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Mom2Gaby 08-24-2004 08:12 PM

hmmm, I am going to sleep with Gabster til she kicks me out...lol.

omg- I am going for dinner. I need to get me a new office chair, this one is killing my butt! What is that called ??? where your keyboard and office furniture have to meet certain code things?? I am going to file for workmans comp.....file it under sore butt.......

I don't know how long you have been with James ,Marti but the dating world in 2004 is brutal!! lol.......I am always 1 email from being dumped. lol
But, ya. That was the last of CG......personally I try to see the positive but basically think he turned into a jerk......some basic manners would have been nice.

Tom is too busy playing with his stock market.I haven't met him but really don't feel we have enough in common to even have a freindship. I am willing to meet him though and smile and flutter my eyelashes......lol.....

Welcome back Jen :)

best get!! food calls........

Marti 08-24-2004 08:15 PM

Hi again ladies--

I was watching the news and they mentioned something about the Old Sony building was bought...so I had to watch and see who bought it and whose moving. Boy did I get surprise....OML bought the old building!! I was so excited. If I get the job, then it would be like going to work to the same place.
Of coarse, they won't actually be moving in until a year, but it's the idea that gets me going. For one, the present OML location is right smack in the middle of town (busy) and there is NO parking! You have to park in the street. The old Sony building has a huge parking lot.....
And I know the layout of the Sony building. This just too cool. I saw that and I told James...oh I gotta go tell me friends! And he said "Your computer girls?" :lol:

Anyway...HAD to share my excitment!!

jewels2 08-24-2004 09:40 PM

Hey All
Well I got in from the hospita; earlier than expected tonight,so I figured I would say a quick hello before going to bed!!!!

Jana : Right now I am in the intensive care portion of my clinicals, which is
mostly dealing with really ill, chronic people who need ventilators and
constant care, I am learning about intubating and also how to do
blood gases...Its very hard stuff and alot of numbers, so sometimes,
it gets very tiresome after working all day!!! What makes it hard is
that because we are a Level I trauma center we have 7 different Icu's
in our 15 floor hospital, so sometimes your patients are all over the
place...We have a trauma intensive care, a respiratory intensive care,
a cardiac intensive care, a neurologic intensive care, and a few others.
So theres never a dull moment!!!

Marti: Cool picture, it's good to get a sense of who everyone is!! Glad to hear
about the building being the same, what a coincidence, hope you get
in OML, that would be so cool for you!!

Jen: Hooray on the 3lb weight loss, havent seen you in a while, but I know
everyone is really busy with their own lives, nevermind the computer!!

As far as BFL, for those who responded to my question about it, thanks for
the info.... I hadnt heard of that before...but Im not big into weight training so I think that would be hard for me!!!! Oh well, gals nightie night for now, and I'll check in with ya tomorrow


FrouFrou 08-24-2004 10:26 PM

Hi ladies~

Just a quickie for me. I am totally pooped and ready to hit the hay but waiting for DS to get in from school and V to get home. Can't sleep till everyone is home and tucked in bed so no point in even trying to go to bed at this point. I was sitting in the chair trying to watch a movie and was dozing, then tried to read, so thought I would get on the 'puter-but still dozing. I will do some catching up tomorrow. So have a good night ladies.

I forgot to mention a big CONGRAT'S on all those who joined the 'losing' crowd this week! :bravo: I didn't weigh this week for some reason, not sure why-just didn't. Getting a little bummed about it for some reason. Hopefully next WI I will be in for a big surprise, or not! :) Anyway, take care ladies. See ya :wave:

SqueakMouse 08-25-2004 12:43 AM

Just a quicky
Well, girls, I am really sad right now. My work got back to me and they are not going to change their minds. No way , no how. So now I have to stress about getting resumes out and finding a part time job for good now. No reconsidering for this piece of crap company. Well, I hope they have a good time with one less person and no one to cover me when I leave. Now, I am more stressed out than ever. I was holding out some hope, ya know. No even that little bit is dashed. I think I may be sick. ugggghh :(
Hey marti, need some help rearranging, cleaning or decorating. I need to do something to take my mind off my crappy life right now. :^:
I know it is bad, but right now I would just really like to have a huge drink and forget everything for a day or two.
Anywho, I just wanted to check in with you all, I just don't feel like individuals right now, but I am thinking of you all. Hope all you wonderful gals have a great day on wednsday and for the rest of the week. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you all and wonder how you are doing.
Congrats on everyones weight loss progress, you are all an inspiration to everyone else that is struggling.
Ta ta for now

Jane 08-25-2004 04:53 AM

It's 3:30 AM and I can't sleep... :( so...

