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PainterWoman 02-25-2005 11:41 AM

True. I read the comics first, especially Rose is Rose. Unless DH has it because of movie listings.

What's the matter with expressing your frustration to the person who didn't consult? Regrettably, only you can decide what to do about it. i.e., Whine to YOUR travel agent/airline and see if they are hard up enough to split the difference. See if Ex-git (or whoever) will split the new cost. Tell DS that he needs to earn the difference. What I'm reading between the lines is that you think YOU have to take the whole "hit" or burden for other people's lack of consideration. While that IS a choice (and might involve the least confrontation with other people), it is also probably the choice that stands up the least for you, yourself.

Of course, one might even re-calculate the degree of "need" to do both trips. I'm sure there is no fatality involved if DS has to sit one out....
(But as one good mother to another, I sure know how cr***y it feels to not give our kids every imaginable treat and advantage!!)

TPBM woke up with a sugar hangover.

Cowpernia 02-25-2005 11:59 AM

No, I gave up sugar.

Painty, I'm feeling a little touchy but I must say that raising my son on my own with no money I don't feel I can be accused of giving him every imaginable treat and advantage. There are many things he has not had and does not have that his peers do.

TPBM hates squirreeeels.

Kiwonk 02-25-2005 12:29 PM

False. Squirrels are cute. My stepfather used to catch them in humane traps and then gas them. Isn't that cute?

Awesome website, Painty. How'd you get that flash page done? Haven't read your article yet, but will. Thank you for the compliment on my avatar. Did you notice the giant bee on top of the flower? :s:

Peachie dear, You have every right to scream long and loud about this. However I understand your not wanting to do quite that.... If you as a travel package purchaser had tried to change the date, you would have incurred a giant penalty. In this case, the teacher is not only expecting the students to pay that penalty through no choice of their own, but also to change their plans without consulting them first. Do you feel lucky? Maybe you could go to the teacher and insist that he try to find another student to take DS's place. In the meanwhile, should the scholarship program come through, it would surely be worth it pay a cancellation penalty on the trip, and if not, presumably DS could still go on the trip. I think if you lay your cards on the table and make it clear with the teacher that he's put you and DS in a very bad position, he will try to work with you. Hopefully.

We are working on summer stuff too. We had no more than 10 days to get all info in for this Brown summer program and it looked impossible. We got the postcard a little over a week ago and DD looked into and loved it, but we didn't think we could get a teacher recommendation and school transcripts at all this week -- it's school vacation! But it looks like it will work out by faxing it all on Monday. DD's giving up her week at guitar camp to go to this. Personally I wouldn't mind letting her go to that too, but she doesn't want to do both. I guess she's planning to do some guitar teaching in town during the summer.

Anyhoo I hope everyone's plans work out.

TPBM is looking out the window at a beautiful sunny day.


Cowpernia 02-25-2005 12:38 PM

True, I am looking at the damned squirrel in my bird feeder.

I have called the tour company and a sweet girl who giggled at my annoyance said she will try to find a way to refund all our money. I will hear from her today or Monday, she said.

TPBM takes vitamins dailys.

Bagzz 02-25-2005 08:18 PM

flinstones vitamins if i remember to take ds's.PEACHBAT!!!! you can complain all you want---remember what james taylor sings----'the squeaky wheel gets the grease'----love that man----------------the "shop" which looked kind of dumpy is starting to look alot better---i will post some pics when i get "organized"---haahah---that could be NEVER...but i would like you to see it so i will try.kiwonk----let's find a way to send wabby some of this FROZEN wasteland we call "home" through the mail----------BLOOMING PLUM TREES-----EFF EFFF EFFFFF!!!!!!tbpm has pms.

PainterWoman 02-25-2005 10:08 PM

I clap for fairies....
And I applaud Cowie's discussion with travel people... and will clap in hope of a happy resolution.

