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cyndy 08-15-2004 02:12 PM

Hey MissyK, first of all, thank you!!! I am so not used to getting complimented on weight loss, because it always seemed like something other poeple accomplish, not me. You should be very proud of yourself for reaching the weight you are at. I understand you would like to lose a few more, but don't forget that you look amazing now as it is :)

So you are a waitress, that is awesome! I totally wanted to do that this summer, but I had no time leftover. I am thinking during the year I should do it a couple times a week for the money. It kinda scares me, though...it is very hard and stressful!? I actually took a bartending course last summer, so I may try and do that as well, but I heard it can be hard to find a bartending job however, one of my ex's said he could hook me up doing some bartending at night clubs, but i dunno, we'll see...

I had no idea you were going into second year! Majoring in econ. eh? wow, I am impressed, that must be difficult. In any case, good luck in the coming year! AT least I don't feel alone, I'm not the only one who has to put up with all those readings! hehe

That book you mentioned sounds great :D I am going to go to Chapters and buy it. I love books like that. The last couple I read while on the train going to work were: Confessions of a Shopaholic and Shopaholic takes Manhattan. I am on the third sequel called Shopaholic Ties the Knot. They are by Sophie Kinsella I believe, and they are kinda silly, but they make me LAUGH. It is a nice, humorous read, especially if you like shopping!

I just want to say thank you to all you guys, namely MissyK, KaitiKat and hcred123 (I know she isn't part of this thread) but all you guys have helped me tremendously and it means the world to me. ((((Big Hugs))))

I owe you so much. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have tried last week. When i screwed up I wouldve normally turned it into a full blown binge, but then I thought of you guys (girls!) and wrote instead. I hope I can help you out as much as you have for me.

MissyK 08-17-2004 02:16 AM

What a coinky-dinky! I have Shopaholic takes Manhattan in my drawer right under When in Rome!

Waitressing is great because I get to run around and burn calories. The tips are great, too!

Well I didn't come home till 4am last night, but I was really proud of myself. I posted on 3fc before I left the house, so I didn't totally pig-out! I only had a fruit slushy all night. I ended up waking up at 11am today...not hungry at all.
This is what I had all day:
B: whole wheat toast, half a nectarine
L: 12 arrowroot cookies :headache:
D: Roast chicken sandwich

I really felt bad about lunch. My tip for today: whatever you may THINK tastes good at the moment, is NOT worth the guilt. I mean, I felt like kicking myself ALL DAY!

I'm afraid to weigh myself still...I haven't been good long enough.

kaitikat 08-17-2004 04:08 PM

hey girls! i think im doing great! im losing the weight i put on! im so proud of myself!!! now i weigh 112 pounds! woo hoo!!! haha. i think now i can lose these pounds before school. i have about a week and a half left. o i hope i can do it! with you guys modivating me...i think i can do it! i want to thank all of you soooo much for modivating me! you guys (girls...haha) are the best!!!
talk to yall later!


cyndy 08-17-2004 07:12 PM

Hello hello girls...

Kaitikat - *clapping and cheering for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* You go girl, job good! That is wonderful, and honestly I wouldn't be over-concerned about losing the last 2 pounds before school starts because in terms of appearance it doesn't make an outsider notice more, and I am afraid that can sometimes make you eat more. So all I am saying is keep doing what you're doing, take it easy & don't worry about it, and everything will turn out great!

As for me, well work has been long I am outta the house a good 12 hours a day and by the time i walked in the door this evening I was so hungry and ate too much. Somehow, I managed to get the strength within me to say "stop" at some point. I don't think I went over 1700-1800, 2000 is probably tops, so I am not too upset. At least yesterday went fairly well. I need to exercise but I find it so hard to get the energy at the end of the day especially when I know i'll be going to bed soon to be up super early. Ah, frustrating!

I hope you are all doing very well, I am going to watch tv and than hopefully get the urge to workout. How do you guys do it, do you ever have to force yourself?

