least SOME method classes before walking in a classroom!

Summer (cont'd)--Oh, and the show from up close rocked! I had so much fun up there. Jimmy Buffet puts on a GREAT show! I also kind of think sneaking up from the cheap seats is the kind of thing someone who sings about "5:00 somewhere" would completely do!
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Old 04-21-2005, 11:07 PM   #122  
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Evening Ladies,
I have felt like crap for the last couple of days. I have sinsus problems. All I have done for the last two days is blow my nose, drink tons of water to keep from getting a dry mouth and throat. It doesn't help matters when my kids at school take advantage of me and make my job ten times worse with acting up. I started to lose my voice yesterday and they were all happy, hoping that I would lose it completely and not come to school today. But I told them I wouldn't give them the satifisation of me being home sick, that I would come in anyway and just write down everything I would have said to them. I had an IEP meeting after school with a parent tonight and I learned from him that his son was being lazy and stubborn the whole school year. So I am hoping things change with this child and he can atleast make it on honor roll for this nine weeks. Since he hasn't at all any other time this year.
I hate the cold snap we are getting. It is suppose to snow this weekend here. What about with anybody else? I can't believe that it was 80's yesterday here and tomorrow it is suppose to be in the low 50's during the day and the mid 30's during the night. This is not fair.
Mouse, you are a saint! I don't know how you do it day in and day out by working in the conditions that you do. I would be either insane or depressed all the time. I can't believe that you are not allowed anymore comp time and they wouldn't pay you for your time earned that you don't use by June. That is so wrong! Hope you have a great Friday! Sounds like your kids had a great lesson on the definition of a computer. Glad to hear that your one co-worker chimed in and helped with the lesson.
Summer, sounds like you have a real winner for a professor. Is she perhaps related to your dd's Girl Scout Leader? Sounds like them come from the same planet. Other than getting sunburned and having a crappy class, how are you enjoying your time off?
Robyn, I bet you got those comments done and even had a pair of pants to wear to school. So close are you to getting your shirt now? I am having a yard sale next Friday and Saturday to get money for my dh and I to buy summer clothes. Hope the marks have worn off your face from your gradebook.
Paisley, sounds like you had a blast on Tuesday night. I love Jimmy Buffet. I think it would be awesome to go see him in concert sometime. But just haven't gotten an opportunity to go yet.
Pam how is your week going? Are your teenagers driving you nuts like mine are? I have two or three boys with nasty attitudes this week. They must be pmsing it this week. When I tried to talk to them about their attitudes they inform me that they don't have one and that it is me with one. I have to do everything in my power not to laugh at them over that comment.
Ginny, glad that you found a WW buddy! So did you go WI this week? How did you do? If though I have felt crappy the last few mornings, I still get up at 5:30 and do my sisters in sweat ritual by doing one of my 2 mile walking videos. Glad to hear that you have been able to find some real walking time in your busy schedule. Every night this week, except for tonight my dh and I have taken a walk. Tonight we had to go to a play at my sds' school. Then we came home and watched tv for a while since it was too cold and damp out.
Well ladies another end to a week of school is near. Hope everyone has a wonderful Friday and enjoy your weekend.
Take care,
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Old 04-21-2005, 11:51 PM   #123  
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Can’t you feel ’em circlin’, honey
Can’t you feel ’em swimmin’ around
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only bait in town
Oh oh
Oh oh
You got fins to the left, fins to the right
And you’re the only girl in town

yep, I was in town and so was Jimmy..... and about a zillion of his other ParrotHeads...
Spent nearly $100 on tickets and was vomitted on by a "child" (anyone under 30!) who couldn't hold her "adult slurpee". NO, she wasn't with me..... She just happened to be dancing by me. Vomitted down the back of my leg and into my shoes. GOOD thing that I happen to be not only a teacher but also a mother. I didn't pull her hair out right then and there.... BUT, I will not ever forget it....AND more than likely won't ever spend that kind of money on a concert again! (No...I'm saving it for a blouse!) .....I have also seen him stone cold sober (THE only person NOT drinking at the whole show!), pregnant and dancing on my seat in the 4th row at William and Mary... I HAD to stand on my seat... we were being overtaken by "sneakers" from behind us....wink, wink...SWEAR...I'm telling the truth!

