3 Fat Chicks on a Diet Weight Loss Community

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Jane 08-24-2004 08:20 AM

Chit Chat # 72
Welcome to the Jaded Ladies! :wave:

We are a friendly group that shares all the daily aspects of our lives with each other... not just weight loss. Won't you join us? :)

Jane 08-24-2004 08:37 AM

It's Tuesday!

Cristi - where are you? Hope all is well with you and yours.

Marti - glad you're having fun with James! And I hope you got some good pics.

Shanna - hope you're feeling better... go eat an English muffin in my name, ok?

Angie - OMG, Skittles is going to love that! Maybe he'll get a massage and sit in the hot tub, too, with a Red Bull in hand, lol. The school volunteer groups will love you - you are a leader, my dear, not a worker bee.

Susan - have you rescheduled your date with Tom? Hope we never have reason to call him tomcat, lol. Did you say what he does for a living?

RosieKate - I already think you're fabulous! The good news is that newly gained weight isn't too hard to get off.. so I bet you'll have it back off in no time.

Jen - how's everything going?

Mindee - good luck at the doc today with Brandon!

Julie - yw for the chili recipe. I snack twice a day and probably always will. Around 2 in the afternoon I have something worth 3-4 points, and then almost always have popcorn in the evening. But just a cereal bowl full.

Sue - yay for you getting the 2 miles in! Did you ever start your scrapbooking?

Hi to anyone I left out... :wave:

I had a lot of fun with Barb yesterday. We ran some errands and then she and her son came out for dinner. They said it was the first homecooked meal they had had since a week ago Saturday! She raved over the WW cake, which made me feel good. They aren't going back to Florida until Thursday AM , so I'll have more time with her.


jewels2 08-24-2004 12:13 PM

Hey Everybody
Well I figured I would check in real quick before my lunchtime walk!! I have clinical tonight at the hospital, so this may be my only post today!!! Glad to hear that everyone is doing well, and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day!!!

????I have a question on the BFL, which I now know means Body For Life!!!
What is that program about??

Jana - I like your dieting, the small snack really helps during the course of a day, sometimes its very hard to go on just 3 meals, because you end up damaging the good you do all day when you end up so hungry that you snack at night!!!.... thats what I used to do!!!

Well I'll catch up with you gals later!!!! Remember to make healthy choices!!


suetalks 08-24-2004 12:15 PM

Okay. I am in a better frame of mind today. Had to smile at the nice sunny day and feel good about being alive. I sat and drank coffee and watched the birds at the feeder for awhile and really gave myself a talking to. I guess I am ready to face the diet and exercise AGAIN. Quit feeling sorry for myself and just do something right.
Mom is coming for two weeks so I got her bedroom all stripped down and linens washed and ready to re-do. That makes me happy.
Jana- I am keeping up with the 2 miles really well, but have just been terrible otherwise. Sounds fun with your friend who is visiting.
Marti- Glad you have had a good time with James. I always smile at your exuberance. I never read, how is the job hunt?
Mindee- Your Brandon sounds so precious. I have to go look at those pictures. If he likes cereal he might love bananas, my kids did.

Hope everyone is off to a good start this morning. I am I think!


suetalks 08-24-2004 12:18 PM

Jana- Liked hearing that you get snacks..:) Would you consider posting a "day in the diet" of Jana? You have done so well and can be an inspiration to us all. I think I would like to see what you eat in a day. (or two or three) I still balk at doing WW or any formal diet plan, but maybe I will change my mind.


Marti 08-24-2004 01:01 PM

Good morning ladies!!!

I had a wonderful day with James a the beach yesterday...we hung out on the Jetty and sat on some rocks and watched the Sea Lions swim close to us...there were about 5 or 6. I didn't get any pictures since they weren't up long enough for me to take....and the wind was blowing so much that my hair caused me to NOT see anything!! :D
We went to the new Casino in Florence...laughed at how small and CROWDED it was but went in anyway.....spent money. Lost money right away...then won $50 more than what we came in with.....then ended leaving with a $20 loss. (gambling is an addiction!! :dizzy: )

Today we are going up to Eugene to visit one of James' friends that he hasn't seen awhile then head over to the mall. So that is my day.

Jana--I didn't get much pictures yesterday...only because it was so windy...but I will flip through and see if I "approve" of any of the ones that were taken. You know..I think that a picture can sometime throw you a curve in your process to lose weight....because I looked at my face and said "Is that what I REALLY look like??" :lol:

Julie--Since I don't have a body for life I can't help you out there....but my sister tried it and couldn't stick with it. It involves a lot of exercise, certain foods to eat,...... I better stop, because I really don't know. Stick with what you're doing because it's working! And the pictures show it!

Sue--I'm still waiting for that "special" phone call from the place I had my interview. I sent them the information they wanted and maybe they're doing a background check....So I'm hoping soon....

Hello to the rest of you girls. Sorry I didn't go back to the other thread to keep up....