Take care and talk to you soon

cyndy 08-17-2004 07:54 PM

I know this is probably a bad idea, but I came across a book while cleaning my room just after writing that last post a short while ago. It is called the Rotation Diet and you may have heard of it. Basically, you eat 600 calories for 3 days, 900 for 4 days, 1200 for the next week, back down to the 600/900 rotation for the third week, and then you go back to 1200 a few days, then 1500 and so a little "maintenance" so to speak for a while. It is hard to explain as well as you can understand by reading it. The thing is I totally am not a believer in "diets" but this is a very temporary drop in calories, and I am tempted. Is this completely stupid and bone-headed of me to consider. I guess I kind of know it is, because it may just cause me to binge. However, I had done it before for a few days (never the whole rotation) and even though i didn't stick to 600 cals I would go over but never binge. This isn't meant to be done long term so I kind of want to give it a go, but am I just overly tired and not using my sanity when writing this? What do you think??

If you want I could copy out excerpts from the book to give you a better idea.

Thanks ladies, much appreciated

kaitikat 08-17-2004 09:53 PM

hey ladies!

that sounds like a neat diet...does it work?


cyndy 08-18-2004 08:55 PM

Hey guys,

First off, in answer to your question Kaiti, I am sure the diet does work temporarily, as it is impossible not to lose weight when you reduce calories. But, in thinking about it, I realize that it would make you worse off in the end because most likely someone would just end up binging...so I decided to give up on that idea! hehe

In fact, I just came to a realization. I was reading a post in the maintainers forum and it struck a chord with me. I ate badly today and was feeling depressed thinking what am I going to do about it? But after reading that post (it was something about gaining weight back after you have lost it) I thought, what do I mean "what am I going to do?" as though that were a valid question. It dawned on me that I am still looking for a quick fix. I have not been approaching this as a life long committment and this is what has been getting me into trouble and will continue to unless I nip it in the bud now.

I have not been exercising because i have been so "tired." That right there is something I could change if I wanted to. I have to make time no, schedule it in, fit it in somehow, someway. Whether that be in the morning or night, losing sleep or whatever.

The other thing is eating. Sometimes I toy with the idea of cutting back calories just a bit too much, afterall I tell myself it's just for today. Well, for one thing I never end up doing it and just eat more. Do you see what I mean when I say I am not making lasting changes?

I need to figure out how I am going to make this a lifestyle change. I kinda have a bad headache right now so i'm gonna grab a couple tylenol's and I'll be back to write and poke around the forums in a bit.

How do you guys view this and long term maintenance?

MissyK 08-19-2004 01:48 PM


Good job, Kaitikat! I'm still afraid to weigh myself because I've been going out for dinner these few days.

Cyndy, you're right about the quick fix thing. Girls, no matter what you do, don't try those ridiculous diets where you eat little, then eat normally..etc. Those always result in a binge. I mean, I doubt its possible to eat 600 cals and not pig out afterwards.

I've learned that weight loss happens only if you make long term changes, or as Cyndy says, a lifestyle change. That's how I started my weight loss. I made lifestyle changes. I started by binging less at night, incorporating exercise and controlling my portion sizes. I'm not losing quickly, but at least the weight doesn't come back with one major eating fest. When I was on Atkins, omg if I ate carbs for one day, I'd gain weight.

As for exercise, I feel incomplete without it. I've learned to separate exercise and diet. That is, if I don't eat well one day, that's not going to stop me from exercising.

MissyK 08-19-2004 01:52 PM

Oh...and I saw the guy for the first time in a year yesterday night. I felt like sh*t. He got incredibly good looking. I realize now, that we can never be together so I'm going to try to get over him. I wrote in my diary last night, and as I flipped back, over half of my old diary and all of my new diary is about him. He now has a girlfriend, too.
But seeing him made me lose my appetite. Last night, I just didn't eat. I just lay on the floor until 12am, did my crunches, and slept. This morning I didn't wanna eat as well, but I forced myself to have a nectarine.

cyndy 08-19-2004 02:44 PM

I am at work right now, so I only have time to write a couple sentences.
MissyK, when I read your last post it broke my heart. I think because it was like you were writing about me when you said that half your old diary and all of your new one are about him. I have a couple diaries just like that about someone and I made the same realization awhile back. I am sorry for your pain and to hear that he has a girlfriend. I am in the same boat in that I have had a horrible break up with my boyfriend at the beginning of summer.

I have a lot more to say on this subject, and a few other things. Just give me a few hours to get home and so on.