Happy Wednesday to you all! Might as well smile and git jiggy wid it, right??? :D

Mindee - good luck to Tommy today.:crossed: Once he explains his side of things, maybe it will all turn out ok. (((Hugs for you))) Glad the shots are over for Brandon for awhile. Does he know he has a whole bunch of new cyber-Aunties?

Susan - about CG, give him the benefit of the doubt until you know what happened. Back in the day, I had a date with a guy who didn't show. I was embarrassed and it really shook what little confidence I had. A mutual friend told me later that he was in a wreck that day and in traction in Indy! He still turned out to be a jerk, but at least he had an excuse to stand me up. About jewelry from kids... when DS was about 9 y/o, he gave me an adjustable ring for Mother's Day, and of course I ohhed and ahhed over it. He said "I coulda got you the bracelet instead, but gosh, it was a whole dollar!" I wore that ring until it broke.

Marti - once again, love your photo!! Did you and James get the living room rearranged? I like to do that, too, once in awhile just to have a new view, lol. Hope you get the job, and that it's in the old Sony building!

Jen!! Norm!!!! - (inside joke, right?) Yay for the 3 pounds down!! That's a hard way to lose it, but you'll take it, right, lol. Is the new med helping the headaches? Sounds like you need to give your boss a chill pill!

Julie - sounds very intense right now at clinicals... if you can get through this, you can do anything! I'm pulling for ya!

Cristi - I know just how you feel when everyone is home and tucked in. Several Christmases ago, DS spent Christmas Eve night with us, even though he had his own apartment. Well, with all 3 of my little chicks safely home and tucked in, I slept like a baby! That's one of the most comforting feelings a mom can have, imo.

Shanna - so sorry about the company's decision. It's their loss, hon! Things have a way of working out - remember that, ok? Glad you added your name in your siggy! It looks nice.

Angie - are you packing yet?

Hi to RosieKate, Sue, and anyone I may have left out. :wave:

Barb and I are having breakfast today instead of lunch today. Her mom is coming home from the hospital, and then she's heading back to Florida. I sure have enjoyed her visit.

Gonna go try to get some more sleep... :yawn:


FrouFrou 08-25-2004 05:56 AM

A very early good morning ladies~

How funny Jana, I couldn't sleep either-been up since a little before 4. But I am going back to bed in just a few minutes and hopefully I can get back to sleep, otherwise I am going to be a bear today!

Shanna~well, phooey on that company, it's their loss. I thought for sure they would come through. Just look at it this way, it wasn't meant to be and there is something better for ya around the corner. I know that probably doesn't help now but I know you will find something-just keep the faith.

Will do individuals later and yes Jana, I can post a picture of the quilt. Just ordered it yesterday but it won't be shopped till Sept. 12-bummer. I guess I can wait.


Marti 08-25-2004 01:30 PM

Morning Sunshines!! :sunny:

(ok, it's raining here, but I thought I'd bring some sun back to Oregon!)

Jen--Sounds like you have a stressful situation with the boss.....tell her to leave her problems at home! Hope you enjoyed your concert, wish I could've been there with ya!!

Susan--I've been with James since '98. And I have told James that I would hate to be in the dating scene.....I think I would be either too desperate or too picky. If you're not exactly sure what happened, why don't you e-mail him? Who knows what happened to the guy...maybe something with his kids?

Julie--Sounded like you had a busy night even though you did get home early. As for the picture, I like being able to see a face with the name too....always nice to know who I"m yappin to!

Shanna--Sorry that they said no to you. We'll keep our fingers crossed that something better will come your way!

Jana--Nope, didn't get the house rearranged.....I would have had to move James around in the couch too! :lol: I pretty much didn't get anything done yesterday! No wonder my butt is getting quishy!

Cristi--I can't believe you and Jana were both up so early!! I had just gotten to bed when Jana posted....and been asleep for an hour when you posted!! Hope you can get some sleep and rest up. Sounds like you've been having problems sleeping lately....(or was that someone else?)

Morning to the rest of you girls!