Summer, breathe in breathe out... In my best Napoleaon Dynamite voice, "IDIOT!" Hang in there with that professor. ....AND yes, I've taken quite a few "management" courses in my 18 years as a teacher. AND yes, I did learn and continue to learn about discipline when I attend! AND.... as a general ed teacher who "mentors" (even at my new school! whooopeee!) others regarding discipline and works with SpEd very closely... that professor is an "IDIOT"!

Kerry, I'm sorry that you are not feeling well. I am also not enjoying the weather. Yesterday it was 88 degrees. Today our youngest ds played baseball in the pouring rain while the temperature was under 60. WHAT THE ?????? I think I may know what has caused the national weather change. I am turning 40 on Saturday... H$%L is freezing over!!!! I need you to mentor me about finding the time to get the physical activity in!!!!!! I am STUCK!

Mouse, without trying to be mean or nasty..... Do you think that the people at your school are trying to drive you out? Get you to quit? Drive you insane? What is up with all this crap? I understand and appreciate and admire dedication to the "difficult" children that no one else understands, appreciates, loves, wants to deal with.... I just finished 17.5 years in a school that had mutated into JUST that kind of place! BUT, how much of this crap are you gonna let your administration and co-workers do to you? I KNOW that there are other children in other locations with the same type of needs who NEED you!!!! I just feel so horrible for you working under those conditions!

Ginny.... HEY! Thought of you tonight while I stood in the pouring rain with my bigggg umbrella watching my husband up against the fence talking to the baseball team...coaxing them along. (He decided not to coach this year due to all of the job related stress and DARN...the job is gone...the stress is gone...and he is on the wrong side of the fence!) You know the politics of the bleachers.... I hung out with THE moms! Yumm!

Anyone who I missed...sorry... I'm still recooperating from my long nights of rephrasing my NICE report card comments AND applying creams and lotions to this stubborn spiral gradebook line going down my face AND trying to earn my blouse money! AND if those excuses don't work... then ...HEY, I'm now counting the HOURS until I am offically OLDER than DIRRRRRT and old folks have poor memories!

I've still got a bit of homework to do...and it is nearly midnight.... GEES LOUISE!!!

ya'll take care, (I'm thinking about the new nickname for us.... )
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Old 04-22-2005, 10:18 AM   #124  
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Quick hello time here....things should slow down later.
My supervisor decided to abuse me (her words, always said with a smile....she is a great lady) and throw some other routes my way. I will actually be driving longer than a normal day, but home earlier.....I hope. And much much less kiddies. So it is not all bad. Dh took a vacation day.....why???? To go to Ds's bball lpractice and pitch batting practice to them (the line was"Aw, Gin I have to go, the coach will be there all alone and need help.......") then he will be home for about an hour......then off to Dd's college double header. Probably home tonite at 9. Last nite he was so intently in conversation at Ds's game that I did not even bother saying hello- there was a baseball game going on so I did not exist. Really I am not complaining- just stating fact, and it is a good illustration of how life is here. Thought of each of you ladies yesterday when I heard that the NEA is sueing the government over NCLB. That sure adds validity to your arguement! What I heard was that the gov. was asking for a standard without providing the $$$$$ needed to implement and that was the basis of the law suit.

Mouse- or shall we call you St Mouse????? Happy Passover...... (had to say that to correct for the Saint comment). I agree with Robyns comments, are they trying to drive you out??? What was the lame justification for not permitting your Dm to speak?

Kerry- good for you getting over feeling crummy but still getting those tapes in!!!! Did I congratulate you on the good WI? Hope that sinus infection goes bye-bye soon!

Robyn- Happy 40th birthday girl!!!!!!!!! I now it is tomorrow, but the way this week has gone, who knows if I will get here and I did not want to forget you. You waisting away in Margaritaville too???