Talk to you soon,

kaitikat 08-19-2004 09:25 PM

hey girlies! i was so bad today. i ate junk food. :mad: i was good then. but now i feel really guilty. i guess i just have to start over tomorrow. hey guys...i have/had a crush too...and everytime he would have a girlfriend my heart would just sink. oh well...im kinda over him anyways. well i have to go! ttyl!


MissyK 08-21-2004 01:24 AM

I doubt I'll be over him anytime soon. Right now, I'm in a state of confusion. I don't know what to do. I don't want to give up...but then again, that's my only choice.

Anyway, signing in for today:

B: Giant apple and giant nectarine
L: Starbucks light mocha frappucino
D: Turkey breast on toasted bagel with cream cheese
S: Boiled egg

Wow that's like NO food, isn't it? Well I'm trying to lose water weight so I can at least LOOK thinner tomorrow. I'm going to be working at the summer fair so I'll probably lose weight within those two weeks. Last year I lost 3lbs!

kaitikat 08-23-2004 12:09 PM

hey grls! im doing good with my diet. im not losing or gaining. im happy! haha.
got to go!


MissyK 08-24-2004 02:37 AM

Today my dad said I look thinner. I haven't been eating much lately. I'm not in the mood.

B: toast, nectarine
L: chicken burger
D: mini donut, grapes

Tell me about your progress, girls! I'm weighing in on labour day...so the countdown begins !!!

cyndy 08-24-2004 10:16 AM

Hey ladies,

First of all, I apologize for not posting in a few days. I was finishing up work and had this all-day wedding on Sunday, yesterday was out the entire day.

Eating was going pretty horrible the last few days as well. But Sunday night I decided that things were going to change (How many times have I said that!) but went downstairs before going to bed, and decided what I was going to eat the next day. Well, I am very happy to report yesterday went very smoothly and I had no problem eating well. Something has just clicked. I think it was that I thought to myself, I don't want to always wonder what it would be like to be thin like my friends, wear nice clothes and feel super in them etc. I just really need, even more than want, I need to change - for myself.

My motivations include the reasons I mentioned, and also when I think of my ex boyfriend whom I still extremely care about...I would love to feel better about myself the next time I see him. We are still kind of friends...but I miss him so much...and the other day he said he misses me too and wished things couldve worked out...But i'm thinking "it was your choice NOT to make it work out!!" He has left to Taiwan for a little while and when he comes back I want to have the confidence to call him up and invite him out for a movie or drinks. It's so hard because over the summer I've accepted our situation, but I love him and don't want to be with anyone else, so I am struggling with it big time.

MissyK, I completely understand your lack of appetite which I am assuming is due to that guy. When me and my ex broke up I was like that too. Although I can eat now I still hurt so much, so please know you aren't alone, and even know that things CAN change. You say it is impossible now, but I have another ex who I was in love with for years. We only dated about a month and he kind of played me on and off. We stayed friends because he was friends with one of my friends and vice versa. He ended up coming to my University when I was in first year and took the same program so we were all together (my friend, me and him). I still had a grudge towards him for being such an a**hole towards me at times, but also still loved him. That year was a year of incredible growth and change, I got over him eventually but guess what...he wants me back!!! A couple years ago he was the one telling me "what do you want!!!" when I called. Things CAN and DO change. Believe me from experience. I have known him now for about 4 years I guess (wow I didnt realize that lol) and I don't want him anymore. I loved him with all my heart before and wouldve done anthing for him but I was able to move on, so that gives me hope with my current situation.

Anyways, I am very hopeful with eating. My birthday is on Friday and I told my mom NO CAKE. I don't want it, and I have never been a big "sweet" foods person, so I reallly don't want that damn cake. But it's my 21st birthday so we're going out to a night club and I already know how much i'll be drinking, but that hasn't affected my weight before, and it's only one night ;)

TOday I am off to the hair salon at 11:30 this morning, so I better get ready. I am going to highlight my hair, it's growing out too much and I didn't have time to do it before...I am a blondie by the way. I have been colouring my hair for years and it gets so expensive, but I guess its the one thing that makes me feel better about myself. One day I should post a picture so you guys can put a face to the name!

Good luck with your eating today and I will be in touch with you!


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