James & I went to his/our friends last night, stayed for a few hours..then headed home. We had a nice visit, catching up, talking about jobs and people.

Today, James wants to spend the whole day lounging. Ok....that's going to drive me crazy! So he can lounge and I'm going to get some stuff done around the house! Like my closet!! :D

I'll check in later on!

suetalks 08-25-2004 01:41 PM

Happy Hump Day to the Jaded Ladies.
It is cloudy and gray here this morning, but no rain yet. I am getting ready to do some sewing. Just thought I would check in here first. Finished up Mom's room for her visit. Now you all have me wanting to do some re-arranging. I will wait until after Mom goes home and then try to get a few things spruced up before we go for the winter. I am thinking of removing the wallpaper and just painting the dining room. I want to sell my dining room furniture and put smaller pieces in there. We don't use that room at all so thought if I put in a smaller table we might use it. Would like to get rid of the pool table also and find another use for that room. The whole house needs some updating.
My diet has suffered, but I got 2 miles in last night then had to run the last half block home as it was lightening.

See ya later......Sue

FrouFrou 08-25-2004 01:46 PM

I'm Baaaaccck!
Well, I actually did get back to sleep and got in a couple of hours before getting up and heading to wally world. Glad that is done with. DH and I are headed to the movie when he gets off work. Not sure what we will see yet. It is a toss-up between, The Notebook, The Door In the Floor, Collateral or Manchurian (sp?) Candidate-not sure yet what I am in the mood for. Then heading over to Sears to get DS#2 a tool belt so he can feel all macho! :lol: Men and their tool belts! Actually, he needs one for work.

Jana~here's the link to the quilt I ordered yesterday. I just hope I like it when I finally get it. It looks nice in the catalog and is what I was looking for sort of. It doesn't have the navy in it like my old one but it matches the paint, border and stuff in my bedroom. Anyway, http://www.countrydoor.com/shopping/...eyword=NN53161 Hey, there is an Amish town here that has a restaurant and Antique Store. I haven't been yet but heard the food is good. We pass through it going to the fair. Last year I tried to take a picture of this woman and her son riding in the buggy down the street. I think it is so cool to see that, just knowing how they live and such.

Mindee~my kids never liked cereal-none of them. They wouldn't eat it and since they were so big it wasn't a problem not feeding it to them. I can't remember at what age I did start feeding them babyfood, think 6 months. They liked the jar stuff but not the cereal. Hope everything went will with Brandons check up.

Angie~geez, woman, where do you find the time? I know I say I am bored quit a bit but sometimes I am so busy I just want to sit and don't do near as mch as you do. You must have 36 hours in your days!

Susan~I too saw the last email from the cable guy but thought I missed something as I didn't really see anything wrong with it. :dunno: Doesn't sound like you and this guy have much in common but hey you never know. And opposites do attract! Me and my first DH were totally opposite from one another, not to mention he was 11 years older and we got along perfect! I liked that we didn't have so much in common because everyday was a new day. What got me was his sense of humor and his crooked sexy smile. :love: So you never know, stranger things have happened.

Marti~how funny that OML bought the Sony building-maybe it is a good sign. :crossed: Moving was good for me in getting things organized. Everything was a mess at our other house. So when we moved I really went through things and now everything is organized, for now anyway! :lol: Funny you mentioned talking about dating now. Me and 1st DH were talking about that once back in '90-'91 and I remember telling him "I am so glad that I am not out there dating, it would be awful!" And a few months later he was killed! Of course once again, I couldn't imagine being out there now dating. Things are so different, and the stories I have heard...of course it wasn't that long ago when I was dating and I grew very tired of it. Anyway, now it wasn't me having trouble sleeping-just today, not sure who it was.

Jen~glad you guys had a wonderful time at the concert. I wish I would lose my appetite! Congrat's on the 3 lbs.

Sue~sorry ti hear about the diet being off. At least you are getting your walking in, that is a plus and has to be helping. Hope you enjoy your visit with your mom.