Kiwi... I have no idea how the Flash stuff was done. A friend of a friend wanted to have a "sample" of his work on the net... so I paid him a pittance and that's what he came up with (the whole site... I wrote the content)... We did have a minor fracas over some fall leaves he put with the rolling star but he got rid of those so it doesn't look like Autumn Leaves at Easter.

Squirrels are rats in fur coats. Lots of people in this neighborhood have traps out... I'm not sure if they think squirrels are that dense, or if they are hunting something more mysterious.... Crazed badgers, maybe?

TPBM is contemplating a moonlight swim.

Cowpernia 02-25-2005 11:21 PM


Painty I would reply to your personal message if my computer would respond to commands but it won't. Too slow. I didn't even see a place to respond.

I know that you are strong enough to take my bad mood so I will continue. Whatever your life experiences have been, I'm not relating to them. You have set no example for me. I have a differently viewpoint, philososphy, value system, and I'm not in the mood to hear how you did things differnetly and better.

I am letting my hair grow long. Soon I shall look like Mary Steengartner or whatever. That woman on Joan of Arcadia.

TPBM thinks John Waybe was a good actor.

Kiwonk 02-26-2005 01:04 PM

John Wayne? Not particularly. Not even John Waybe.

I'm glad you may get this trip thing squared away, Peach. All this stuff costs too much as it is without them making it worse. Good grief I hate having to pinch pennies. Back before the paper mill trashed our entire region by mismanaging itself into bankruptcy, we could be conservative with our money and still be able to say yes to most of what we wanted. Times have changed and they suck. I think I'll start talking about "the good old days" and see who tells me to stick it. :lol:

Bagz takes Flintstone vitamins. That's cute. Back in the good old days, we used to have Flintstone vitamins. Nowadays we have to eat roots and berries.

Speaking of pms, I think I'm skipping that this month. hmmm. Back in the good old days, I would have worried I was pregnant. Nowadays it just makes me think "old" thoughts.

You're enjoying this, right? :nose:

There are 3 teenagers in my kitchen cooking a pizza. They went cross-country skiing. It is absolutely gorgeous out, the sun is bright and the ceiling is dripping. Back in the good old days we could afford to go downhill skiing, nowadays we have to ski on flat surfaces.

Bushism of the day: "I've coined new words, like, misunderstanding and Hispanically." 3/29/01

TPBM is saying "doofus" but could be referring to anyone...


Cowpernia 02-26-2005 06:07 PM

False. My immediate thought is always "Idiot." Doofus sounds like Homer Simpson.

The trip thing is not quite ironed out but the young lady at the agency and the teacher both say they'll try to get a full refund. Should know Monday. Thennnnn, DS and I can take our own vacation. We could go anywhere. I'd love to go to London but am thinking of California or Paris. I speak not a syllable of French. But I would love to take this last summer with my kid and go something grand.

My events of the day:
1. Yelled at Ds for no reason. He left the house walking. Don't know where he meant to go.
2. Picked him up in the car and continued on to gym where we worked out.
3. Ate lunch at Chinese restaurant that I found nauseating. Smelled like food and disinfectant mixed. I did not mention this to DS. Just wasn't hungry.
4. Went to Civil War reenactment at Duck Hudda Pond.
5. Came home and dyed hair. Ate sausage and cheese and Pepsi One.

How do restaurants get jello to be so rubbery?

TPBM thinks "sneeze guards" are a big joke.

Bagzz 02-26-2005 09:35 PM

what i did today
went to a seaside village and bought 1100 dollars worth of silver/copper earrings to sell at the shop.these artists are married and both very nice looking----he is especially gorgeous---they live in a three story house that they built themselves,they have amazing architechtural details----they incorporated "salvaged" items from old houses that are spectacular---church windows,tin ceiling tiles,doors,---there was light everywhere and all the windows had a view of the Bay of Fundy--------------shockingly beautiful===most gorgeous house i have ever actually been in----------------tomorrow,going to a village by the river to pick up pottery order-----------TIRED. XOXOXO----LOVED HEARING ABOUT THE DUCK HUDDA POND--------AND WORD TO KIWI ON THE CHEAPER VERSION OF SKIING!!! AHAHA :lol:

Kiwonk 02-27-2005 01:02 PM

Since Bagzie is too busy to play, I will. True, sneeze guards are a big joke. Not only do they not require even a high school education to be a sneeze guard, the "training" consists of 3 hours in a room with a box of Kleenex™. And the hours! They actually expect a sneeze guard to stand at attention without moving throughout the entire lunch and dinner hours while at the same time keeping a close watch on every patron! I believe they allow them a short break in the middle of the shift, but really, I personally don't think a sneeze guard can do an effective job unless they are able to get periodic rest times. We're talking about public health here! It's nothing to sneeze at!

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

My my, Cowp, you had an eventful day. Civil war re-enactment, hair dying and Chinese food? How eclectic! Did you really get jello at a Chinese restaurant? No wonder the food smelled like disinfectant. I'm pretty sure rubbery jello is made by cutting down on the water so that it will hold its shape and then leaving it out for a semester.

I'm in awe of what you're doing, Bagz. Sounds fascinating! Did you have to get a loan to get this shop started? Oh, I suppose that's a personal question, but what do I know about tact? It just seems so, I don't know, intimidating, to be purchasing all this inventory. And very exciting at the same time. This is going to be a great adventure for you!! When can I go on a jewelry buying trip with you?

TPBM doesn't look up because of the cobwebs.


Cowpernia 02-27-2005 03:35 PM

Fasle. However, I do not glance behind furniture.

DS and I went to a new church today. Because of Muffie's accusations, I can not describe it much except that it lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes and was God-based. Most churches I've been at lately hvae been Bush-based. Republican or ****. I liked this one. DS thought it was loud. He was keen hearing.

I am hereby apologizing for lashing out at Painty. On looking back, it was the statement about giving kids treats and such that got me. It was one of those "it's ok to criticize me but leave me kid out of it" deals.

TPBM does regular volunteer service.

SugP 02-27-2005 04:33 PM

True. Every Tuesday morning with hoardes of other people's undeserving children.

One of my babies is going to be 12 tomorrow. He can hardly wait to get up at 6 a.m. to start playing his Game Cube Godzilla game becaus that is what 12 yr olds do, I've been told. He got his first pimple last week. Puberty here we come. He's got the eye-rolling down pat already. Other darling was in bed all weekend with a fever. He's just a little bit of thing so I'm always afraid of him wasting away to nothing but he's on the mend.

Church sounds good, Peachy. Are you allowed to describe the snacks? God-based sounds MUCH better than Bush-based. When Dubya came over here they made people stay home and draw their blinds. No one was allowed to wave or look out a window.

Must go wrap gifts and be generally busy.

TPBM went for a long walk in the freezing cold/balmy spring weather today.

PainterWoman 02-27-2005 07:51 PM

False. Schlepped around grocery store and vacuumed up dead Valentine roses that cat had scattered. Enjoyed tormenting same cat with new lazer pointer toy. It is the best investment I've made in quite a while. I have no idea WHAT I would chase with that much fervor. Sacher Torte?

I apologize to Cowie for spewing unsolicited remarks (even though NOT Bush based)-- although that sort of seems the point of the forums.... I'm going to watch the oscars. I've done nothing that required a brain all day, and am not about to start now.

Cowpernia 02-27-2005 08:39 PM

Ok, Painty accepts my apology and I accept hers. You know if this involved Bagz it would be somuch easier. Bagz laughs off criticism. I could tell her to blow it out her shorts (her line) and all would be fine.

Painty, when I was younger and collected self-help books, they talked about compliments that involve "but." I like your dress but ... lets you know something bad about the dress is coming. I'm just kindly questioning your use of "although." I apologize although .. sorts of says "I apologize though I am right anyway." Just pointing it out for your analysis which I truly enjoy if not about my loved ones.

Sugar, some of the babies had cookies. No snancks for me.

TPBM trims her toenails on a scheduled basis.

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