Paisley- glad the show was so much fun.

Outa time here.....too much to do. Have a great day! Hi to Pam, Summer (think of any more names?) and anyone else I missed. Ginny
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Old 04-22-2005, 02:53 PM   #125  
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Ginny: I am so happy with the NEA. In fact, they beat Connecticut to the punch. Attorney General Blumenthal of Connecticut is also filing a lawsuit against the federal government. And, do you know what those a*sholes called CT? A state of bigots! According to them, objecting to NCLB makes CT racist pigs! HOW DARE THEY?! I really took that nasty remark personally, and it hurt my feelings. With all its affluence, CT is filled with loving, compassionate, enlightened, educated people who accept people of all races and religions. Sure, there are those fringe white supremecist groups like in any other part of the country, however the majority believes in equality for all...including education. And, guess what? The majority of CT didn't vote for Bush...and I'm sure many of those people had in their mind all of the cuts he would make in funding services utilized by the poor...cutting back on medical monies for the poor...not to mention the unfunded NCLB. Who's the racist now?! All Bush cares about are his rich cronies. He doesn't care about the poor. He's a big d*ck. At this point, with the NEA, CEA, and the state of Connecticut suing, I'm hoping the rest of the states will join in. Congrats on your new route. It sounds better if it gets you home earlier. Sorry that you feel neglected by DH.


Kerry: You crack me up comparing my professor to the brownie leader!!! Why do I attract such freaks? It seems like the older I get, the more weirdos there are out there...and not just out my family as well. It is enough to make a sane woman a hermit. Unfortunately, I'm too sociable for that. So, I guess I'm stuck with all these jerks. But, thanks for helping me to laugh about it! P.S. You may need to see an allergist about your sinuses. For the first time in my life, last spring I went through allergy testing because I was a mess! The doctor prescribed Allegra, and now my allergies are not only much better, but it has improved my asthma symptoms too. Good luck!

Paisley: Thanks for understanding how I feel about my class and prof. It helps when you know you aren't alone in the world when you are surrounded by crazy people!