Well I am in desperate need of a shower!! Nothing like sandy wind blowing through your hair and then getting ready for bed saying "I'm too tired to take a shower...I'll do that AND laundry in the morning!" :lol:

You all have a great day and I will check in later

FrouFrou 08-24-2004 03:01 PM

Good Afternoon Ladies~
Been busy all morning cleaning house. Thought I needed to get my chores done before playtime! I have been so lax in my housework lately, just doing a little bit of straightening here and there so decided yesterday before I get on the computer I was going to have the house cleaned and all the laundry done. And I did it! So I am good for a couple of days anyway! :lol: My kids are more messy now than they ever were when they were younger. Not much else going on. Didn't really have much of anything to say yesterday so didn't post on the chit chat thread.

Sue and Shanna~I sure hope you ladies get to feeling better.

Marti~glad to hear you and James are having a fun time.

Julie~I had the book BFL and it is a lot of exercise as Marti said, mostly weight training I believe, and eating a lot of protein. Not something I could have followed, especially the food so threw the book away-I think. It may be in a box somewhere. :dunno:

Rosie~glad to see you back from your vac and you survived you visit with your step-mom.

Angie~such a cool place for skittles. I took our lil ernie to one once and never did again. Where we go he goes. He didn't like it and was scared the whole time, wouldn't even eat the whole weekend.

Jana~everyone is fine. Just didn't have a lot to say yesterday, was in a little bit of a funk from getting up so stinking early. I swear everyone decided to get up at 5 am for some reason and couldn't be quiet.

Susan~good luck with the new guy. Hey, what happened to the cable guy? Are you guys still going to remain friends?

Hi Jen, Mindee, and everyone else.

That's about all I have for now. Take care ladies and see ya soon. :wave:

Jane 08-24-2004 04:20 PM

Hi ladies,

Julie - good luck with the clinical at the hospital. Which dept. are you in at this point of training? Which is your favorite so far?

Sue - So glad you're feeling better and are enjoying the small things in life that are so priceless. I won't bore everyone with my exact daily food list, but I will post on a separate thread some things I think are important to succeed. Let me think about it a little while.

Marti - have you met these friends before? Hope you have a good time. Buy something fun at the mall. I know what you mean about the pictures! I have to take about 100 before I get one I'd show here, lol.

Cristi - wow, you and I are on the same page in life! As you know, I had to get some cleaning done before my friend got here. In the summer especially, I get lazy about the housework with Katie and Neal around. But holy cow! I didn't realize how bad it had gotten since things looked fairly decent on the surface. I never want to get as anal about cleaning as I was before, but there has to be a happy medium, lol. So I too have promised myself to do better with it. I am even in a better mood when things look nice. Btw, you mentioned you may have found your quilt... YAY....can you show a photo?

Barb is at the hospital visiting her mom, and will be out here later on. Tomorrow we're going to a near-by Amish restaurant for lunch. There is a craft flea market on the site, also, with some real nice things, so I'm looking forward to that. Not much else is new.....


tommysgirl18 08-24-2004 05:07 PM

Hello ladies…..how are you all doing?

Brandon went for his two month check up today. He weighs 14lbs. 12 ˝ ounces and is 24 ˝ inches long. His head and chest circumference is 16 inches. He got four shots, two in each leg. The doctor did give us the go ahead to up his bottles to 6oz. (which they have been for a month now), and also for cereal (since Thursday) and now solids!

We were also told that our “community blue” insurance through his work isn’t community blue. Instead it is a Trust/Plus PPO, so Tommy has to talk to his work about it.

Tommy also got a call from Kelly from his work today. He has to go in tomorrow at 9am to give what we think will be his side of the story and then we will know more after that.

Jana~ Thanks for the good luck!!

Sue~ I will have to try him on the bananas. We were given the go ahead on the solids so we will be trying them with him soon!

Marti~ Sounds like you and James are hitting the town since he is off!

Cristi~ how are you doing girl??

Mom2Gaby 08-24-2004 05:32 PM

darn, darn, darn........... I lost my post. I clicked the X and puff..........

Sue- Happy you are feeling better.

Mindee- Your Brandon sounds like a sweety- makes me want another baby!!

Angie- You looked great when I met you !! BFL exhausted me though just reading the book. I do think one needs the weight training thing for toning......BFL seems good for that.

CG?? I posted his last email. He just left. I sure do charm the guys don't I??? lol.......

Tom is a computer designer. He is under a lot of stress, does the stock market in the mornings before work........how he relaxes, I guess........geesh....lol.........

better get......working on the newsletter. wearing a nifty ring that Rachel made from beads...so pretty.

ttfn :)

tommysgirl18 08-24-2004 05:44 PM

susan~ he is a cuddle bug, and I think that is why we got bit with the baby bug. But for now we are getting all the cuddling in while we can.

Mom2Gaby 08-24-2004 06:00 PM


I want to cuddle!! I always wanted a little boy! Haven't I Angie??