Hi to everyone else. TTFN

FrouFrou 08-25-2004 01:57 PM

Jana~I tried that link and it's not working for me but if you put in NN53161 in keyword it will take you to the quilt-I think!

barb64 08-25-2004 04:34 PM

Hi Ladies- I am so happy I've found you! :spin: I was so unhappy after my experience at the "other" message board- you've made me feel very welcome! Thank You! Reading thru everybody's posts, you all sound terrific. Shanna, your post jumped out at me, because I just went back to work after 2 months of unemployment. I don't want to patronize you, but just know that it does work out. I was fired from a company I was with for 15 years and was devastated. It's hard to sell yourself to a prospective employer when you feel worthless. Luckily, someone thought I wasn't and I now realize I'm not. Hang in there- I hope I can help.

Thanks for the laugh whoever said "Happy Hump Day"- I'm 40 years old and that still cracks me up. Releasing my inner 12 yr old, I guess!

Good diet day-but having some trouble with getting my butt in gear to go to Curves. Honest, will really try when I bring my daughter, Meg, to work!

Went and did a little school shopping- it's better in short spurts with Meg. We get on each others nerves in a retail environment- will finish up on Sunday.

That's about it from sunny CT...enjoy the rest of your "Hump Day"! (Tee-Hee :lol: )

Marti 08-25-2004 05:04 PM

Hello again ladies--

Cristi--I looked at the quilt you ordered...it's beautiful. I really want to fix up my bedroom. I would like to get rid of the "storage" junk in my closet, put up some shelves and get rid of the dressers we have in our room. They take up so much space. I would like to give Jhanai the up right dresser and get rid of the other one. Makes me stand back and look at all the time I had this last year and how I haven't really done anything to my house! Time to change my ways! Finally got a lock for my shed grandpa made us and now I have no excuse to fill it!

Barb--Welcome to the chit chat!! Glad to have you aboard. When does school start in CT? School here starts the 9th of Sept.....going to take my dd Jhanai shopping this weekend. She wants to go to Old Navy. I prepared my DH, James with the knowledge that I'm going shopping this weekend so prepare for some money missing in the checking account!! :D

We have a friend over right now...he's visiting James and so I thought I would sneak onto the computer and check in. James and I may go to Eugene later and buy a Cuckoo Clock...we've been checking out this clock place for a couple years and been eye balling the Cuckoo's for some time....they're on sale right now so we may go get one. The one we have right now is his grandfathers...so it's old, but it still works! We just would like to have another one.....we both really love clocks , but I believe that is one of James' favorite things.....Especially the Grandfather Clocks.

Ok...I'm rambling along. I will check in again later!

Mom2Gaby 08-25-2004 05:10 PM

There wasn't anything wrong with his last email Cristi. The only thing is that was his last email! lol I checked to make sure he wasn't dead or in an accident by seeing that he logged into the site where we met just yesterday.
So, I will say he has bad manners. I certainly do think I deserved a "nice to meet you but......." email.

Nothing wrong with being picky Marti. Some people call it knowing what they want. lol

Anywho.........welcome Barb!!

I hope you like it here and it is great that there is another 40 year old on board!

Finishing up my newsletter. Had some yummy soup for lunch.

Best get!

jewels2 08-25-2004 07:27 PM

Good Evening Gals!!!
Well, hope everyone had a great day today... I had somewhat of BAD DAY AT WORK!!! This older woman I work with is constantly creating waves amongst the department, instead of going to our boss when she has a question on something, she goes one by one to each of us disturbing our work.. Anyway she has a habit of asking the same question a million times in different ways...Yesterday she had asked me the same question 3 times before I left for the day, this morning she asked me 5 times between 7-10am, finally the last time she asked, I said dont argue with my answer, if you dont like what Im saying then go ask our boss!!!!!I mean thats ridiculous, it's one thing to ask someone how to handle something, but then to turn around and argue over the answer is another thing.....anyway she got mad at me cause our boss heard her making a stink, and told her from now on when she has a question she needs to go see her, not bother her co-workers....So she then came over to me and said "How dare you get snippy with me", I said I wasnt snippy with you, I asked you to go talk to our boss instead of arguing with me over it.. I was so aggravated, she acted like it was my fault she got in trouble,,,if she had handled it right in the first place, she wouldnt have created such a stink where the boss could here her!!!
Anyway, JANA glad to hear you had a nice visit with your friend!!!
MARTI, glad to see you and James are spending much needed quality time
together!!! WELCOME BARB!!!!! and SHANNA sorry to hear about the whole job thing, but hang in it will work out....you'll see!!!

Well good night to all, and I'll stop in tomorrow!!!!

Julie :^:

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