Speaking of crazy people...DH and I had a MAJOR BLOWOUT last night. DD had used bad judgement and made a mistake by turning on the tv in her playroom when she wasn't supposed to. That shouldn't be a big deal since she normally does as she is told. However, to make matters worse, DH was taping Survivor at the time and lost the last 10 minutes of the program. Again, what is the big deal, right? She apologized. It should have been over. However, "Rage Man" (DH) really yelled at her and scared her. He scared me too. He stormed upstairs and made a lot of noise. DD was trembling and both our hearts were pounding. He came downstairs with blinding rage in his eyes, his hands holding a broken video tape and pieces of my $50 ceramic bathroom garbage can. He looked like a freakin' mad man. At this point DD started to cry. So I told him to get out of my house. He wouldn't leave. I sent DD to her room and told him he had no right to frighten us like that and he should get out and cool off. He wouldn't go and just shouted horrible things to me. I told him, "Shame on you!" and followed DD upstairs. After 20 minutes of comforting her she finally stopped crying and shaking and went to bed. Now I was really pissed knowing how much he frightened her. I returned to the battle. I know I probably should have dropped it, but he needed to know how I felt. So I told him that no matter how much his father screwed him up, he had no right to scare DD and me. He was mad that I told him to get out of "my" house. I said, "Well, when you get so crazy that I'm considering calling the cops, it is my house, and you'd better leave!" I told him he needed a psychiatrist to deal with the demons from his childhood. He got really mad then. Eventually he apologized to DD. It was heartbreaking. He has never laid a hand on me or DD. But, the emotional scars he is inflicting are just as bad. I am so angry right now. If he pulls this crap again, I'm going to our pastor with or without him for counseling. Like I have time for this bullsh*t!
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Old 04-22-2005, 09:53 PM   #126  
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We've made it to yet another Friday. Been a busy and hectic week. One more week until our end of grade tests! I'm a little nervous about my second period. I have a group of girls that run immediately to my coteacher as soon as they are given an assignment. I asked her how they were going to take the test without her. It's sad but true.
Summer: First, let me just say that when I was in college I WAS REQUIRED to take classroom management. We have so many lateral entry teachers that are coming from being engineers, accountants straight into the classroom, with nothing but theories courses. It's a joke. As a matter of fact, one man has been put on an action plan for his lack of classroom management, and has not had the opportunity to take a course. I am a mentor, and it is just a critical componant to the classroom. No, I probably could not use one particular style of classroom management, and I feel like everyone has their own style, but there are defintely things out there that I use and adapt to my comfort level. Anyway...........I had the same problem with my student teacher....As a matter of fact the lady who was in charge of "behavior management" came into my class because she was having such a hard time. The funny thing is, she couldn't do anything with the kids either. Ha! Second, I am so sorry about the thing with your husband. My husband has similar tendancies at times. Sometimes I feel like we have to tip toe around him depending on his mood. So, I am the peacemaker and I have done the same thing as you. I will say a prayer for you.
Kerry: My kids are shutting down and ready for school to be out. I am ready to be rid of them. I have one boy who says you hate me. But, if you ask him to be quiet, he will reply Whatever, I don't care. He has been sent to the office thirty one times this year. Only once by me, for the whole gambling thing. His mom came in for a conference today, and I was dragged out of the middle of class into the assistant principals office. The other teacher who had requested the conference had been slammed by the mother. However, I started with something positive about her son who was in the room and then told her a little about the attitude problem, and he agreed that he did that. And it was fine. The boy denied doing the same thing in the other teacher's room. He can be sooooooooooo mean, but for some reason he likes me. His mom said it's funny the only homework he brings home is Math. Mine was the only class he past last six weeks. So, I guess that will be my little success story for the day.
Robyn: Ok, maybe this will help for next time for your report card comment. "THE APPLE DOESN'T FALL FAR FROM THE TREE." Ok, well just a thought. Ok, you haven't made much progress on this shirt. So, no giving discounts, and no double coupons. Ha We have six week grading periods here, so every three weeks it's either progress reports or report cards. Ughhhhhhhhh!
New Slogan: Teacher's make you do it till you get it right!
Mouse: sounds like a neat lesson. You do have the patience of a saint which I have said many times. I think I would defintely come home crying every single day. Or, want to call in sick every single day. I am just amazed by your strength. Hang on the year is almost over.
Paisley: YOU GO GIRL! Sounds like you had fun in Margaritaville. I can't remember the last concert I went to. I think it was the Scorpians about thirteen years ago. Wow, I feel old. I can't for the life of me remember. Wow, a doctorate. You know I haven't even started on a masters. I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up yet. Basically, just trying to take care of my nine year old. I just recently found out that I am short two technology credits for renewal. (End of June) and if I don't get them, I will end up back on a provisional license. However, I am getting ready to do an online course. With my hubby's schedule, I just don't have anyone to take care of my son to go to school at night. My principal told me today I better hurry up. I said ok I'm working on it. He is really nice and funny. He said I can't afford to lose you next year. I said hmmmmmm maybe I can use this as a bargaining tool. He didn't agree. Oh well, I guess I will get to it. My school system will agree to pay a 99 dollar subscription to something called NC Wise which offers CEU"s to teachers. You just have to agree to take thirty hours within a year. Each class is four hours and you get .4 of a ceu. I definitely need to hurry.
Ginny: Hey girl. How are Kay and Marino? Sending my requards. Ha! How are the kiddos on the bus? I used to love doing fire drills from the bus when I was little. You could not pay me to drive a bus now. No way! I hope they drop this whole NCLB thing. It's ridiculous.
Geez my thoughts are random aren't they. I turned my brain off at three ten this afternoon. I will turn it back on Monday morning. I am just too tired to do any real thinking tonight. I am sorry about you being neglected. Have you told your husband this? I have definitely told mine about it, he says huh? did you say something? What a smart$#@$%@%$!
Talk to you all later!
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Old 04-22-2005, 10:26 PM   #127  
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Evening Ladies,
I finally broke down today and went to the doctor's after work. I couldn't stand blowing my nose every 30 seconds anymore and my stomach was hurting from the drainage. So the doctor gave me free samples of Tequin and Allegra. After I took them I felt much better. I am still blowing my nose but it is now like every 15 to 30 minutes. My kids were awful too today since I was not feeling great! They were very mouthy and too aggressive with their hands-on behavior. I was so glad when the bus came at 2:45.
But I must say that in my illness today, I was able to get my lesson plans copied and my copies made for next week this morning before I went out for bus duty. I haven't been able to get my copies made on a Friday in a long time. I told my one coworker I really must be getting sick if I am actually that ahead for a change. My special ed. supervisor stops in the parking lot to ask if my principal had talked to me about getting storage cabinets. Mind you today was the last day for requistions for this school year and they had to be in to the county board office by 3 p.m. today. So I had to get that done before I left school this afternoon. My special ed. supervisor also told me to keep my floor neater, because I had a parent come visit my classroom this week and she went to my supervisior and complained about my floor. Her child will be in my classroom next year. He is in a wheelchair and I guess he is to be taken out of it and put on the floor to roam around. That is fine with me, I don't have a problem with that. The problem I have is with the comment about ME keeping the classroom floor cleaner. Last time I checked that wasn't my job responsibilty. I can't help it that the janitors forget about my classroom since it is in a portable and don't clean my floor on a regular basis.
Sorry not to get personal with everyone tonight. But I am tired and am going to bed. I will chat with you all tomorrow sometime. I guess my dh and I are taking my sdd shopping for clothes. Plus we are going to get some new clothes too.
Talk to you all later.
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Old 04-23-2005, 08:54 AM   #128  
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Pam: Thanks for your feedback. I have come to the conclusion that my prof and many others currently at my university are incompetent. Thank God when I got my undergraduate degree, I had wonderful professors that actually TAUGHT, not to mention at least one out of two student teaching experiences that was EXCELLENT. Also, it helps me to know that I'm not the only one with a moody husband. His sister once told me that he was the favored one in the household, and out of the 4 kids, he was REALLY SPOILED. She said that resulted in him being unable to handle not being the center of the universe. That explains so much. He is worthless when I'm sick, even if it is a serious condition. He falls apart if I have to leave town. (Actually the last time I had to do a three-day accreditation visit out of town, he handled it surprisingly well and out of character.) He will compromise, but then over time, it really gets to him, and he lashes out in anger.