I snuggle with Gaby. She is my bed buddy....some day though I am going to have to let her go.....she keeps me warm and I love listening to her breathe in the middle of the night.

Her head though is like a bowling ball.....lol

Marti 08-24-2004 06:07 PM

Hello again ladies--

Cristi--I've been looking at my house and I really want to organize my closets!! I've been using them as storage and I would rather not. I still want to fix my closet in the office room and put some kind of desk in there for a scrapbooking/crafts area. Who knows when I'll ever accomplish that! Today I'm thinking of cleaning out the closet in my room!! Now that is a scary site if I ever saw one! It's a small walk in ....but it's so crammed in you can't even think to walk in it!! Hope you get all the "me" time you can get before it's time to clean house again!

Jana--I have met these friends of James. They were old Sony employees. James and I managed to keep a lot of friends from Sony...unlike the job at Foster Farms. We just did so much more with them. We used to get together and have breakfast after work (we worked the night shift) or lunch (when our night shift switched to days----always changing!) and one of the employees who lives by the coast would have an annual seasonal BBQ (had BBQ in a year for each season!) <--he still has those and one is coming up! and then at times to just get together to enjoy the night. So it's always nice to keep in contact with friends who still want to hang out like that. I truly miss working for Sony...very easy to work, didn't mind the hours and I REALLY enjoyed knowing I had 4days off!!

Mindee--I always smile when I read your post about Brandon. Getting all the info on his check ups and stuff. I did that until she was about 8months old and then she just grew so fast that I just couldn't remember! I get times when I think about wanting a baby and then that goes away.....hope that doesn't sound terrible...but I'm at the age where I'm happy with having a 10yr. old!! And looking forward to all the things she'll go through as she gets older. When I need a baby fix I go to my sisters (whose expecting her second baby in Jan.) That cures me! :lol: (I can't keep up...I tire too easily!)

I read the last e-mail you got from CG...but didn't realize that was the last time you heard from him. Don't worry....when it's meant to be...it's meant to be. I remember talking to my grandma when I was having issues with my ex...I would always tell her that I just wish things would get better or that someone who was really meant for me would hurry and find me. (interesting saying that when you're married isn't it?) And my grandma always told me, that my time and gods time are very different. When I want something now....Gods time is when he knows I'm ready....and so I tried to be patient, tried to get the marriage to work (which didn't happen ) then during the worst time in my marriage...James appeared. And I had known him for at least a year before I realized he was for me.
Ok...don't know why I went into all that but I just wanted to let you know there is that special man out there. Have you met this Tom guy yet? How did it go?

Hello to the rest of you girls out there!

James and I are not leaving until later in the evening to go visit his friend and his wife. It's been awhile since we've seen them...I think the last time I seen them was at our wedding reception in April.....I just put a photo in the beautiful frame they gave us as a gift...they had our names and the date of our wedding engraved onto it!! Love it! Was my favorite gift! As of what I"m doing right now...I'm trying to talk James into playing around with the way our living room looks....do a little rearranging...he's not into it!! So I may have to wait until he's gone! ;) I just want to see what it would look like, not necessarily keep it that way.

How is everyone elses day going???

I'm off to clean a closet! :D Chat with you more later.

tommysgirl18 08-24-2004 06:27 PM

Susan~ We used to have Brandon sleep in bed with me mostly, but then we had to break him of it because he was constantly wanting to sleep in our bed or on us as oppose to his bassinet.

Angie~ I know what you mean. For the longest time before Brandon came into our lives, I used to want to be around our nieces and nephews to get the baby fix. Now I can get the baby fix any time I want to. I don't have to remember the weights and what not. The doctor's office writes it down for me and gives me it for his baby book.

Dolphin 08-24-2004 07:35 PM

HIYA! No, I did not get lost. I've been so busy, I haven't even turned on my computer in since last Thursday, I think. I've actually got real email to read, not just spam! What's a girl to do?!

I've pretty much completely lost my appetite. Not sure if it's stress or my new migraine med. Either way, I'm not at all able to eat in the morning, I take a few bites of lunch and I'm full, and dinner is usually something small. Snacking is almost non-existant. And I'm frequently nauseated. Must be the med. I did lose another 3 lbs, I think. I forget what exactly the last weight was I posted. Hmmm, better start keeping track better. Anyway, if this is the med, I'm hoping it'll pass some once my body gets used to it a little bit. It is a nice boost thought!

Went to the Godsmack/Metallica concert Sunday night. It was really good. Can't say I've been to a concert that lasted that long. Godsmack was on for an hour, Metallica for 2 1/2. My ears are still ringing! Well worth the money.

Work has been crazy. My boss is working herself into a tizzy. I think it's because her parents are coming to town sometime next month. She is a nut to begin with, but now she's starting to pick at everything insignificant. She picks at all of the little details, but doesn't pay attention to the things that matter. Sometimes I wonder...

Well, I wish I had time to catch up on individuals tonight, but really don't. Maybe tomorrow.


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