Finally last night after avoiding him all day, we discussed the event of the previous night. He aired his feelings and let me know he was insulted by the things I said. I tried to explain to him how scary he gets...the tone in his voice, the madness (like a crazy person) in his eyes. I also told him that he's been warned before how frightening his temper is to me and DD. He just doesn't see it. To him, he is just venting. I told him if he would JUST LEAVE THE HOUSE to vent and come back when he cools off, that would help a lot. DD shouldn't be exposed to his rage, and I would like to avoid it as well. Blow off steam outside my that too much to ask? I reminded him that he used to leave when our fights got heated early in our marriage, and that really worked for me. Then somewhere down the line, he decided to subject me to his tantrums. As someone who worked in special ed for 15 years and someone who is trained in behavior management, I realize that I escalated things the other night. I could have de-escalated the situation by walking away. But, I was mad at him for acting like a jerk. As unwise as it was, I wanted to engage him and to tell him off. I couldn't stop myself. In the future, if he won't leave, I will go to my room and lock the door. I wish I could leave the house, but with a little girl at home, I don't want to leave her when he's acting nuts. I also don't want to make her leave the house late at night...that would be too traumatic. The sensible solution is for him to leave, since he is causing the chaos. Anyway, after airing our feelings, I told him that DD was sorry for her mistake. I was sorry for anything I did to make things worse. One of his complaints had been that DD and I prevent him from watching sports cause we don't like them, and her toys are always in the living room. So, last night, I watched tv while DD played with her toys in her playroom. The result, he got to watch his sports ALONE. Now unlike me, he hates to be alone. I know he missed the companionship. Oh well, if he insists on watching things that DD and I aren't interested in, he will be alone. We compromise by going to live sporting events with him, but there is no way in h*ll that we are watching it on tv. Sorry, but it is BORRRRRRRING to us...especially baseball when they spend sooooo much time grabbing their crotches and chewing tobacco. So anyway, he can now do as he pleases every night, by himself. His choice.

Kerry, I'm glad you got some medication and that it is helping.

Today is my ex-boyfriend's mother's funeral. I will be seeing A LOT of people I haven't seen in many years. I saw him about 5 or 6 years ago. This is going to be a really weird day...very emotional because I really loved his mom...very awkward because of his wife, etc. I'm bringing DD and DH because I just don't see myself making it through this by myself. DH is going because he doesn't want my ex to see me without DH. So, both spouses will be on the alert. On the positive side, I can't wait to see my ex. I can't wait to see his little boy, probably about 3 years old by now. Many of the people I haven't seen in years are people I was very close to, people I spent holidays, picnics, and parties with. I'm gonna be crying for many reasons.

Well, speaking of which, the funeral begins in two hours, and I have some MAJOR PRIMPING TO DO. Anybody know of a one-hour liposuction procedure available?
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Old 04-23-2005, 03:20 PM   #129  
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Well, it is over. I did it. The funeral was lovely...a real tribute to a wonderful lady.

The first person I saw when it was over was guess who? God he gets more beautiful with each year he ages. Yes, I know... I can't help myself. What can I say? I never got over him. I guess I never will. Would you all believe this began when we were 14? It has been 26 years since I first fell head over heels. Who knew young love could last so long?
Anyway, when he saw me, he embraced me, and I whispered sweet nothings in his ear. Only kidding . I whispered that I was sorry and understood exactly what he was going through. (Both of my parents are dead.) We talked like nobody else existed for a few minutes, then I remembered I had a family. I reintroduced my DD and DH. Then the spell was broken. The moment was over.

I know, shame on me. I'm sorry. I just can't help how I feel.
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Old 04-23-2005, 07:04 PM   #130  
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Hi, all.
I don't have any idea why my mother can't come talk to the kids. He didn't answer my email. That's becoming more and more usual. I also appear to have made a mistake. I'm not perfect and never said I was. At one meeting, we discussed moving a kid, and I swear we discussed it at the meeting this past week as well. I'm told they did, but that I wasn't there or at the very least what I think happened didn't. I was out all last week, and the kid wasn't in my room until Thursday of this week. I thought he'd been moved. I even checked with the other teacher who was supposed to have him in class, and he also said that the kid was supposed to go to his class.
Apparently, we were both wrong. I miss information at the meetings frequently because they insist on having them when I have a homeroom. I do have a new TA, but our supervisor had given her permission to go off-campus to get her ID badge fixed, and our director had asked that he move the meetings to 1:00 so I could attend. He didn't move the meeting this week, allegedly because of an in-service at 1:30. But, you know, all the other teams manage: they either cancel the meeting or make it real short. I have no problems admitting that I goofed. But, I wasn't even given a chance: he just jumped right on me and started demanding (via email) to know why I did something that was in direct opposition to the decision made by my team.
I finally talked to the team leader today, and I SWEAR she and I discussed this kid on Friday morning when we discussed two other kids in the same class. I remember saying his name and saying he was going to construction so that I'd only have 2 kids in the room, so another student who needed a place to be could use my room for other classwork. She says that she told me he couldn't move, but I don't remember her saying that. I remember her saying that another child in that class wasn't going to move. But, of course, we have to meet with the director Monday afternoon again.
I have no intention of being there next year. My mom thinks I should try to stay another year and get the credits for the degree done, but I don't care. I just flat out don't care. I haven't even registered for summer session yet because I can't deal with this and classes.
And I'm mad at myself because he ruined my weekend. I'm SUPPOSED to be at my mom's house for Passover. I'm not there because I had to deal with this crap, and because I'm really upset by all of this, so I didn't feel like being polite to our company and everybody else that was going to be at the seder tonight.
I have to go to the store to get a box of matzoh, and some eggs for tomorrow, so I'd better go... but... It seems like I spend so much time dealing with him that I don't have time or energy for anything else. Including responding to all the comments here...
But. Jimmy Buffet: Margaritaville!!!!!! That song has a special meaning to me because of my real name, and because of Spanish class.
I totally sympathize with the vomit, Robyn... I went to a James Taylor concert in 1999. I LOVE James Taylor. I saw him in concert when he did a benefit arts thingy at my University, and senior editorial staff for the college paper got tickets. This was the 2nd time I saw him, at the Hersheypark Stadium. Acoustics sucked, and the security guards were rude (I sat in the wrong seat, then couldn't find my ticket... eventually moved to the correct seat). My correct seat was in front of what turned out to be a bunch of beer/wine guzzling brainless idiots. One of them dumped one of those huge plastic tumblers of alcoholic beverage all over me. I had to leave before the concert was over... I tried to stand down on the field and the nasty security guard chased me out. I got to see him again in 2003 when October Road came out.
Summer: I get the temper. My mom has a temper like that too. I have one also. And what comes out of my mouth when I'm mad is wildly inappropriate. I try really hard not to say anything, which winds up most of the time in my not even attempting to defend myself because I'm afraid I'll get in trouble.
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Old 04-24-2005, 03:10 PM   #131  
burned out bus driver
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Just a short hello......

Pam- Kay and Marino are just fine.....getting to the last 3 pages of Body of Evidence just to see how it ends. Thanks for the recommendation on the author. I do enjoy the Kay/Marino combination.....wish I could find an illustration of what the author thinks Marino looks like. What an interesting guy.

Summer- glad you made it thru the funeral ok- and a very good thing that Dd and Dh were with you. Proud of you for holding up so well.

Mouse-You love JT too eh????? Got a favorite song or two or three??? (I adore him)
Glad you are seriously entertaining not going back to the school from h*** next year.
Get anymore applications done?

Kerry- so glad you got to the Dr!!!! Hope the meds help you feel better. Hope you got your much needed rest in........feel better!!

Fortunately, all games (except for Dds soccer game) for thisweekend were rainouts.
Could not be happier.....actually a "normal" weekend- not running around like a jerk.

Sorry to be so terse.......gotta go. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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Old 04-24-2005, 03:50 PM   #132  
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Favorite James Taylor songs... Gosh... Millworker is good. The one he does, not the one that is on the cd from the musical. I also like several of the songs from New Moon Shine...Shed A Little Light, Copperline, Like Everyone She Knows. I didn't really have a favorite song from Hourglass, though I do like them... none of them stick out. From October Road, my two favorites are Whenever You're Ready and Traveling Star. For some strange reason, September Grass ALWAYS reminds me of my reproductive endocrinologist's office. I have no idea why.
I like a lot of the older stuff too... of course, Fire & Rain, but I don't listen to that one much anymore. Its on the CD they did at the Concert for NY, which they did a re-broadcast for those of us at the Pentagon, so...
I've gone applications for the places that I'm interested in working for. I can't see the point of leaving the school I'm at to go to one that is worse... At the very least, perhaps, I can change teams and not have to deal with most of the people on the team that I'm with now. I still can't believe that my team leader had to ASK me why I didn't want to come back next year!!!
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Old 04-25-2005, 04:43 PM   #133  
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Carolina on my mind baby In reference to James Taylor. I love James Taylor.
Hope everyone had a good day. Mine was fairly productive. (I just typed reproductive omigosh!) Ok, so I'm brain dead. Finished my AAAI today. That's one major hurdle out of the way. I'm so glad it's over. We're just busy busy busy with test taking skills, reviews, reminders how to use certain keys on the calculator. It's crunch time.........
Eating was ok this weekend. I have a problem I need to ask about. Maybe it's not appropriate, but ever since I have been dieting I have not been able to go to the bathroom. I mean, it's like every three days or something. I am eating a lot of fruits and veggies, but I swear, I didn't have this problem til I changed my eating habits. What can I do? My brother says to take metamucil, but I don't know about that. It's crazy. I heard that lots of water and excercise was supposed to help people to stop from being constipated. It has had the opposite effect on me. Has anyone else gone through this?
I was down to 177 Saturday. Yipeeeee. But, today, I'm back to 178. My husband says it's cause I'm full of$#@$@#$. Ha! I'm planning on getting back into my excercise routine this week. It's been so busy, and I've been so tired I have not done it like I should.
Hope everyone else had a good day.
Mouse: Glad you're looking for another place to work.
Ginny: I too wonder what Marino looks like. I kind of picture a detective off of tv. How about you?
Talk to you all later.
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Old 04-25-2005, 10:40 PM   #134  
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Hey ya'll!

Thanks so much for the ecards and messages for my birthday! ) WHEW! What a day THAT was! Didn't think about what I was eating for 1 whole day! From 9 a.m. (yes, I slept late!) until 1:30 (yes, we stayed out late!) ....began the day with my dh's brownie / icecream / hotfudge / whipped cream THING served as breakfast in bed...and ended the day with hot out of the oven (yes, another pan!) brownie / icecream / hotfudge / whipped cream THING served at 1:30 a.m. in bed as well!
Totally sinful. Totally yummy! Totally wonderful. Almost worth turning FORTY!

Marino looks exactly like Columbo.... why can't you all see him? Have you read any of the Stephanie Plum novels by Janet Evanovich? Sorta along the same lines....but with more laughing! ...and a lot more curse words! You should read them!

Carolina In My Mind and Sweet Baby James and so many others!

Summer, I'm sorry...I think...that you had to go to a funeral. Um, glad that you, um, made the most of it! I'm married to the one I was with at your post made me smile!

Yes, there are "issues" at every school and with every system. However, after 17.5 years..... I was a bitter old hag. I needed a change of pace. I needed a change of "players". I needed a change of setting. I needed new OLD problems. Same old, same old.... I just haven't exhausted myself banging my head on the new to me school's walls yet. It is refreshing. I'm loving the change! I'm still old.... but generally the hag stays hidden until she comes home to face the housework. While I miss my old friends.... I'm enjoying my new ones! Anyway.... I will try to keep my mouth shut regarding the abuse that you face, Mousie. Please know that I only meant my words to be encouraging in a positive way. You deserve more! NOW...tell me how to find info about making overlays and "stuff" for Word and MathPadPlus?! LOL Stephen needs to be able to use a computer to "do" math problems. MathPadPlus has so many bugs...and NO one in his system seems to have a clue about how to use it. WHO (besides the tech. people at the company!) could train the people at his school???? HELP!

More water and more fresh veggies and fruit. More bulk. ???? Is your intake enough?

Sorry to be so scattered tonight... full moon and school stuff...and "activities" (scouts and pta...) arghh!

I'll leave you with a few of jt's lyrics! hum along now!

Goodnight you moonlight ladies
Rockabye sweet baby James
Deep greens and blues are the colors I choose
Won't you let me go down in my dreams
And rockabye sweet baby James

take care,
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Old 04-26-2005, 12:04 PM   #135  
burned out bus driver
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"In my mind I'm going to Carolina......can't you see the sun shine.....can't you just feel the moonshine and ain't it just like a friend of mine, to hit me from behind!!"

Oh, I am a big fan of JT....could listen to him nonstop. Anyway, just thought I'd add that!!!!!

Robyn- I am so glad you had a great day!!! You deserve a wonderful day- and all that wonderful chocolate!!!!! Bless that Dh for giving you the stuff in bed. Ya only turn 40 once, might as well enjoy it!!! Wise advice you had for Mouse too. Every workplace has its headaches and organizational woes... and sometimes facing some new ones is a welcome change.

So far today has been pretty good. Got to WW this am.....down one #, so I am happy. And it is SO nice going with a buddy. Gives me something to look foward to.
This week is a very busy one. Opps gotta go back to work....see ya later.
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